Sapphire Falls: Going After Indigo (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sapphire Falls: Going After Indigo (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 9

by Rose Silverstone

Sapphire knows she never will. Who would’ve thought her greatest loss would lead to her greatest love? Definitely not her. Hello to Sapphire Burke and the life of love she plans to lead.


  The Burkes

  Five years! Five years I’ve been putting up with the likes of your madness.”

  “Come now, Siren. I refuse to believe the time has been horrifying. You’ve dealt with the madness because you love me.”

  Tossing her husband an incredulous look as he places his hands on her hips and squeezes, she continues to use the food processor to mix the sweet potatoes. Their youngest, Matthew, sits patiently awaiting his afternoon meal. Her body has been drained of practically all of its energy keeping up with their four children. The day-to-day of caring for a thirteen year old, a ten year old, a four year old, and a two year old were enough of a tax on her body. Willingly giving her body to her now thirty-two-year-old husband along with the last bit of her strength to the man who holds her heart takes the rest of the energy she has to offer.

  It is a life she has openly accepted, but it is a strain and Sapphire doesn’t know how much more of it she can bear.

  “Get your burly hands off me, you big lug.”

  “Aww, you weren’t saying such things in the wee hours of the morning. I believe your words were things like ‘yes, babe’ or ‘please, Noah, let me have my orgasm.’ Not once did I hear ‘get you burly hands off me.’ Not even when these palms parted your thighs and my tongue was put to grand use between them.”

  Sapphire feels the blush even in the midst of attempting to tamp down her reaction to this man. She knows she looks a hideous mess. She stands covered in flour from the bazillion cookies she had to bake for a sale at Hayden’s school. They were shipping them back home to Sapphire Falls so it would be one less thing she would have to take care of when they arrived tomorrow afternoon. Their plan was to fly home the next morning. Her blonde hair is twisted in tangles around barrettes and child-like plaits from allowing her daughters free reign of it last night. Or was that this morning?

  Had she showered this morning?

  Is it horrible that she didn’t know if she had or not? What clothes had she put on? Feeling around, she realizes all she is wearing is the thin gown that read, “His to own, care for, and adore.” It was a gift from her hubby. He had a t-shirt that had the same phrasing, but began with the word “Hers.” He wore it proudly.

  Bending at the waist, she rests her weary head on her wrists and trembles as emotions overtake her body. As the tears fall, one thought flits through her mind. It is one that she gives voice to.

  “If you impregnated me again with that horse’s cock resting between your thighs, I may just muster up the energy to kick your ass.”

  “All right, Gorgeous. I can take a hint. Go. Shower and do what is necessary to get yourself cleaned up. Take the credit card and go pamper yourself. If it’s sleep you need, then go to the finest hotel and get some much needed rest. Take this day and the next if necessary. The kids and I will be fine.”

  Now she felt like the biggest heel of a woman. Here he stands in a business suit looking as if he is heading off to a meeting of some sort and she is having a meltdown.

  His … their ranch is doing wonderfully. They continue the tradition of taking the kids there every summer. The home that he’d raised Hayden in was now their family home. Louisa now lives in the house that her Aunt Dinah left her. The studio is doing so well in Sapphire Falls that they opened another one. They were in New York for a performance per request of one of the groups promoting the arts. It was beautiful to see the result of the hard work of all of the students at the studio.

  Noah works with a few of the local farmers as liaison between the owners and the businesses that want to aid local schools with growing their own crops. He enjoys the work because he appreciates the children having that kind of skill under their belts. He is also working with another group to see if it is possible to set up something where children with mental health issues are paired off with animals. He remembered his sister, Lizzie’s, love of animals and how it calmed her mind when she was upset. He wants to set up a program for monthly trips to his ranch or surrounding area ranches so the students have that interaction to assist them with coping.

  If everything works out well here in New York, then that means something like it can set up in Sapphire Falls. It’s the main reason he willingly partners with the group. It is his way of honoring his sister, the sister he remembered, not the one Sapphire had known.

  “We’re supposed to leave tomorrow. How am I supposed …?”

  “We can take a later flight. If you’re not taken care of then our family isn’t. I can’t have you falling apart on me, even if it is likely you’re pregnant again.” Sapphire opens her mouth to fuss but Noah quickly kisses her. “I’m taking care of my side of things when we get back home. Four is plenty, but five is just fine to. Plus, you look right as rain all full with my baby growing your belly. If you are, I’m fine with it. If you’re not, we’ll take our crew as is. Now, I’ll pack up the kids, package up these … delicious cookies, and make sure everything is set for the movers.”

  Sapphire smiles as he spoke around one of the three cookies he snagged from the final tray. She always has to make extra to account for Burke snatches. He and the kids usually ate a dozen by themselves. The number would be more if she didn’t immediately pack them up after they cooled.

