Space Cruiser Musashi: a space opera novel

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Space Cruiser Musashi: a space opera novel Page 28

by Dean Chalmers

  Alone? Brattain had to stem her impulse to protest.

  Someone else had to know. Those autocannons protecting the Valorian station, the planned ambushes of the Colonial ships…

  “Additionally,” the Admiral continued, “after a search of his estate, evidence has revealed that the former First Consul was reliant on Valorian bio-technology to extend his life. We believe they may have used this to control him.”

  “I… I suppose that makes sense, Sir.”

  “At this time, it is important that we focus on the heroism of the Musashi crew in upholding on the values of the Republic.” The Admiral smiled again. “That is the President’s wish, First Consul Gelek’s… and mine as well.”

  “My crew is to be released, Sir?” she asked hopefully.

  “Of course. Your officers belong on this ship with you, Captain. We just aren’t going to publically mention what your Sergeant Molokos did under duress to your brain-dead Captain—that must be understood. And as for your deceased medical officer and his background…” He shook his head sadly. “Security matter, that you can certainly understand?”


  The simulated longue area was warmly lit, with large, comfortable couches and big, soft chairs in neutral shades.

  When Brattain entered the sim, Cruz was already there… Lounging provocatively, naked, on one of the couches, with one of her slim legs propped up.

  Her hair was crimson now, with slashes of black. Glowing red tattoos of primitive, swirling symbols danced around her breasts and navel.

  The real Cruz, of course, was still healing in a tank. But Brattain had taken a shuttle down to the hospital on Auris, and had gotten a direct connection to the same simulated environment that Cruz was occupying while she healed.

  “Xue…” Brattain had to laugh. “I told you to relax. Looks like you’re getting very comfortable”

  “Better now that you’re here, Commander,” the pilot cooed, as Brattain sat down next to her, taking her arm and leaning against her. “Oops… I mean Captain.”

  “I take it you have access to the news?”

  Cruz nodded. “I saw you on the ‘casts, Captain. With the new First Consul and stuff. You didn’t talk much, but you looked so confident and like, hot, in your dress uniform. You gotta wear that when you give me some discipline next time, like, maybe in front of an audience?”

  Brattain ignored her provocative suggestion. “I’m glad you thought so, Xue. But I didn’t actually feel confident with Gelek,” she admitted.

  Man seems as cold to me as the Valorians…

  But then, Wells always seemed like such a likeable grandfather figure—and he’s the one who ordered us to basically commit suicide to protect the Valorian’s plot.

  “I know most of what happened after I went out, like, I think,” Cruz said. “But, um… They never said anything on the ‘casts about the Doc being a spy and stuff?”

  Brattain shook her head. “No. Xon died helping Seutter to kill Enoch. I think the Fleet was alarmed that a Valorian had infiltrated the ranks, and they’ll be doing lots of security checks and reviews now. But since he’s dead… I’m sure it seemed tidier to just omit mentioning him.”

  “They can’t, like, just pretend he didn’t exist!” Cruz protested.

  “They’re not. They’re just listing him as deceased Chief Medical Officer, allegedly killed in the battle tending to the wounded. I will never forget what he sacrificed for us… Xon was one of us, I will never have any doubts. Fully human and a great friend. But Command made the right call on this one, Xue. How would they explain how he helped us, his connection to the Valorians? They’d have to admit he was a spy. People would always see him as a traitor. Without having been there, they wouldn’t understand what he did for us.”

  And Seutter gets to be the hero of the day, and put in the spotlight… I’m still not sure how the citizens of the Republic are going to react to him, or he to them. Should be interesting.

  “What about Spartacus? That Washington guy survived, right?”

  “It smashed into the Mars,” Brattain said, sighing. “He got clear in a lifeboat at the last moment, but the ship hit the bridge of the Mars. They’re not saying on the ‘casts, but some of Sivarek’s nanos were left in the torpedoes, and the magnetic shields were shattered in the impact…”

  “The crew died?”

  “They got it contained,” Brattain explained. “But the bridge crew… Yeah, they didn’t make it.”

  Wesley, she thought sadly, I feel almost responsible for what happened. Almost…

  Would I have ended up like you? If I’d been a bit more ruthless, pushed the Juno into battle, been rewarded and kept climbing the ranks, doing everything I was told…? Even when I was told to do something horrible for the supposed greater good of the Republic?

  No. I was never that ambitious, to be honest.

  I only care about being promoted to Captain because I get to keep Musashi, and my crew…

  I’ll keep being honest to myself. Keep trying to find truth in the Void. I have Captain Kane to thank for that.

  “So that kid Jeremy’s going home?” Cruz asked. “Cute kid. Weird, but I liked him. Got used to weird people on the Musashi, I guess.”

  “He’s being sent on a transport to Hopewell with his mother and Washington,” Brattain said. “Along with the other Colonists we rescued. First Consul Gelek’s decided that building good relations with the Colonies is important, so I guess Washington’s going to be allowed to be some kind of spokesman for them. Maybe we’ll be fighting the Corpies alongside him some time if Gelek gets his way—who knows. Washington’s a proud man, but pragmatic and flexible in a crisis, I think. He might compromise with Gelek’s desires if it gets his people some of what they want. But the Colonies aren’t exactly centrally governed, so even if Hopewell and some other Colonies resume relations with us, who knows what the others will do.”

  “We’re gonna to be fighting the Corpies, then?” Cruz asked. She forced her dainty features into a childish pout. “I wanted to go find the other Valorian bastards, damnit!”

