Crazy Love

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Crazy Love Page 7

by Rachael Tamayo

  The bitter taste of bile rises in my throat to the back of my tongue. I swallow it back down. I ignore the remark as he exits the office, turning back to a smiling Julie.

  “Where do you want to eat?” I smile as she walks around the desk.



  It’s around lunchtime when my phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans as I work. Pulling my phone out, I’m already smiling because I’m expecting it to be Isaiah. I still can’t believe how deliriously happy he’s got me, despite all the strange goings on I’ve been dealing with.

  My smile vanishes. It’s Caroline calling me.

  With an eye roll, I ignore the call and shove my phone back into my pocket.

  I’ve no reason to talk to her after what she’s attempted to pull on me. I guess I could confront her, explain, tell her that I know what’s going on, but what’s the point? She’s been paid, at least that’s what I’m assuming. Not only don’t I need friends like that, I don’t waste my time on them either.

  She knows what she did, and she will figure it out.

  Not long after, Le approaches me as she comes back into the booth from her break.

  “Hey boss lady, there is someone outside asking for you.”

  My senses go on high alert, but I struggle not to let it show.


  She shrugs. “Some woman.”

  Okay, it’s a woman. Not Noah. I take a cleansing breath. Probably a customer.


  I head in the direction she points, and before long I find Caroline standing in the makeup section.

  I almost turn and walk away, but she might cause a scene. I motion for her to follow me outside as I pass.

  “I’ve been worried sick, why won’t you answer my calls?” she asks too loudly as the doors close automatically behind us.

  I turn, biting back what I’d really like to say to her. I can’t, not here where I work. So I take a breath and remind myself to be halfway civil.

  “Why, worried that I’m losing it?” I cross my arms.

  She gapes at me for a moment. “I didn’t say that.”

  “So then please, go on.” I tilt my head.

  “I’m just worried, you stopped answering. You don’t call me anymore. I thought we were going to plan the wedding… you’ve just dropped off the face of the earth.”

  I glance around before stepping closer to her.

  “Why do you think that is? Don’t you think that I know what you did?”

  Her face pales a bit. “What are you talking about?”

  “You made me feel like I was losing it, and you did it on purpose. I know he got to you.” I stick my finger in her face. “You and I were friends. And you let some stranger pay you to sell my friendship. You’re already marrying into money, and that wasn’t enough for you? You’re standing here calling yourself my friend after that?”

  “Why would you think I’d do a thing like that? Who are you talking about?”

  Deep breath. Of course she isn’t going to admit to anything.

  “I’m talking about Noah. You know that I don’t know him and you insist on this bullshit you’re feeding me. You’ve known me for two years. You heard me talking about how he comes up here acting all weird then, suddenly, you’re trying to convince me that he and I are so close and now we are dating? Who do you think you’re fooling? How much did he pay you?”

  “Emily, this isn’t fair…I--”

  “No, what isn’t fair is the fact that I’ve been run out of my own house because I might not be safe there. It’s not fair that I don’t know this man and he won’t leave me alone…” My voice cracks as a lump forms I my throat. I try to swallow it. “That isn’t fair. I’ve been reduced to hiding. And you’re still feeding me lines. You know what else isn’t fair? You had no idea what his motives were, and you did everything he told you to. You took the money and lied to me. What if he wants to hurt me? Do you even care?”

  She cast her eyes down towards the concrete.

  “You’ve no idea what you’ve done. I can’t believe you took a job and then did this when you haven’t got a clue what he really wants. I’d never do this to anyone. Does Gary know you’ve done this? What would he do if he found out?”

  She looks up, eyes watery. “He’s got nothing to do with our friendship. Where are you staying if you aren’t at home?”

  “Why, you need to report back to him? You aren’t my friend. I’d say it’s a safe bet that you aren’t anyone’s friend. I’ll never get past that. You can stand here and look at me with those big eyes and act all innocent and cry all over me, it won’t help. I can’t ever get past what you did. I left my family for treating me like trash, you think I can’t walk away from you for this? What if he kills me?”

  Tears fall onto her cheeks. “Emily, you’re-”

  “Just stop. Get out of my site. Never call me again. I hope you and psycho are happy together.” I wave my fingers at her. “Bye.”

  Without a word, she walks away. Her heels click on the pavement as she heads to her car, wiping away tears.

  I stand outside in the sunshine for a few minutes, willing my boiling blood to cool a bit before I go back inside. Turning, I see Isaiah striding towards me on long legs, smiling under dark sunglasses as he crosses the parking lot. The sight of him, blonde hair shines in the sun, sets off butterflies in my stomach.

  “Hey, baby.” He grins.

  My stomach curls and uncurls. “Hey.”

  “Can you get away for lunch now?” He lifts his glasses and puts them on his head, showing off his pretty eyes.

  “Yes, I was just hoping that you would show up. Let me go inside and let them know.”

  A few minutes later, I’m settled into his front seat as we are pulling out of the parking lot.

  “Was that Caroline’s car?”

  “Yes,” I groan, then give him the full story.

  “Wow. She has guts trying to play that off. She didn’t admit it?”

