Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1)

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Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1) Page 58

by J. L. Beck

  “That’s just it. That woman, she’s under my skin…” I growled, gripping the shot glass hard enough to crack it. Darren widened his eyes knowing full well what was coming next.

  “No way, man. You fucked her, huh?” Darren grabbed his beer from Marci and took a swig.

  I shook my head no, vigorously. “No, no, no. But she wants me, Darren. She fucking wants me and she’s barely legal pussy. Not to mention the fact that she’s my best friend’s daughter.” I let out a deep sigh that felt like I’d been holding it in forever, then I grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured another shot.

  “Don’t lose your shit over it, Reid. She’s eighteen, right?” His eyes softened a little as he noticed how distraught I was over this whole ordeal.

  “Ugh, yes. She’s eighteen and fucking beautiful.” I tipped the shot back and my lips began feeling warm and tingly.

  “Then why the hell are you so bent out of shape about this? She’s a woman, a legal adult, and she wants your dick. How can you put up that big of a fight with yourself over it?” Darren laughed, then took another pull from his beer before continuing. “Hell, man. I wouldn't even think twice about it, just make sure she knows you’re only looking to fuck otherwise she’ll get clingy and Parker will surely find out.” His eyes darted in the direction of a woman walking past us, eyeing her up down as he let out a quiet growl. Darren was a ladies man and he could get away with being a vile pig toward them because he’s got a lot of money and he’s a fucking dashing fella.

  “I can’t do it, I can fuck my best bud’s daughter. If I was Parker, I’d slit my goddamn throat!” I exclaimed, a little too loudly.

  “Then just hit it once. Hit and quit it. Make it clear to her that's all it is and that it's just between you two, no one else and not even her little girlfriends that I’m sure know all about you already.” Darren didn't get it. If I crossed that line once would never be enough, and I was man enough to admit that.

  “She's not the hit it and quit it kind. If she gets her heart broken, it could come back to bite me in the ass.” I swallowed hard as the truth I’d just let spill from my lips was too much for me to handle right now. Whiskey just wasn't going to cut it tonight.

  “Sounds to me like you already know what to do then, Reid.” Darren motioned his thumb up to Marci to let her know he needed another beer.

  “Knowing what I want to do and knowing what I need to do is where the battle comes into play, Darren. I’ve never been in a situation like this in my whole damn life.”

  “Don’t be a pussy about it, Reid. I’m sure she’s not a virgin or anything so don’t worry about it. She just wants a good fuck, so give it to her.” Darren smirked with his lips against his beer bottle.

  I shook my head at him knowing that he couldn't possibly understand. She was a virgin I knew it, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

  “And what if she is?” I baited him, wondering what obnoxious excuse he could muster up.

  He shrugged, “Then you give her the best first time she's ever had and let it be.”

  I rolled my eyes, the need to ask for something stronger to drink was right on the tip of my tongue.

  “You know me, Darren…. I'm not the heartbreaking type.” I was so tore up over this that I was considering calling Parker and telling him that something came up. That I couldn’t watch over his daughter.

  “Lay the rules out beforehand. Tell her what's going to happen and how it's gonna happen. If she can't deal with it, then don't touch her.” Darren scrunched his brows, giving me a look of seriousness.

  “Alright, man.” My mouth began to dry because the alcohol had started to dehydrate me. My body felt warm all over and I knew I’d had too much to drink, there was no way I could drive home and neither could Darren.

  “Ay, Marci.” Darren called out to her. She peeked up from washing glassware in the sink, showing he had her attention. “We’re ready to close out our tabs, girl.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” Marci turned the faucet off and dried her hands on a dishrag before walking over to the cash register to close out our tabs. Marci walked over to us with two receipts and our cards. “You boys better not be driving tonight. You need me to call a cab?” Her voice chirped with concern.

  “No, no. We’re fine,” Darren responded through slurred words. Marci arched an eyebrow at him and rolled her eyes.

