Stealing the Mystic Lamb

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Stealing the Mystic Lamb Page 33

by Noah Charney

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  Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana. The Return of the Looted Collections 1946-1996. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Library, 1997.

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  Brey, Ilaria Dagnini. The Venus Fixers: The Untold Story of the Allied Soldiers Who Saved Italy’s Art During World War II. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009.

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  Mackenzie, William. The Secret History of S.O.E.: Special Operations Executive 1940-1945. London: St. Ermin’s, 2000.

  McIsaac, Peter M. Museums of the Mind: German Modernity and the Dynamics of Collecting. State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.

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  Mihan, George. Looted Treasure: Germany’s Raid on Art. London: Alliance, 1942.

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  Rayssac, Michel. L’Exode des Musées: Histoire des Oeuvres d’Art Sous l’Occupation. Paris: Editions Payot et Rivages, 2007.

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  Rorimer, James. Survival: The Salvage and Protection of Art in War. New York: Abelard Press, 1950.

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  Yeide, Nancy. Beyond the Dreams of Avarice: The Hermann Göring Collection. Dallas: Laurel, 2009.


  The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb: The Theft of the Just Judges.

  Bernauws Blog.

  SeuRRsite: Rechtvaardige Rechters by ErDaSys.

  Vilain: Het Lam Gods, bekeken door een Wetteraar.

  Vissers, Johan. Dossier Rechtvaardige Rechters.


  Adam and Eve (panels)


  Aders, Carl

  Adoration of the Lamb. See Ghent Altarpiece

  “Adoration of the Mystic Lamb” (panel)

  detail of(photo)

  Aercus, Caesar

  Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Research and Heritage Group)

  Alba, Duke of

  Albert I

  Albert VII

  Alberti, Leon Battista

  ALIU. See Art Looting Investigation Unit

  Allegory of Love and Lust (Bronzino)

  Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility

  art rescue operation

  and Ghent Altarpiece

  historical accounts of

  Nazi order to destroy

  securing of

  Amand of Maastricht, Saint

  American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas. See Roberts Commission

  American Council of Learned Societies

  American Harvard Defense Group

  Ammanati, Bartolomeo

  Amt Bildende Kunst (Office for Pictorial Arts)

  Amt Für Weltanschauliche Schulung und Erziehung (Office for World Political Education and Indoctrination)

  Ancestral Research and Heritage Group (Ahnenerbe)

  Angelic Choir (panel) (photo)

  Angelico, Fra

  Annunciation (panels) (photos)

  Anthony, Saint

  Apocalypse (Dürer)

  Apollo Belvedere

  Archaeological Adviser’s Branch

  Archaeological Institute of America

  Arma Christi

  Arnolfini, Giovanni

  Arnolfini Wedding Portrait (aka Marriage Contract; J. van Eyck)

  Art collections

  Art display

  Art Looting Investigation Unit (ALIU)

  Art preservation. See also Art protection

  Art protection

  during World War I

  during World War II

  See also MFAA; Monument protection; Roberts Commission

  Art theft. See French revolutionary era, art theft during; under Ghent Altarpiece; under Göring, Hermann; under Hitler, Adolf; under individual panels of Ghent Altarpiece; Napoleonic era, art theft during; under Nazis

  Art-storage facilities. See also Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility

  Ashmolean Museum

  Attribution, of Ghent Altarpiece

  Augustine, Saint

  Bamberg Rider

  Barbier, Antoine Alexandre

  Bartolomeo Colleoni (Verrocchio)

  Bauwens, Lieven

  Bavo, Saint

  Bayezid I

  Belgium, and Ghent Altarpiece, purchase of

  Belliard, Auguste-Daniele

  Bellini, Gentile

  Benedict, Saint

  Berenson, Bernard

  Berlin Museum

  and Ghent Altarpiece, wing panels, return of

  Berlin National Gallery

  Bernardino of Siena, Saint

  Bernauw, Patrick

  Betrayal of Christ

  “The Big Lie,”

  Birth of Saint John the Baptist/Baptism of Christ (J. van Eyck)

  Blaha, Franz

  Blandijnsberg Abbey

  Book of Revelation

  Borluut, Elisabeth

  Borluut, Elisabeth (panel)(photo)

  Bormann, Martin

  Boston Museum of Fine Arts

  Botticelli, Sandro

  Bouts, Dirk

  Bradley, Omar

  Braque, Georges

  Braun, Emile

  Braun, Eva

  British Committee on the Preservation and Restitution of Works of Art, Archives, and Other Material in Enemy Hands. See Macmillan Committee

  Broederlam, Melchior />

  Brunelleschi, Filipo

  Bruno, Giordano

  Brunswick Manifesto

  Brussels Museum

  Buchanan, W.

  Buchner, Ernst

  Bunjes, Hermann

  and salt mine art-storage facilities, identification of

  Burckhardt, Jacob

  Burgundy, Dukes of


  Campin, Robert (aka Master of Flemalle)

  Camus, Albert

  Capitoline Venus

  Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da

  Castle of the Counts

  Catherine of France

  Catholic art


  Cellini, Benvenuto

  Cenami, Giovanna

  Cézanne, Paul



  Charles V

  Chateau de Pau

  Chateau Rastignac

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery (Vermeer)

  Christian mysticism

  Christianization, of pagan imagery

  Christina, Queen (of Sweden)


  Christopher, Saint

  Christ’s Passion, instruments of

  Christus, Petrus

  Churchill, Winston

  Clemen, Paul

  Clouet, Francois

  Coene, Jacques

  Commission, of Ghent Altarpiece

  Commission for the Protection and Restitution of Cultural Material

  Commission of Arts and Sciences

  Committee for the Education of the People

  Committee on Conservation of Cultural Resources


  Concentration camps



  Conway, William Martin

  Cooremans, Gerard

  Cooremans, Henri

  Coppens, Filip

  Coppieters, Msgr. Honoré-Joseph

  and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, and investment-group theory


  Cosimo III de Medici

  Coxcie, Michiel, and Ghent Altarpiece, copy of

  Cranach the Elder, Lucas

  Crompton, Samuel

  Crowning with Thorns (Titian)


  Crusade Against the Grail (Rahn)

  Cultural heritage, repatriation of


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