  “There’s been some more Corporate incursions,” Brattain explained. “That’s the priority, once Musashi’s fully repaired. Supposedly, they’re sending out probes and trying to get intelligence on where the rest of the Valorian Unity is. Seutter gave them a few ideas, too… Although he thinks the Unity has gone into a sort of radio silence, or at least he can’t pick up much on those headbands anymore.”

  Cruz looked up at Brattain plaintively, like a needy pet. “You better not leave without me, ‘kay, wherever we’re going?”

  “I won’t. Though, I do have another excellent pilot…”

  “Reynard?” Cruz asked. “He’s just, like, okay.”

  “No, Albert Hawking. Ensign Hawking, I should say. Another one of Gelek’s concessions, I think… But he wanted to stay here and pilot for us.”

  Cruz shook her head in disbelief. “What? The funny little guy with the hairy face? Hey’ I’m sure he’s fine and all, but he doesn’t have my mad skills!”

  “Relax. He’s just back-up. Going to be primary for shuttle missions. We have two shuttles, anyway, right?”

  “You do want me on your bridge, Captain, right?” Cruz asked, her tone somehow needy and seductive at once.

  Brattain smiled, and sighed. “You’ll be fully healed up in another week, Xue. I asked Sivarek to do some extra tests on the ship, make sure the repairs take at least that long. He’s quite happy to have time to fiddle; I don’t think the Engineer’s Guild understands half of what he’s doing, anyway.”

  “Whoa… I must really be Captain’s pet if you held up the mission for me, yeah?”

  “Captain, Commander, all this rank stuff…” Brattain shook her head in an exaggerated expression of disapproval. “Stop calling me that when we’re off-duty. I have a name, I don’t need my rank insignia on in order to spank you for being a pest, Xue, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “What do I call you�
�� Liza, Liz? Hey… Lizzie. Sexy Lizzie. I like that. But it still turns me on to say Captain to you, pretty girl.”

  “What else turns you on?” Brattain asked.

  Cruz closed her eyes, thinking. “Mmmm… Right now I just wanna show you my appreciation, Captain. Let me show you how I can make you feel good, ‘kay? It’s been so long already with me cooped up in the tank…”

  “This is still a simulation,” Brattain pointed out.

  “Yeah,” Cruz admitted. “But as long as the sim uses our real profiles, it’s pretty much real, yeah? Same feels, smells, tastes… I wanna feel alive. I always thought there’d be an explosion like that, then… Bam! That’d be it, ya know? Out in a flash, for good. But I lived. And it was, like, just after I got with you. Maybe you’re lucky. I lived because I had something to live for, yeah? Which was you. And I want… More of you.”

  Brattain leaned forward, embracing Cruz and kissing her gently…

  Cruz grabbed the back of her head and bit Brattain’s lip, then forced her seeking tongue into her mouth. “Mmm… Captain… I mean, my sweet Lizzie…”

  “So long as this is a sim, let’s get some more enticing surroundings, yes?” Brattain suggested.

  “Like what?” Cruz asked.

  “Sim environment classic tropical,” Brattain said loudly.

  The room around them blurred and faded… Replaced with a sunlit island in a pool of clear blue water, in the midst of deep green jungle. Colorful fish swam in the water, birds of bright plumage soared overhead, and the soothing sounds of surf came from nearby.

  Brattain and Cruz both stood on the island. There were reclining chairs nearby, and Brattain was reminded of an interrupted fantasy…

  “I used to use this sim sometimes,” she explained to Cruz. “But it never seemed right. Never the right partner. But now…”

  “Take off your clothes already,” Cruz whined, practically begging. “I don’t think I can ask the sim to remove someone else’s clothes. Like, it’s permissions and stuff.”

  “Command remove clothing,” Brattain said. Instantly, her nanosuit was gone, she was naked… Her pale, freckled body exposed to the tropical warmth.

  Cruz strode forward, her arms circling around Brattain’s waist.

  “No,” Brattain said, teasingly pulling away. “I want my fantasy. The perfect one… With you.”

  “Watchya want, yummy Lizzie?”

  Brattain approached one of the reclining chairs, sitting down in it and leaning back. The flexible material was comforting and cool under her naked back and buttocks.

  She stretched her arms leisurely above her head, and rubbed her thighs together lasciviously.

  “Get down on your hands and knees, Xue,” Brattain commanded with a rueful grin. “Crawl to me, woman—and show me how you pleasure your Captain.”

  “Hey, I thought I wasn’t supposed to call you—”

  Brattain laughed. “I love you, Ensign. And I give you permission to use my rank, Makes it… Naughtier, somehow.”

  “Oh, Captain,” Cruz purred. “I can show you how I love you… But it’s gonna take hours, mmm.”

  She got down on hands and knees, crawling forward while wriggling her pert little butt provocatively. Smiling dreamily with her eyes half-lidded, she came forward, kissing Brattain’s ankle and working her way up her leg…

  I don’t know what the future holds, or what truths I can trust anymore, Brattain thought. But I have this time, with this wonderful, wild woman I love…

  “Command sim—drink—peach brandy,” she said, as Cruz licked her way slowly up her leg to her knee.

  A wide, heavy glass of the stuff appeared in her hand, and she sniffed at the heavy spirits, then took a sip… Sweet and tingling on her tongue.

  To friends and lovers found, she thought. To love and life and those who fight for all of those things.

  To Captain Kane and Xon… And father…

  May I be worthy of your legacy.


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