Amoeba (The Experiments)

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Amoeba (The Experiments) Page 27

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Oh, I do not.” Billy hesitated before going to get his food.

  “Bill.” Jake grabbed his arm tugging him. “Every day you make me feel like the parent bringing his kid to kindergarten. Just blow him off and get your food. If he sees he is no longer getting to you, he’ll stop.”

  Billy rolled his eyes slightly. “You know, Jake, that is so easy for you to say. You’re six foot five.”

  “And your point?”

  Shaking his head, Billy walked slowly to the food line. He smiled when Cal stepped in front of him separating him and Larry. He got his food, letting his mind wonder where Rickie was instead of whatever Larry kept saying to him. But he knew his morning routine of catching hell from Larry was not going to end when he sat with Cal and Jake at the table. Larry joined them, stealing the seat next to Billy before Jake could.

  Cal laid her hand on Billy’s for a second, tapping it. “So. You gonna do some photos of the island today like you said you want . . .” She felt Billy nudge into her, and she looked around him to see Larry. “What an asshole. Jake . . .” Cal whispered “Jake, kill him.”

  Jake, sitting across from Cal and Billy, shook his head. “What’s the point? That’s what I keep telling Billy.”

  Billy felt another hit of Larry’s elbow. Getting annoyed, Billy turned harshly to him. “Would you mind stopping that?”

  “Sorry.” Larry lifted his arms. “Just not enough room.

  “Then move down.”

  “I’d rather stay.” Larry cut his pancakes moving his elbow out and whacking into Billy.

  “You know what? I’m really getting sick of this,” Billy told him.

  “Good. Then end it. Me and you. You know what I want.”

  “I am not going to fight you,” Billy said. “Fighting is pointless.”

  “When you’re afraid,” Larry instigated.

  “If you’re trying to bait me, don’t. And grow up.” Billy grabbed his fork. “This isn’t grade school.”

  Cal leaned into Billy. “Way to tell him.”

  “You know.” Larry grabbed Billy’s arm, bringing down his hand just as Billy was going to eat. “I will get you to settle this with me.”

  “There’s no way.” Billy pulled his hand away.

  “You don’t think?” Larry asked. “You don’t think I can get you pissed enough?”

  “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction . . .” Under his breath he mumbled as he tried to eat. “Asshole.” Before Billy could take another bite, a slam of a hand came down on the edge of his plate causing it to topple onto Billy’s lap. Billy’s jaws twitched as he watched Larry stand up and walk away.

  Cal felt really bad. She watched Billy sit there so silent, and she reached down and picked up the plate that had fallen onto Billy’s lap. “Jake, can’t you do something?”

  “Like what?”

  Billy tried to reach down, but Cal’s hands were there. He watched and swallowed as she spoke to Jake, her hands picking at his lap and lifting the food.

  “Shoot him or something.” Cal told Jake.

  “Shoot him?” Jake snickered.

  Billy grabbed hold of Cal’s hand. “Cal. I . . . I can do this thanks.” He took over picking up the pieces.

  Cal grabbed her napkin and dipped it in her glass of water. “Well, if you can’t shoot him, Jake, then beat him up.” Cal proceeded to wipe off Billy’s shirt.

  “I can’t just step into Billy’s battles for him. It will . . .” Jake saw her wiping Billy off like a child. “What the fuck are you doing?” Jake snapped. “Quit that. You’re embarrassing him more.” Jake reached across the table grabbing the napkin off of her. “And you.” He pointed to Billy. “You let her.”

  “Sorry,” Billy said.

  “And stop being such a push over.” Jake ordered. “Just take a firm stand with that asshole and tell him to knock it the fuck off.”

  “I thought you said to ignore him,” Billy said.

  “That was before.”

  “Well, I can’t tell him that. I can’t fight him,” Billy said. “He’ll kill me.”

  “Yeah,” Jake replied. “He would.”

  Cal gasped. “Way to build his confidence, Jake.”

  “What? You want me to lie to the guy? Fuck, Cal, at least I’m not wiping him off.”

  “You can do something,” Cal argued.

  “Like what? If I step in, which I’d love to do, it’s gonna make matters worse for him.”