  “We’re okay, Marci. I’m calling one now.” I held my phone up and shook it, smiling at her. I slid my finger across the screen of my phone, unlocking it so I could call a cab. Unfortunately, I’ve got it saved in my phone already as I’ve had to make a few too many of these calls.

  “I don’t need a cab, man. I’m good.” Darren tried to convince me that he was sober enough to drive, but I knew better. He was slurring his words and getting loud, even with me being shit faced I knew he wouldn’t be able to drive. Ignoring him, I listened to the phone ring and ring before someone finally picked up on the other end. I gave them our location and set my phone back down.

  “The cab’ll be here in about fifteen minutes or less.” I said to Darren as he finished off his last beer.

  “Okey dokey.” He pushed his empty beer bottle out in front him toward Marci’s side of the bar a little too hard and it tumbled off the bar, crashing onto the floor and making a loud shattering sound that sent a wave of fear throughout my body.

  “Get down! Get down!” I hollered out as I stood, looking around cautiously for the shooter. “I SAID GET DOWN! HIDE BEHIND SOMETHING NOW!” I shouted to everyone. Goosebumps covered my arms and I could feel the hair on my neck standing, sweat began dripping down my face.

  Darren sat there and stared at me with wide eyes. I looked around once more and saw everyone in the bar staring at me just as Darren was. I felt the blood that had been boiling through my veins surface to my face.

  Oh God.

  “You okay, Reid?” Marci's concerned voice filled my ears. I hadn't had an incident in years.

  “Yeah…” I swallowed hard, and fought the cry that was begging to escape my throat.

  What happened?

  Darren stood up from the barstool and placed his arm around my shoulders, “Come on, man. Let’s get out of here.” I let him guide me to the door as I was too numb with embarrassment, a lethal mix of emotions, and of course, alcohol.

  As soon as we reached the door Darren pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket along with a green lighter. I watched as he pulled a cigarette from the pack and extended it toward me.

  “Want a smoke?” He offered with a low soft voice. I hadn’t smoked since the day I got out, but I felt the desire to take a long drag from a cigarette and feel the smoke captivate my lungs as the nicotine coursed through my veins.

  “Yeah,” I reached my hand out, taking it from his fingers. “Thanks.” I took the lighter and flicked it, watching the flame dance out of the little green plastic tube as it lit the cigarette. I puffed and the calming feel of breathing in the smoke, mixing with my drunkenness, hit me instantly. Darren and I stood in silence puffing away on the cigarettes until the cab showed up.

  We both slid into the backseat and gave the cab the addresses of where we needed to be. I knew shortly I’d be home with Bridget there hopefully fast asleep. If she wasn’t, I just might take her tonight.

  The desires were too much for a sober me, let alone a drunk me.

  The cab came to a stop outside my house. Darren was texting on his phone, probably meeting up with someone. At least one of us would be getting laid tonight.

  “I'll let you know how everything goes.” I pulled a ten from my wallet and handed it to the driver before stepping out of the cab.

  “If you need anything, let me know. I'm always here, whenever you need something.” Darren hollered out to me. He was a good friend, when he needed to be, but he wasn't Parker.

  I walked up the pathway to the house, my legs were wobbly and my hands were clammy. The cigarette had done nothing to calm my nerves now that I was here.

  I squ
eezed my eyelids shut and gripped my keys in my hand, the metal dug into my flesh.

  I shouldn't have drank all of that whiskey.

  I pushed the front door open, a squeak filling the air as it opened. My eyes scanned the living room. She was nowhere in sight.

  Thank God!

  I slipped my boots off, pulled out my cell and wallet, placing them both on the counter. The kitchen was clean as was the rest of the house.

  Had I left it that way or did Bridget clean?

  I shook the thought away and tugged my shirt off over my head as I walked down the hall. I resisted the urge to open her bedroom door and peek inside.

  She didn't need a dirty man like me touching her porcelain skin. She'd never been touched or tainted before and I didn't want to be the man to take that innocence from her. Plus, it was clear I was still battling my own demons.

