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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 542

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Success. Tang San showed a smile, then floated back ten meters.

  Oscar slowly opened his eyes, his pupils now had a gem-like luster they didn’t have before, and the presence he emanated slowly dwindled, one spirit ring after another blended into his body, transforming into a calm and gentle presence. He was even more handsome than before. Having reached Title Douluo, not only had his strength advanced another level, even his energies had transformed.

  Just as Tang San thought Oscar’s ninth spirit ring formation was over, suddenly, a pink ray of light appeared out of nowhere in the sky, falling on Oscar. That light was extremely fast, and Tang San as Seagod had no chance of stopping it without warning. The pink light directly drilled into Oscar’s forehead, and his expression visibly froze. He seemed as motionless as a statue.

  “Not good.”

  Tang San was shocked, if there was a problem with his comrades’ advancement under his protection, how could he explain it to the others. He arrived next to Oscar in a blur, and surging golden blue light instantly enveloped him, and Tan San also directly placed his hand on Oscar’s forehead.

  But, agaisnt all expectaions, as Tang San used his divine sense to examine Oscar, even after a while he didn’t discover anything untoward. Frowning, Tang San couldn’t help looking toward where that pink light appeared in the sky before.

  Oscar had now already returned to his senses, his dull eyes once again becoming expressive, but now he was completely locked down by Tang San’s Seagod power and unable to budge.

  Tang San withdrew a portion of his divine power, but still used his divine sense to check on Oscar, in order to avoid any accidents. But at the same time he also removed the fetters on Oscar.

  “Little Ao, are you fine?”

  Tang San asked concerned.

  Oscar stood sharply, suddenly laughing out loud,

  “I’m fine, I couldn’t be better. Little San, between us brothers, big brother won’t say any thanks.”

  Tang San relaxed, Oscar was alright,

  “Just now a ray of pink light appeared from the sky after you absorbed your ninth spirit rings and entered your forehead, did you sense anything?”

  Oscar grinned, showing a mysterious expression,

  “Brother, this is my just rewards.”

  “Huh? What’s that mean?”

  Tang San asked curiously. Ever since becoming Seagod he felt like he controlled everything, but what happened just now was outside his control, so how could he not be curious?

  Oscar lowered his voice:

  “Just as I absorbed the ninth spirit ring, that hundred thousand year spirit ring made me feel my strength shooting up, that really was marvellous. It’s the first time i felt such absolute power. My spirit power should have reached rank ninety two, absorbing your Seagod power really was effective! It might be more effective on the others, after all, they should absorb a bit more. Then I felt a warm stream enter my forehead, and a very gentle voice echoed in my mind. He said that by becoming a food type Title Douluo, before age forty, I have the potential to inherit his divinity. I have to cultivate my spirit power to rank ninety nine, to naturally start the next step of the inheritance.”

  Tang San stared,

  “Divinity? That pink light was a god sending you information? This……”

  Tang San really couldn’t comprehend it, regardless of how he inherited the Seagod, Qian Renxue inherited the God of Angels, or his great grandfather worked for years to inherit the Asura God, all of it was based on divine sense left in the world, and they all triggered trials. But now that pink light dropped in on its own accord. That was a bit different from the circumstances he was familiar with. But from another point of view, that the pink light could hit Oscar while under his watch showed it was indeed god level.

  Seeing Tang San deep in contemplation, Oscar smiled:

  “Little San, don’t overthink it. Don’t forget that big bro might be the first food type Title Douluo. Just this is unprecedented in history. Besides, this is the most crucial step of that god’s tests. Just becoming a food type Title Douluo, and being young and handsome, made him choose me! Haha, it seems I’ll have a chance at becoming god too. Even if it might take a while, at least I don’t have to go look for divinity. Wahahahaha!”

  Oscar laughed proudly, his excitement came from the heart. He had always been the weakest of the Shrek Seven Devils, even if his sausage support was pretty good, it still wasn’t the same as Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. In combat, even though he could rely on the mirror image sausage to use his comrades’ abilities, in a real duel he couldn’t defeat anyone. Now that he suddenly had the attention of a god, how could he not be excited? He also didn’t need to worry about whether he matched Ning Rongrong any more.

