Where I Found You (Heart's Compass Book 1)

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Where I Found You (Heart's Compass Book 1) Page 20

by Brooke O'Brien

  “You had me worried. This old heart can’t take that kind of stress,” he says, wrapping his hand around mine as his laughter filters through the air. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you this before but I want you to know how much everyone here loves you. You have a family here,” he chokes, the words coming out more broken up than he expected. Clearing his throat, he continues, “June and I will be by to see you tomorrow. Get some rest.”

  With a squeeze of my hand, he takes a step back as Glenda promises to have me back with them soon.

  It took a couple of days before Ellie was released. The doctors were concerned about the swelling and the possibility of a brain bleed, which resulted in several more tests. As much as I hated she was there laid up in a hospital bed, I was relieved she was resting safely in a place where they could give her something to help with the pain.

  The day after Ellie woke up, Detective Keller stopped by the hospital to talk to her and to take her statement.

  I wasn’t prepared for the details that would come with it. Hearing Ellie replay the assault to how she ended up in the trunk of Royal’s car and brought to an old house, was hard. We ended up learning the house she was at belonged to a family member of an inmate Royal had met when he was locked up. It was sitting empty, which made it a perfect hideout.

  Keller shared with us that Royal had been released from prison nearly six weeks ago. Since Ellie was the victim in the case putting him behind bars for molestation, the Department of Corrections attempted to reach her but when she left town, she never gave a way to track her down.

  Royal hadn’t shown up for his meeting with his parole officer, which ended with a warrant being issued for his arrest. The feeling of unease sits in the pit of my stomach, churning now just picturing of how bad it could’ve been.

  I couldn’t help feeling grateful that I was able to convince Ellie to get a cell phone. The one thing she worked hard to avoid having ended up leading us to her and ultimately saved her life.

  I didn’t miss how her hand squeezed mine when she shared other details, like how she found a pile of cigarettes behind her house and the picture she got in the mail of her as a kid. It pissed me off and hurt to hear her rationalize it. I think in her mind Royal was still in prison so she didn’t believe he could hurt her. I was just upset to hear how much she had hidden from me.

  The way she turned her head, licking along her healing lip and met my eyes, I could see the apologies written there.

  “Have you tried to track down my mother, too?” Ellie murmurs.

  “Do you think she would have some information related to the investigation?” Keller asks, his voice coming out soft but with an edge of firmness there.

  Nodding her head, I could sense her hesitance for what she was to say next, but hearing the words come out of her mouth only broke my heart further.

  “She’ll have information for you. I saw her just before I was hit from behind.”

  A mother is supposed to be someone who loves their children, takes care of them. For Ellie, the woman who gave birth to her is the same one who was now helping this fucking monster. To think, he was right under our noses for the last two months and I had no idea, had my blood simmering. I could hardly contain the rage coursing through me hearing that.

  It wasn’t hard to convince Ellie to stay with me, at least until they both had been found. Kinsley and Hudson had stopped by her place. Hudson wanted to change the locks on the place after everything. Kinsley ended up packing up for Ellie. Ellie was more worried about getting her wallet, wanting to have the photo she kept tucked away of her father with her.

  Pulling in the long drive of my property, I squeeze the top of the steering wheel hearing the gravel crunching as we ease our way toward the back of the land. I’m grateful the house sits back about a mile off the road, far enough away from anyone passing by to see. There is only one road in and out, giving us the privacy and security we both need right now.

  “How you doing, baby?” I ask, looking over at Ellie as I put the truck in park and turn off the ignition.

  “I’m okay,” she sighs, turning her head to look out the windshield, lost in thought. She hasn’t said it, but knowing they are still out there has her nervous and on edge.

  “Talk to me,” I beg, wrapping my hand around hers, bringing it to my mouth kissing along her fingers.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers, tears forming as she runs her other hand along her cheek. Not wasting a second, I lean over and pull her closer. She comes easily as she slides into my lap.

  “Need to feel you sweetheart,” I mumble, running my nose along the side of her face, pressing a small kiss against her temple. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Tell me what’s wrong,”

  “Have you ever thought about what would make someone turn their back on their child? Why our parents left us like this? How could my mom let him do this to me again?”

  Hearing her search for the same answers I spent years wanting is like a knife to my heart. The jagged edges piercing something so deep in me. Pressing my hand against the side of her face, I turn her head until her eyes meet mine.

  “I don’t have those answers. I don’t think we will ever have those answers, baby. I hope you know that none of this is your fault.”

  Her mother blamed her for what happened to her dad. Ellie wears the guilt of her father’s death because of it.

  “I have accepted what happened to me growing up. The role Royal had in my life. He will pay for what he’s done when he rots in hell.” The anger in her tone a stark change against the soft words spoken just a moment ago. “It was easier when I believed she just thought I was lying. She’s really gone now. The mother she was when I was young is gone.”

  “I think family comes in different shapes and sizes. The people we should be able to trust are not always the ones we can. The family you have are the ones who love you through the good and the bad, unconditionally. You have that here now.”

  I can feel her tremble beneath the palm of my hand as the tears continue to stream down her face.