  “Then teach Billy how to beat him.”

  “Cal.” Jake folded his hands. “This isn’t the fuckin Karate Kid here, babe, I can’t teach him how to kick ass in an hour and a half.”

  “Excuse me.” Billy spoke up and pushed his plate forward. “Don’t argue over this. I think what Jake said the first time is right. I’ll ignore him. He’ll eventually get over his immature antics and drop it. Until then, I can take a few pushes and name calling. I put up with that all my life.” Billy stood up and grabbed his plate. “Trust me, there isn’t anything he can do to get to me. Excuse me, I’m getting more breakfast.”

  Cal moaned an ‘ah’ when Billy walked away. “I feel so bad.”

  “I do too,” Jake said.

  Judge, who was just going to sit at another table, stopped at theirs and spoke in a low voice as he watched Billy. “I have an idea for you two, if you care to hear.”

  “Yes,” Cal said.

  “No,” Jake interjected.

  “Yes,” Cal insisted with a kick under the table to Jake.

  “Cal!” Jake blasted. ‘Knock off the physical abuse.”

  “Oh, you have room to talk, you dropped me off a cliff today.”

  “You pushed me down a fuckin cavern.”

  Judge winced. “Can I share it before the young man returns?”

  Jake lifted up his hand. “Be my guest.”

  Judge, with his plate, sat down with a painful grunt and adjusted himself to sit better. The weather pained his hip. “Now, the way I see it, you’d like to help your friend, only, ya’ can’t. Jake, you need to end this, but Larry won’t end it with you unless he starts with you.”

  “Which he won’t,” Jake commented.

  “Not unless you make him.” Judge smiled. “He’s not a smart man. You unknowingly make him smart.”

  Billy knew Cal and Jake had to be talking about him as he returned with his plate. They could have been less obvious and not looked at him so much as they spoke with Judge. They probably were talking about how pitiful he looked with that syrup spilled all over him. Awkwardly - and knowing he stopped a conversation because the table went silent - Billy sat down. Just as he picked up his fork, Rickie came flying in.

  “Dudes. Okay.” Rickie held up his hand. “Don’t say anything, like, whistle or something and pretend all is fine in experiment land.”

  Jake looked at him oddly. “Rickie what the . . . the . . . oh fuck.” Jake quickly turned away when Reed walked into the room.

  Cal nearly chocked.

  Billy hid his snicker.

  Rickie bounced from heel to toe and smiled at Reed. “Dude, like go get some nourishment.” He gave a thumbs up to Reed. “Looking good, guy.”

  Reed nodded and waved as he walked past the table. Everyone smiled politely at him. Reed fed off the smiles, and they gave him confidence. He walked straighter to the breakfast line, confident that - just like Rickie assured him - no one noticed he looked different. But they did. Not only had Rickie proceeded to shave Reed’s head bald, but just to help out his ego, Rickie, using some of Reed’s performer make up, drew a little hair on top of the shiny dome as well.


  “Give me some time,” Billy said to Cal and Jake as they began to separate in the unity circle. “I want to change. Get un-sticky and grab my gear. We can decide then where we go.”

  “Take your time,” Jake told him, leading Cal to their bungalow. He lowered his head closer to Cal and said, “You and I have to discuss this plan.”

  Billy shook his head. He found humor in the
fact that Jake didn’t realize that no matter how quiet he tried to be, how low he tried to whisper, he was still audible. Kind of chuckling at that, Billy opened the door to his bungalow and stepped inside. That chuckle left him and his facial expression dropped, because Billy didn’t recognize his bungalow. His mattress was on the floor, his things were sprawled out everywhere. At that second, he was grateful to Jake for insisting he always lock away his equipment, because if he hadn’t, he was certain that would have been destroyed as well. Not a drawer was shut. Clothing and papers were tossed about. Billy slowly moved further into his room, pausing in the center and bringing himself to squat near the floor. His heart sank. When he said at the breakfast table that there was nothing Larry could do to bother him, he was wrong. Because Larry, or whoever had destroyed his room, certainly found their niche in getting to Billy. They had ripped apart every single picture he had of Cal.