  “Little Ao, what god was it that called you?”

  Tang San asked.

  Oscar grinned:

  “Very suitable, he said he’s the Food God. Haha, this big bro has a title now too, Just call me Food God Douluo. Isn’t it elegant? Isn’t it handsome?”

  Food God? Tang San suddenly understood. It seemed that Oscar’s guess should be correct, becoming the first food type Title Douluo very likely was the Food God’s first trial of inheritance, and also the most crucial one. If his comrades had hope for inheriting divinity, how could Tang San not be excited? Recalling what the Seagod said about being lonely, Tang San couldn’t help smiling. It seemed even if he became a god, he still wouldn’t be lonely. It would be nice if all of his comrades were as lucky as Oscar.

  Just as Oscar was being excited, another ball of mist slowly dwindled, revealing the person inside. This mist held the youngest of the Shrek Seven Devils, Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing.

  A dazzling red spirit ring appeared over her, she had equally succeeded with her ninth spirit ring, and relying on a much stronger body than Oscar, and also stronger spirit power, the hundred thousand year spirit ring became her best result as a spirit master.

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing successfully absorb the spirit ring, Tang San and Oscar didn’t look at her further, the two by chance both turning to study the sky, hoping to greet another light.

  Only, facts proved that luck wasn’t something that came when called, the sky remained quiet, without any signs of light showing up.

  Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened her eyes, her black pupils as radiant as black pearls. The illusory feeling in her surroundings was much more distinct than Oscar’s, and as she stood, every movement gave people an illusory feeling, as if she was composed of a series of afterimages.

  “Little Ao, third brother, what are you looking at?”

  Zhu Zhuqing looked somewhat curiously at Tang San and Oscar who were watching the sky, an couldn’t resist asking curiously.

  “Eh…… Nothing. Zhuqing, you succeeded too. How is it? What spirit power rank?”

  Oscar and Tang San returned to their senses. They knew that luck wouldn’t come again, and Oscar posed the question.

  Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly. Even though she was the youngest, she had a steady character, and her ice cold guard didn’t exist towards her comrades,

  “Thanks to third brother’s Seagod power and that Deep Sea Demon Whale energy, I’m rank ninety three. It really is like reaching the sky in one bound. I never thought i could become Title Douluo before thirty.”

  Tang San smiled:

  “It’s good that you absorbed the spirit ring safely. Anyway, we Shrek Seven Devils have been treated as monsters for more than just a day or two. I still remember back when we just came to Shrek Academy, the teachers said that Shrek Academy only accepted monsters, not ordinary people. Only, even dean Flender might not have thought that the monsters he raised would be quite this monstrous.”

  Oscar and Zhu Zhuqing couldn’t help laughing.

  Tang San asked:

  “Zhuqing, you’ve now become a Title Douluo too. We don’t need Spirit Hall to give us titles, what Title are you going to go by?”

  Zhu Zhuqing thought, then said:

sp; “Titles don’t matter, just use my spirit’s name. Hell Douluo is fine.”

  Oscar curled his lip:

  “So sinister! Zhuqing! You’re a girl. Civet Douluo would be better.”

  Zhuqing burst into giggles:

  “Leave it, Sausage Douluo. Of course I’ll decide my own title. I’m all sticky, I’ll go wash off first.”

  Speaking, she turned and headed down the mountain.

  “Zhuqing, wait for me, I want to wash too. What Sausage Douluo, big bro’s title is Food God, call me Food God Douluo.”

  Oscar called resentfully as he followed Zhu Zhuqing. But with Zhu Zhuqing’s agility attack Title Douluo speed, how could he keep up? Zhu Zhuqing wasn’t going to give him the chance to peep on her.

