Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor Page 18

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  “ Okay. Emory turned away, then looked back. “Im trying not to worry about the fact that I dont understand whats going on. And just for the record, I really like the way you look at me.

  And then she was gone, leaving Dana feeling totally out of her depth and, strangely, not caring.

  * * * * *

  “ Hey! Look whos here, a small, wiry redhead exclaimed when Emory and Dana walked into Blairs loft.

  “ Steph! Emory hurried toward the woman. “I didnt know you were going to be here.

  “ Tanner decided to give me some time off.

  While Dana watched, the redheadStephdraped an arm around Emorys waist way too casually, pulled her into a full body hug, and kissed her on the mouth. Dana narrowed her eyes, taking in the black fatigue pants, black T-shirt, and black boots. Jesus Christ, a mercenary. Well, these days they were called contract workers or security personnel or some other equally bland term, but they were mercenaries just the same. Where the hell did she come from? And what the hell was she doing pawing Emory? Dana checked the rest of the room. A power meeting was underway, by the looks of things.

  Blair and Diane were in the sitting area, cups of coffee and a tray of bagels and muffins between them on the low table. Greg Wozinski sat on the arm of a chair near the door, drinking coffee and talking to Paula Stark, who was flanked by two burly jarheads dressed like the tough little number still fondling Emory. A gorgeous coffee-skinned woman with shoulder-length coppery gold hair stood next to the breakfast bar in conversation with Cameron Roberts. When the woman, whose body radiated tension, turned to survey Dana with an intense, flat gaze, Dana pegged her as federal. Not part of Blair Powells personal security detailprobably FBI. Valerie was missing, but then she often was part of the OHS team, but still a loner. Danas skin prickled. She was getting the picture, a picture that said Cameron Roberts had put her OHS squad together by pulling from existing agencies, which made sense. Secret Service, FBI, civilian contractorsand Valerie? No Last Name Valerie had come from someplace deep and dark. Another story there.

  As much as Dana wanted to stay and drag Steph away from Emory, she was working. She walked over to Blair. “I hear were heading for the mountains.

  Blair smiled. “At last.

  “ Looks like youve picked up a lot of new people.

  “ Just some friends who dropped by. Blair pointed to the muffins. “Have something to eat.

  “ Thanks. Dana sat down, poured a cup of coffee, and balanced a blueberry muffin on a napkin on her knee. “Where did you come by the private guys?

  “ They work for a good friend of ours, Blair said. “Youll meet her in Colorado. Tanner Whitley.

  “ Why do I know the name? Dana frowned, then checked out Steph, who was still in animated conversation with Emory and the other two guys in black. “Whitley as in the Whitley Corp?

  “ Thats right.

  “ I heard they might be helping out with personnel and technical support over in the desert, Dana said casually.

  Blair glanced at Diane, who raised her eyebrows as if to say she had no idea and if she did, she wouldnt admit it. “Tanner has a lot of business interests I dont know about.

  “ Tanner Whitley. Shes the daughter, right? The one who inherited the whole Whitley empire?

  “ Thats the one.

  “ Really, Dana said, her interest escalating. No wonder the presidents daughter appeared to have civilian contractors as part of her security team. Irregular, for sure. But it would explain why they were trusted. The real question was, why werent regular agents being used if Blair needed more security? Something had happened to cast doubt on the usual channels, and Dana was willing to bet it all went back to Boston, or maybe even before that. Whatever had gone down, Cameron Roberts and Paula Stark were distrustful of agents from inside the system. Jesus. What the hell was going on?

  “ So you all know each other? Dana asked.

  “ Tanner and Diane and I have been friends forever, Blair said.

  Diane Bleeker laughed. “Not exactly forever, Blair darling, but close enough.

  Dianes blond hair swirled elegantly around her long, graceful neck, and in her casual slacks and black cashmere pullover, she looked younger than Dana had first thought. She realized theyd all probably been in school together. She sipped her coffee. “That must have been funthe three of you in school together.

  “ Well, Blair and Tanner were a little on the wild side, Diane said self-righteously. “I was the model of decorum.

  Blair snorted. “God, what an awful liar.