  She moves her head to my shoulder, pressing her forehead against my neck as her emotions take over. Her heart is breaking in front of me, and all I can do is wrap my arms around her, hoping to keep all the pieces in place.

  I don’t know how long we sit here wrapped together. I know how fragile she feels, both physically and mentally, right now. I’m not going to move until she’s ready. This is something she needs to help heal the invisible scars of her past.

  A few minutes later, she mumbles she’s ready to go inside and I help her out of the truck, leading her inside the house. It’s crazy to think this is the first time she will be coming to my house. Although I wish it were under different circumstances, I can’t help but feel like she’s coming home.

  She doesn’t know this yet, but I don’t plan on letting her move back to Hudson’s. I want her here with me always.

  As soon as everything is in the house and unloaded, I walk down the hallway and back into the living room, searching around for Ellie but coming up empty. When I walk into the kitchen, I find her sitting at the high-top bar with a glass of water. She’s staring out the window, once again looking lost in thought.

  “Would you like me to draw you a bath?” I ask, sweeping her hair out of the way off the nape of her neck. Peppering two small kisses along her shoulder, I let myself enjoy the feel of her soft skin beneath my lips as she sighs in content.

  “A bath sounds wonderful,” she says, leaning back, pressing her head against my shoulder.

  Pressing one last kiss against her shoulder, I turn the chair to help her down. With her hand in mine, I lead her down the long hallway and into the master suite.

  The bathroom is one of my favorite rooms in this house. Bending down, I turn on the water testing the temperature, letting it warm up. What I find behind me when I turn back around nearly knocks the wind out of me.

  Ellie’s face holds a sadness, it hasn’t left since our moment in the truck, but t
he look in her eyes says so much. The pull, this connection between us, is undeniable.

  “Thank you for letting me stay with you. I’m not used to being cared for like this, at least not like you do anyway.” The missing smile from her face is back but not nearly as bright.

  “I want you here with me, right by my side,” I say, closing the distance between us. “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”

  With my face pressed against her neck, I lean back and whisper, “Let me help you get undressed.”

  Nodding her head, she turns and faces the mirror. I can see Ellie looking up, taking in her own reflection. Grabbing the hem of her t-shirt, I ease it up and over her head as her hair falls against her back.

  Seeing the bruises and cuts marring her beautiful skin has the anger I was feeling earlier roiling until I look up and meet her eyes. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she tries to cover herself.

  Running my lips along her shoulder and down her back, I kneel behind her as I slide her pants and underwear down her legs. I press my mouth against the marks on her legs and lower back, not leaving one untouched before I move to stand behind her.

  Stepping around her clothes, Ellie turns to face me as I continue to run my lips along the bruised skin on her cheek. I can feel her body tremble beneath my touch as goose bumps appear.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful,” I say, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling her naked body against mine. “I’ve already told you this, but there isn’t a single inch of you that I want you to keep covered. Every scar, every bruise. Remember?"

  Running her fingers along the hairs of my neck, I lean back until I am once again looking her straight in the eye. I didn’t expect to find the look of desire shining back at me.

  Leaning forward, she presses her soft mouth against mine. I want to pull back, change the direction this is going, but when she parts her lips and whispers she needs me, I break. Just hearing those words, the desperation in her voice, I know I can’t tell her no. I want to be certain but I know I won’t deny her this.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, my breath coming out haggardly against her mouth. With a nod of her head, I close the distance once more as my tongue eagerly seeks hers.

  “I want you to replace every bad touch with memories of yours. I want your hands everywhere so the only thing I remember is the way my body tingles as I come apart beneath you.”

  With her body pressed against mine, I lift her legs off the floor and wrap them around my waist. Just the feel of her heat pressed against me has me feeling unsteady on my feet as I move to set her on the edge of the counter. My body reacts as she rocks against me, causing me to force down a groan.

  Moving my hand down between us, I run my finger along her wet folds, inserting one finger into her. I can feel her body come alive beneath my touch as her breasts are pressed against my chest. Pulling back out, I insert a second finger curving it until I feel her tighten around me, then I pull out completely.

  Taking a step back, I unbuckle my belt and ease my pants down over my hips.

  “Callum,” Ellie mutters, feeling the loss of our connection.

  “I know, baby,” I groan, feeling my hands shake. Stepping back in front of her, I run the head of my cock against her entrance as I wrap my arms around her. Pulling her closer to me, I press on until I’m fully seated in her tight pussy.

  “Ellie,” I moan just as she lets out a soft whimper. A surge of emotions pass over me, remembering just a few days ago, I was worried if I would ever see her beautiful green eyes again.

  Moving my hand back between us, I let my finger skate across her tight bud. The movement causes Ellie to gasp as she grinds against me. Her fingers dig into my shoulder as she grapples to hold on. I can feel her pussy clench around me as I grit my teeth, thrusting deeper.

  “I will give anything to keep you safe and in my arms,” I say, moving my hand back to her hip, “just like this.” Each word punctuated as I lean forward, bringing her mouth to mine in a punishing kiss.

  “Yes, Callum!”

