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Enraptured: Immortal Chronicles Book IV

Page 9

by Britt, Samantha

  “I am sorry, too. If I had done my job and protected you, Henry would have been unable to obtain you and none of this would have happened.” He dipped his head down in shame and regret.

  Darcie could scarcely believe his words. “What are you talking about? None of this is your fault.”

  “It was my job to protect you. I failed, and both you and Bella suffered for it.”

  “Gregory,” she reached out and grabbed his cool hand. “No one could have known Henry was a traitor, nor did anyone suspect Bella’s involvement with Adir. Please, do not take the blame for something that was completely out of your control.”

  Gregory said nothing as he stared at their combined hands. A tortured expression marred his handsome face.

  Darcie wanted nothing more than to distract her friend from his despair. She blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Do you want to dance?”

  He looked up, surprised. “What?”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and gestured towards the dancing couples in the center of the room. “Do you want to dance?”

  For a moment, Darcie thought he would turn her down. His gaze shifted between her and the twirling bodies on the dance floor. He appeared uninterested. She parted her lips to retract the offer, but he interrupted her with his answer.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  Not willing to allow him time to change his mind, Darcie rose from her chair. She stepped to the side and gently pulled the long fabric behind her, careful to not snag it on the chair leg. She turned towards Gregory as he was finishing up surveying her body.

  When he noticed her attention, he snapped his eyes up to her face. She tried not to grin when his cheeks tinged pink. Gregory was the only vampire she had seen blush.

  Darcie accepted her friend’s arm. They moved to the center of the ballroom. She half-heartedly tried to find Alex, but was not alarmed when she didn’t see him. Darcie suspected he might be searching for the book of magic they’d come for, but she still planned on giving him an earful for not telling her when he left. She was lucky Gregory showed up, or she might be sitting alone at a party overflowing with vampires.

  They arrived on the dance floor just as the musicians in the balcony switched songs. Gregory extended his arm and swung her in a half-circle before bringing her back into his hold. Darcie was unfamiliar with the dance; Bella had not taught her the number when she prepared her for the immortals’ ball. She contemplated suggesting they wait until the next dance, but her worries proved unnecessary as Gregory began leading them.

  Her friend’s strides were full of confidence and strength. His hand on her hip gently guided her to where he wanted her to go. Darcie was grateful for his skill. Otherwise, she would have made a fool of herself.

  “You dance really well.”

  Gregory smiled. “You sound surprised.”

  She grinned. “I am. But don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad. I’d be hopping around like an idiot if you weren’t my partner.”

  They both chuckled. Gregory swiftly spun them towards the left just as another couple brushed past them. The strangers had not been looking where they were going and nearly collided with them. They watched the retreating couple continue on their unchecked path. The pair bumped into more than one couple, earning several contemptuous glares as they moved on.

  A faint sensation brushed against her cheek. Darcie turned and looked at Gregory. He wore an odd expression, but he quickly cleared it. She tilted her head to the side and observed him, but Gregory’s face told her nothing. She chose to not think anything of it, convincing herself it was nothing.

  “How are the others handling the loss?” she asked, careful to not use names on the crowded dance floor.

  Gregory knew exactly what she meant. “The family is mourning but recovering.”

  Darcie lowered her head and stared at his chest. She longed to ask for specifics, but knew it would have to wait. “I wish I were with them.”

  “Soon.” Gregory gently squeezed the hand he held.

  Choked up, all she could do was nod. Darcie had yet to mourn the loss of her dear friend. A part of her had wanted to wait until she was reunited with the other members of the immortal family, but it wasn’t until that moment she realized waiting might not have been the healthiest option.

  The music died down with the end of the song. They stopped dancing, but Gregory did not release Darcie. He opened his mouth to speak but promptly closed it. He tried again a few seconds later, but the attempt had the same result.

  “Gregory?” Concern filled her voice. “What is it?”

  Her friend looked uncertain. His eyes observed her, looking for some unknown piece of information. They were interrupted before he found what he searched for.


  The pair looked to the source of the sound. Every single thought flew out of Darcie’s head as she took in the man standing beside her.

  The tell-tale black hair revealed him to be a vampire. Instead of blue eyes, his were a dark forest green. His build was muscular, more so than any of the other vampires she had encountered. All of those things were noteworthy, but it was the man’s charming smile which left Darcie speechless.

  He was, by far, the most attractive man she had ever seen. Considering she had been surrounding by nothing but good-looking men, the statement meant something.

  Gregory dropped her hands the moment he identified the newcomer. Darcie turned and looked at her friend, wondering at his rigid posture.

  “May I have the next dance?”

  He has a British accent. Darcie nearly swooned.

  She looked back at the stranger and blinked when she realized he spoke to her. “I’m sorry?”

  His smile grew. “I was wondering if I might claim the next dance. If your companion does not mind, that is.” The stranger turned his attention to Gregory.

  To Darcie’s shock, her friend bowed to the man and mumbled, “Of course.”

