Coming Together (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 4)

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Coming Together (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 4) Page 6

by Leigh Harde

  The Mayor gave his shoulder a squeeze before he removed his hand. “Do you want me to give you something to help you sleep?” he asked.

  “No,” Brick said. “That’s okay.” He had some things he wanted to think about.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning after Mitch tended to his guests, he embarked on the half mile journey to the Compound. Security cameras tracked his progress as he made his way to the entrance. The door opened almost immediately. It was Hank who met him with the jeep. He gave him an unfriendly look, but didn’t comment as he drove them deep underground into the heart of the Compound.

  James was waiting alone as he exited the vehicle. His jaw was clenched tight, and his steel gray eyes were hard. “Where’s T?” he asked.

  “We need to talk,” Reid said.

  “You’re damn right we do,” James agreed angrily. “My office.” He didn’t wait for a reply before he turned on his heel and exited through the door into a hallway. Reid sighed and followed after him.

  When they entered his office, James sat down behind his big desk. Reid opted to stand instead of sitting in one of the smaller chairs.

  “Look,” Reid started. “I know that you’re mad, and you have every right to be.”

  “Mad!” James shouted and stood back up to face him. “I’m furious! You broke into the armory. Stole guns!” He took a breath to calm himself. “Did you go to the Camp? Where the hell is T?!”

  “He’s been shot,” Mitch said. James’s whole demeanor changed, and his face slacked with worry.

  “He’s fine,” Mitch added quickly. “He’s recuperating at the Colony.” James sat down hard on his chair.

  “Do they know about us?” he asked bracing himself.

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Mitch said. James gave him his undivided attention.

  “We captured Jayson Master.”

  “You what?!” James said with equal parts disbelief and anger.

  “We captured Master along with a few of his men. I have them secured at the Colony.” James looked like he was about to come across the desk at him, so he explained swiftly. “No one knows where they are right now. None of his Scavengers followed us from the Camp.”

  “And you know this how?” James said it calmly, but Reid noticed a vein starting to tick on his forehead.

  “Before I did anything else this morning, I checked our perimeter,” he said. “There’s no one out there, James. The snow covered our tracks last night. I doubt that it would even occur to them to look past the Drifts.”

  “Not until they exhaust all their other options and can’t find him,” he said grimly.

  “We both knew that a confrontation was inevitable,” Reid said. “At least now we have a bargaining chip.”

  James rested his chin on his knuckles as he considered their predicament. Seemingly out of nowhere he told Mitch, “I had to confine your people to your quarters last night.” Reid raised his eyebrows at the news, and James leaned back in his chair.

  “That’s how I found out that you and T were gone,” he said looking up at him. “When you didn’t come back, they all tried to steal the jeep to get to the surface and go after you. Not that any of them actually told me a damn thing about what was going on, but I can still put two and two together.”

  “Thank you for protecting them James,” Mitch said. He was honestly grateful to have someone like James who could look after his people when he couldn’t be there himself. He didn’t know what he would do if something bad were to happen to any of his husbands. The Mayor made a mental note to address their disobedience later. “You’re a good man.”

  “You’re welcome,” James said. “But I was trying to protect all of us. Why did you do it, Mitch? I know why Terrence did, but what did you get out of all this?”

  “Gabriel,” Mitch said simply.

  James perked up in his chair. “Gabriel Winter?” he asked, and Mitch nodded.

  Terrence had explained to Peter what really happened after he, Earl, and Clint left the Camp together. But he didn’t tell him about joining the Compound and what that entailed. He wasn’t sure that James would even allow him back after he disobeyed his orders. And that would hurt, he thought, and not just because he would lose his access to the Compound. Even though he had only known them briefly, he discovered that he truly cared about his new family. He honestly didn’t expect it, but he hoped that they could forgive him.

  There was a knock, and the door opened to the exam room. When James walked in, he saw Terrence in a hospital bed and an attractive young blond man holding one of hands. The man let go of T and sat back in his chair as James approached. He watched him warily. Terrence kept his head bowed.

  “You must be Peter,” James said trying to put him at ease. “I’m Major James Reese.”

  “Hi,” he said. James smiled at him and pulled a chair to the other side of T’s bed.

  Before he had a chance to sit or speak, Terrence blurted. “I’d do it again.” James slowly sank down onto his chair. He noticed Big T was nervously rubbing his bandaged hand. When he didn’t look up, James remained silent. “I’m sorry I went against you,” T continued in a quieter voice. “But I’d do it again.” James watched Big T’s Adam’s apple bob up and down when he swallowed.

  “You have to understand,” T said and finally looked at James. “I need him.” His rich brown eyes were pleading. “You know what I mean, right? You have Nick.” James’s expression was inscrutable, and Terrence let his eyes fall back to his hands. He knew that it was probably too late, but he had to try, he thought to himself.

  “Look,” he said to James. “Do what you got to do.” He sat up straighter and prepared for the worst. “Hell kick my ass, whatever. Just don’t make me leave, a’ight?”

