Her Twin Stepbrothers

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Her Twin Stepbrothers Page 1

by Terry Towers


  A simple case of mistaken identity ended up with me on stage, shaking my fanny for dollar bills. Sure, I suppose I could have told the manager of the club that I wasn’t the new girl he hired sight unseen. But I didn’t. Maybe it was because I’d spent so much time worrying over the failing business my late father handed down to me, that I needed a wanton release. Or maybe it was because I wanted to let the wild woman within me out, just this one time.

  Regardless of the reason, I threw caution to the wind and got on stage.

  Surprisingly enough, I was actually enjoying my five minutes, my twerking putting Miley’s to shame. Basking in the attention and just a little proud of myself for doing something wild, I was about to end my made-up, spontaneous routine when I heard an all too familiar voice.

  Sam Hughes. My playboy stepbrother stood before me, a crisp, ten dollar bill in hand and a cocky grin on his lips. Next to him, his twin brother, Eric.

  Crap. Busted.

  As my gaze locked with his, I knew our relationship was about to change forever.

  Table Of Contents

  Featured Book

  Her Twin Stepbrothers

  Bonus Book:

  Failure To Stop

  Excerpt for:

  Strictly Research

  Contact Information

  Her Twin Stepbrothers


  Terry Towers

  Her Twin Stepbrothers

  Copyright 2015 by Terry Towers

  Cover by: Erin Dameron-Hill


  All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at www.elixaeverett.com

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the authors permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov.ipr/). Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

  The material in this book is intended for ages 18+ it may contain adult subject matter including explicit sexual content, profanity, drug use and violence.

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  6 years ago


  “It seems like it’s been forever since we’ve gone out, just the two of us, Dad. This is awesome!”

  My father, Kevin Fox, was my idol. All of my friends had crushes on him, and who could blame them? My dad was a hell of a catch. He owned the most successful bar in town, and he was easily the best looking dad of all my friends', the grey was just starting to show at his temples, giving him a distinguished look. He also made it a priority to keep in shape, whereas most of my friend’s dads were showing their age and seemed to forget that pot bellies happened easily at their age. Bottom line, I had no qualms in admitting I was a total daddy's girl.

  My mother passed away when I was little, so I didn’t have a lot of memories of her. But my father did everything in his power to make it up to me and fill both roles. Everything was great—that is, until Elizabeth came into the picture.

  “Well, we have a lot to discuss about your future and the future of our family.”

  I crinkled my nose up at him. The future of our family? Our family consisted of my father and myself. Oh no… I was in high school now, and in a couple years, I’d be graduating, and perhaps he was concerned I was going to go away for college.

  Reaching across the table, I took my father’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’re a family. You and I against the world, remember?” I shrugged. “I admit, I kinda felt left out for a while…”

  My father’s brow creased. “Why, Pumpkin?”

  “Well, for the past year, you’ve been spending so much time with Elizabeth, and I've felt like I was being forgotten. I know it’s selfish, and I know I’m your number one, but it’s just how I felt.” I looked down at our hands.

  “You know you’ll always be my number one. You and I against the world. You know that.”

  “And the brothers…” I groaned loudly, rolling my eyes. “They are such a pain in the ass.”

  My father’s eyes narrowed at me, and he gave me a stern look. “Andrea Carrie Fox. Language. We’re in a nice restaurant.”

  “Sorry. But it’s true! They’re such a pain.”

  His frown turned into a smile. “I remember a time when you used to really like the Hughes twins.” He released my hand, sat back on the chair, and chuckled. “If I recall, I think the three of you even had a mock wedding one time. You three were so cute.”

  I rolled my eyes a second time. “Don’t remind me. I was six. I didn’t know any better. Not to mention, it isn’t even legal to have two husbands. And that was a lifetime ago, when you weren’t banging their mother.”

  “Andrea. That’s quite enough.”

  This was getting frustrating. Why were we even talking about Elizabeth Hughes and the Hughes brothers, anyhow? I had to see them enough at school, and to make matters worse, when he was dating their mother, I was stuck seeing them most weekends as well. I might have liked them when we were all kids, but we were sixteen now. The Hughes twins had become egotistical jocks who went through my female friends like water.

  “So why are we even talking about Elizabeth?” I narrowed my eyes at him. Something wasn’t sounding right with me. “Are you dating her again?”

  “Well,” he shifted uneasily in his chair.

