Zombie Apocalypse Now!

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Zombie Apocalypse Now! Page 3

by Thorfinn Skullsplitter

  Less media coverage has been given to racial y based attacks.

  There have been in recent times a number of killings of Asians. For example, in June 2013 in Port Moresby, four Chinese people were hacked to death in their store and bakery, and one was beheaded. A group wearing masks, who did not harm any Papua New Guineans present at the time, attacked them. The Chinese embassy in PNG

  then warned Chinese residents to stay in their homes and workplaces

  “for the time being.”

  A PNG cult leader known as the “Black Jesus,” convicted rapist Steven Tari, escaped from Beon prison in Madang in March 2013, along with 48 other prisoners. Vil agers killed him on August 29, 2013, at the remote Gal vil age about 20 kilometers outside of Madang.

  He and one of his followers were attacking a young woman at the time. They were hacked to death and the Black Jesus was castrated and dragged by means of a cane around his neck to a shallow pit where his body was dumped to rot. Tari had raped girls in his sect, claiming that they were married to him because God said so, or at least did in his imagination. As wel , the cult was a true zombie cult and practiced cannibalism. Young girls had been sacrificed in blood rituals and then eaten.

  Tari is not the only one in PNG to do this in the last few years: in 2011, PNG police arrested dozens of people involved in a cannibalism cult, accused of killing at least seven people, eating their raw brains and making soup from their penises. It is unknown how much soup they were able to make.

  Voodoo killings are making a comeback, worldwide. For example, as a cholera epidemic raged in Haiti in 2010, voodoo murders soared.

  Forty-five people were killed, being accused of using black magic to spread cholera. Most of the murders were in the coastal town of Jérémie. These people had been lynched, set on fire or hacked to death with machetes. About half of Haiti’s population practice voodoo.



  Voodoo, along with human sacrifice has come to the West with African and Caribbean immigrants. The “Thames torso boy” gave a dramatic il ustration of this. An African child’s torso, without arms, legs or a head (and drained of blood) was found in the Thames on September 21, 2001, near London’s Globe Theatre, something “Wil ythe-Shake” (Shakespeare) would have found dramatical y inspiring.

  The boy, named by the police “Adam,” had a substance in his stomach identified as a black magic potion used in West Africa, made from calabar beans, a highly toxic plant. Small clay pellets with tiny particles of gold were also found, indicating a Muti ritual killing, widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. Forensic scientists at Scotland Yard, using an isotope/bone analysis, traced “Adam” to Nigeria. The boy was likely to have been purchased for a sacrificial killing and smuggled into Britain. Once there, a voodoo priest administered the poison which acted as a paralyzing agent (but not anesthetic). In agony, Adam had his throat cut, his head and limbs removed and the body drained of blood. Final y, after the voodoo ritual, his torso was tossed into the Thames.

  Children are often used in Muti ritual killings because their body parts are believed to be sacred. The body parts are plopped into potions to bring good luck, but not obviously to those dismembered.

  Modern human sacrifice is not restricted to black children; in Belgium, the mutilated torso of a white child was found. However, black Africans are the main victims. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (unicef) estimates that 200,000 children are trafficked out of central and western Africa annual y to be exploited as slave laborers and/or sex slaves. Along with this, there are around 100 Muti killings in South Africa alone each year. With the coming col apse of civilization expect to see a rise in human sacrifice, since historical y sacrifice has served the ruling elites as a method of terror to maintain power in hierarchical societies. 18

  Apart from human sacrifice, there is an illegal bush meat trade from West Africa to Britain involving exotic meats such as bush rat, 18 J. Watts (et al.), “Ritual Human Sacrifice Promoted and Sustained the Evolution of Stratified Societies,” Nature, vol. 532, 2016, pp. 228-231.



  chimpanzee and—human flesh! Human flesh “on sale in London”—

  “roll up ladies and gentleman, don’t miss out on the bargains! All parts must go!” Heathrow airport’s meat transport director (in 2002) has been cited in the media as saying that he believes that the trade in human meat is linked to criminal gangs smuggling drugs and people.