  “If you’re sure then I’ll go out for a little while and be back to help.”

  “Woman! What did your man say? I am not completely helpless. I can take care of the last of the things in this house. We made the right decision. Lacey and her family are going to enjoy living here. We’re not going to be coming to New York as much with everything finalizing on all of the projects. It’s time. You’ve set up a billion lists to check off with the movers and coordinated with your friend. Now, let me take care of the kids while you go take care of you.”

  With a final kiss, a twisting of her body in the right direction, and a swat to her ass, he sends her on her way.

  There isn’t one thing that she would change about the last five years. The mess with Mitchell took a little bit of time to clear up. His ex-wife had been the fire starter. His girlfriend called him out at a major promotional event announcing their engagement and impending parenthood. His wife was mortified by the announcement and threw a tantrum on the spot. Sapphire had laughed and enjoyed the beauty of having her name cleared while slinking away from the limelight.

  Dance is still her favorite pastime, but taking care of her babies are her priority. Teaching at both schools is limited to a few classes a week. Hayden is ever the helpful assistant. She loves every moment of it.

  Trudging up the steps, she pulls all of the do-dads and trinkets from her hair. The shower feels amazing when she sets the jets to pulse and washes out all of the gunk from her makeover session with her daughters. Just because she can, she makes it extra long then goes off to get dressed once she feels she’s been in the bathroom long enough. Sapphire hears Noah and the kids running around downstairs and giggles. Colleen is happily barking which means they are all chasing one another. After slipping on a sundress, she moves to the bed. Pulling the sheets from the bed, she has to stop herself.

  “I’m supposed to be leaving. That’s what I’m going to do.”

  She sits on the lounger and leans back to put lotion on. The lotion never makes it to her body and her shoes never make it to her feet. Recalling the day they first used the blanket she was using as a pillow, she smiles.

  Noah drove them to a trail that was off the beaten path in Sapphire Falls. Parking the truck, he pulled a basket from the back then walked around the back to help her out. He was wearing jeans, a white button down as a sort of jacket over his favorite blue t-shirt and a black hat. It was the first time she’d ever seen him in a that type of hat. Sapphire realized then just how much she loved him in more distinguished hats and encouraged him to wear them more often.r />
  It was their anniversary. The first of many she’d hoped. He’d carried the bottle of chilled champagne she hadn’t known he had. She’d worn a strapless white dress with a deep magenta-toned hem along the bottom. It was the first warm day of fall that year and she’d danced with joy at knowing she could wear something so comfortable for their date.

  After setting up their picnic area, which included freshly picked flowers courtesy of her wonderful husband, they’d made love and he’d given her his present. There was a carving in a tree with their initials, an upgrade to her original band to include stones for all of their children and the blanket. It was handmade and had portraits of “Noah and Sapphire Burke’s Family.” It was then that she told him they would have a new addition to their little unit. He’d grinned so wide that day. His happiness ignited her own. It was a perfect day.

  Sapphire falls asleep reliving the rest of that magical afternoon into evening.

  A few hours later, Noah has all of the cookies packaged and the carrier soon picks them up. He goes over the checklist from his overly organized wife and has fed the kids. He does a walkthrough of the house with Hayden holding a clipboard and Matthew on his back. Noah Jr. and Jojo are in the family room watching a movie. He moves by the window facing the driveway and notices Sapphire’s rental sitting in the driveway.

  “Hay Belle, did you hear your mama come downstairs after her shower?”

  “Nope. She fell asleep in that big chair she loves so much.”

  Noah chuckles and shakes his head before pulling his girl in for a hug.

  “You mind sitting with your sister and brothers a bit while I go check on her?”

  “No. Please don’t wake her, Daddy. She’s been so tired lately.”

  “Sweet girl, I don’t plan on waking her up at all. I know Mama’s been running herself ragged.”

  “You promise? No making her make those funny noises.”

  Noah just knows his face has to be bright red. They tried their best to keep things as quiet as possible during those passionate moments they shared. They even thought of soundproofing their room at the house in Sapphire Falls, but thought better of it. No matter what he did, there were just moments when he couldn’t smother his wife’s cries, moans, or screams. If he were being honest, he enjoys hearing just how vocal she can be.

  “I promise I won’t cause her to make the funny noises when I go check on her.”

  He knows a permanent promise isn’t possible. Kissing her head, Noah hands Matt off to his oldest sister and takes the stairs two at a time. Sure enough, his gorgeous Sapphire is curled up in the chair that he’d originally claimed as his own. She told him once that it smelled like him and made her feel like she was wrapped up in one of his hugs. He’d quipped about being replaced by a piece of furniture. She vehemently denied it, which made him laugh.

