Reaper's Till Death (Devils Rejects MC Book 3)

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Reaper's Till Death (Devils Rejects MC Book 3) Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  I can’t help but notice specks of blood on the toe of her shoe. “You wanna tell me what happened on the bus between you and that fucker with the bloody nose?”

  She sighs, letting out a whoosh of air that smells of cinnamon when it hits my face. “Soo, I closed my eyes for like ten seconds and ol’ boy thought it was a good idea for him to help one of my shoes off my foot and proceed to suck my toe. Long story short—I kicked him with my other foot. And I may have told him there was a big mean gay biker waiting at the station who wanted nothing more than to claim his ass cherry.”

  “You told him what?” I growl.

  With a roll of her shoulders she brushes me off. “It’s nothing really. Unless…are you into taking men’s ass cherries?”

  Ten seconds with the brat and I already want to shove my cock down her throat to shut her up. I’m not going to survive this. I’m taking her to Hades’ house and leaving her ass. He can beat me, cut off a finger. Nothing is worth this torture.

  As thoughts of all the punishments Hades could dole out run through my mind, her finger goes back to playing with her navel piercing, distracting me. Nearly hypnotizing me as she continues the circular motion, stroking the silver ring adorned with a skull charm.

  “You got any other bags besides your purse?”

  “Nope.” She pops the P.

  “Well get on, girl. I got shit to do.” Like bending her over my knee for that dumb shit she said about me.

  Without a word or any help, she climbs on the back of my motorcycle easily, wrapping her arms around me, snuggly.

  Her body presses into mine and my chest tightens. I shouldn’t like the way Harley feels on the back of my bike, but I instantly do.

  Too damn much.

  Chapter Three


  Reaper…I remember him from the wedding, but I don’t think he remembers me. Sara told me about him fucking a clubwhore on the pool table during her wedding reception at the Roadhouse. He’s hotter than I remember. Buzzed on the sides, long on the top sandy brown hair, that’s stylish for a biker. His facial hair is clean cut. His biceps bulge out from the sleeves of his cut and sleeveless tee, covered in colorful tattoos. He doesn’t appear to be a beefy guy in build, but he still looks like a tough guy you wouldn’t want to piss off.

  He’s wearing his Devils Rejects’ cut and looks dead sexy in his leather. The Devil emblem of the club is prominent on the side of his neck.

  I’m tempted to trace the design but refrain from touching him any more than I have to. He is a bastard biker who probably fucks anything with legs that are willing to spread for him. I saw the way he was looking at me, and I would be a liar if I said I didn’t enjoy his attention, but that is as far as we will ever go—looking.

  He’s only here for me because he has to be.

  I wasn’t born yesterday. I know how things work. He has been assigned to look after me. As much as my folks tried to steer me from the club life it is what I know. Kyler told me a lot of things about the inner workings of the club. Things they would never tell me themselves. I don’t hold it against them or resent them. I only want to be free to make my own choices. Kyler may not have been the guy for me or the love of my life but being with him should have been my choice.

  My father said I would thank him someday. I don’t know about that. He treats me like a child who is incapable of caring for herself.

  We don’t ride far before Reaper comes to a stop at a mint green cottage style house complete with a white picket fence.

  A badass Dodge Charger and a motorcycle is parked in the driveway. Before I can ask if this is Sara’s house she rushes out the side door by the carport.

  “Harley! I can’t believe you’re really here,” she squeals and practically knocks me off the back of the motorcycle as Reaper gets off. “I thought Danny was lying when he called to tell me you were coming to visit. God, I am so happy to see you.” Her arms go around me with a gentle squeeze.

  “Me too.”

  She is beaming ear to ear and looks so happy. Married life must be being good to her. “Well, come on in. Danny and CT are eating supper. I’ll fix you both a plate.”

  I don’t get a chance to respond. Sara is grabbing me by the hand and leading me inside.

  Danny is seated at the table and CT is next to him in his highchair.

  “Can I get you a beer, Reaper?”