  Caldwell Research Center - Los Angeles, CA

  March 12th - 9:30 a.m.

  “Okay, Stan, talk to me.” Greg leaned over the speaker phone in the control room.

  “Well, Speed and ‘X’ were nearly spotted by Larry when he barged back from breakfast.”

  Greg cringed at the nicknames Stan had given two of the controllers on the island. “But they weren’t?”

  “No. Everything is in order. Provocation plan is under way. No one is the wiser.”


  “Oh, and Dr. ‘G’.”

  Another cringe by Greg. He wanted to asked Stan if he had been spending just a little too much time with Rickie. “Um, yes, Stanley.”

  Stan chuckled. “Cute, you sound like my dad. Anyhow, George here just slipped me a note. He overheard that they were going into that region. So . . should we now?”

  “Did they eat?” Greg asked.

  “Some did,” Stan answered.

  “Round up eight and release them, that should stir some excitement. Get back to me. We’ll be watching.” Greg disconnected the call. He gave a pat to Barb’s back, a red haired woman who had been in the experiment for many years, and he turned around to see Ron Douglass entering the room. “Morning,” Greg said as he walked toward him on the way to the door.

  Douglass, who carried a paper cup of coffee, hesitated in his walk to his seat having just overheard part of what Greg said. “Why do I get the feeling that my visit today may be worthwhile?”

  “It just may be.” Greg smiled.

  “Tell me, does it have to do with my participant?” Douglass asked.

  “Nah.” Greg shook his head in certainty. “Lou is fine. Sit down, have a seat. Enjoy your morning. I’ll be back.”

  Douglass’s eyes followed Greg as he left, then with his coffee he sat down. “Oh boy.” He looked up at the screen, then reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his cell phone. As he promised, he was going to call Aldo when something was going to happen. And knowing the Institute’s determination with Cal and Jake, chances were good that whatever was going down had to do with them.


  I-S.E. Thirteen - The Island

  March 12th - 10:00 a.m.

  “Take the rope,” Jake instructed as he lay on his side on the bed reading.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? It’s your spot,” Cal said standing by the door with Billy.

  “Positive.” Jake flipped a page. “Take the rope. It rained. That hillside can get dangerous coming down.”

  “Jake, please.” Cal argued.

  “Cal.” He looked up at her. “Never mind. Bill. Take the rope. It’s by the door.”

  Billy looked at the pile of bunched ropes. “Which one?”

  “Any one, just be careful when you hold it that you . . .” Jake’s hand slammed to the bed when he watched the rope unroll. “That you don’t do that. Hold it by the loop. Grab another.”

  Cal reached down, lifted a bunched rope, and tossed it on her shoulder. “Anything else Jake?”

  “Yeah,” Jake said. “Stay off the tree. When the ground is this wet, it’s not stable.”

  Cal rolled her eyes. “Sure, Jake, what? I’m gonna show off my acrobatics to Billy? Right.” She grabbed the door. “Let’s go, Billy. And Jake, are you sure you don’t want to . . .”

  “Positive,” Jake said. “I have to do something with Rickie, if he doesn’t blow me off again.”

  Billy had to laugh. “Jake, do you realize for as much as Rickie blows you off, you should never be sexually frustrated the rest of your life?”

  Jake glared up. “Bill, was that a necessary sexual reference?”

  Billy badly wiped the smile from his face. ‘Um . . . no. Let’s go.” He motioned his head to Cal and they left.

  Jake returned to looking at the book, thought about Billy’s comment, and laughed.


  “Oh, this is ridiculous,” Billy huffed and commented as he and Cal climbed the steep hill through the woods. “You and Jake do this every day?” He grabbed a tree to get his footing.

  “Every day.”

  “I think we should hook the rope up now, Cal. I’m sliding.”

  “Oh it’s fine. Besides, you are gonna thank me when we get to the top and you see the view. It’s a great view.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yep. You can get a good shot of the little volcano.”

  Billy stopped cold. “There’s a volcano on this island?”

  “You’re kidding?” Cal looked back. “You didn’t know? Can’t you smell the sulfur sometimes?”

  “Is that what that smell is? Oh my God, bet me it erupts.”