  Looking after the two, Tang San couldn’t help smiling and shaking his head. He really was too greedy, what happened to Oscar might be unique in the entire spirit master world, how could he hope for the same for all his friends? If that happened, then the gods really were too cheap. Only, for little Ao to cultivate to rank ninety nine would still be quite a journey. After all, he couldn’t absorb any more spirit rings to help increase his spirit power, he could only rely on his personal strength alone. In this respect, he couldn’t help him even as the Seagod. But fortunately he still wasn’t yet thirty, he still had time. With Title Douluo level strength, living for a couple centuries was normal, he should be able to get to rank ninety nine. Once this was all over he would still stay with his comrades as much as possible, then whether until Oscar really accepted the Good God’s inheritance or the others found divinity, he could still watch over tham. Tang San wouldn’t allow what happened to his great grandfather Tang Chen to happen to his friends.

  While Tang San was pondering, his divine sense suddenly twitched, and his gaze immediately turned towards a ball of mist. The mist suddenly rose, unexpectedly changing shape. The originally round ball of mist now suddenly folded over itself, stretched higher, slowly taking another shape.

  That was the appearance of a pagoda, so vivid and lifelike that Tang San could tell whose mist it was without using divine sense,

  “It seems Rongrong has absorbed her ninth spirit ring too.”

  A strange scene took shape on top of the Seagod Mountain. The pagoda formed from mist gradually brightened, and as the mist quietly disappeared, what appeared there wasn’t Ning Rongrong, but rather a nearly seven meters tall giant pagoda. Nine colored light roamed across it, resplendent in the sunlight. Each level of the pagoda had fences carved from jade, sparkling and gem-like creating a strange scene on the mountain top. Even the seven sacred Seagod guardian Douluo stared dully.

  Tang San nodded to himself. Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda had finally formed. Back when he gave her the immortal herbs, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda became the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and now that she possessed this ninth spirit ring, her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was truly complete.

  Sure enough, nine spirit rings appeared in succession, and the last one was also a red hundred thousand year spirit ring. The giant Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda began to turn illusory, Ning Rongrong vaguely becoming visible sitting upright within. Only, compared to Oscar and Zhu Zhuqing she didn’t seem to be in any difficulty, at least there were no signs of sweat or blood, solemn and stately with a smile on her face, her originally already remarkable beauty now with a somewhat hallowed sense.

  The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s light gradually dwindled, the shape also gradually shrinking, returning to its original size, hovering in front of Ning Rongrong. Just as Tang San was going to step forward and congratulate Ning Rongrong on absorbing her ninth spirit ring, suddenly, a thunderclap reverberated in the sky.

  Tang San looked distracted. The sky was clear! Why was there thunder?

  Next, a ray of nine-colored light fell from the sky, hitting the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda floating in the air. Immediately, the resplendent Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda flashed, a dazzling pillar of light shot straight up, transforming the sky.

  Vaguely, a giant image floated in midair, completely clear, showing a woman dressed in nine colored clothing, smiling, she gave a small salute in Tang San’s direction, then her lips moved in Ning Rongrong’s direction, as if saying something.

  Tang San silently wiped non-existent sweat from his forehead, thinking to himself, What’s up with today? Don’t tell me we Shrek Seven Devils are reincarnations of monsters, with divinities dropping in of their own accord. Without question, the image in the sky came from a divinity’s divine sense. Even though it didn’t feel as powerful as the Seagod, Angel God or Asura God, it definitely was a divinity.

  Two divinities coming calling in one day to hand over their inheritance, if others learned about it, it might cause an uproar in the spirit master world. He wondered how widely Oscar would be smiling while washing now. Even if he became a god, Rongrong could still be together with him.

  Thinking of this, Tang San couldn’t resist glancing over at Xiao Wu, secretly resolving that no matter how he had to do it, he would find Xiao Wu a divinity to inherit too. When he went to the divine world, he could bring her too.

  A wind blew, and the goddess in nine colors faded. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in front of Ning Rongrong also landed in her hand. A bit perplexed, she opened her eyes. Seeing Tang San sitting not far in front of her, she hurriedly leapt up,

  “Third brother, just now that one called Nine Color Goddess told me to inherit her divinity or whatever. I only have to wait until I reach rank ninety nine to advance the trials. Is this for real?”