  The trade in bush meat continues in not-Great Britain, with in 2019, reports of bushmeat from poor animals such as chimpanzees, more intelligent beings than most of the eaters, openly on sale in UK

  markets.19 It is one thing for dumb humans to butcher each other, but quite another for life forms superior to most humans, namely primates, to be destroyed.

  Cannibalism, witchcraft, human sacrifice, human trafficking and slavery – these horrors were thought by our enlightened liberal intelligentsia to be dark stains of the past, banished by the light of reason and learning. Not so – these monsters are rising again, albeit at present of limited virulence. However, if all this can occur within civilized order, a col apse of civilization will almost certainly project these practices far beyond immigrant groups. There is nothing “special” about Europeans and Asians, for we all partake in the unspeakable depravity of the human condition as the great philosophical pessimists across the ages have clearly shown,20 and as will be argued for in the next chapter in this book.

  In times of starvation, humans are not averse to a bit of human meat. For example, evidence has recently emerged of cannibalism among the first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, during the

  “starving time,” the winter of 1609-1610.21 The first colony faced the worst drought in 800 years and endured food shortages between 1607

  and 1625. Corpses were dug up from graves and eaten. A 14-year-old girl’s remains were discovered in 2012 in an old cel ar that was filled with the bones of horses and other animals eaten in desperation. Her 19 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9265043/chimpanzee-meat-smuggled-sold-britain/.

  20 Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, translated by E. F. J. Payne (Dover Publications, New York, 1966).

  21 “Evidence of Cannibalism Found at Jamestown, 1st English Colony in America,” May 1, 2013, at http://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/evidence-of-cannibalism-found-at-jamestown-1st-english-colony-in-america-1.1261918.



  skull was smashed. There were crude chop marks to the head and body, indicating that her brain was removed as well as her body being butchered. She was probably dead before all this happened.

  Captain John Smith also documented the case of a man “salting”

  and eating his pregnant wife. It did not do him much good as he was later executed. According to Smith:

  One amongst the rest did kill his wife, powdered her, and had eaten part of her before it was known, for which he was executed as well he deserved. Now whether she was better roasted, boiled or carbonado’d [barbequed], I know not, but such a dish as powdered wife I never heard of.22

  Europeans in the late medieval period to the end of the 18th century, and in some places well into the 19th century, used corpse parts regularly in the medical practice of the day, “corpse medicine” and

  “corpse pharmacology.”23 While the ancient Romans drank the blood of slaughtered gladiators as a remedy for epilepsy, Europeans made use of blood, fat, bones and even the moss growing on human skul s to treat a wide range of ailments, no doubt trading on a placebo effect rather than any intrinsic healing power of the body parts. Europeans believed, at a time when the church kept society ignorant about the working of the human body by the suppression of the physiological/

  anatomical research,24 that bodies contained a “life force” or “vital energy” that could be consumed.25 The drinking of human blood of a recently beheaded person, as well as the “pickling” of their f
lesh for 22 D. Zabarenko, “Starving Virginia Settlers Turned to Cannibalism in 1609: Study,”

  May 1, 2013, at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/01/us-cannibalism-jamestown-idUSBRE9400UY20130501.

  23 Louise Noble, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture (Palgrave, Macmil an, New York, 2011).

  24 Paul Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death: Reality and Folklore (Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1988).

  25 P. Bethge, “Europe’s ‘Medicinal Cannibalism’: The Healing Power of Death,” Spiegel Online, January 30, 2009, at http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/europe-smedicinal-cannibalism-the-healing-power-of-death-a-604548.html.



  consumption, was a common practice right through Europe.26 The blood of Charles I from his execution was mopped up and consumed by on-lookers, it being thought to have special healing powers.27 At the same time as Europe practiced “corpse medicine,” there was widespread horror at the reports of cannibalism practiced in the Americas.