  “ Oh, all right, Diane said, nudging Blairs calf with her toe. “We all had our moments. But just look at us now. Tanner swore she never wanted the business. Never intended to settle down. Diane shook her head “Now shes married, to a career naval officer of all things, and youre about to make a big public splash with a Fed. She took Blairs hand. “What a ride.

  Blair gave Diane an affectionate look. “And its not over by a long shot.

  Dana was struck once more by the clear and unself-conscious tenderness between the two women. Throw in Tanner Whitley and there had to be a great sidebar there, but the story was none of her business, and no one elses either. She averted her gaze just in time to see Steph run her hand down the outside of Emorys arm and briefly squeeze Emorys hand.

  “ Who is she , exactly? Dana asked before she could stop herself.

  “ Besides yummy, you mean? Diane replied, her tone teasing.

  Dana hoped she wasnt glowering.

  “ She works for Tanner, Blair repeated. “And shes a friend.

  A very good friend, at least of Emorys from the looks of it. Dana couldnt ever really recall being jealous before. Not the way she felt right now. Like she wanted to physically put herself between Steph and Emory and make some macho statement about ownership and beat her chest like an idiot. Emory would probably think shed lost her mind. She probably had.

  “ She and Emory look really good together, dont you think? Diane said, reaching for a bagel.

  “ Stop it, Blair muttered.

  Dana gritted her teeth.

  “ Im sorry. Diane laughed. “But since Im the only one who never gets to see her girlfriend, Im allowed to act out a little bit.

  “ Where is Valerie, anyhow? Dana asked.

  “ I dont recall mentioning her name, Diane said, suddenly serious.

  “ You didnt have to.

  “ Youre really good at this reporter thing, arent you?

  Dana grinned. “Some people think so.

  “ Its not like youre not going to see us together, Diane went on. “At least, I hope you will. If Cameron decides to let her out of this building sometime in the next few days.

  “ Diane, Blair said quietly.

  “ Its okay, Dana said, surprising herself. “Were off the record here. And I already figured out that Valerie is part of the OHS team. Dianes not giving anything away. She put her empty coffee cup and napkin aside and leaned forward, focusing on Blair. “I understand there are certain things that need to be kept confidentiallike the identities of your security people and the members of the deputy directors team. Being around everyone like this all the time, its pretty easy to figure out the players. I want you to understand that I dont have any intention of compromising them.

  “ I believe you, Blair said. “But youre not the first reporter Ive ever met. You have some biologic imperative to poke into things.

  Dana grinned. “Youre right. I wont deny it.

  “ And I also know that you have this obsessive need to not only inform, but to use the power of the press in the name of what you consider justice.

  “ Consider? Isnt justice immutable?

  Cam walked up behind Blair just as Dana asked the question and rested her hands on Blairs shoulders. She leaned over the back of the couch and kissed Blair, murmured hello, then regarded Dana intently. “Not when justice depends upon the human assessment of merit, or of right and wrong.

  “ Then how do we administer it? Dana asked.

“ We have laws, Cam said. “And sometimes the course is so clear, the laws are redundant.

  Blair covered Cams hand and squeezed gently, but her eyes were on Dana. “You may not quote that, Dana.

  “ I wasnt going to. And for the record, I agree. Dana stood, deciding it was time to meet Steph. “What are the plans when we get to Colorado?

  Blair brightened. “If theres enough snow, Im going skiing.

  “ Itll be dark, Cam pointed out.

  Blair swiveled around to kneel on the couch, draped her arms around Cams shoulders, and pulled her down into a serious kiss. “There will be moonlight. You can do anything by moonlight.

  Diane sighed. “Should I remind you that some of us are going to be solo for at least another day?

  “ Im sorry, Cam said apologetically. “She should be able to follow us tomorrow.

  “ If she doesnt, Diane said, poking Cams shoulder vigorously, “Im going to hound you until she arrives. You havent experienced misery until youve been around me when Im unrequited for too long.

  Cam grinned. “I wasnt aware that ever happened.

  “ Now can I quote you? Dana asked.

  Laughing, Diane looped her arm through Danas and bent her head close. “Ive got a better idea. Why dont you stand in for Valerie until she arrives at the resort. I hate being without an escort.