  Before she knew what was happening, her hand had been taken by the unfamiliar vampire. She watched Gregory move to the edge of the dance floor. Crossing his arms, he posted himself in a wide stance and watched her.

  Rather, he watched the vampire beside her. Gregory’s gaze was nothing short of hostile, leaving Darcie to wonder why in the world her friend would agree to let the stranger have a dance.

  “Shall we?” The gorgeous specimen drew her thoughts away from Gregory.

  As she looked at him, she began to feel nervous. He really was the most handsome man she’d ever seen.

  Impressively, Darcie found her voice. “Sure.”

  In an instant, she was in his arms. Her body pressed against his, and she felt his abdominal muscles against her torso. Her right hand was trapped in his left, while her left hand rested against his sculpted bicep. She inhaled deeply, attempting to control her flustered reaction to their closeness.

  They started to move. The stranger maneuvered his large frame with grace, guiding Darcie with him. Wanting to escape her partner’s intense gaze, she dropped her chin and looked over his shoulder. The sight which greeted her was anything but favorable.

  Both the dancers and bystanders around them looked at the couple with dismay. Men and women wore matching masks of disapproval, some accompanied with extreme agitation. A few even straight-up glared at her when their eyes met.

  What did I do?

  “So,” her partner distracted her wondering thoughts. “May I know the name of the most beautiful creature in the room?” Darcie resisted the urge to point out that he was the most beautiful creature in the room. Again, she turned away from his gaze.

  Knowing she shouldn’t give the vampire her real name, she blurted out the first one that came to mind, “Jennifer.”

  Darcie wanted to take it back immediately. Apparently, her mother spent some time around the vampires in England. There was a chance her dance partner had encountered the witch and might notice a resemblance between the two. The fear spiked with the vampire’s reply.
r />   “How fitting.” His eyes illuminated. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  The hand on her back applied slight pressure, bringing them even closer together. Darcie stumbled, flustered by how close they were. He stabilized her with ease. The full force of his breathtaking smile assaulted her. Darcie could not look away.

  “Don’t worry.” His breath caressed her ear as he leaned down to whisper. “I’ve got you.”

  Her nerves fired electric impulses. Every single cell reacted to his words. They were thrilled by his touch and attention. She felt moments away from losing her head.

  “Who did you come here with, love?”

  Darcie’s brain felt foggy. It took an extra second to realize what he asked. “King Alexander,” she answered without hesitation.

  Her partner was surprised. A thick brow rose as he asked, “Is that so?” He frowned and added, “Do you belong to him?”

  It was an unusual question. Ordinarily, it would have angered Darcie to hear herself discussed as if she were property. For some reason, however, she knew the stranger did not mean it as an insult.

  “No,” she responded. “I do not belong to him.”

  I belong with Des.

  His smile returned. “Good. Care for another dance?”

  Before she could muster a response, the dangerously handsome vampire proceeded to swing her around to the tune of another song.


  Darcie lost track of how long they danced. Song after song ended, yet her partner never led them off of the dance floor. Their action had garnered practically everyone’s attention, but no one dared say a word to them. Not even Gregory ventured to interrupt their endless stream of dances. Though, her friend had not left his guard post on the edge of the dance floor.

  This man must be someone important… or someone to be feared.

  Her last thought seemed unlikely.

  Was the vampire in front of her intimidating?


  Was he scary?

  Not in the least.

  Darcie acknowledged her perception might be skewed. After all, she had been the subject of his admiring gaze and flirtatious comments for the better part of at least half an hour.

  Needing respite from his attentive stare, she rotated her neck and looked around them. The other couples returned to the dance floor but gave them a wide berth. The men she observed gave her curious glances, while the women glared. They were not fans of hers.

  As her partner guided Darcie through another turn, her attention landed on the raised dais in the back center of the ballroom. Victor remained in the ornate chair, but he no longer lounged in relaxation. Rather, he sat with his body leaning forward. His elbows rested on his knees. His focus rested on Darcie and her partner.

  She inhaled sharply. He smirked, having heard her reaction. The vampire holding her spun them again, breaking her sight of the host. Her body instantly relaxed. Victor had an eerie intensity. Darcie avoided looking at the dais. She did not want to be caught in his gaze again.

  “Are you alright?” Her partner noticed her change in behavior.

  “I’m fine.”

  He didn’t believe her. “I think a refreshment is in order. Come.” Without waiting for the song to end, he stopped their dance and escorted her off the dance floor. Though they walked directly in the path of oncoming dancers, all of the couples swiftly moved out of the way.

  The vampire guided her towards a table covered with crystal-stemmed glasses. They were arranged neatly and half-filled with a thick, red liquid. Darcie tried not to gag.

  Before she could make an excuse to walk away, her escort moved past the nauseating table towards a long bar she had not seen. The vampire freed her arm as he spoke to the man behind the counter, ordering two glasses of white wine.

  He turned and handed one to her, clinking his glass against hers. “To you, Jennifer. The most magnificent creature I have ever beheld.”