  Gough’s Cave in Somerset, discovered in the 1880s, revealed a deposit of human bones intermingled with the bones of large butchered mammal remains. The bones were radiocarbon dated to be about 14,700 years old. There was evidence of the human bones being cracked so that the marrow could be obtained, as well as defleshing, with human teeth marks on the bones. During the Magdalenian period (15-12,000 years bce), most human burial sites have cut-marked and broken human bones, as also seen in the Dordogne area in France and the Rhine Valley in Germany. Most individual remains are highly fragmented and around 40 percent exhibited evidence of defleshing.28

  The “zombie” has been an integral part of Western civilization.

  We are, already, but a few steps away from being “the walking dead.”

  Conclusion: If all this carnage happened once, there is no reason why it cannot happen again, especial y when confronted by the ecological terror of the col apse that awaits us, poor, bare, forked animals . Humans are as dangerous, if not more so than Hol ywood zombies.

  As “The Col apse” comes closer, watch out for an increase in beheadings and severed heads being placed on sticks, classic barbarian stuff. For example, throughout 2014 and 2015 Islamic State fighters beheaded many Western journalists. Boko Haram gunman 26 F. Macrae, “British Royalty Dined on Human Flesh (but Don’t Worry it was 300 years Ago),” Daily Mail, May 21, 2011, at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1389142/British-royalty-dined-human-flesh-dont-worry-300-years-ago.html.

  27 M. Dolan, “The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine,” May 6, 2012, at http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/

  28 S. M. Bello (et al.), “Upper Palaeolithic Ritualistic Cannibalism at Gough’s Cave (Somerset, UK): The Human Remains from Head to Toe,” Journal of Human Evolution, vol.

  30, 2015, pp. 1-20.



  beheaded 23 people and set their homes on fire in Buratai, northwest Nigeria on the eve of the March 2015 general elections. The aim was, apparently to disrupt the pol s, preventing voting. The trend towards beheadings, even by gunman, symbolical y represents a return to barbarian values of blood and steel; nothing gets the animal spirits stirring, as much as dispatching one’s enemies by a blade.

  Next, expect severed heads to be shrunk (techno-barbarian) Predator-style and carried around the warrior’s neck. isis has already performed executions by dissolving prisoners to death with nitric acid, and hacking them in half with a chainsaw. Although popular

  “debunking” sites claim that this did not happen, the New York Post cites testimony from eye witnesses that victims of the French Bataclan Theatre massacre, November 14, 2015, had eyes gouged out, genitals sliced, castration and disembowelment. 29

  Discourse on the Metaphysics of the Zombie


  proposition 2: The zombie apocalypse is a metaphor for impending civilization col apse. Almost all zombie movies and literature feature an out-of-control zombie plague bringing down the world as we know it. The aspect of civilization breakdown is more important than the actual zombies.

  The above scene-setting events are of course not evidence of a zombie apocalypse as conventional y defined. Of course not. How could it be? For a start, the main players are not the reanimated dead – not by a long shot. Brain-dead, perhaps, but not the living dead. Their victims who survived a munching have not yet become zombies.

  29 I. Vincent and L. Italiano, “Horrifying Details of the Bataclan Theater Massacre Revealed,” New York Post, July 15, 2016, at www.nypost.com/2016/07/15/horrifying-details-of-the-bataclan-theatre-massacre-revealed/.



  And further, the US Centers for Disease Control declared that there was no zombie apocalypse as the “cdc does not know of a virus or condition that could reanimate the dead, or one that could present zombie-like symptoms.”30 Indeed, we all know from season 1, episode 5 (“Wildfire”) of amc’s The Walking Dead, which featured the last cdc survivor Dr Edwin Jenner, that this must be correct because, one, the government is the fountain of truth and wisdom and two, the government never lies. Just ask B. Hussein Obama, Hil ary Clinton, and President Donald Duck.

