Wild Wishes: A Happy Effin Valentine

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Wild Wishes: A Happy Effin Valentine Page 5

by Stephanie Burke

  Effin screamed, her hips bucking as her nerves were stimulated.

  Her head whipped from side to side as sounds like a wounded animal flowed from her throat.

  God, this was good, so damn good!

  Then two fingers were added, and they were thrusting, stroking her, a tongue flying in between, catching all of her spilled cream.

  Then that mouth was again wrapping around her clit, sucking, pulling, that tongue flicking around the excited clit.

  Effin felt a coil of tension winding up in the center of her body.

  “Oh Godohgodohgodohgod ...” she chanted, unable to control the words pouring from her mouth. “More,” she panted. “God, more!”

  The fingers thrust harder, crooking upwards to stroke the top of her quivering sheath.

  The second hand dropped low, running through the slick essence that poured from her eager pussy along her ass. A finger ran through that moisture, using it as lubricant as he began to circle her wrinkled pink rosebud.

  “What ... God, harder!”

  Effin wanted to be filled, wanted more in her pussy, more in her ass, just more! She needed to be penetrated, to be taken, and taken fast and hard!

  Her body arched up higher and she let out a wail as the tip of that finger slipped into her ass.

  Colors exploded behind her closed eyelids as the coil inside her snapped, lashing out in pure ecstasy as her body convulsed underneath the ministrations of fingers and mouth.

  “Fuck, yes!” she wailed, her hands reaching down to tear at silky hair, holding that head closer, riding that face like it was her way out of purgatory.

  And the orgasms kept coming!

  Her tormenter forced her through a never ending wave, those fingers never stopping their thrusting, that mouth never relenting, that evil tongue lashing at her clit over and over.

  She climaxed again as he began to purr deep in his throat, the vibrations traveling from his mouth to her clit, increasing the intensity of her climax.

  Finally her over stimulated body shut down and floated back to the mattress, her grip on the mystery man easing.

  “Oh ... oh ... ohhh.” she moaned, relaxing into the covers, shuddering as that wicked mouth gave her one final lick.

  Then the man rose up, tossing the bedcovers back and pulling his hands from her body.

  Her gaze met with a pair of almond-shaped onyx eyes framed by femininely long lashes. His skin was a creamy gold, his hair long, black, and flowing over her body like a blanket as he crawled from between her thighs, licking his lips.

  His bottom lip was full and swollen from the oral attention he had given her.

  The muscular chest rising above hers was nothing to sneer at.

  The man was absolutely gorgeous and obviously Asian.

  But as he rose to his knees, Effin was met with the reality of his swollen, uncut, unfulfilled cock, which was twelve inches long, if not longer, and looked to be so thick her hand would barely fit around it. That, coupled with his sexy little leer, made her realize that she really wasn’t dreaming! There was a naked Asian man in her bed, and he had just gone down on her.

  Effin’s siren-like squeal lingered long after she slammed the bathroom door, leaving a shocked Masataka wondering how she’d managed to get out of the bed and across the room so quickly.

  “My God!” Effin mumbled to herself as she clicked the lock in place for good measure! There was a naked Asian man in her bed giving out orgasms like he was the satisfying-sex fairy!

  How had he gotten in? Who was he? Why was he going down on her? Where was her cat?

  “Oh, my God!” Effin panted, repeating herself as she stood staring at the door in shock. “There is a naked Asian dude in my bedroom doling out orgasms!”

  The ridiculousness of that statement momentarily stopped the fear that threatened to flood her mind and drive her to insane acts, like jumping out of a window.

  “Let me explain,” a gravelly, almost purring voice called through the door to her. “I can explain this.”

  “Explain how you got into my house, you son of a bitch!” Effin screeched, the fear flooding back and making her eyes dart around the room, searching out something to use to defend herself.

  “I am your cat!”

  Would a pulsating showerhead deter a pervert that claimed to be a cat?

  “I’ve got water and I’m not afraid to use it!”