  James could tell that it surprised him when he patted his forearm. “Relax T,” he said deciding to give him a break instead of the tongue lashing that he deserved. “I’m not happy about what you did. I’m damn pissed if you want to know the truth.” He brought his hand to the side of Terrence’s head and touched around the bandage there with just his fingertips. “Does it hurt?” he asked concerned.

  “Nah,” T said with a half-smile. “I got a hard head.”

  “I’m learning that,” James said and smiled back. Terrence was briefly stunned that James would joke with him after what he had done. He wasn’t used to second chances.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” James said looking into his eyes. “You had me worried.” Terrence was so relieved that when James leaned in to kiss him, he eagerly closed the distance between them and cupped his cheek. Their lips met, and their tongues swirled together as Peter’s eyes when wide with surprised jealousy on the other side of the bed.

  “As soon as I’m finished here,” James told him when they pulled apart. “I’m taking you home. Both of you,” he said including Peter.

  “Thanks, James,” T said. He squeezed his arm with his good hand trying to convey how overwhelmingly grateful he was to have him as his new leader and head of their family. James nodded his understanding and covered his hand with his own. Terrence felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, and he could finally breathe again.

  As soon as James left and the door closed, Peter hissed angrily, “What the hell, T?” They had always been exclusive with each other. When Master had picked him to be with Gabriel during one of his “entertainments”, Terrence had been so mad that Peter had walked with a limp for days.

  “I know, boo,” T said and reached for his hand. “I left some stuff out earlier when we talked. I needed to find out if James would have me back first.”

  “What did you leave out?” Peter huffed. His feelings were hurt, and he tried to pull his hand away. But Terrence wouldn’t let him.

  “At the Compound, we’re a family. You know what I’m saying, boo?” he tried to explain. “Everybody does for everybody. We’re close like that. I mean, close, you know.” He looked sheepish as he glanced out of the corner of his ey
es at Peter. “It’s mandatory.”

  His meaning was pretty clear, but Peter still hoped that he had misunderstood somehow. “Mandatory?” he squeaked nervously. What had T got them into? he wondered. Terrence didn’t like the shocked expression on his boyfriend’s face. He hugged him as close as he could in the hospital bed. “Don’t worry,” he said and kissed the side of his face. “You know I got your back.”

  James unlocked the door to Jayson Master’s room and walked inside. He was in a sitting position strapped to some sort of adjustable bed. An observation window looked down on them from one of the walls. He had asked Reid about the purpose of these rooms once and had been told that they were designed for human subjects. Seeing all the restraints on Master made James think that maybe some of the subjects hadn’t exactly been willing. Reid owned the Colony, but it had been funded by the government. James being a military man knew that with the government sometimes lines could get blurred.

  Master’s expression was blank as James took in his appearance. He was muscular but not overly so. His black hair shagged around his ruggedly handsome face. James could feel his eyes tracking him as he crossed the room—like a snake, he thought warily. He was cautious as he approached and introduced himself. “Major James Reese.”

  “Jayson Master,” Master replied. Just how many people live here? he thought to himself. Then, Major—asshole still thinks he’s in the army. Reese was trim and muscular with short black hair cropped close to his scalp and don’t fuck with me steel gray eyes. Now that just makes me want to fuck with him, Master thought wryly.

  “I think we have an opportunity here,” James started. “This situation has the potential to benefit all of us.”

  “Oh?” Master said pointedly looking at his restraints and catheter. “How’s that?”

  “There’s no reason to fight amongst ourselves,” James said trying to appeal to him. “There are so few people left in the world, we should be helping each other.”

  “So, you’re suggesting that we join together,” Master said like he was thinking about it. “And what exactly would that look like to you?”

  “Well first,” James began. “You would have to give up your guns. Once all the weapons were secure, then we could give you supplies. We have food. We could help you find shelter. It can’t be healthy living in that mine. We have medical supplies and a doctor who can help with your sick.”

  “Uh, huh. Uh, huh,” Master said quickly. “And all that we’d have to do is just hand you our weapons?”

  “Yes,” James agreed.

  “Then out of the goodness of your heart,” Master said and smiled. “You would give us shelter and supplies.”

  “We would,” James said, but his jaw had tightened. He was beginning to suspect that Master was playing with him.

  “I understand,” Master said with humor. “So, you’re like that James guy—from the bible—Saint James. Saint James on a mission to save what’s left of the world,” he said and his black eyes were mocking.

  “It’s a good deal, Master,” James said not amused. “Better than you or your gang of murders and rapists deserve. It’s also the only way that you’re getting out of that bed. You should think about it.”

  “Alright, Saint James,” Master said and laughed at him. “I’ll think about it.” James was gritting his teeth when he locked the door behind him and left.

  Kevin and Gabriel had been awake all night worrying about Jayson and their future. Reid had alleviated some of their concerns that morning when he told them that Master was safe and had eaten his breakfast. After he left, they had cuddled up together against a wall and fallen asleep. But they jumped to their feet when they heard a knock, and the door opened.

  When James walked into Gabriel’s room, both men inside seemed to have just woken up. They stood together fearfully clinging to each other. They had similar features, but James recognized Gabriel immediately. Unfortunately during his surveillance of the Camp, he had witnessed some of Gabriel’s humiliation.