  The theme of “zombies ‘r’ us” has become prevalent in American culture and across the world.31 It was suggested in the various zombie walks in many cities across the world and was a theme of the Occupy Wall Street protests, which used zombie dress-up to il ustrate their protest.32 Apparently, there are plans to turn downtown Detroit, a crime infested city, devastated by the US car industry col apse, into a zombie theme park, where one can actual y pay to be terrified, compared to the present, where one does not need to pay to be terrified.33

  The “Health Ranger,” Make Adams, who on his popular website champions alternative medicine, nutrition, “superfoods” and a critical attitude towards orthodox medicine and “Big Pharma,”

  when he is not banned, sees the cultural interest in zombies as an implicit awareness of civilization col apse, for like the present author, he too believes that our present techno-industrial civilization is doomed.34 Adams believes that the “average American consumer”

  30 “CDC Declares ‘There is No Zombie Apocalypse’ After Spake of Cannibal Killings,” June 4, 2012, at http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/cdc-declares-there-is-no-zombie-apocalypse-after-spate-of-cannibal-killings/story-fn5fsgyc-1226382746704.

  31 Kel y J. Baker, The Zombies are Coming! The Realities of the Zombie Apocalypse in American Culture (Bondfire Books, Kindle Edition, 2013).

  32 Christopher M. Moreman and James Rushton Cory (eds), Zombies are Us: Essays on the Humanity of the Walking Dead (McFarland and Company, Jefferson, 2011).

  33 Jill Stark, “Playing Dead: Zombies March into the Mainstream,” February 2, 2014, at http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/playing-dead-zombies-march-into-the-mainstream-20140201-31u5e.html.

  34 Mike Adams, “Zombie Apocalypse Becomes Reality in Miami as Police Shoot Naked, Mindless Man Literal y Eating Face Off Another Man,” NaturalNews.com, May 27, 2012, at http://www.naturalnews.com/035990_zombie_apocalypse_Miami_police.html.



  is “half-zombie now, because of mechanized, ritualistic lifestyles, meaningless work practices and unhealthy, if not toxic, diets.”35 He has said that reason is “an alien concept to most people.”36 Surely, he is being too generous.

  Dylan Charles, also writing from a holistic health perspective, highly critical of modern mass society, sees people becoming

  “hypnotized automatons,” with their individuality eliminated as they embrace “the hypnotic indulgences of a poisoned, consumer driven, media controlled way of life,” a life that has become so mundane,

  “dead” and mechanical, that for all effective purposes, people are zombies.37 Thus, the zombie apocalypse can be taken as the prevai
ling metaphor of our times. It is now a situation of “every cannibal for himself.” Millions of Americans are preparing for social col apse and the end of the world as we know it (teotwawki) and are concerned with individual rather than community defense, for the zombified masses care not what happens to their fellow man.

  Mike Adams goes further and the following is an accurate summary of the position taken in this book: “I predict that the human race will destroy itself and col apse back to a tiny population of ragged survivors.” There is no such solution to the environmental crisis because,

  we’re such an infantile race of stupid creatures just barely more intelligent than apes, we are going to ride this crazy train of idiocy right into the ground. We are going to burn out this planet, kill the ecosystem, poison the waters and taint the skies. And most of the population is going to giggle all of the way to their own graves 35 Mike Adams, “CDC Warms Americans to Prepare for Zombie Apocalypse (Real y),”

  NaturalNews.com, May 19, 2011, at http://www.naturalnews.com/032454_zombie_


  36 Mike Adams, “The Zombie Apocalypse is Already Here: Mindless Masses Do Whatever They’re Told, Then Invent Empty Logic to Justify It,” May 18, 2015, at www.naturalnews.


  37 Dylan Charles, “5 Reasons the Zombie Apocalypse is the Prevailing Metaphor of Our Times”, Waking Times, May 3, 2012 at http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/05/03/5-reasons-the-zombie-apocalypse-.



  as they perish from the very same systems of self-destruction they voted for at the polling booths.38

  That is just on a good day.

  Before Adams, Erich Fromm, a Frankfurt school theorist said: In the nineteenth century, the problem was that God [is] dead; in the twentieth century the problem is man is dead. In the nineteenth century inhumanity meant cruelty; in the twentieth century it means schizoid self-alienation. The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men became robots. True enough, robots do not rebel. But given man’s nature, robots cannot live and remain sane, they became ‘Golems,’


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