  I shake my head, giving him my order as he pulls up. “Hell no. She didn’t deny it either. I can’t believe her.”

  “Well, money means more to some people that friendship. I’m sorry you had to find out that way.”

  He pulls up, pays for the food. The car is suddenly filled with the scent of burgers and fries. I open one of the bags and start eating fries.

  “Hey, woman, you want to share?”

  With a smile I feed him a wad of fries. Soft lips brush my fingertips, making me want to kiss him.

  The fries are gone by the time we get to the park. He pulls the back, parking by a bench under a big maple tree.

  After eating, I scoot over to him, thighs touching. He turns his head giving me a slow smile that gives me goose bumps. Taking my hand, he laces his fingers with mine, then presses his lips to the back of my hand.

  “I want to say thanks.” I look away from his smiling face and up to the tree.

  “For what, all the mind numbing sex?”

  I laugh, giving him a sideways grin. “No, for taking care of me and making me feel safe.”

  He leans close to my ear. “You’re welcome. So you don’t think it’s mind numbing?”

  I turn my head, finding his face so close to mine that I take in a sharp breath and forget to let it back out. “No, baby, it’s nuclear.”

  My lips are caught in a kiss. After a moment, I can’t stop myself from climbing into his lap, astraddle his thighs. He slides his hands up my thighs to my hips. I wrap my arms around his neck sighing against his lips.

  “We need to have more lunches like this.” The words are mumbled against my throat.

  I giggle. This guy, he makes me happy. I forget the world when I’m with him. Things like guys that won’t leave me alone and women that sell my friendship to the highest bidder.

  “As much as I hate to spoil this, I need to let you know I saw Noah at work before I left to come see you.”

  “What? Why? Why was he there?” My voice goes up an

  He tucks my hair behind my ear. The touch would normally sooth me, but I’m so surprised by what he’s just told me that I just blink instead of leaning into the warmth of his hand.

  “He was having lunch with my Sergeant. I don’t know how they know each other. She introduced him as her friend. I just happened to be in her office at the time. We’d just got back from a homicide scene.”

  I forget that he’s a real life detective sometimes. Going on calls and looking at dead bodies, being the guy that saves the day after some awful tragedy when he locks up the bad guy. No wonder he sits here looking so calm. I’m panicked inside, and he’s just gazing at me with copper colored eyes as if it’s nothing.

  My mind starts reeling. Everything that has happened over the last couple of weeks. It’s faded into the background because this blonde hottie I’m sitting on makes me feel human again. I forgot to be scared.

  This problem is far from solved.

  “Hey, take a breath,” he whispers. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, baby.”

  How can he be sure? Noah, whatever he is, whatever his problem is, he found Isaiah. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he finds me again, that is, if he was the one screwing around with me at home, if that’s even what was going on.

  “Isaiah, what if he’s dangerous?” My voice cracks.

  His eyes go serious. “I’m dangerous, too. He better not fuck with someone I care about.”

  There is an edge to his voice that tells me he means it. He cares about me, already. I sigh. I care about him too, more than I expected possible at this juncture in our relationship.

  “You care about me?”

  His eyes soften. He touches my face. “I do. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  I don’t see how he can make this promise. “You aren’t with me all the time. That’s not something you can guarantee.”

  He nods, blowing out a breath. “Then just know that I’ll do everything in my power to keep it from happening.”

  I stand up, He follows, pulling me into his arms. I bury my face in his chest and breathe in the scent of him.

  “I believe you.”

  “Come on, let me get you back to work.”

  Chapter Ten


  Lunch was uneventful, apart from never ending flirting that is. I guess old habits die hard. I got what I needed when she introduced me to this Penrose guy, so it all worked out without me having to ask her for anything.

  As soon as I leave the restaurant I dial my private detective’s number and put him to work.

  I need to be near Emily. My palms start to sweat as I speed towards her house. Even if it’s just her things, her dog, the scent of her on the pillow or the feel of silky underthings slipping between my fingers.

  I park two streets over this time, imagining how pleased she will be when she sees all the clothes that I’ve bought for her. The sexy under things and beautiful clothes in luxurious fabrics that will caress her perfect skin.

  Only the best for my angel.

  The key is right where I left it, it always is. I smile as I wipe the dirt off and put it in the lock.

  I’ll have to water this plant, she seems to have forgotten it again.

  The key slides in roughly. I turn it, nothing happens. No click.

  Furrowing my brow, I try again. The door won’t open.

  That’s when I notice it. Shiny new locks. Fuck. The key falls from my hand. I try the knob again.

  Going around the house, I try each door, each window. By the time I make it back to the back door, I’m shaking.

  She’s locked me out. I can’t get inside.

  I can’t catch her scent in the bed and be close to her.

  I can’t check my camera’s positions and take care of her dog.

  Pushing my hands into my hair, I grab two fists full to keep from screaming. I’m so angry that my vision blurs and my head spins as my blood pressure rises.

  I have to get inside.

  Emily’s been bad this time. This is going too far.

  I cross the yard on swift legs, calling Julie.


  Julie meets me about a mile away from the CVS with a smile.