  “Good morning,” he said kindly to both of them. “I’m Major James Reese.”

  “Good morning,” Gabe said nervously. “I’m Gabriel Winter.”

  “Kevin Master,” Kevin said warily.

  “Master?” James asked surprised, and his eyes narrowed. “Any relation to Jayson Master?”

  “Jay’s my step brother,” Kevin told him. “David gave me his name when he married my mother.” Interesting, James thought. Maybe they could use Kevin to help get through to Master.

  “Ah,” James said nodding. He turned his attention back to Gabriel. “I’m going to need you to come with me,” he said smiling trying to put him at ease. “I have two very excited people waiting to see you.”

  “Two?” Gabriel asked. He knew about Elijah but couldn’t imagine who else would know him.

  “Elijah Frost and Nathan Wyatt,” James told him.

  “Nate?!” Gabriel exclaimed. In his excitement, he let go of Kevin and moved closer to James. Nathan was his best friend. He thought that he had died when he escaped the Camp two months after they had been captured.

  “Yes,” James said. “They’re waiting for you.” He put his arm around Gabriel’s shoulders and guided him toward the door. Gabe’s head swiveled back around towards Kevin whose face was pinched with worry. Gabe stopped moving.

  “It’s okay,” James said trying to encourage him forward, but Gabriel locked his legs.

  “What about Kevin?” he asked. “Can he come with us?”

  “Not right now,” James said, and Gabriel frowned. “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.”

  “But I can come back, right?” Gabriel asked and looked at James.

  “Of course,” James said. “If you want to.”

  Chapter Nine

  James brought Terrence, Peter, and Gabriel back with him to the Compound. Terrence left with Peter to show him around, and James took Gabriel to their medical center to be examined by Ethan.

  “Hello, Gabriel,” Ethan said in greeting when they walked in. “I’m Dr. Ethan Carter.”

  “Hey,” Gabe replied looking around nervously. “Where are Nathan and Elijah?”

  “Don’t worry,” James said. “We just need to get you checked out first, then we’ll go see them, okay?” Gabriel nodded.

  The medical center had rows of beds along the walls. Some of them had a curtain that could be drawn for privacy. Ethan open a cabinet near one looking for a medical gown while he said, “I’m going to need you to remove your clothes first, but don’t worry...” When he turned around Gabriel was already undressing in the middle of the aisle. His mouth fell open, but he quickly closed it and looked at James. James’s expression was inscrutable as he turned his back and walked away to give them some privacy.

  Once Gabriel was nude, Ethan asked him to sit on the bed and began his examination. James sat down on one of the beds waiting when he heard Gabriel screaming, “No!”

  He jumped up and saw Gabriel, still nude, fighting with Ethan.

  “Help! James!” Ethan said. “Grab his hands.” Gabriel was screaming while James tried to subdue him.

  “What the hell, Ethan?!” James shouted over the din. Ethan quickly prepared a shot and injected him. Gabriel’s eyes slowly closed, and James gently laid him on the bed. “What happened?” he asked Ethan, both men were breathing hard.

  “I don’t know,” Ethan said. “I was trying to remove it.” He pointed to a dog collar that was around Gabriel’s neck. James had noticed it back at the Colony just as he noticed the bruises covering Gabriel’s body when he undressed. James carefully unfastened the collar and chucked it angrily into a nearby trash can.

  Mitch was pleased with his progress. He had spent the last few hours turning the supply room at the Colony into a secure livable space. He had taken out the shelving and placed two beds inside. It already had a small half bath that was attached to it. One sink, a toilet, no shower—but it would have to do for now. There was even a tiny window on the door so that he could see in

  He walked into Brick’s room. Brick blushed when he saw him just like he had done earlier when Mitch had brought him breakfast. The Mayor smiled at him. “I have some good news. I’m getting you out of that bed.” Brick’s mouth opened in surprise.

  “I’ve prepared a room. It’s not much, but it’s a big improvement over your current accommodations.”

  “What about Juan?” Brick said. The Mayor wondered if he would ask about him. “Juan, too,” he replied. Surprisingly, Juan had been much more cooperative that morning.

  He removed the catheter from Brick and unfastened one of his arms. He stepped back and kept a weapon drawn, just in case, as Brick removed the other straps himself. The Mayor wasn’t taking any chances. For all the good will that he thought they had established, Brick was still a Marauder and one of Master’s men.

  They entered Juan’s room next. Mitch had already removed his catheter before he released Brick. He kept his weapon trained on them as Brick unstrapped Juan and helped him stand. “I think you’re going to like your new room,” Mitch was saying as they started down the hall. They were passing Master’s door when Juan said, “Is Master not coming with us?”

  “Not right now,” Mitch said. Both he and James agreed that they would have to figure out something more secure before they felt comfortable releasing him.

  “May we see him?” Juan asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Mitch told him. “Please,” Juan begged. “Just to know he is alive and unharmed, would put my mind at ease. I would know then that we could trust you.”

  Master’s room was right there, and Mitch really couldn’t see any harm in it. He unlocked the door, and they all walked inside. Juan rushed to Master and grabbed his hand. Both Master and Brick seemed surprised.


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