  Quietly crossing the room, he pulls the sheets from the bed and grabs a fresh set from the linen closet in the bathroom. Noah makes short work of making the bed before pulling back the comforter. He makes his way to where Sapphire is sleeping and pulls her into his arms. She stirs slightly, but quickly nuzzles into him.

  When he places her under the cover, he places a gentle kiss to her lips before attempting to pull away. She awakens and pulls him closer.

  “Guess I never made it out of the bedroom, huh?”


  Her smile is one of bliss as she tugs at his shirt.

  “I need my Noah pillow. That’s all the comfort I want right now.”

  “If that’s what you want, baby, then that’s what you’re going to get.”

  Stripping off his shirt, he hears her gasp and smiles because he will never get tired of knowing how she reacts to seeing any part of his body naked. He always has a similar reaction to seeing hers. He quickly slips under the covers with her.

  “Thank you for whatever you took care of today.”

  “Anytime, Saph. All you have to do is give me a sign that you need a break and I’m there to step in.”

  She groggily responds, but he can’t understand what she says as she wraps herself around him until she repeats it.


  “Watching a movie. It has about forty-five minutes left on it. Want me to set the alarm?”

  She nods and he sets the alarm on his phone.

  “Hmm. All I need is right here. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Siren.”

  Noah pulls her closer to him and just breathes her in. His wife was definitely right about that. He smiles when the kids come into the room a little bit later and climb in fitting where they can.

  An alarm startles Sapphire awake. A groan from Noah reminds her that they’d cuddled up together in their bed. Having her babies curled up and surrounding them has her grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Still believe what you said, Saph,” Noah whispers.

  Nodding, she inhales first Hayden’s hair then Matthew’s.

  “I wouldn’t have all of this if it weren’t for you. Thank you for coming after me all those years ago,” she whispers back.

  “Best decision I’ve ever made. Going after Indigo Crystalline gave me my Sapphire and I wouldn’t change that for the world.”

  Neither would she.


  I have to start this out with a magnanimous thank you to my personal assistant and friend, Kelly R. You are amazing in ways that you may never ever understand. I appreciate everything that you have done for me and for being there in ways no one else has ever been.

  As always, I have to send out a special thank you to my baby for always being my listening ear. You totally make my day with some of the things you say. To my support system and rallying crew, you are the best and you keep me motivated to continue doing the best that I can.

  Thank you to every reader, reviewer, and fan that takes the time to read my books or recommends them to another individual. You are the greatest.


  Cast of Characters

   Sapphire Warren – Indigo -> Dancer/Mom to Hayden and Jodie

   Noah Burke – Horse rancher, newer edition to Sapphire Falls

   Elizabeth Burke-Lane – Noah’s older sister, 1st mother to Hayden after kidnapping

   Hank Lane – Elizabeth’s husband

   Russell Gunner – father of Hayden & Jodie, Former teaching assistant

   Louisa Burke – Noah’s cousin

   Roger Finnegan – Indigo’s agent and friend

   Lacey Townsend-Bishop – Indigo’s New York best friend

   Juliette Masterson – New York friend, journalist

   Colt Warren – Sapphire’s brother

   Ryan Warren – Sapphire’s sister

   Emily & JC (John Carter) Warren – Sapphire’s parents

   Katherine Winslow-Samuels & Mitchell Samuels – hateful husband and wife scandal starters in New York

   Terri Bennett-March – Sapphire’s high school best friend

   Dinah Stanton – Sapphire’s aunt and Emily’s sister

  The Playlist

  “All I Do” by Yuna

  “Ms. Movin’ On” by Fifth Harmony

  “Stone Cold” by Demi Lovato

  “I Ain’t Leaving Without your love” by Nashville Cast

  “Yes” by Beyonce

  “Planes” by Yuna

  “My Song” by Nashville Cast

  “A Life That’s Good” by Nashville Cast

  “Spiritual State” by DJ Badu

  “Somewhere Only We Know: by Lily Allen

  “I see Fire” by Ed Sheeran

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  About the Author

  Rose Silverstone is an author of suspense and contemporary romance. Rose
Silverstone is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. There is so much that could be said to define who I am but only one thing comes to mind: book lover. It is what I have been and will always be. I am addicted to created works and the minds behind them. It is a pleasure and honor to know that I am now creating works of my own. Take heart those suspenseful moments in life.

  Currently she resides in Houston with her biggest fan.

  "They are the ones that prepare for some of the most interesting surprises." RS

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  The Stories:

  The Pierson Twins Duet

  Breathe: Clarissa & Where to Start? Alyssa

  Pierson Family Values

  Botched Proposal, A Holiday Novella




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