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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 217

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Hearing this, Liu Erlong couldn’t help revealing some grief. Even though Grandmaster no longer ran from her feelings, and the two treated each other like husband and wife, Grandmaster never agreed to be too intimate. That relationship of siblings always stretched between them. Fortunately, even though it was in name only, it was still enough to console Liu Erlong’s heart.


  For the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament finals, Spirit City had specially opened up a specific area. This area was in the heart of Spirit City. The enormous stage was more than a hundred meters across, made completely out of granite.

  This enormous stage was still reinforced with an enormous amount of spirit tools to prevent damage. According to Spirit Hall’s information, this ring could take any attack from Spirit Masters under the Spirit Emperor level without taking damage.

  Only an organization as rich and imposing as Spirit Hall could do something like this, at least the two great empires would hate to part with such enormous resources.

  In front of this stage was Supreme Pontiff Palace, the distance from here to the hill where the Palace was located was less than a kilometer. Spirit Hall had already announced that the finals between the last three powers would take place just in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace.

  At that time, the Supreme Pontiff would appear personally to crown the final champions.

  To any Spirit Master, this was an incomparable glory.

  At first light, all the competing teams were led to the competition area by special guides from Spirit Hall. Each academy had their own rest area, constructed around the ring. On the opposite side of Supreme Pontiff Palace was the VIP judges’ seating, where the people from the two great empires would observe the battles. Of course, there were still intermediaries from Spirit Hall.

  Just as they arrived, without pause, Flender was called up to draw lots.

  * * *

  [1] (比比东) “Compare East”

  Chapter 122: Star Luo Imperial Academy Team

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  The first round draw was undoubtedly extremely important. If one could draw a relatively weak opponent, it would be quite an advantage for any team.

  Especially to a team like Shrek Academy that would skip the second round. If they could have an easy win in the first round, then they could preserve their energy to unleash it in the third round of the competition. The true contest started from the third round on.

  Flender returned very soon, his expression clearly very good, a smile on his face. Seeing his enormously self satisfied appearance, there was no need to ask, this draw was naturally very good.

  Suddenly, Flender’s face turned blank, saying to everyone:

  “I have one piece of bad news, and one piece of good news. Which do you want first?”

  Everyone stared blankly, and Dai Mubai said:

  “Then tell us the bad news first.”

  Flender lowered his voice:

  “The bad news is, your first round opponent is Blazing Academy.”

  “Blazing Academy?”

  Everyone indeed frowned. Blazing Academy had been researching methods to deal with Tang San as well as the other students over the fortieth rank ever since the ranking competition. They were already one of the strongest teams on the Heaven Dou Empire side. They weren’t much behind even Godwind Academy.

  In the ranking competition it might have looked like an easy win for Shrek Academy, but in the qualifiers they had still suffered a bit.

  Of course, Blazing Academy wasn’t enough to block their progress, but encountering such a standard of powerful teams in the first round, still counted as a bad draw.

  Tang San couldn’t help saying:

  “Why are we running into them in every competition, it’s too kharmic.”

  Grandmaster said without batting an eyelid:

  “Flender. Then what’s the good news?”

  Flender grinned,

  “The good news is, Blazing Academy has given up on the finals, they voluntarily forfeited.”

  囧...... was the face everyone made.

  Liu Erlong said:

  “Blazing Academy spent a lot of effort to fight their way into the finals, why would they suddenly forfeit?”

  Flender spread his hands, saying:

  “Don’t ask me. I don’t know either. It was announced suddenly. But no matter what is said, it’s still a great opportunity for us. We’re skipping the first two rounds.”

  Ning Rongrong giggled.

  “That’s right. We’ve still entered the top ten without a fight.”

  Flender said:

  “The competition will start right away. You all watch your opponents carefully. This is an elimination competition, hiding your strength isn’t easy. The biggest advantage of skipping the first two rounds isn’t not fighting, but rather being able to grasp our opponents’ strength even better. The ones able to enter the third round won’t be weaklings, at least not below Blazing Academy’s level.”

  The finals didn’t have a big opening ceremony as expected, everything was very simple. One of Spirit Hall’s cardinals went up on stage and declared the start of the finals, simultaneously declaring the list of the battling teams. Conducted by referees specially selected by Spirit Hall, the competition began.

  The two sides in the first round weren’t particularly powerful, and the Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help whispering among themselves in the rest area.

  Oscar said:

  “These finals don’t appear to be as grand as the qualifiers. There isn’t even an opening ceremony. There are also pitifully few spectators, at most a few thousand.”

  Tang San said:

  “Even though there are only a few thousand, don’t forget that they’re all Spirit Masters. Moreover, the overwhelming majority should be Spirit Masters belonging to Spirit Hall.”

  Spirit Hall should have their reasons for not permitting ordinary people to watch the battles. Didn’t the teachers say that the finals between the final three powers would be held in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. That was the true climax of the competition. The present dullness was very possibly to prepare for then.

  The first match finished very quickly, the second match was Godwind Academy against Star Luo Empire’s Dragon Sunflower Academy.