  My suspicions went on high alert. We were rapidly approaching DEFCON-1 territory.

  “You know how I had to go to Las Vegas for a few days to check out the clubs?”

  “Yes. Are you saying you got back together and took her with you?” I crossed my arms over my chest and hit him with my best pouty look. I hadn’t been to Vegas, and wanted to go. Now I know why he didn’t take me, he took HER! I had a little internal tantrum.

  “There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m just going to tell you: Elizabeth and I got married in Vegas.”

  I was rendered speechless.

  “She and the boys will be moving in in a couple days. I just wanted to talk to you first, before they began moving in their stuff.”

  “Do Eric and Sam know?”

  My father nodded. “She told them a couple of days ago.”

  Anger welled up within me. “That’s why they kept teasing me at school today! They’re starting their torture already. I bet they were laughing their asses off behind my back, knowing you guys were married and that I didn’t know yet!”

  “I’m sure that’s not the case.”

  “I’m sure it is!”

  “Andrea, calm down. Everything isn’t all about you. I’ve dedicated the past ten years to you, trying to compensate for you losing your mother. But you need to understand, I lost her too.”

  His eyes began to water up, the bubble of anger within me burst, and I deflated. I felt ashamed of myself. I was thinking of myself and not considering how much my
father deserved happiness as well. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

  “I want to be happy. Elizabeth makes me happy.”

  “I know,” I grumbled under my breath.

  “It’ll all work out, Andrea. Change doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. This will be good.”

  If you say so Dad, I said to myself, unconvinced. For him, I forced a smile onto my lips and responded, “I’m sure you're right.”

  “I know I am.”

  “Uh-huh.” I picked up my fork and began stabbing at my salad.

  Chapter 1


  “So, come on Eric. Hit us with it. Is it bad?” I asked my stepbrother, grabbing the ledge of the bar behind me and pulling myself up onto it. Eric was the numbers guy, the one who took care of all the bar finances— or lack thereof. There was the big problem. Ever since our parents died in a car accident— my father, their mother—just a little over a year ago, the bar’s finances had taken a nosedive.

  Eric huffed, raking a hand through his short dark hair. “Yeah, it’s bad. This was the worst week of the worth month of the worst year.”

  “It can’t be! Maybe you should check again. Saturday night seemed busier than usual, right?” I looked over at Eric’s twin brother Sam for backup. Sitting at one of the tables across the room, he wasn’t paying attention. “Sam!”

  “Huh?” Sam’s dark eyes shifted from whatever was on the laptop that had him engrossed to stare at me. “What are you talking about?”

  “Saturday, it was busy, right? It seemed busy…” I pushed one of the salt shakers from the pile back and forth on the tray. I’d just filled the salt and pepper shakers and had yet to set them on the tables.

  “Same as always. Wouldn’t say 'busy.' The Pulse down the street is busy, we’re fucking dead.” He gave me a rueful smile. “Sorry Andy…” While Eric always called me Andrea, Sam chose to use my nickname instead.

  “I think we’re going to have to make some serious decisions on what to do with the bar, and we need to make them soon.”

  My blue eyes narrowed at my stepbrother. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. I think we need to seriously consider cutting our losses and closing down.”

  The thought of closing down struck terror in me. We couldn’t shut down The Foxy. It wasn’t even an option, as far as I was concerned. “No. There’s got to be another way.”

  He gave me a dubious look.

  “We’re not shutting down! We’ll rile up the students at the college. Have another discount booze night.” All three of us attended the same university, and at the age of twenty-one, I was in my first year, whereas they were close to finishing.

  “We can’t afford to take a loss of liquor sales income, Andrea. They only stay as long as they get cheap booze, and then when we raise the price enough to cover expenses, they go to one of the other bars down the street. There’s too many newer, hotter clubs in the area. The only way we’re going to have a shot is to completely renovate and be able to compete with the newer, flashier clubs, and we don’t have the money to do that. Even then, it’s risky business at best.”

  I looked over at Sam for some sort of backup, but he was already back to watching whatever it was that was on his computer screen.

  “How much?”

  Eric frowned. “How much what?”

  “How much would it cost to get this place in the same shape as some of the hotspots nearby?”

  Eric sat back on the bar stool and raked a hand through his hair. “Hard to say, we need everything from a DJ station to new lighting to a complete interior renovation. We’re talking tens of thousands, on the cheap end. It’s not possible.”