  “I’m not afraid of water, Effin,” Masataka purred. “I am rather fond of it, myself.”

  “How did you get into my house?” she shrieked. She looked around and saw her salvation -- a toilet brush. Gripping her makeshift weapon tightly, she kicked at her door. “Go away!”

  “Can’t.” Masa smirked “Besides, you brought me here; you are the only one who can send me back.”

  “I don’t recall asking for a short Asian man to eat my pussy!” Effin screamed.

  “No, but you wished for someone to spend your Valentine’s Day with! You wished that your little black pussy was a real man while railing at the fates for giving you the worst date ever!”

  Effin froze at that.

  “H-how did you know?”

  “I was there.” Masataka grinned. “You may call me Masataka, but Masa will do.”

  “Masata ... I don’t believe it! Get out of my house!”

  “I guess it’s going to come to this.” Masa sighed, and then the room went silent.

  “Come to what?” Effin asked, voice husky as she tried to contemplate what “this” was. “What is this? You are not going to burn my house down, are you?”

  The silence was nerve wracking.

  “Hello? Asian man?”

  There was no response from the bedroom, but there was a tapping at her window.

  Effin looked up to see her pretty black kitty.

  “Kitty!” she whispered, easing her way over to the window and opening it a crack.

  Effin grinned as the sleek kitty made his way into her bathroom, safe and sound.

  She closed the window and turned to cuddle her kitty, but her kitty was no longer standing there. Without any sound or light effects, her kitty was gone and in his place was her orgasm-giving Asian man.

  First she looked toward the closed door, then to the man who was grinning at her choice of weapons. Where the hell had he come from?


  “ACK!” the toilet brush went flying in one direction, and Effin went in the other, trying to get away.

  Just when she was doing a great impression of a cat climbing the walls, all the while keeping her wide eyes on the man who’d invaded her bathroom, the man in question disappeared.

  “What ...?” Effin pulled her fake nails out of the wall and stared at the kitty who had taken the man’s place.

  One minute man, next minute he had achieved kitten-tude!

  “How the hell ...!”

  Then just as quickly, there was the naked Asian man again.

  “You have a foul mouth,” Masataka pointed out. “And you have an excess of useless emotion.”

  “But you were a cat!”

  “I am a neko, to be precise.”

  “A neko?”

  Effin felt a bit faint, so she took a seat on the throne and stared at the stranger who, moments before, had had his hand between her legs.

  “Yes. I am a cat spirit and I was trapped in my cat form until your wish released me.”

  “But you are Chinese!”

  “I am Japanese,” Masataka corrected. “Neko is Japanese for cat. A spiteful kitsune -- that is Japanese for fox -- trapped me in that cat form.”

  “And I thought my luck was bad.” Effin was still dazed, her mouth working on autopilot while her mind struggled to catch up.

  “No, your bad luck was caused by gremlins.”

  “Um ...” Effin pulled her gaze away from the nothing she had been closely contemplating to stare at the man. “Gremlins are real?”

  “Yes, and you had an infestation of unhappy ones. But seeing that nekos are lucky crea
tures, they have all fled the premises with the promise not to return for a time.”

  “You couldn’t keep them away?” Effin asked, amazed that the question came from her mouth. Did she believe in gremlins? Well, she did believe that there was a neko cat person standing in her bathroom so stranger things had been known to happen. Well ... okay. There was a strange neko cat person in her bathroom.

  “No one can keep them away forever, especially if you make comments that invite mischief.”

  That shut Effin up.

  There had been too many shocks, and it seemed that she had invited her troubles in. Hell, she’d invited the neko in and taken him into her bed. She was just reaping what she sowed.

  “So, are you going to kill me or curse me or something?” she asked, just wanting to get all the shocks over with.

  “No.” He laughed as he took a step in her direction. His eyes flashed gold, and Effin was reminded of how good he felt suckling at her clit and fingering her pussy. “I’m going to finish what I started and eat you.”

  Effin’s nostrils flared as she inhaled deeply, drawing in the wild scent of the man.