  I neared my bedroom door, the sound of a soft feminine snore met my ears, and I pushed the door open, my eyes going straight to my bed.

  “Fucking Christ.” I growled under my breath taking in her sleeping form. She looked so fragile, so fucking perfect in lying in my bed with her soft brown hair in a mess on my pillow.

  My steps flauntered. I should turn around and march my ass back down the hall and crash on the couch, it would be the gentlemanly thing to do.

  I weighed my options, my eyes roaming over her soft features. The blanket, my blanket was pulled up over her waist and I noticed then that she was wearing one of my t-shirts. Though, I suppose there was a chance her dad could've given her a t-shirt or two?

  I bit my bottom lip, my fingers working at the button of my jeans without thought. What was I doing? Was I going to fuck her?

  No. I shook my head, feeling the walls I had put up crumble. I would sleep, physically sleep with her. I would enjoy her warmth and scent, and tomorrow I would make my choice.

  If she still wanted me, then we would cross that bridge. But tonight, tonight I was too drunk to care if I was giving in to what we both wanted. I crawled into bed with nothing but my boxers on. I laid down and turned onto my side to face her, smelling her hair that was merely centimeters away from me. I held myself back from wrapping my arms around her and pulling her sleeping body into me, to keep her warm and safe.

  The very thing she needed protecting from was me though.



  I woke in the middle of night, feeling a warm breath upon the back of my neck. I turned slowly to face Reid, smelling the strong scent of whiskey and sin that he’d been soaked in and it turned me on.

  Just a touch.

  I reached my hand over to his cock, gently placing my fingers and palm against his shaft. It wasn’t even hard, and it was hanging low, long and thick. My center began to ache and my thoughts drifted to the other night when Reid fingered my tight hole for the first time. The need to be touched like that grew in my bones.

  Slipping my other hand down my lacy pink panties, I dipped a single finger into my wetness and I pressed onto my clit like Reid had done, and it sent tingles throughout my body. Moving my finger over and over against my clit, a small moan escaped my throat.

  Reid stirred a little in his sleep and the thought of him waking up and catching me as I touched myself for the first time, made the pressure in my body that needed released rise and rise to the brink. I added another finger to play with myself and dipped it into my tight hole, giving the come here motion just as he had done.

  My hips shifted causing my fingers to go deeper. I took my other hand away from his length and began playing with my clit as I fucked myself with my own hand, flicking against the bundle of nerves. I let out a loud moan this time. Reid’s eyes bolted open, and he grabbed me roughly, pulling me against him.

  Reid’s rough hands and firm grip sent electricity through my core. His hand slid up the shirt of his that I was wearing, he grabbed my breast and pinched my nipple twisting it in his fingertips firmly, but gently at the same time. My center was drenched for him and I wanted him to fill me. I wanted him to take away everything that I could never get back, no matter what.

  “I told you, I’m not going to fuck you. So why do you insist on taunting me, kitten?” Reid growled as he got over top of me, his nose pressing gently against mine. I could smell the whiskey on his breath, and I wanted to taste, I wanted to taste him. Craning my neck I puckered my lips in an attempt to kiss him, but he quickly backed away, leaving me hanging as I desperately craved his lips against mine.

  “Because I want you.” I was breathless, and aside from a smidge of fear, completely consumed with need. I wanted the man before me. I wanted him with all of my being. I needed his thick cock to stretch me and fill me for the first time.

  “You don’t know what you want, you barely know how to care for yourself.” I could see the walls coming back up. His eyes were bloodshot, and I wondered what all he had done last night? Did he not want me because he was with someone else? Or was he still denying me because of my father?

  “I might not know everything there is to know about life, but I’m not afraid to grab what I want. I’m not afraid to try.” I was angry, hurt, frustrated, and the sexual tension was seeping out of me. All I wanted was one taste.

  “I’m trying too hard…” He fisted the sheets, his eyes pleading with me. “I’m trying to be the better person. I’m trying to give you a chance to find someone better. I’m begging you to stop… Just…” I couldn’t handle his words anymore. I had to stop them. Pushing up from the bed, I invaded his space, pressing my lips to his before he could object.