  As the Shrek Academy group saw Godwind Academy’s formation, they couldn’t help standing up in shock.

  The center of Godwind Academy’s formation had shockingly changed four people, and these for people were unexpectedly from Blazing Academy.

  The more than a dozen academies on Star Luo Empire’s side didn’t react, but Heaven Dou Empire’s side exploded. How were Blazing Academy’s team members now in Godwind Academy?

  Grandmaster’s brows wrinkled tightly, and Flender couldn’t keep from saying:

  “What’s going on here? I’ll go ask the organizational committee.”

  Finished speaking, he immediately left with quick steps.

  The uproar below didn’t affect the match above. With Huo Wu commanding from the rear, and Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang standing furthest in front, when they suddenly revealed all their spirit rings, the opponents couldn’t help feeling ice cold.

  No need to doubt it, the seven people representing Godwind ACademy were all Spirit Ancestors above fortieth rank. The entire match was practically a one-sided massacre. Huo Wu didn’t even have to use Defying Flame Ring.

  Dai Mubai asked Grandmaster:

  “Wasn’t it said that participating teams can’t change out team members?”

  Grandmaster’s eyes suddenly brightened,

  “They should be exploiting a loophole. Participating teams can’t change out members, but this doesn’t mean that academies can’t exchange members that are already signed up. This part isn’t explicitly prohibited. Huo Wu’s several team members were originally on the list of people participating in the finals. As long as Spirit Hall agreed, it’s not impossible for
them to change academies.”

  Xiao Wu said:

  “Then couldn’t we do it too?”

  Grandmaster shook his head,

  “Too late. The competition has already started, the final quota of members participating in the finals of each team has already been set. Moreover they will all compete today, after competing it will already be too late to change academies again. Even more, which academy would give up their own chances in the finals? Blazing Academy has bet a lot this time, I don’t know what they did to have Spirit Hall be so accomodating.”

  In a while, Flender returned with a gloomy face. The answer Spirit Hall gave was very simple: As long as it was within the bounds of the rules, the committee wouldn’t interfere.

  Even though the two great academies had turned into one, they had after all given up one place in the finals. In some sense, Shrek Academy was still the beneficiary.

  Shrek Academy weren’t alone in protesting. A lot of academies on the Heaven Dou Empire side protested equally, but they also finally experienced Spirit Hall’s unyieldingness for the first time. Spirit Hall only gave one answer: If you don’t want to participate, you can leave. The committee will be absolutely impartial.

  Heaven Dou Empire’s official didn’t weigh in. After all, Godwind Academy was still on Heaven Dou Empire’s side even after strengthening, if they could obtain a good record, it wouldn’t be a bad thing for Heaven Dou Empire.

  Right now the relationship between the two great empires and Spirit Hall was still harmonious at least on the surface. They definitely wouldn’t offend Spirit Hall for such a trivial matter.

  The first two rounds finished very quickly, and the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament was refined to ten powers.

  The third round was on the verge of starting, and it was Godwind Academy and Star Luo Empire’s second ranked team’s turn to sit out. Shrek Academy also welcomed their first battle in the finals.

  If saying that nothing unexpected happened in the first two rounds, then after the lots were drawn for the third round, the atmosphere in the finals abruptly became tense.

  Shrek Academy had apparently already exhausted their luck in the first two rounds. Their opponents for the third round was Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy. It was also the team selected by Star Luo Empire to be among the three seeds.

  However, this still wasn’t what drew the most attention. Another match was even more shocking, Spirit Hall Advanced Spirit Master Academy versus Heaven Dou Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

  From the side, the collision of two seeds apparently proved the impartiality of the finals.

  Without a doubt, these two matches were of the highest priority.

  There was still an hour before the start of the competition, the top ten teams had already entered the grounds to conduct their preparation and warm up before the start.

  “Boss Dai, what is it?”

  Ma Hongjun somewhat puzzled asked. Ever since learning the results of the draw, Dai Mubai had seemed extremely gloomy, not saying a word on the whole way from the residence to the competition grounds. Entirely different from his usual appearance.

  Tang San had naturally also seen that Dai Mubai’s mood was abnormal, but his perception was different from Ma Hongjun’s. Even though Dai Mubai was taciturn, Tang San could still sense that he was preparing for something.

  Erupting from silence, or withering in silence. Dai Mubai’s nature was undoubtedly the former. The fighting spirit he was accumulating inside had apparently already reached its peak.

  Not only Dai Mubai was in an abnormal mood, but also Zhu Zhuqing. But Zhu Zhuqing’s expression was different from Dai Mubai’s, those ordinarily ice cold eyes were right now brimming with agitation.

  Dai Mubai didn’t reply to Ma Hongjun, but Zhu Zhuqing stood up, bending her waist to bow to everyone.

  “Zhuqing, why are you doing this?”

  Grandmaster’s brows furrowed.

  Zhu Zhuqing gave Dai Mubai a look,

  “In this match, we must win. This is the only chance for me and Mubai.”