  “Nah. Just a water since I’m driving such precious cargo.” He smiles but it doesn’t reach his dark eyes that are trained on me.

  I guess babysitting me has put a damper on his day. It’s no picnic for me either.

  “Where’s your bag?” Sara questions as she puts two more plates on the table.

  “Didn’t bring one.”

  “Well, whatever’s mine is yours...” She bites her bottom lip and looks at her husband. “Well not everything.”

  I can’t help but laugh as he pinches her butt and her cheeks flush.

  “We don’t have the guest room done up yet, but the couch is comfy enough.”

  Danny clears his throat as Reaper and I take our seats. “Harley will be staying at Reaper’s place.”

  My cousin gives him a cross look. “Don’t be silly. She’s family.”

  “Family who has a stalker. I’m not having her attract trouble to our home.”

  Sara starts dishing out helpings of chicken parmesan onto our plates angrily. I can tell there are a lot of words she’d like to say to him, but she is reining it in. Knowing her place like a good old lady should. I sigh internally. I have always hated the whole macho rule that a woman can’t challenge her man in front of a brother of the club or else he looks weak. I think it simply means he’s fucking human if he gets bitched at by his woman.

  “Is this MaryAnn’s recipe?” Reaper speaks up in an obvious attempt to break the tension and it works.

  “Who’s MaryAnn?”

  “Oh, you’ll love her. She runs stuff at the clubhouse. She’s been giving me cooking lessons.”

  CT starts banging his spoon on the tray and babbling. “Ba-ba. Ba-ba. Bab-baaaa!” He shouts with drool dribbling down his chin.

  The kid is adorable, but I know I don’t want one of my own anytime soon.

  Sara and I haven’t talked much since she got married. Even though I am pissed about being sent here against my will it’s still nice to see her.

  Danny gets up without being prompted by his wife and gets CT a bottle.

  Sara watches the two of them together dreamily. The sight is sickly sweet. Marriage is good for her. Both of them. You won’t find me getting hitched anytime soon.

  Fuck that. Screw love, marriage, babies, and happily ever afters. Give me a dildo and a jar of my family’s moonshine. I don’t need a man to be happy.

  I catch Reaper watching their overly sweet displays of affection partaking in my disgust as we share a look.

  I study his tattoos. Brightly colored feathers that adorn the hair of a big breasted woman cover the top of his left arm. She’s beautiful and so life like. I wonder if he simply liked the design or if she reminds him of someone.

  His eyes narrow on me, catching me gawking, and I quickly look away, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  His knee brushes against mine under the table but I think it was merely an accident.

  We finish eating and the guys go outside to do whatever it is men do leaving Sara and me alone with the baby.

  I hold CT while Sara cleans up our plates. The little booger is slobbering and biting his fist. “Is he teething?”

  “Yeah. Poor baby was up half the night. So…,” she trails off.


  “Um, what the hell, Harley. You have a stalker and you are gonna be staying with Reaper.” Her brows wiggle as she beams and winks at me.

  “You got something in your eye?” I tease, avoiding the topic of Reaper. I just met the dude and yeah, he’s hot, but he’s a biker.

  “Give me the deets. What’s your first impression? I mean, how awesome w
ould it be if you two got together and then you ended up staying here.”

  “Whoa. Slowdown, turbo. Back it up. I just got here. I’m not looking to be any man’s old lady.” I would be a liar though if I said I didn’t see a flash of what it’d be like to kiss Reaper and start over here.

  “Come on.” Her voice lowers. “Admit it.” She pinches my arm as CT yanks on my hair. “He’s totally fuckable.”

  “Stop it,” I hiss as my cheeks warm. “And take your drool machine back.” I sniff and get a big whiff of his smelly diaper. “I think he shit.” I scrunch my nose, making a disgusted face, trying not to gag. “What in the hell have you been feeding him?”

  “It’s not that bad.” Sara frees me from the stink bomb.

  “Not that bad my ass. My eyes are watering.”

