Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor Page 11

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  Savard leaned into the cab and gripped him. “Ive got him if you can lift a little more.

  “ Hold him. Cam re-grabbed him around his hips and shoved upward. Between the two of them, they got him outside. Then she went back for the other one, this time carrying Savards jacket. She wrapped it around his thigh and pulled the arms tight to act as a splint. He moaned while she worked, but fortunately he was only semiconscious.

  He mumbled something about his wife, and for a second, Cam thought about Blair. Jesus, she was going to be so scared. “Sorry, I know it hurts. Hang on. Were going to get you out of here, and then Ill call her for you.

  When Cam tried to lift him, she couldnt. Her legs felt like lead and her arms were so tired, she could barely move them. She leaned her head against the windshield behind her and closed her eyes, trying to gather her strength.

  “ Commander! Weve got flames under the vehicle. Get out, Commander.

  “ Go, the man in her arms mumbled. “Get out.

  Cam wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him against her body. “Forget it. I dont want to face your wife. If shes anything like mine, shes going to be pissed enough as it is.

  The man in her arms laughed, a broken sound that ended with a groan. When he spoke again, though, his voice was stronger. “I can pull myself up. Get my hands on something.

  Cam ignored the screaming pain in her shoulders and the trembling protesting muscles in her legs, and pushed up with all her strength. “Reach. She felt him raise his arms, heard him slap his hands on metal as he gripped the edge of the opening above them. Then Savard was reaching down for him.

  “ Hurry, Savard yelled as she pulled the agent out of the truck.

  Winded, struggling to stay upright, Cam felt her head spinning. Tears ran from her irritated eyes, and her chest burned with each smoke-laden breath. Visibility had dropped to zero, and for a second, she wasnt certain which way was up. Then hands dug into her shoulders.

  “ Commander, climb out. Now.

  Savard yanked on Cams shirt, and Cam grabbed the metal above her head. It was hot. Her father had been dead the instant the bomb exploded under his vehicle. She knew that, but shed had nightmares of him burning for years after. She stepped up on the edge of the steering wheel and launched herself up and through the opening. She tumbled headfirst over the side and onto the ground, landing hard on her back. She wanted nothing more than to stay exactly where she was, except the air was barely breathable and so hot. If she stayed where she was, she wasnt going to make it home. If she didnt make it home, Blair would hurt. She rolled onto her stomach and started to inch away from the burning vehicle.

  * * * * *

  Blair grabbed Valeries arm. “What did Cam say? Valerie, what did she say?

  “ Stark, secure the residence, please, Valerie ordered.

  Wordlessly, Stark unlocked Blairs apartment door and she and Hara disappeared inside. Dana watched the apparent transfer of power, wondering who the icy blonde was. Her expression was remote, her green eyes glacially calm. And yet the air around her vibrated as if her body emitted an energy frequency no human could hear. A single word resounded in Danas mind. Deadly. Deadly calm. Deadly control. Deadly.

  “ Who is that? Dana murmured to Emory. They stood at the outer circle of activity, although Dana didnt for a second think they were unnoticed. Shed felt the sweep of the blondes eyes as theyd exited the elevator and noted the flicker of recognition when she had seen Emory. When Emory didnt answer, Dana shot her a look. “Off the record, remember?

  “ Its not for me to say, Emory said quietly.

  “ But you know her?

  Emory nodded.

  “ Are you okay? Dana asked, realizing that Emory was pale. Her eyes were huge dark wells of worry.

  “ I never get used to it. Being pushed into a car, dragged away. I dont know how Blair stands it.

  Dana rested her hand on Emorys back, hoping to reassure her. “Neither do I. But shes here with friends. Thats good.

  “ Yes.

  “ Youre shaking.

  Emory smiled tremulously. “Its adrenaline. Im all right.

  “ Adrenaline. Must be why my knees are knocking. Dana rubbed Emorys back in a slow circle. “Looks like we can go inside.