  “ Youre going to have to define stand in, Dana said playfully.

  “ Thats something Ill have to think about. Diane frowned. “And thats certainly new.

  Dana managed to avoid being captured in the hypnotic seductiveness of Dianes sultry gaze, only to realize Emory was standing a few feet away watching them. “Hi.

  “ Hi, Emory said with just the slightest bit of chill in her voice. “Have I missed out on plans for a party?

  “ Not my idea of a party, Diane said wryly. “Blair is going skiing later.

  “ Good, Emory said. “I hope theyve got plenty of extra gear at the lodge, because Im going to join her.

  “ I think everyone has lost their minds, Diane said. “I for one intend to sit before the fire with a glass of wine and think about absolutely nothing at all.

  “ Do you ski, Dana? Emory asked.

  “ I do, but I have a feeling Im going to be outclassed by everyone here.

  “ Well then you can join me by the fire. Diane smiled mischievously. “Adding logs and whatnot to make sure we stay warm.

  “ Thanks, Dana said, “but if Emory doesnt mind company, I just might try the slopes.

  “ Company would be nice, Emory said softly.

  “ Good, then its a date, Dana replied, fervently hoping that would be true.

  * * * * *

  The colonel handed the binoculars to Matheson, who lay beside him in the snow on the side of a mountain in Colorado. A huge timber lodge and smaller cabins lay in a cleared area of forrest a quarter mile below them. “The main lodge, the individual cabins, and the ski lift are in rifle range from here. The SSM is another alternative. He turned and indicated one of several narrow, overgrown trails that ribboned through the snow-laden woods below them. “With snowmobiles we can traverse down the other side of the mountain to our vehicles and onto the interstate in under ten minutes.

  “ And youve prepared the rendezvous point for emergency evac? Matheson asked, accepting the binoculars.

  “ The vehicles are ready and waiting. The weapons too. All well camouflaged.

  “ Youre sure no one noticed your reconnaissance?

  “ The nearest village is six miles away, and its ski season. Lots of tourists. Plus, reporters are beginning to arrive in town. A few have already been up here trying to get an advance story from the innkeeper. No one paid any attention to me. The colonel shrugged. “Ive seen Secret Service people at the lodge, but they cant cover the whole mountainside. With all the trails and heavy tree cover, even aerial recon is difficult. I imagine theyll keep her under close protection when shes outside.

  “ Im glad she likes to ski. Matheson studied the idyllic, rustic scene below them, imagining Blair Powell stepping out onto the wide front porch of the chalet in the morning sun and directly into his gun sights. So easy. So beautiful.

  He sighed. Taking her alive would be so much more difficult, and he wasnt at all certain that the pleasure would be as intense. For now, he would keep his options open. After all, his friends were not the ones in charge, and never would be. This was his country.

  Chapter Twenty

  Late Sunday Night Colorado

  E mory turned at the sound of footsteps on the porch behind her and smiled as Dana approached. “How did the interview go?

  “ Amazing. Dana joined Emory at the railing of the wide deck that fronted the ski lodge. At just after nine, the moon was high and partially shrouded in clouds. The only illumination came from the windows behind them and the glow of the huge fire burning in the stone hearth in the common room. Shadows danced across Emorys face. Despite the near zero temperature, Dana found the crystal-clear mountain air invigorating. She felt alive in a way she hadnt in years. She wondered when she had stopped feeling, when she had replaced emotion with activity. She couldnt pinpoint just when she had abandoned the idea of a relationship and substituted danger for desire. But she knew the exact moment when all that had changed. It had happened that day in the hotel when Emory heard she was a reporter and her expression had gone from open welcome to closed reserve. Emorys withdrawal had been like a door slamming shut on her heart, and shed immediately wanted to wrench it open again. Shed spent every moment since trying. “Besides being a world-renowned artist, Marcea Cassels is an incredible woman.

  “ Youve hit the jackpot in terms of stumbling upon newsworthy people, Emory commented.

  Dana searched her face for signs of criticism, but didnt find any. She realized then that Emory didnt consider herself one of those remarkable people. She hesitated, then said, “My editor sent me here with orders to interview you too.