  “But I don’t even know you!” she wailed as she felt her wetness spread between her thighs and her inner walls throb. “What are you, the big bad wolf?”

  “That will come later,” Masa assured her. “Calling us a wolf is insulting.”

  “Oh,” was all that Effin could say as his hands reached out and drew her to her feet.

  “Do you want this?” Masataka asked. “I can smell your heat, taste it on the air around you, but if you say no, then I will take my leave of this room and allow you time to compose yourself.”

  Then Effin had a decision to make. Would she take the gift that she had been offered, the man that she herself had wished for, or would she turn tail and run?

  She looked into his eyes, amazed to find that they were the same height. He seemed so much bigger when he was doing that cat shift boogie.

  But that was neither here nor there. She had a decision to make. She could take what she had wished for and received: a well-endowed Japanese man with a talented tongue and an ability to keep her house mouse free. Or she could run and hide, let this go, not take what she wanted like she normally did.

  Fuck it!

  She wanted!

  So, she took ... or rather, she gave.

  “I want this, Masataka,” she whispered, as she stepped closer to him, invading his personal space. “I want this!”

  “Good, then when you cum, call me Masa!”

  * * * * *


  Effin swore she saw Pluto as Masataka, the neko, eased his thick, hot cock deep within her body.

  She was leaning over the sink, holding onto the cold porcelain for dear life as Masa slowly sank his thick girth into her.

  She moaned as inch after inch of preternatural cock made its way inside, striking all her nerve endings, hitting every erogenous zone in her pussy.

  When he hit bottom, his cool balls gently slapping against the backs of her thighs, she let out a moan that came from the depths of her soul.

  Masataka had played her body like no one ever had before. In between thrusts, he told her a story of lust and deception, of nekos and their more powerful cousins the kitsune, and all about how he had become trapped within his cat form.

  All the while, his fingers flicked at her nipples, his thumb rubbed on her clit, teased both her ass and her pussy until she was a writhing mass on the bathroom sink.

  “Look,” he breathed, as his long nails trailed over her back. “Look and see us together, Effin. We are beautiful.”

  Effin slowly lifted her head and blinked her eyes, forcing them to focus as she stared into the mirror above the sink. It was not a medicine cabinet, but a large, wrought iron-framed mirror that showed a good three-quarters of a person’s body.

  Within that mirror, Effin watched a long-haired, golden-skinned man, a feral smile on his lips exposing his fangs, lower his head and nip at a woman’s neck.

  But not any woman; this woman’s eyes were dazed, her mouth slack with lust, her darker, naked body a perfect foil for the golden male who hovered dominantly behind her.

  Effin realized, with some shock, that the beautiful woman was her.

  She watched as her neko gripped her hips in his broad hands, his nails tickling her tingly flesh, and pulled back, dragging his cock out of her clinging heat.

  Effin let out a sharp groan as Masa plunged back inside, frissons of fire leaping from the place where cock joined pussy, making her back arch toward her man and her whole body shiver.

  Effin watched as her neko took her, each thrust powerful, sending her breasts swaying and forcing her up onto her toes. The pleasure she received from that thick cock, that hot, muscular body, from the silky hair that rippled over his shoulders and across her back ... She couldn’t take her eyes away.

  If felt so wicked, like she was a voyeur watching someone being taken, yet she knew it was herself and her neko. She felt every moment as her pussy clenched around him so tightly she could feel his heartbeat deep within.

  His hot, bare flesh felt so good! Bare, because he was preternatural, and that there would be no disease or pregnancy. Bare, because she felt wicked and decadent and daring, wanting to feel his hot cream when he exploded deep inside her.

  Her wish had come true, had brought this magnificent man to her bed, and she was going to enjoy each second of it, no matter how long this thing lasted.

  Moaning, she let one hand release its grip on the sink to travel back underneath his long hair to grip one firm cheek of his ass, pulling him in tighter, trying to force him to move faster.

  “Slow, Effin,” Masa breathed. “If I go any faster, this will end before it truly begins.”