  Her honey whiskey eyes roll as she passes by me and goes down the hall to change his nasty ass diaper.

  I’m left to myself, so I go in the living room and take a look around. Pictures of CT are on display along with a photo from the wedding. My eyes are immediately drawn to Reaper. I touch his face with the tip of my finger when I hear a throat clear behind me. Jumping, I nearly drop the frame.

  “You ready to go?” his dark voice grates behind me.

  “Sure.” I offer him a weak smile and place the picture frame back on the table. “Just let me say goodbye to Sara first.”

  He nods. “Make it quick.”

  I find Sara in the baby’s room in a cloud of powder, cooing at her son.

  Honestly, I am proud of her, but I don’t know how she does it. Raising a baby that isn’t hers…being married…living so far away from her family. As crazy as they make me I think I would miss my parents, my dumbass brothers, and my sister too.

  Drag Creek has always been my life.


  We left from Sara and Danny’s and it was about a fifteen-minute ride to an apartment that is located over a contractor office with a lot full of construction equipment in the back. The good news is there seems to be some stores down the street from our location. Hopefully, one of them sells clothing.

  Reaper leads me up a set of stairs from the backside of the brick building. When he opens the door, I expect a cool wave of air from the AC to wash over me to bring me relief from the humidity. I’m sticky and in desperate need of a shower and am met with a wave of hot air instead.

  I follow my babysitter inside expecting a shithole but am pleasantly surprised to find the place is clean and it even smells nice. There is a small entryway with a coat closet off the side that opens into the living room and kitchen.

  I notice a sliding glass door that leads to a small balcony that houses a small table, two chairs, and a grill. Looking around the apartment I only see one more door that I assume leads to the bedroom and bathroom.

  “Let me give you the grand tour.” He points to the stove and refrigerator. “Kitchen.” He turns and points to the couch. “Living room. That’s the patio and through that door is the bathroom.”

  My brows quirk up. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “You’re standing in it,” he states coolly.

  I scoff. “Excuse me?”

  “Couch folds out into a sleeper sofa,” he explains.

  “Right. So, do you live here, or do you stay somewhere else?”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but yeah I live here. I like being close to work and no one tries to steal or fuck with my equipment.”

  “Where’s all your stuff?” I look around the small room noting the lack of personal effects.

  “I live a simple life. Got everything I need. Roof over my head. Clothes on my back. My work…the club…and my bike.”

  “No old lady?” I press.

  “Hell no. Remote is on the table. Make yourself comfortable. I’m hitting the head and taking a shower.”

  “Okay then.” I purse my lips together and sit on the edge of the dark gray sofa.

  I don’t think this is what my folks had in mind when they sent me here.

  Chapter Four


  Fuck me. I don’t think Hades thought this damn plan of his through. I live in a studio apartment meant for a single person—me. I enjoy the bachelor life. I do what and who I want when I want. I don’t answer to nobody. Especially not to a woman. Not gonna lie though. Seeing Hades and Sara at home with CT, made me think twice about my life. Prez has it made. Hot as fuck wife and sweet kid. Nice house. White picket fence. Brother is living the American dream. It isn’t for me though. I like to fuck then go home alone.

  As I step into the shower under the spray of hot water I try not to think about how damn good Harley’s ass looks in her tight shorts. I don’t even know how old she is. Goddamn. Fucking Hades putting this shit off on me. He damn well could have let Harley stay under his roof.

  I try to think of anything but her sexy curves, but nothing can wipe her banging body from my mind. My cock hardens as I imagine what would happen if I walked straight out of the shower and into the living room naked right now. Would she give me what I want? A wham bam thank you Ma’am?

  I shouldn’t even be entertaining the thought. She’s an assignment. Nothing more.

  I know it isn’t Harley’s fault either of us are put in this uncomfortable situation, but I hope like hell whoever is after her shows his face soon. It’s only been a few hours and I’m itching to fuck or fight. I’ve got to get out of here and let off some steam. I can check in on Harley through my security system.

