Blood Oaths

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Blood Oaths Page 18

by Stein Willard

  “I love it when you check me out. It’s sexy.” Manu ran her gaze over Logan’s body causing pockets of heat to burst out on the blonde’s body. “Are the others awake?”

  “Lulu’s probably still sleeping.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Manu smiled thinly. “If Choko is up, then she would be up, too. We are trained to be awake when others are awake and only to sleep when others are asleep. Strangers in her house would cause her to stay awake, not to speak of my presence here.”

  Logan pushed her fingers through Manu’s hair. “That sounds unhealthy. Were you awake all those nights I worked late in my study?”

  “I never felt threatened by you. If I was awake, then it was just so I could listen to be sure you were okay.”

  Logan rewarded Manu with a soft smile. “You never answered me? How’re you feeling?”

  “Rested…and starving.”

  “Good. Then you have to get out of bed. Choko ordered us some food from the main house. She has some coffee waiting.”

  Manu groaned softly as she sat up. Logan frowned. The assassin smiled at the blonde. “Just some sore muscles. I will work them out later. Did you say Choko’s got a pot of coffee waiting?”

  “Yep. But you’ll have to share with Lulu.”

  “Of course.”

  Logan watched appreciatively as the brunette crawled out of her bed and stretched her long frame again. Oh, how she wished they were somewhere private. She would personally put Manu through a vigorous session to relax her muscles.


  Lunch was a nice affair. With the threat of the Tanaka Clan eliminated, the mood was light. Even sombre Lulu was smiling more than usual. The food from the main house was incredible. Choko had ordered them each a seafood soy hotpot and Manu could not find fault with the choice, Logan either. The blonde was working Manu’s plate from the side, stealing a prawn off her plate now and then.

  Choko was in her element and Manu found it fascinating to see the woman so relaxed. She must have really been worried about Lulu. Speaking of Lulu, the woman’s eyes followed her wife’s movements like a hawk. On a few occasions, Manu had caught Lulu pushing her plate towards her wife, coaxing her to take a few more bites of food. Lulu, in turn, had caught her looking at them a few times, but had simply shrugged, seemingly not in the least embarrassed to be caught doting on her partner.

  Manu’s eyes trailed to Logan. The blonde was chatting and laughing with Choko as if they were old friends. It was wonderful to see Logan so at ease. Anyone looking at her would not believe that the woman, sitting barefoot and stealing bites of food off Manu’s plate, was the driving force behind Hansom Industries. Western media had made Logan into a celebrity. The blonde CEO featured regularly in business magazines and many business schools in the States had paid homage to Logan’s business acumen by naming lecture halls after her. Manu was proud of her and felt very lucky to be the one to see Logan like this. She smiled when she caught Logan’s eyes and for a brief moment, they shared a lingering look.

  Choko cleared her throat softly and Manu turned to look at the petite woman. The dark eyes flickered between the two of them. “Logan and Manu, I doubt you will ever fully comprehend what your coming here meant to Lulu and me.” Choko grasped her wife’s hand. “I have already adopted Logan as a dear friend, but you are more than that to me. I regard you as family and I will always trust the well-being of my family in your hands.” The Yakuza princess smiled warmly. “I want you to know that you will always have a place in our home.”

  Manu heard Logan sniff softly and put her arm around the blonde’s shoulder. She gave her an encouraging smile and received a teary one in return. Manu looked at Choko and then at Lulu. The assassin looked slightly uncomfortable, but she held Manu’s gaze.

  “We accept your friendship and offer you ours in return. Thank you for the honour.”

  She still held Lulu’s gaze, willing the woman to understand the significance of the moment. Manu was placing Logan’s life in Lulu’s hands, those very hands that almost took it away a week ago. Lulu averted her gaze first and Manu knew that the silent message was received. Logan’s hand slipped into hers and Manu turned to her fiancé with a warm smile. Logan really seemed to like Choko. It was somewhat odd, since the Yakuza princess was the total opposite of Logan. Where Choko was soft-spoken, gracious, and humble, Logan was powerful, proud, and strong-willed. Their differences were understandable. Choko never had to compete in a male dominated environment. Logan, on the other hand, lived her life in a male-dominated domain. She had to perform as hard as a man, if not better. Manu squeezed Logan’s hand. Manu was sure that their friendship would bring a great depth to their lives.