  Stark held the door open. “Clear.

  Dana noticed that Diane Bleeker stayed near Blair, but her attention never left the woman Blair had called Valerie. Everyone moved inside.

  Valerie picked up the nearest phone and spoke quietly, her back to the group. Someone turned on the room lights and drew the blinds over the windows on the far side of the room.

  “ I feel useless. Dana watched Blair, who stood with her attention riveted on Valerie. Blair reminded Dana of ice statues that looked as if they might shatter if struck by a shaft of sunlight. “Jesus, isnt there any way to find out whats going on? Its driving me crazy, and its not my lover out there.

  “ Isnt this what you wanted for your story? Emory asked, a hint of bitterness in her voice. “The inside scoop with all the drama and pain as a bonus?

  “ Is that what you think? Dana was angry, but the pain in Emorys eyes was so raw, her own annoyance fled. “He really hurt you. Im sorry.

  “ No, I apologize. Emory touched Danas hand for an instant, then quickly pulled back as if surprised by her own actions. “You have a job to do. A great many people believe that what you do is necessary.

  “ But you dont.

  Emory shrugged. “I dont believe the public has a right to know what it cannot process or place into context. Not when ill-informed and misguided public opinion can create wars or halt critical scientific progress.

  “ And I believe its the responsibility of people like me to see that the public understands whats important. Dont you think thats the true power of the press?

  “ Perhaps, in the best of all possible worlds. Emory shook her head. “I dont think Blair Powell would agree that we live in the best of all possible worlds right now.

  “ Give me a chance, Dana said, not knowing why it was so important but certain that it was. “Give me a chance to prove that I wont hurt her. Or you.

  “ Dont you mean trust you?

  “ Yes, Dana said fiercely. “Yes. Trust me.

  “ I dont know that I can do that.

  * * * * *

  The instant Valerie was off the phone, Blair pulled her out of earshot of the others. “Tell me what you know. Whatever it is.

  “ Cameron sent a coded digital signal from her cell phone to our base twenty-two minutes ago. The message directs us to secure you here, and lock down the building.

  “ Thats it? You didnt speak to her?

  “ No. Valerie paused, then added, “And I dont think you should expect to hear anything from her anytime soon.

  Blair fought the surge of nausea. Shed been in this position before. She knew the drill. Communications were a two-way street. Almost any transmission could be diverted, tapped into, decoded. Cam would not risk a security leak in the midst of a crisis. The fact that she had contacted them at all indicated just how serious the situation was. “You cant call her?

  “ You know that I cant.

  “ Do you know where they are? Blair glanced over at Stark, who stood just inside the door, her hands behind her back, her jaw clenched. Savard was with Cam. Just this morning, Blair had wanted Valerie to go with her. Then it would have been Diane wondering, worrying, fighting back the fear.

  “ No. We cant triangulate the signal. Its intentionally designed not to be traceable. Valerie lowered her voice. “My feeling is that Cameron believes theres a major security breacheither here or in Washington. She has access to her phone, which suggests shes not being detained, and she was able to send us a message, which indicates shes not badly injured. Both of those facts are very much in her favor.

  “ But you think shes hurt? Blair asked.

  “ I dont know that, Valerie said firmly. “And speculation will do none of us any good. You need to trust Cameron. Shes very good.

bsp; Blair had the urge to laugh, but it wasnt because she found anything humorous She was struck by the absolute absurdity of discussing whether her lover might be injured or in grave danger with a woman whom shed alternately envied and resented. “What if it were Diane out there?

  Valeries expression never changed. “Then if I werent with her, I would wish that Cameron was.

  “ You believe in Cam that much?

  “ Dont you?

  Blair was taken aback by the mildly challenging tone and then answered firmly, “Yes, I do. She knew it as the absolute truth, and in the knowing, felt her panic subside and calm take its place in the center of her being.