  In the Shrek Seven Devils, the one Ning Rongrong loved the most was Oscar, but the one she trusted most was her third brother. If she had a question she would of course find him first.

  Tang San grinned:

  “Congratulations, Rongrong, it should be real. You’ll have to work hard. At rank ninety nine, with third brother watching out for you, you can definitely pass the Nine Color Goddess’ trials.”

  Ning Rongrong blinked, then unexpectedly shook her head, speaking in a low voice:

  “No need, I don’t want to inherit any divinity.”

  Tang San stared blankly,

  “Rongrong, why? Do you know how many Title Douluo spend their lives searching for divinity without gaining anything? Even my great grandfather was the same, even as a peak power. Now that divinity comes calling, why…….”

  Ning Rongrong suddenly grew alert, looking all around, she discovered that the place where Oscar sat was already empty. Looking all around again, she didn’t find a trace of Oscar, and hurriedly asked:

  “Third brother, Oscar?”

  Tang San smiled:

  “Little Ao already absorbed the spirit ring and went to wash up. He’ll be back in a while. Why? Are you this worried when he’s out of your sight?”

  Nign Rongrong seemed to heave a sigh of relief, walking over to Tang San and whispering in his ear:

  “Third brother, can you promise me something?”

  Tang San was a bit astounded.

  “What, Rongrong? Why so strange?”

  Ning Rongrong whispered:

  “Third brother, don’t tell Oscar about the divinity coming just now. Even though he appears dissolute, he’s actually very proud. It was the same back when he courted me, and now that we’re finally together, if he finds out I was chosen by a divinity, he might start feeling inferior again. I don’t want those five years to happen again. So, you absolutely can’t tell him!”

  Tang San now understood what Ning Rongrong meant, and looked at her with not quite a smile:

  “In other words, you giving up on inheriting this divinity, is for little Ao’s sake?”

  Ning Rongrong’s face was scorching hot under Tang San’s gaze, and softly nodded.

  Tang San rubbed Ning Rongrong’s head, sighing softly:

  “Rongrong, you really have grown up. Now thinking back of that great little lady’s arrogance back when we first met, I s
till feel it’s inconceivable. No wonder even the Nine Color Goddess came for you. However, you’re sure you won’t accept her inheritance in the future?”

  Ning Rongrong stubbornly nodded,

  “If I can’t be with my beloved, then what’s the point of becoming a god. Third brother, you have to promise me to keep this secret.”

  Tang San laughed out loud:

  “You said it yourself, you can’t regret it. Little Ao, you heard Rongrong. Do as you see fit.”


  Ning Rongong was shocked, turning around, just seeing Oscar sneakily step crawl out from below the mountain. Only, the expression in his eyes was extremely strange, dully looking at her, slowly walking over step by step, his eyes glistening with a moist light.

  Ning Rongrong turned her head to look at Tang San again, her eyes reddening,

  “Third brother, how could you do this? You knew full well he was coming, why didn’t you stop me from speaking? You……”

  At the same time she fiercely ran towards Oscar, reaching him in a few steps, taking the initiative to fall into his arms, hugging him tightly, speaking softly:

  “Little Ao, don’t, don’t misunderstand. I didn’t mean to hide it from you. Don’t worry, I definitely won’t go inherit that divinity. In the future I will always be together with you, Once the war with the Spirit Empire is over, I’ll marry you, ok?”

  Oscar looked down, dully watching Ning Rongring in his arms, his throat seeming to choke on something, unable to produce a word.

  “Little Ao, don’t scare me. Strength isn’t everything in life, besides, we’re both Title Douluo now! Answer me, once the war is over, marry me, ok?”

  Ning Rongrong was already crying, tears flowing down her charming face.


  Oscar suddenly fiercely pulled Ning Rongrong close,

  “I will, of course I will. You’re mine, mine forever. Rongrong, you really are good to me.”

  At a time like this, the always clever Oscar could only manage blunt words like this. Looking at them, Tang San was full of smiles, his gentle gaze turning to his lover, thinking, Xiao Wu, when that time comes, we’ll also marry like them, ok?


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