  “Good,” Choko said suddenly and all eyes turned to her, “because I would like to invite the two of you to join us tomorrow at the clinic.”

  Manu blinked at Choko before her eyes turned to Lulu. Lulu's eyes were fixed on her wife, her shoulders tense. The married couple was staring at each other in silence, but Manu could tell that a long, probably heated debate, was being held. After a long moment of silence, Lulu smiled and turned to face Manu and Logan.

  “We would like to have you both there.”

  Manu looked from Choko to Lulu. They both seemed relaxed. “If you want us to be there, then we will be.”


  Manu and Lulu sat in the lounge while Logan and Choko prepared tea in the kitchen. Lulu carefully studied the tall American. Manu was dressed in jeans and a hoodie. She looked so comfortable where she rested her head back on the plush sofa. Lulu noticed a soft smile form in the American’s lips. Her scrutiny of the woman had not gone undetected.

  “Will everything be taken care of when you return to the States?”

  Manu shifted her head and Lulu was pinned by a sharp amber gaze. “I have taken certain precautions to make sure that no one comes within hundred meters of Logan and myself.”

  Lulu was curious. Purcell’s death was surely not going to be enough to get the hit squads off their backs. She pursed her lips. Manu did not seem to want to elaborate and Lulu was not going to dig for it.

  “I am willing to return the favour if you need my help.”

  Manu smiled. “Thank you, but I would rather you take care of your wife. She needs you right now.” She sat up straighter and cocking her head to the side, stuck her finger into her mouth. Lulu watched, intrigued. After a few seconds, Manu held her hand out. A small tubular device lay in the palm of her hand. “Purcell didn’t confess. I will have to use the files as evidence, but the recording shows how he begged before he died. Together I can compile a powerfully persuasive package for the remaining directors. They will want to stay out of my way.”

  Lulu grinned at Manu. She wished she could be privy to the moment when the directors got their packages. “You’re right. My help would not be needed.”

  Manu shrugged. “This is my retirement policy.”

  Lulu was shocked by the news. Her face must have shown her surprise. Manu smiled, but the amber eyes were serious. Looking at the woman, Lulu experienced a mixture of emotions. The most powerful of them was admiration. Manu was the best there was and she doubted there would be another of her calibre any time soon. For as long as she could remember, the woman had never made a mistake. To want to step away from something she was obviously so good at, was truly admirable.

  “I had tried to walk away, once.” Lulu saw the Manu’s eyebrows rise. “I found myself missing it after a while.”

  “I can understand that.” Lulu could hear the sincerity in Manu’s voice. “But I have Logan to think of now. She asked me to marry her and I want nothing more than be her wife.”

  Choko’s face flashed before Lulu. Was her inability to walk away an indication that she did not love her wife as much as she thought she did? What could be more satisfying than being married to the most wonderful woman on the planet? Had her ego gotten the better of her?

  At that moment, Choko c
ame toward her with a cup of tea. The dark eyes were warm with love as they met hers. Lulu’s heart jerked. This was all she had ever wanted. All she would ever want. When Choko held out the cup to her, Lulu clasped Choko’s hand in both of hers. Quizzical dark eyes met Lulu’s.

  “I love you, Choko,” she murmured urgently. Choko’s lips parted in surprise as her eyes wandered over Lulu’s face. Lulu wanted to say more, but not with the other two women nearby. Choko swallowed slowly and nodded.

  “Tell me again tonight.” Lulu revelled at the expression of love and desire on her wife’s face.

  “I will not forget.” Lulu accepted the tea and they both turned to their guests. The Americans were watching them. She doubted they had overheard their conversation, but Lulu knew that their body language could not be misconstrued for anything but what it was.