  “ I gathered that much from the questions you were asking the other day at the coffee shop.

  “ How do you feel about it?

  “ Uneasy. Uncomfortable.

  “ Then hell have to be content with the social events of the next few days, Dana said, “and the interviews I already have.

  Emory looked surprised. “Just like that? Youll ditch the story?

  “ Yes.

  “ That doesnt sound like you.

  Dana shrugged. “It isnt. But I care about you, and I dont want you to be uncomfortable because of something Ive done. She leaned closer, her mouth close to Emorys cheek. “I only want to make you uncomfortable in a good way.

  Emory laughed a little shakily. “Youre succeeding.

  “ Glad to hear it. Dana risked stroking Emorys cheek. She wasnt so much concerned that someone would see them as she was at her inability to stop at a simple touch. Shed thought about Emory all day, thought about kissing her, thought about the hot, sultry taste of her mouth and the way her lips slid over hers when they kissed. She imagined how it would feel to hold her breasts in her hands, to squeeze and mold them until Emory whimpered.

  Fantasizing about Emory had kept her pleasantly occupied on the slopes when she couldnt keep up with Emory and Blair. She could ski, but with nothing like their speed and skill. She hadnt minded. Shed been more interested in watching Emory than the slopes, anyhow. Shed loved how athletically graceful and exuberantly free Emory had been. She wanted to put that look of unfettered joy on her face. Without thinking, she cupped Emorys cheek.

  “ Dana, Emory murmured, leaning into Danas hand. “You can interview me, as long as were clear that only what I tell you during the course of the interview itself gets into print.

  “ Okay, Dana said, her voice husky.

  Emory searched Danas face, her eyes questioning. “I thought youd be more excited.

  “ I couldnt be more excited. Dana brushed her thumb over the corner of Emorys mouth. “I cant stop thinking about kissing you. I want to kiss youeverywhere.

  Emory caugh
t her breath, a spiral of excitement coursing through her. She gripped the wooden railing with one hand and squeezed tightly, hoping Dana couldnt tell she was trembling. Shed been standing in the dark, watching the incredible night sky unfold overhead, and trying to imagine a casual physical encounter with Dana. She was far from a blushing virgin, and the idea of being with a woman didnt seem strange. Diane and Blair werent her first lesbian friends and even if they had been, shed thought of being with a woman before. She just hadnt met one she wanted, not the way she wanted Dana. The idea of sex with Dana disconcerted her, not because Dana was a woman, but because Emory wanted her so much. Shed never craved anothers touch the way she craved Danas, as if the need were more than physical. Nothing ever distracted her, especially when she decided to put something from her mind. But she couldnt keep Dana from her thoughts. She was aware of her, no matter where she was in a room. Just looking at her gave her a twinge of pleasure. She could even handle a one-night stand, if thats the way things turned out. What worried her was that one short night might not assuage her hunger. “I dont know what to do about you.

  “ I know what you mean.

  “ Do you? Emory pulled away, gently breaking their contact. “I want to go to bed with you and I have no idea why.

  “ Do you like me?

  Emory laughed. “I do.

  “ Good, because I like you too. Dana glanced through the window behind her to the interior of the lodge. Figures moved beyond the glass, but they were alone on the veranda. She unzipped her ski parka and then did the same to Emorys. Turning her back to the railing, she leaned against a post and pulled Emory close. Their coats opened to allow their bodies to touch. Emory settled into the vee between her thighs and Dana wrapped her arms around Emorys waist. “Ive been wanting to kiss you all day.

  “ Then perhaps you should.

  When their mouths met, Emory snugged her pelvis tighter into Danas crotch and gripped the waistband of Danas jeans with both hands. They fit together as if they had kissed a thousand times.

  Dana meant to go slow, but the tease of Emorys tongue between her lips was like fuel to a fire and desire blazed through her, destroying restraint. She deepened the kiss and skimmed one hand under Emorys sweater, sliding up to cup her breast. When Emory moaned and pressed into her palm, her mind emptied of thought and her body surged with uncontrollable want. She sucked on Emorys tongue and found her nipple through the thin silk covering her breast. When she squeezed, Emory shuddered against her.


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