  Emotions swirled deep inside me as his lips melted against mine, his hands came up to grip my arms as if he was going to push me away.

  But he didn’t. He gripped me, possessed me, held me in place while his teeth nipped at my bottom lip begging for entrance into my mouth. I let him in, he slid his tongue into my mouth and swirled it around mine. The heated exchange had us both moaning between kisses, we couldn’t get enough of one another. There was instant magnetic pull as soon as our lips touched. I could feel his erect length between my legs and my pussy ached for it to be deep inside of me. Reid pulled away, both of us breathing heavily.

  “No. This has to stop.” Reid stammered, catching his breath. He looked as if he was barely restraining himself.

  “But, I don't want to stop.” I pushed my lower bottom out and shot him puppy dog eyes, hoping that’d reel him in, in a more playful sexy manner than how serious he seemed to make this. His eyes narrowed in on mine and he furrowed his brows.

  “Goddamn it, Bridget. No! This has got to end right now. This can’t happen.” He scolded, a darkness twinkling in his eyes.

  “Why the hell not? I’m a grown ass woman and I want you to fuck me, so do it. You know you want to. My daddy won’t find out, I promise.” I purred while ripping the shirt I was wearing off and over my head. I watched with bated breath as he swallowed.

  I was now lying before him with only my panties on, one single scrap of fabric separating us.

  “This is more than just about what you want. You don't think it's killing me not to take you? I'm trying to be a better man here.” He was visibly shaken his eyes roaming over my almost naked body.

  “Don't be.” I ordered, making another grab for him. This time he cut me off, his body pressing mine into the mattress, his weight searing through me.

  “If I do this there won't be any going back. It's just sex. That's it. It's just sex….” His voice was just above a whisper and it seemed like he said the last part more to himself than to me.

  I gulped down the fear and nodded yes before the words finally escaped my mouth, “Got it. Just sex.”

  The tension seeped out of him, making the air thick. His muscles flexed as he eyed me up, “I haven't been with a woman in a long time so I'm not sure you've picked the right man to experience your first time with.” I nibbled on my bottom lip, watching as his eyes glazed over while I pulled my panties down over my hips.

he was too scared and too consumed with need to make the first move, then I would do it.

  “I don't care how you take me, so long as you do.” I was blunt, having dreamt about this moment for the last year when Reid stopped coming around.

  “You sure about that, kitten?” He rubbed his hardened length through his boxers, my eyes going wide as I took his length and girth in.

  His fingers were amazing, so I couldn’t even begin to imagine what he would do to me with that python. I couldn’t wait any longer and I didn't have the patience to respond to his question, I needed him right now. I needed him a year ago.

  I sat up and my hands fumbled around the waistband of his boxers as I tried to tug them off of him. He gripped my hands and finished tugging them the rest of the way off of his body, his long hard cock standing straight in my direction.

  Reid kicked his boxers off from around his ankles, then towered over the top of me. With both of his arms next to either side of my head, he did a push-up motion and planted his lips upon mine, rough with passion. Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach and my center ached for him more than ever before.

  He slipped a finger between my lips, swirling my arousal against his finger before smearing it against the head of his cock. The gesture was erotic and had me hypnotized it place.

  “You ready for this, kitten? To feel every single inch of me inside of you?”

  “I think you already know the answer to that…” I was being brave, even if my heart was beating furiously against my rib cage. He smirked, and I felt him press the head of his cock to the opening of my tight virgin hole.

  Would it hurt? Would he hold me afterward?

  “Last chance, kitten. I'm giving you an out. A chance to stop me because once I'm inside you, once I've claimed you, there won't be any stopping me.” The tone of his voice was animalistic, sending shivers down my spine. He wanted me and I wanted him.

  “Take me,” I ordered. The look in his eyes said he made his choice even though he didn’t make a move to do just that, yet.


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