  Manu gave her a small wink and Lulu blushed. If they were to be friends, she would have to get used to the teasing of the American.


  Logan looked around the room. Nothing had changed since the last time she had been here. She had bought the apartment six years ago to serve as a base for when she had to visit her area office here in Tokyo. The penthouse was in Tokyo’s business district with large windows giving her an eagle’s view of the bustling city. The apartment was beautifully furnished. She had commissioned a well-known Japanese interior designer to shape the space into one that would not be an eyesore for the business associates she entertained here on a regular basis. She liked the minimalist approach used, but even then, the apartment was nothing more than an office where she could eat and sleep. It lacked the warmth of the three-story townhouse she shared with Manu in Washington. Over the two years of their relationship, they had turned the house into a home. Knickknacks from their many travels highlighted their home. The kitchen, which was used so often by Manu, was the heart of their home. That was always the first place she made a stop when she stepped into the house. More times than not, she would find her gorgeous partner in there whipping a meal together as Logan came home from work.

  She turned away from her inspection of the room, her eyes seeking out Manu. The brunette was in the kitchen peering in the fridge. Logan’s eyes lovingly traced the long frame. Now that they were alone, she felt the passion she had held in check since arriving in Tokyo bubble to the surface. There was no doubt that Manu was going to wreck her rehabilitation. She drew in a shaky breath. Manu’s head turned; a questioning look on her face. Logan offered a weak smile. What she wanted to do was to walk over to Manu and tear at her clothes until that glorious body was revealed to her. Logan felt a wave of shame crash over her at the thought. If she was honest with herself, she would have to admit that she had subconsciously lured Manu here to have sex. She closed her eyes for a moment as the voice of her psychologist echoed through her mind.

  “The idea is not to remove sex from your life, Ms. Keppler. The aim is to nurture a healthy sex drive. I would recommend, though, that you consider temporary abstinence. It will be a great personal indicator of how your treatment is coming along.”

  When she opened her eyes, it was to find Manu standing very close to her. The golden gaze was ablaze with love and understanding. Logan felt her throat swell with emotion. They were both so imperfect—the killer and the sex addict. Perhaps their imperfections would mold them into a perfect couple. Manu’s hand cradled Logan’s cheek.

  “We’ll get through this, you’ll see.”

  A tear trickled down Logan’s cheek and Manu’s thumbs caught it. “I want you so much right now.”

  “I know. I want you, too.” Manu’s thumb gently brushed over Logan’s lip. “What I want to know, though, is how you will feel about yourself afterwards. I could see you fighting it just now.”

  Manu’s voice was gentle and comforting, prompting Logan to slump against her tall, strong lover.

  “I don’t know.”

  Manu pulled Logan into arms. Logan felt a soft kiss on her hair. “Then how about we wait until you know? I’m willing to wait forever for you.”

  Logan’s mouth fell open in a soft sigh. Even as her body screamed for release, she wanted what Manu wanted. She wanted to lie in her lover’s arms afterwards, satisfied and guilt free. She lifted her face from Manu’s chest and placed a small kiss on her lips. Her eyes searched Manu’s.

  “Then I would suggest we leave here.” She squeezed Manu’s sides. “You are truly going to be so bad for me, but if there was someone I would lust after, I would want it to be you.”

  A lopsided grin crossed over Manu’s lips. “I like the sound of that.”

  Logan pinched Manu’s butt and chuckled when the large woman yelped. Heaven help her, but she did not know how she was going to survive being around Manu all the time.


  Choko’s hand trailed down Lulu’s back which was damp from the vigorous lovemaking session. Lulu was lying face down on the pillow next to her, her body still lodged between Choko’s thighs. She loved having Logan around. Even the slightly disturbingly dangerous presence of Manu was rather comforting, but having Lulu to herself was heaven. When their American guests mentioned that they wanted to check on Logan’s apartment, her mind immediately jumped to how she could spend the next few hours with her wife.