  “ Well, then, Valerie said, “I have some calls to make. The moment I know something, Ill tell you.

  “ Thank you. As Valerie started to turn away, Blair caught her wrist. At the question in Valeries eyes, she said, “Im glad that Cam has you to rely on.

  “ Im not the only one Cameron can count on. Valerie smiled for the first time. “She has you.

  Chapter Twelve

  H ows your leg holding up? Cam suspected the accident and the rough terrain theyd been scrambling over were taking a toll on Savards barely recuperated knee. Her own body felt as if it had been run over by a truck with very large wheels, but other than being winded from breathing the hot, polluted air, she couldnt register any serious damage. Savard had only been back to full duty a few weeks, and she probably wouldnt admit to being injured unless she couldnt move at all. “We need to secure the road before we call for extraction. I dont want another team walking into this if theres a sniper up there.

  “ Ill go, Savard said.

  “ Thats not what I asked.

  “ I can make it, Commander. And it ought to be me.

  Cam didnt agree with Savards belief that safeguarding Cam was her duty. She also didnt believe that going up the hill was more dangerous than staying where they were. Anyone still in the area who wanted to be sure they were all dead was probably in the process of working their way down the hillside right now. They would likely approach from their flanks, not from directly ahead. The road above was probably clear, but she needed to be sure. “Go. And dont trust anyone, no matter who they say they are. Keep your weapon at the ready and signal me.

  “ Yes maam.

  Savard disappeared into the murky gloom. The burning cars were smoldering now, generating more black greasy smoke than flame. The night was closing in around her, and Cam was suddenly aware of being in the mountains in November. It was damn cold. She was in shirtsleeves, and her trousers were soaked from crawling through snow-covered brush. She checked on the two injured agents. Both were either unconscious or asleep. They had been wearing trench coats that theyd removed in the SUV, and now both were dangerously exposed. She needed to get these men to a hospital, but she didnt want to get them killed in her haste to save them. Savard had been gone a few minutes, long enough to have reached the road. Cam was about to start after her when a shower of rocks cascaded down the slope followed by Savard tumbling out of the darkness to land by her side.

  “ The road is empty, Commander. Theres no guardrail where we went over and nothing to really show that we did, except some debris on the side of the road. Its so foggy, I dont think the smoke is all that noticeable to any cars passing by. Thats probably why no one has shown up yet.

  “ People have gone off these highways and been trapped in their vehicles for days before rescue teams ever found them, Cam said. “Tonight, that works in our favor. She removed her cell phone from her pocket and dialed a Washington extension. The phone was answered on the second ring. “This is Cameron Roberts. I need an alpha-level extraction team, including a med-evac helicopter. Engaging the GPS now.

  “ That signal is going to light up for anyone looking for us, Savard said when Cam disconnected.

  “ Lets hope our team wins the race, Cam said.

  “ How long, do you figure?

  “ Shell probably send a chopper from Langley. Maybe thirty minutes. Cam settled down on her stomach to wait, facing upward where she could see anyone who approached from above. “Keep an eye on those guys and make sure they stay close together to conserve body warmth.

  “ What about you?

  “ Ive been colder. Cam remembered the frigid waters of the Atlantic and how very much she never wanted to be that cold again. She needed to stay alert now, because she had to be sure that the next people coming down the slope were there to take care of her injured escorts and get her and Savard out of there. She couldnt afford to let herself get too comfortable, so maybe the bone-chilling weather wasnt necessarily a bad thing. “You watch sectors twelve oclock through six, Ill take the other half.

  “ Im on it. A minute later, Savard added, “And, Commander? You know that request I made about more fieldwork? Id like to reconsider.