  Oscar asked:

  “What’s going on? Don’t tell me you have some personal enemies in that Star Luo Imperial Academy?”

  Zhu Zhuqing shook her head, saying:

  “No. This is an internal clan struggle. Me and Mubai are from Star Luo Empire. We each belong to two great families. The relationship between our two clans is extremely close. There’s a custom of connecting by marriage. Within the clans, only the most outstanding people can become future heirs. Me and Mubai aren’t the first children of our clans. My elder sister and Mubai’s elder brother have been betrothed since childhood, and me and Mubai are the same.”

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Us four are each the most outstanding children of our respective clans. Mubai and I, the reason we came to Heaven Dou Empire, was in order to increase our strength. This Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament was one chance our clans gave us. Since we aren’t the first children, our chances of inheriting are very small. If we can defeat our older siblings, we have the qualifications to inherit.”

  Tang San said:

  “You’re saying, your older siblings are in the Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy team?”

  Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently,

  “Originally, I thought we didn’t have any hope. But, as I came to Shrek Academy, when I met all of you, I suddenly realized that, with your help, we have a chance of victory.”

  Xiao Wu couldn’t help saying:

  “Is authority really so important? Even if you can inherit your clans, will you really be happy?”

  Zhu Zhuqing laughed bitterly,

  “It would be nice if it really was that simple. Do you really think that we regard authority as so important? No, we don’t. Our clans both have extremely special rules. In order to make the future clan heirs even more outstanding, after choosing the children to compete, they will foster these children to treat each other as personal enemies. The winner can admittedly inherit the clan, but the loser will be extremely miserable. In order to to prevent internal strife, the loser will be directly erased. Therefore, we’re not only fighting for authority, but at the same time also for our lives.”

  Saying this, Zhu Zhuqing’s mood clearly became agitated,

  “Do you know why I’m always so cold to Mubai? It’s because I’ve always maintained the certainty that I will die at twenty five. Even to the extent that I won’t reach that age. Mubai’s brother is six years older than him, he has the advantage in both intelligence, wisdom and strength. My sister is also seven years older than me. In competing with them, we practically don’t have any effect. Therefore, after Mubai came to Heaven Dou Empire, he chose to fall into depravity, loitering among women. With him like this, how could we have a chance to live? I was angry that he wasn’t fighting.”

  Dai Mubai finally spoke up,

  “Fight? Fight how? Brother is six years older than me. He’s practically the certain candidate for clan successor. Choosing me as backup was only to give my brother more pressure and propulsion. Until two years ago, when I saw little San, you, Xiao Wu and Rongrong entering the academy, I finally found hope. The clan gave me until the age of twenty five. Besides intellectual level, this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament is a test of my strength. Me and Zhuqing have to prevail over our older siblings while they’re participating in the tournament. They’re both almost twenty five. This match is our only chance. If we lose, then we have to find some other respect to doubly surpass them to possibly gain approval. But when they’ve obtained a lot more backing than us, that’s practically impossible. I hate my clan, but, for Zhuqing, I still won’t go back to running away. In today’s fight, even if I die, I still won’t lose.”

  Evil eyes blood red, the atmosphere suddenly becoming oppressive. Nobody had thought that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing would have such enormous pressure and background behind them.
That was a threat to their lives.

  Tang San extended his right hand, looking into Dai Mubai’s blood red evil eyes, spitting out two words:

  “Certain victory.”

  Oscar followed immediately after, placing his right on Tang San’s. Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong one after another did the same. When Zhu Zhuqing and Dia Mubai’s right hands also folded over theirs, the seven practically simultaneously roared,

  “Certain victory.”

  So far in the tournament, the Shrek Seven Devils had still never gone up at the same time. As their complete formation appeared on the stage, the remaining several Spirit Master teams on the Heaven Dou Empire side couldn’t help freezing.

  Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian stood together, they had both guessed that Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun would appear, but they hadn’t anticipated Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

  Even though Ning Rongrong had acted when the bandits attacked, the scene at that time was in chaos, and not many people noticed her.

  But there had still been some omens about her. After all, at that time she had thrown herself into her father’s arms, proving she was from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  But people couldn’t comprehend Oscar, since the start of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament until now, he had never appeared on stage. As he now leisurely followed next to the others to appear on the stage, shocked Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian’s group enormously.

  Could it be that this was Shrek Academy’s hidden expert? Always quietly waiting to appear.

  Led by Dai Mubai, the Shrek Seven Devils stood in a line, quietly standing on the stage. Dai Mubai’s evil eyes were unprecedentedly serious, quietly looking straight ahead.

  On the other side of the stage, seven people were equally slowly walking up. As Dai Mubai saw that person walking furthest ahead on the other side, he couldn’t keep his eyes from shining brilliantly.

  Tang San had also taken note of that person on the other side. Long golden hair draped over his shoulders and back, his face with a lazy expression, a pair of pupils with a purple luster, but not really double pupils. His appearance resembled Dai Mubai to at least seventy percent, only his stature was even taller than Dai Mubai. Even though it was very casual, that smile of his still expressed a superior attitude.


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