  He closed his eyes, his breath rasping as his ass flexed underneath her hand.

  Her body began to jerk and quiver. Beads of sweat rolled from his body, making him glisten, making his hair stick to his body, almost tiger striping him in his silky locks.

  But his hips began to move faster, to drive harder, his breath rasping faster as he angled his thrusts to strike a bundle of nerves deep within her sheath.

  “Masa,” she moaned again, closing her eyes as waves of sensation flowed over her body. “Mmm.”

  She bit her lower lip as tremors shook her body. The things he was making her feel!

  Then one of his hands released her hip and dipped low, sinking between her spread thighs to press into the swollen flesh around her clit.

  A small scream erupted from Effin’s mouth as a thumb came into play, flicking at her clit.

  Then he was slamming into her harder, driving the air out of her lungs, attempting to climb his way into her body.

  It was too much!

  The room began to spin and Effin was screaming uncontrollably as her body tensed in preparation for her release.

  “Masataka!” Effin shrieked as that thick piece of meat slammed repeatedly over her G-spot, sending her nerves singing in pleasure as her vaginal walls tensed.

  “I’m ...” She panted. “I can’t!”

  “You can!” he growled into her ear before he nipped it.

  “I ... I ... I’m gonna ...”

  “Cum for me!” he hissed, the hand tormenting her pussy lifting and delivering a small slap to her clit. “Cum for me!”

  He repeated the stinging caress and then Effin saw white!

  “Masa!” she roared as her pussy clenched around his cock, milking it, wringing every ounce of pleasure she could out of that thick shaft.

  “Effin!” Masa groaned, his eyes fluttering as his breath hissed from between his teeth. He thrust twice, deeply, and then he froze, his cock jerking and jumping within her pussy.

  Then Effin was flooded by his scalding heat. His cream rushed forth in spurts, sizzling her insides, sending another orgasm tearing through her body.

  “Masataka,” she moaned, going limp as his weight settled onto her.

Together, they relearned how to breathe before Masa rose up and eased his still swollen cock out of her flesh.

  “That was enlightening,” he purred, the sound rumbling through his chest as he lowered his head to lick at the salty flesh of her neck. “Now we have to do it in the shower and then in the bed. I have a lot to show you, my dearest Effin, about how nekos love.”

  “I’ve created a monster,” Effin moaned, but moved eagerly to start the shower and begin these new games.

  Cats so love to play, Effin decided, watching as Masa ran his hands over his body as if still amazed that this human form was once again his. And playing was much more fun with two.

  Chapter Ten

  “Effin, baby!” the feminine voice called merrily as she burst into the kitchen, a huge grin one her face. “Guess what? Evan has asked me to take ... Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  Masataka had just left Effin to her shower and had gone to investigate his new surroundings. Curious as a cat, he’d donned a pair of her sweatpants and explored every inch of her abode, delighting in the personal touches that made her home unique.

  He had just settled down to make breakfast when the obnoxious female voice assaulted his ears.

  Turning from his perusal of the refrigerator, he spied the female in question.

  She looked somewhat like his female, but there was something that sent his senses negative vibes.

  “Aren’t you a little cutie,” she purred, and instantly Masa recognized another predator.

  “No,” he corrected. “I am a man. And you are ...?” He arched one eyebrow and waited for her to make the next move.

  “I’m all woman, baby.” She smiled, taking a step closer to him and running one finger down his bare chest, a finger that was surrounded by a mass of diamonds and gold.

  “Yes, you smell of a woman who is fresh from another man’s bed, yet you are flirting with me.”

  Again he awaited her response.

  “I ...” Monika sniffed as she stared at the man dressed in her sister’s old sweats. He wasn’t like the usual creatures Effin brought home. This one didn’t look easily manipulated.

  It was Monika’s goal in life to torment her sister.

  She didn’t know when it had started or how to end it, but from the moment she could recognize those dark blobs hanging over her as human, the sight of her sister had set her teeth on edge.


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