  Cam laughed, knowing that Savard wouldnt want to be anywhere other than where she was right now. In some ways, she felt the same. This was what she was trained for. This was what it meant to live her beliefs. And if there had only been herself to consider, she wouldnt even be particularly worried. She did not fear death, although she had no desire to die. She wanted to live a long time and share every moment she possibly could with Blair. And above all else, she wanted to spare Blair the agony she knew Blair would feel if she did not return from a mission. She couldnt imagine losing Blairin fact, even contemplating it was more than she could tolerate. Without taking her eyes off the murky shadows around her, she said, “Forget changing your duty request, Savard. Im afraid you just proved youre combat ready.

  Savards quiet laughter pushed back the cold and made the dark just a bit less impenetrable.

  * * * * *

  “ How are you doing? Valerie asked, joining Diane where she stood before the fireplace. Although the room hadnt been cold, shed asked Diane to start a fire to chase away some of the gloom. Earlier, shed ordered the blinds closed against the possibility of outside surveillance, which had added to the claustrophobic atmosphere in Blairs loft. Although she trusted the bulletproof glass to stop most small weapons fire, she didnt trust it to stop a surface-to-surface missile. And it was well past time to anticipate an attack from unexpected sources.

  Diane took Valeries hand and leaned closer to her. “I feel guilty for being glad youre here and not out there with Cam and Renée. Isnt that horrible?

  “ No, Valerie whispered. She wanted to hold her. She wanted to kiss her. She also wanted to tell her that everything would be all right, but she didnt. Lies came easily to her, because altering others perception of reality was what she was good at. So good that few people even knew who she was. That skill had suited her very well up until nowmore than once the ability to make others believe a lie had saved her life. Now, what mattered most was that Diane never doubt she was telling the truth. “When I got the emergency evac signal, I ordered Starks team to secure not just Blair but everyone with her because I knew the team would keep you safe too. Not strictly protocol. She brushed a quick kiss over Dianes hand. “But I didnt care. I need you to be safe.

  “ Do you think theyre all right? Diane asked.

  “ Everything I know tells me theyre in trouble, but able to maneuver. If Cameron has any opportunity at all to gain the upper hand, she will.

  “ I know its going to be hours, maybe days before this is resolved, and you need to be here. Diane caressed Valeries face fleetingly. “But after that, I need you to come to me. Promise me that you will.

  Valerie didnt hesitate, because this was a truth she embraced without question. “I will. I love you.

  * * * * *

  Dana sat beside Emory on the sofa where shed started the day twelve hours earlier and watched Diane and Valerie talking across the room. Everything about their body language said they were lovers. Interesting, that Blairs best friend was involved with someone who was obviously high up in the chain of command.

  “ Is she Homeland Security? Dana asked Emory.

  Emory sipped the coffee that someone had
the brilliant insight to make in large quantities. She had a feeling they were all going to need it tonight. “Do you think if you ask the question that I refused to answer previously in a slightly different way, that Ill answer?

  “ Its not the same question. Before it was open ended Do you know who she is? Dana crossed her legs, balancing her ankle on her opposite knee. “ Is she homeland security? is a factual question. Background. Reference. It doesnt call for disclosure of personal information.

  “ Is that line of thinking supposed to make me more comfortable around you? Emory shook her head. “Because it doesnt. It just sounds sneaky.

  Dana listened for censure in Emorys tone and relaxed a little when she didnt hear it. Emory seemed to be searching for the ground rules, something that Dana ordinarily tried to keep as vague as possible. With Emory, she didnt want to make a mistake. She had a feeling there would be no second chances, and considering that she hadnt even had a first chance yet, she chose her words carefully. “Usually I have to get information from people who most often dont want to give it. The leader of a terrorist cell living in a cave in the mountains in Afghanistan wants his message to be heard, but he doesnt want me to know the truth. He wants me to broadcast his jihad, but he doesnt want me to know how many men he has, or who funds him, or what he intends to blow up next. For a second, she was back in a jeep in a barren wasteland in a world so brutal that morality was sacrificed on the altar of survival. She shivered, then smiled wryly. “Im sorry. None of that has anything to do with you.


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