  With a soft sigh, Lulu pushed herself up on her elbows. Lulu’s hair pointed in all directions from the many times Choko had pushed her fingers through it. Choko smiled when she saw the dazed look in her wife’s eyes.

  “You look rather smug,” Lulu rasped.

  Choko grinned and touched her lips to Lulu’s. “I made you work hard, didn’t I?”

  Lulu thrust her hips into Choko’s. “And I made you come hard.” The dark eyes leered at her and Choko chuckled softly.

  “Now, who’s the smug one?”

  Lulu did not answer her. Instead she took Choko’s lips in a hungry kiss. Choko was breathless when the kiss ended. She rested her forehead against Lulu’s as she waited for her breathing to even out.

  “Are you nervous?” Choko asked as brushed the sweaty strands back from her wife’s forehead. Hoisting herself on her elbows, Lulu’s dark eyes were gentle.

  “Not really. You will be there.”

  They shared a warm look as Choko’s hands clutched Lulu close when the assassin tried to move off her.

  “No, stay.”

  Lulu gently burrowed her body back into the cradle of Choko’s thighs, causing the smaller woman to gasp in pleasure. After the shattering orgasm Choko doubted she was ready for another session, but she did not underestimate Lulu’s power of persuasion. Luckily, Lulu simply settled herself before she rested her head on Choko’s bosom.

  “Was it wrong of me to invite them?” Choko asked once she was sure her wife was comfortable.

  “No.” Lulu’s voice sounded sleepy. “I trust your instincts, aiko. You would know if they were good people or not.”

  There was a short silence.

  “Are you sleepy?”

  Lulu’s head lifted and droopy dark eyes met hers. “Not at all.”

  Choko laughed and gently pushed Lulu’s head back against her chest. Lulu always indulged her. She remembered when they were dating for about a month. After a tough day at work; she had decided to spoil herself by going shopping. Quite early on in their relationship, as they were getting to know each other, Lulu had mentioned her aversion to shopping. It had to do with all the people pressed into one small space and rude school girls hogging the fitting rooms in boutiques. She was browsing through an exclusive boutique when she had felt the protective presence behind her. Turning around, she was stunned to find a sheepish looking Lulu standing there.

  “What…How did you know I was here?”

  “I wanted to surprise you by picking you up from work. You came over here and I followed.” The dark eyes had avoided hers.

  Since they were in a public place, she could not pull the obviously uncomfortable woman into her arms. The knowledge of how Lulu hated to be there, but still came, had
endeared her more to her lover. She had suggested that they go for an early dinner instead, but Lulu had refused saying that she would be happy anywhere as long as Choko was with her.

  Choko inhaled deeply and cocked her head so she could search Lulu’s face. Lulu was fast asleep. She brushed her lips over the soft hair.

  “I love you,” she murmured.

  “Me, too,” came the sleepy reply.


  Manu hated hospitals or clinics for that matter. She hated the smell and the memories associated with them. It was in a place just like this that Mystique was born. A wave of nausea came over her as she relived that night, twenty years ago.

  A fifteen-year-old girl, brutally raped, was wheeled through the swinging doors on that cold Christmas Day evening. Three months later, a vengeful, orphaned sixteen-year-old left the hospital, itching to meet her perpetrators again. She had avoided hospitals ever since, still haunted by her mother’s voice screaming her name where they were both treated in adjacent beds. She was still awake when her mother’s screams stopped—never to be heard again.

  Unconsciously, she reached out and grabbed Logan’s hand. The blonde gave her a searching look and Manu gave her a weak smile.

  “You okay?”

  Looking around the sterile waiting room, Manu nodded. Logan was worried enough about Choko. It would be selfish to burden her with more.

  “I wish they would turn the air conditioning down a bit,” she lied. Logan’s eyes narrowed slightly at that.

  “Do you want me to go ask them to do it?”

  “I’ll be fine.” She gave Logan’s hand a gentle squeeze. The blue eyes still studied her. “Would you like some coffee? They have a Starbucks outlet in the cafeteria.”


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