  “You know, I can get your keys out of your car for you. I have a Slim Jim.” She smiles as she shuts the door on her patrol car.

  I laugh. “Hell no, I don’t want you messing up something in my car with that thing. My girlfriend has keys, just take me down there.”

  She shakes her head.

  “If you insist, come on.”

  A few minutes later, I pull my phone out of my pocket as she is pulling into the parking lot.

  “Shit!” I open up a text, or at least, that’s what I want it to look like. “I have to make a phone call. Do you mind running in? Her name is Emily, she’s the pharmacist. Just tell her that her boyfriend locked his keys in his car and needs to borrow hers. That way I can get the spare.” I doubt Emily would put it together that a cop can get into a car without keys. Like Julie, he’d likely just use a Slim Jim.

  It’s a risk, but I’m desperate.

  I dial frantically.

  Julie rolls her eyes at me. “I guess so. What’s the big emergency?”

  “May have just lost a million dollar deal. I have to deal with this. I need to get back to my office.”

  She nods and gets out as I dial.

  When she comes out, I appear to be just hanging up. She plops down in the driver’s seat, tossing the keys in my lap.

  “She said don’t forget to bring them back.”

  Well, that was easy. Thank God.

  “Of course. Thank you!”

  It doesn’t take but a few minutes to get the keys copied. I’m able to sneak in and leave the keys with a cashier, telling them that I had to run.

  I’ll have no problems getting into her house now.

  Now that this problem has been dealt with, I can deal with other things.

  Emily has been bad. Time for her to be punished.



  Emily hasn’t heard from Noah in over a week now. I can see the hope in her eyes when I look at her. She’s thinking that it might be over. Nothing strange has happened, Caroline stopped calling. He isn’t showing up at her work.

  I hope she’s right, but in my gut I know that it never happens that way.

  Twice in the last two days she’s brought up going home, and I guess it’s the look on my face, because she looks at me and then drops it.

  It’s been almost two weeks with her here, playing house with me and I’m addicted. I don’t want her to go home. Forget this crazy guy, this is about me.

  I want her to stay with me.

  I want to keep curling into her body at night.

  I want to walk by the bathroom and smile because I hear her singing in the shower.

  Seeing her in the kitchen, or playing with her dog.

  It’s insane, I know this. No one has to tell me. I’m losing it for her, aching inside when I think of her packing up and going back home, splitting whatever this is up for a slower relationship.

  Screw slow. I want her, all of her, now.

  With a groan I try to think about something else as I walk down the hall. I hear the shower turn on and smile. The distinct sound of the shower door closing.

  I open the bathroom door, it’s already starting to steam up. She wipes fog off the door and sees me just as I pull off my shirt.

  Her teeth sink into her lip making me smile.

  I watch her watching me through the glass as I open my pants, strip down and kick my clothes aside. She invites me in with an open door.

  Water drips over her naked body, drawing my eyes as she turns and looks up at me with eyes that are growing darker with want.

  “Hi.” Her voice is breathy.

  “Hi.” I smile back, reaching behind her for the shampoo.

  I motion for her to turn around and she grins at me as I fill my hand with fragrant shampoo and wor
k it slowly into her hair. I massage her head with my fingertips, drawing a pleasant sigh as I caress her head. Her foamy hair slipping in and out of my fingers.

  Slipping my lubed up fingers down her neck, she moves into the touch.

  “Turn,” I order.

  She does. Arching to rinse her hair out, she watches me with bedroom eyes as I reach for conditioner. Her bare breast brush my chest, sending want that makes my blood thick into my veins.

  “I want you to stay until this is over.”

  For a moment she watches my face, then turns to let me condition her hair.

  “I can’t stay here forever.”

  I slide my hands over her bare shoulders, down her arms. She takes in a breath as move to the curve of her breasts, lingering slowly.

  “I know, but I’m not sure this is over.”

  I stop touching her just long enough to put body wash into my palms and touch her again. Slipping my hands over her breasts, stomach, arms and back. I touch her ass, moving around her hips. She turns to face me as I crouch to lather up her thighs.

  She watches me with parted lips as I slip my hand between her legs, her head falling back as I touch her slowly and deliberately.

  “Stay with me.” I ask roughly as I stand, moving my fingers.

  “It’s not fair for you to ask when you’re doing that,” she pants.

  I smile, gently pushing her against the wall. “You’re beautiful when you’re turned on.”

  She grips my shoulders, gasping.

  I lean in, whispering in her ear. “Baby, tell me you’ll stay.”

  God I want her. I drag my parted lips over her shoulder, tasting the heat of the water coming off her skin while her hands move over my body.

  “Isaiah.” My name comes out as a whimper as I nip at her neck, her ear, shifting positions so that I can hold her where I need her to push inside her.

  She watches me love her with eyes half open, but emotions lingering as if they were wide. Our wet bodies slide easily. I growl her name and bite her lips gently as she clutches at my arms and back, each movement pushing us closer and closer towards the precipice.

  As steam swirls around us, hot water pours into my face, I make rapid love to her against the stone wall of the shower. Her groans and breathy pleads pushing me faster and deeper into her.


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