  I hurry through my shower and get ready to head to the clubhouse. There is bound to be easy pussy or a fight waiting for me.

  Wrapping a towel around my waist I realize I didn’t bring a change of clothes into the bathroom. Normally I would walk around in my birthday suit, but I don’t want to give Harley the wrong idea.

  “Forgot my clothes,” I announce as I rush to my closet to grab a pair of jeans and a tee. She looks up from painting her toenails. Her bare feet are propped up on the coffee table. I gotta say she does have dainty, sexy looking feet, and I can almost understand that pervert wanting to suck on her toes.

  The heat of her gaze penetrates my skin momentarily until she looks away seeming unbothered by my nakedness. Returning to her task she ignores my presence completely, so I turn my back to her at the closet door and drop my towel to tug on a pair of jeans.

  “Nice ass.” Her voice comes out soft in a sweet caress.

  I snort and shake my head. “Thanks,” I grunt and hurry to pull the denim up over my nice ass. “I’m heading out for a bit. Don’t do anything dumb. I have a top of the line security system installed and will be checking in on you regularly. I’ll be at the clubhouse, but if you need anything you can stand by the patio door and wave. I’ll see you…eventually.”

  “You don’t expect me to just sit here being bored to tears while you’re off getting your dick sucked, do you?”

  I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “You even old enough to know what sucking dick is?”

  “I know big fat cock when I see one.” She smirks as she twists the cap back on her bottle of nail polish. Those enticing blue eyes of hers zone in on my crotch, and I realize I never fucking tucked my semi- hard dick in my pants and zipped. My jaw ticks as she watches me go through the motions.

  “If I take you with me—you better be on your best fuckin’ behavior. You’re my responsibility, and I won’t have you doing stupid shit and causing Hades to ride my ass. We clear?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “Right…that’s why your daddy stuck you on that bus.” I regret the words the moment I say them, but there is simply something about her that is fucking getting under my damn skin.

  Her faces hardens, and this time, she doesn’t spout off a smart remark, and I feel like a dick.

  “You have ten minutes to freshen up before I am out the door.”

  Tension rolls off her as she struts by me. As if I can’t control them, my eyes zero in on her
ass as her hips sway. The way her shorts hug her curves might just kill a man.

  A few minutes pass by when she comes out of the bathroom in her same shorts but wearing a black tank top that somehow makes her appear more appealing than before.

  How is it possible for someone so damn sexy to drive me mad the moment she opens her mouth?

  Maybe we should stay here. Taking her to the clubhouse unclaimed and looking so damn fine isn’t a smart idea. Her father’s name should be enough to protect her, but some brothers get too drunk and overzealous. Not to mention not everyone knows why she is here or even who she is.

  “How old are you, really?”

  “Old enough to know better but young and dumb enough to do it anyways.” She laughs, and her lips stretch into a warming smile. A smile that reaches across the room and grabs me by my dick. A smile I’d do anything to keep on her face.

  I’ve never been a praying man, but God help me.

  I’m in trouble.

  Chapter Five


  Pulling up to clubhouse on the back of Reaper’s motorcycle I feel excited and nervous. Back home in Drag Creek, my parents never let me go to the Roadhouse. That never stopped me from sneaking in with Kyler, but I have no idea what to expect at here. This isn’t home. There is no one here to save me from the monsters in the dark. The thing is…I wasn’t completely honest with my parents. I’ve known someone is stalking me for months.

  At first, I had thought it was Kyler being sweet. When he said it wasn’t him, I thought maybe I had a secret admirer who was afraid to come forward because I was with Kyler. It started with a card here and there left under my windshield wiper. As time went on though things escalated to gifts. I thought it was sweet. Chocolates and flowers left on my driver’s seat. I never even questioned how they were gaining access to my car. I always lock my doors.

  I liked the attention. It was attention my boyfriend wasn’t giving me. Looking back, I know Kyler was only using me for sex. I was blind, and I thought I was in love. Only when the gifts started to get more personal did I start to worry.


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