  Not possible? Anything was possible. Not possible wasn’t an answer I’d accept. “What about my college fund? Take that. I’m just an Arts student anyhow, I don’t even know what I want to do with my life, take that. Do the renovations.”

  He snorted. “Hell no. That money was meant for your education, and that’s where it’s going.”

  “To hell with you, Eric! You can’t tell me what I can or can’t do with my money!” I hated him in that moment. He didn’t understand how important the bar was, and Sam seemed so consumed with whatever was on the computer he didn’t even give a shit that our family’s business was going to close. It was like they didn’t care! Didn’t they get it? If the bar failed, it was like I’d failed my dead father. It couldn’t fail. Closing was NOT an option. “Maybe if it was your mother who opened this bar instead of my father, you’d care a little bit more! This bar was passed down from MY—” I jerked my thumb at my chest as I continued, “ —grandfather to my dad, and I refuse to let you sabotage it.”

  “That’s not fair, Andrea. Just because we’re attached to the bar through Mom's marriage doesn’t mean we don’t care. But your education fund is for your education, it was specifically stated in the will. And what if the renovations don’t help? It’s too much of a risk. So, no.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at Sam again, and fury boiled within my blood. At least Eric kind of cared about the situation we were in. Sam, on the other hand… I growled, jumping from the bar and storming across the room, grabbing the laptop, and turning it to me so I could see what was so interesting that he’d prefer to watch whatever was on screen then try to sort the situation we were in.

  “Andy, what the fuck!”

  I gasped, taking a step back from the screen, not sure what to think. “You’re watching porn? Our bar is going under and you’re watching porn!”

  He made an attempt to grab the laptop from me, but I was too quick snatching it up and bringing it back to the bar. There was a threesome happening on the screen. A chick with two guys. They were double teaming her. The sound was muted, but I could hear in my mind’s eye their moans and her screams of pleasure.

  Eric’s head perked up and he looked at the screen and then over at his brother.

  Without thinking, my eyes turned to Sam, who was rushing across the bar, intent on getting the laptop back from me and lowered my gaze to his crotch. His thick erection pressed against the denim.

  “You’re sitting there with a hard-on, watching porn? With us in the room?”

  He snatched the laptop from me and was about to shut off the video, but I batted his hands away. “It's not like I had it out or anything.”

  “No, I want to see what was more interesting than the future of this bar.” I watched as the guy who was ramming her ass pulled out, spraying her backside with his jizz. “What is this? It’s like amateur porn or something.”

  He attempted to grab the laptop from me again, but I turned my back, blocking him. “Tell me what this is, and maybe I’ll let you have the laptop.”

  “Just turn it off, Andrea,” Eric said.

  I shot Eric a dirty glare for coming to the defense of his brother. He could be such a party pooper at times. “No. I want to know. I want to know what’s more important than The Foxy.”

  “Fine. People submit videos to this site, and they get paid per view.”

  I crinkled her nose up at Sam. “So you pay for this? How much?”

  “Yeah, it’s like forty bucks a month. Alright? We’re done? Can I have it back? Or just...turn it off or something. You may not find this awkward, but I do.”

  Curious, I clicked off the video and began surfing the site in general. “Can’t you get amateur stuff for free?” I really didn’t know. It wasn’t something I spent much time pondering. We had the porn channel, but the porn on it didn’t usually appeal to me. Porn tended to be geared more towards men rather than women, and I liked a little romance with my sexy stuff.

  “This stuff is better. And it’s not some site you might get a virus from.”

  A burst of laughter escaped me. “Yeah, you wouldn’t want a virus.”

  “Give him the laptop, Andrea,” Eric stated again,

  I shot Eric another glare. “Bite me, Eric. I’m thinking.” I turned my attention back to the site. “Do people actually make money of
f of this? I mean, submitting stuff.”

  Sam shrugged. “I don’t know. A buck a view maybe. How would I know? And for that matter, why would I care?”

  I clicked on another 'two guys with one girl' video. “This has over a hundred thousand views!” The wheels started turning in my head. “How long do you think it took for this video to get that many views?” Looking down at the video in the bottom left-hand corner, I noticed a submission date. “This was posted just three months ago! Even at a buck a view, hell, fifty cents a view, this has made over fifty grand.” Excitement began to well up within me as ideas flooded my mind. “Hey Eric, would fifty grand be enough to renovate?”


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