  She resisted the urge to scoff. He sure was laying it on thick. She raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. The vampire watched her mouth with interest. His nostrils flared when she licked her lips to catch the lingering wine.

  She gulped. She needed to distract him… fast.

  “I don’t think you ever told me your name,” she said, taking another sip.

  His charming smile returned. “Where are my manners? Forgive me.” He turned his body towards her and bent into a low bow. “My name is Brian George Wilson Rothschild, but you may call me Brian.”

  “Nice to meet you, Brian.” She curtsied the way Bella taught her.

  He straightened, his mouth widening even further. “It is nice to meet you, little immortal.”

  Darcie stiffened. He laughed at her reaction. “Did you think I did not know?” He made the question sound ridiculous.

  She decided she would play it off. With a shrug, she said, “I hoped to blend in more. Many have said I appear human.”

  “My dear,” Brian mock chastised. “I shall not hear you speak of yourself so poorly. Trust me when I say, there is absolutely nothing human about you.”

  Darcie knew he intended the words as reassurance, but they only made her sad. Had she really lost her human traits? Was she so far removed from her previous life? A familiar ache pressed against her chest.

  Brian continued, unaware of her internal distress, “Besides, I make it my business to become acquainted with all of the loveliest vampires. With that option ruled out, I knew you could only be one other thing.”

  Darcie nodded absentmindedly. She barely heard what he was saying.

  “Tell me,” he began. “Of what line do you come from?”

  She looked back at him. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Your lineage,” he explained patiently. “Of what immortal line are you from?” Darcie understood, but she struggled with her answer.

  If she claimed Charmian, Brian might begin to suspect her true identity. If she claimed Eros, however, she might be asked questions about her past that she would be unable to answer.

  She had no choice but to take the risk. “Eros.”

  “Of course,” Brian’s eyes traveled over her. “I should have guessed. Eros’ children are always exquisite.”

  Darcie looked away. She observed the couples dancing before letting her gaze move to the hallway extending from the back of the room. She believed she saw portraits hanging on the walls. She attempted to use her enhanced vision to see details, but was interrupted when Brian stepped into her line of sight.

  “It is becoming rather crowded in here,” he stated. “Would you like a tour?”

  Honestly, the offer was appealing. Darcie was tired of being stared at. She nodded enthusiastically.

  Brian extended his arm. Darcie would have preferred to decline the gesture, but she knew it would be considered rude. She reached out and placed her hand around the elbow, keeping as much distance between them as possible while they walked out of the ballroom.

  They progressed slowly down the hallway. Brian allowed Darcie time to admire the oil paintings without a word. He knew when to stop walking and when it was okay to move on. It took a few moments for Darcie to pick up on his attentiveness. She shot him a questioning look, but he merely smiled in return. She sipped on the glass she carried with her and turned away.

  In the distance, two tall rectangular doors stood open. Darcie watched guests stroll in and out at normal intervals. “What is in there?”

  “The library. Care to take a look?”

  “Sure,” Darcie replied in a calm voice even though her pulse spiked. The library seemed like the perfect place to look for an ancient book.

  Sure, it would be an obvious place to store a valuable book, but Alex was off somewhere searching the not-so-obvious places. The least Darcie could do was scope out the popular area. She might get lucky and find what they were looking for.

  The musty odor of paper and leather filled the air. Several people mulled about the library. They scanned the titles on the she
lves and held conversations. Hardly anyone looked to the entryway as Brian and Darcie moved into the room. It was a huge relief.

  Brian walked towards the right side of the room. Numerous glass cases were positioned in the space. Darcie dropped Brian’s arm as she leaned over to peer into one. The secure box held within it first editions by various authors. She knew none of the books could be the one she searched for, but Darcie realized she had absolutely no idea of what the book might look like.

  Was it big or small? What color was the cover? She knew nothing about it and kicked herself for not asking Alex for more information.

  “Are you alright?” Brian asked, placing a concerned hand against her lower back. “You look pale.”

  “I’m fine.” She did her best to don a convincing smile.

  Movement near the doors drew her attention. She released a sigh of relief when she saw Gregory stroll into the room. He met her gaze and gave her a quick wink before looking away. He was there to make sure she was okay. As always.

  Deciding she would try to use her time wisely despite her lack of knowledge, Darcie walked towards one of many bookshelves and began looking for the book of magic. Brian matched her every step and began making polite conversation.

  “I take it you do not reside in Europe,” he stated.

  Darcie had pulled down a thick volume and was looking at its table of contents. His observation made her glance up. “I live in America.”

  “With family?”

  She put the book back on the shelf, retrieved her glass from the wooden table at her hip, and moved on. “Yes.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Family is nice to have around.”

  Darcie hummed in agreement. She observed another book at eye-level. It was much smaller than the last one.

  Brian was undeterred by her short responses. “Is your community highly populated?”

  What a weird thing to ask.

  “No,” she answered. “My home is in a small town.”

  “Wonderful,” he grinned. “I am fond of small towns.”


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