  Cal shrugged. “Surviving the experiment. Would be neat, though.” She started walking.

  “You and Jake would love it, wouldn’t you.”

  “It would definitely be a new . . .” Cal crinkled her face when she heard a snort. “Did you just make that sound?”

  “No. What sound?” Billy’s eyes widened when he head it.

  Cal slowly turned around and smiled. “Ah, look Billy. It’s a pig.”

  “A pig?” Billy looked over his shoulder. It stood about twenty-five feet down the hill. “Oh shit.”


  “Cal, move.”

  “What for? It’s a pig.”

  “Cal.” Billy backed up. “It’s a wild boar,” he said, moving into her.

  “Oh shit.”

  With a loud squeal and heavy huffing, the wild boar began to charge their way.

  Cal let out a shriek that hid a bit of a laugh as she started to run up the hill, sliding some as she did and gripping the mud to get her footing. “Oh, this is way too funny.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Hurry.” Billy ran as fast as he could.

  “What’s it gonna do Billy, eat us?” Cal laughed.


  “It has to catch us first.” She picked up her speed.

  They no longer heard the grunting and huffing of the boar as they reached the top of the hill. Billy, out of breath, grabbed his knees, bending over.

  “Safe.” Cal took in the air stretching out her arms. “Isn’t it great up here? You should take a picture.”

  “Cal.” Billy slowly lifted his eyes.

  “Huh?” Cal turned to face him and saw the black boar.

  “What now?” Billy asked backing up.

  Cal looked behind her. “The tree.”

  “Jake said not to go on that tree.”

  “What choice do we have, Billy? Besides, we have a rope.” Cal inched her way back.

  Billy saw them nearing the edge. He looked over. “Oh my God. I can’t do this.”

  “Yes you can. Give me your hand.” Cal grabbed his hand.

  “I thought you were terrible at this tree thing.”

  “I am.” Cal stepped onto the fallen tree.

  “Oh shit.” Billy joined her on it.

  “Again, what choice do we have?” Nervously, Cal and Billy inched their way over the tree.

  “How far do you think we’ll have to go?”

>   Cal looked at the pig. “Not far. What are the chances he’ll come after us?”

  “Good.” Billy watched the pig move onto the tree. “Very good.” Billy looked down to the cavern. “We’re dying.”

  Cal, in a near crawl, crossed one foot behind the other. Her hand reached for Billy’s shirt as if his off-balanced body would give her more balance. Her fingers had barely touched his tee shirt when she started to sway. “Oh shit.” Her arms waved out trying to get her footing again.

  “Oh shit what?” Billy looked over to a swaying Cal. His hand reached out to help her, and as he grabbed hold, Cal tipped over the side of the tree. The weight of her going one way made Billy’s mud covered boot slide. With his hand gripping tightly to hers, he slipped off the tree hitting against the bark with a hard smack to his chest, and grabbing himself, still holding Cal, a split second before they both fell to their deaths into the cavern below.

  Cal almost panicked, but only for a second. She let out an emotional gasp, dangling by Billy’s hold. She looked up to see him hugging the tree, holding onto her, and watching the boar. “Don’t let go.”

  “I’m trying.” Billy’s face was red.

  “One sec . . .” Cal swung some trying to reach the tree with her other hand.

  “Cal, don’t swing.”

  “I have to . . .”

  “Cal, don’t swing, I can’t . . .” Billy shrieked as he slipped from his hug of the tree, losing Cal’s hand as she swung up with her other, gripping to suspend herself. And at that moment in time, both of them hung, hands above their heads, gripping the tree.

  Cal smiled. “Hey, at least we’re safe from that pig.”

  “Yeah, but what do we do now?”

  “Climb down.”

  “How do you intend on tying that rope around the tree.”

  “It locks. A Jake design.”

  Billy raised his eyes. He could hear the snorting and feel the vibrating of the branch. “Okay, lock, how do you intend on doing that. We’re dangling here, Cal.”

  “How strong are you?”

  “I’m Super Man. Shit, Cal, I’m weak.”

  “Nah. Give me a minute.” Grunting as she did, Cal, hand over hand, moved closer to Billy.


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