  I can feel her release coming and with one last thrust, we are both falling as our orgasms take hold as I wrap my arms around Ellie, trying to stay upright. I run my hands over Ellie, loving the way she melts for me. With my head pressed against her neck, I force air into my lungs as the aftershocks race through my body.

  “It’s a good thing the bathtub isn’t filling up, sweetheart, or we’d have a swimming pool on our hands.” I laugh, pressing one last kiss on her shoulder as I pull out.

  I can feel her eyes rake over me as I walk back over to the tub putting the stopper in, letting it fill. Looking at her over my shoulder, I catch her staring at my backside. Realizing she’s been caught, her cheeks brighten with embarrassment as I give her a playful wink.

  “C’mon, baby, let’s get you in the water before it gets cold.” I chuckle.

  I’ve had a hard time sleeping at night since being released from the hospital. Sometimes, I wake up in a panic thinking I am back in the trunk or in the basement of the old house. Feeling the weight of Callum’s arm draped over my waist and his breath against my shoulder had me sliding closer to him.

  I’ve been a ball of nerves at the thought of Royal being out there. I feel like at any moment I’m going to break into a million pieces, unable to hold myself together.

  Callum has been out of his mind with worry, hardly letting me out of his sight. He has been spending most of his time at home with me, even working from home. I hate to tell him this but I’m thankful for the times when he is working. When he’s not hovering, I feel like I get a break from my thoughts.

  Kinsley has been stopping by regularly to see me, bringing me magazines and checking out books I put on hold from the library. Hudson and June stopped by last night to see us, bringing a homemade enchilada casserole she prepared and some pumpkin bars she had been testing out.

  I can’t help but feel like I’ve flipped everyone’s world upside down. Callum hasn’t been into work since before he was out of town, Hudson has been left in a tight place without a lot of employees since Kinsley had recently went to working at the salon full time. She’s been helping him out lately, which I appreciate, but I know it puts a lot on her between two jobs.

  I told myself if Royal was ever released or found me, I wouldn’t stay in Arbor Creek. I couldn’t bring these people down with me, which is what I feel like I’m doing now. I didn’t expect for the people I’ve met here to have had such an impact on who I am. They really have become my family.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing followed by three loud knocks breaks me from my thoughts as I absentmindedly flip through a magazine. Tossing it on the coffee table, I head over to the front door, checking through the peephole, seeing who it is.

  Looking down the hallway, I can see Callum standing in the doorway of his office dressed in nothing but a pair of jeans. His hair is disheveled in a fresh-out-of-the-shower sort of way. With his phone pressed to his ear, he covers the speaker as he mouths “it’s his mom.” With a small grin, he turns and strides back into his office.

  His mother? His mother is here and he’s just going to leave me alone to answer it?

  Looking down, I take in my appearance and quickly check the mirror. My hair is looking wild and unruly, having just woken up a little bit ago. The black shirt I’m wearing is one of Callum’s old high school football jerseys. It’s worn and smells like him.

  It’s safe to say I’m not in any state to be meeting my boyfriend’s mother.

  The sound of knocking returns, forcing my feet to move.

  Fuck, I’m all worried about what the hell I’m wearing, and I’m doing a shit job of welcoming his mother, instead leaving her standing out on the front stoop.

  With a quick peek through the peephole, I unlock the door and swing it open to find a warm smile shining back at me. Seeing the woman in front of me, I know without even meeting Callum’s father who he inherited his natural charisma from. This woman radiates joy and happiness.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Whitt. C’mon in.” The smile on my face matching her own.

  “Ellie, sweetheart, please call me Connie or Momma if you prefer. How are you feeling?” she asks, running her hand down my arm until it finds my hand.

  Wrapping her warm hand around mine, she squeezes it, giving me a reassuring smile. The concern on her face as she looks me over looks a lot like the one June gave me when she and Hudson stopped by. Taking a step back, I make room for her to enter as she bends down picking up the bags she brought with her.

  “I’m okay, starting to feel a little more like myself, but still sore,” I mutter, following along behind her.

  “Can I help you carry something?” I ask, feeling like my manners have left me as she walks into the kitchen with two large brown paper bags nearly busting apart at the seams.

  “Nonsense, honey. Please have a seat. You should be taking it easy. I’ll be in and out of your hair in no time at all.”

  Taking a seat at the breakfast bar, I watch as she deposits the bags and gets to work fluttering around the room. The way she moves through the kitchen, unloading items, preheating the oven, it’s clear she has done this a time or two.

  While Callum is a grown man, more than capable of taking care of himself, there’s something about the way she looks after him. You can tell by the genuine smile she enjoys taking care of her family.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” she asks as soon as everything is unloaded and put away. Pushing up her sleeves, she turns on the sink and starts filling it up adding dish soap.

  “I’m okay, thank you though,” I say, watching as she sets out to clean the dishes we had left in the sink from the night before. I immediately feel terrible, thinking she probably feels I’m going to make a horrible wife or mother.

  “There is just something about washing dishes,” she says, looking at me with a smile. “So many of the simple and mundane things have been replaced with modern technology. There are just some things that don’t beat how they used to be.”


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