Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor Page 25

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  “ Weve heard that before. We know this is only the beginning.

  “ I need you on the team, now more than ever. Cam turned and Valerie dropped her hands. “Ive got the best people there are, but youyou know me, and I need that.

  “ The agency teaches us to believe that the greatest danger is allowing others to know us. Valerie cupped Cams jaw and kissed her fleetingly. “That was for showing me how very wrong they were. Thank you.

  “ Youre welcome, Cam said softly as Valerie stepped away. Cam squared her shoulders. “Let the others know well be briefing at oh six hundred.

  “ Ill do that. Good night.

  * * * * *

  “ Was that Valerie? Blair asked when Cam came into the bedroom.

  “ Yes. Giving report. Cam kicked off her boots and undressed. She climbed into bed and drew Blair into her arms. “Im sorry if we woke you.

  “ No, I was awake. Blair tucked her head beneath Cams chin. “Is everything all right now?

  “ Were secure.

  “ Are we going to be able to find Mathesons accomplices?

  “ Eventually, Cam said with certainty.

  “ And until then?

  “ We go on with our lives, just as we planned.

  Blair sighed. “My father shouldnt come out here right now, should he?

  “ Ah, baby, Cam murmured. “Im sorry.

  “ And Paula is going to be in the hospital for another week at least. Blair inched closer until she was lying on top of Cam. She curled her arms around Cams shoulders and nuzzled her neck. “Im not getting married without Paula there.

  “ Well reschedule. When Blair stiffened, Cam caught her chin and raised her head, forcing Blair to look at her. “Postpone. Not cancel. You cant get out of it this easily.

  Blair laughed. “And here I thought I was going to get rid of you.

  “ Never. Cam grasped Blairs shoulders and rolled them over, settling her hips between Blairs legs. She kissed her, sinking into the heat of her mouth and the soft welcome of her body. She whispered against her lips, “I love you, and no one and nothing will come between us. I intend to say that to everyone who will listen.

  “ Theywhoever they areprobably think theyll frighten us into hiding. Not just how we feel about one another, but from them. I wont hide.

  “ No, we wont hide. Cam spread her fingers through Blairs hair, holding her as she kissed down her neck. When Blairs legs came around hers, pulling her in tighter, she felt the familiar surge of arousal that never failed to amaze her. What they shared was more than love, it was life, and no one would take that from them. “Are you too tired?

  Blair found Cams hand and brought it to her breast. She pressed Cams fingers against her heart. “I need you, in here. Make love to me in here. Youre the only one who can.

  With passion and reverence, power and joy, Cam took what was given and gave all that she had.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  One Month Later

  L et me go around and get the door, Renée said as the Suburban pulled to a stop on the circular drive in front of the sweeping wood and glass house on the edge of the ocean. “Use your cane, all right?

  “ Ive got it right here, Paula replied, waiting dutifully while Renée jumped out and sprinted around the vehicle to open her door. She really didnt need the help any longer, but Renée needed to do it. Shed felt the same way when Renée had been shot, helpless and scared. So she didnt protest when Renée leaned in to take her arm and guide her onto the flagstone walkway leading up to Tanner and Adriennes home on Whitley Island.

  “ Just let me know if you start feeling tired, Renée said, “and well go someplace and sit for a while.

  “ Right. I will.

  Renée hooked her arm through Paulas as they made their way past terraced gardens that were covered now with snow and the empty fountains that in summer filled the air with cascading rainbows. “Im hovering, arent I?

  “ Nope. Paula nodded to the agents who flanked the staircase leading up to the wide veranda, checking IDs and guest lists. She blushed when several casually saluted her. The notoriety that came with having been shot in the line of duty was embarrassing, especially when she hadnt even been able to neutralize the threat to her protectee. She certainly did not feel heroic.

  “ You did your job, sweetie, Renée murmured. “You made everyone proud.

  “ Its scary the way you can read my mind.

  Renée kissed her cheek. “Its only because I love you.

  “ Thats good. Paula laughed and hooked an arm around Renées waist. “Because Id hate to think that anybody else would know what I was thinkingespecially when you look so spectacular in that dress.

  “ Is that a line?

  Paula waited while the agent at the door held it open for them, and once they were inside the great room, which was already alive with activity and the buzz of conversation, answered, “Absolutely. The doctor said no restrictions except heavy lifting. And youre not heavy.

  Renée laughed and waved to Emory and Dana. “Youve got two weeks until you start serious rehab. In the meantime, I guess we can work a little on your flexibility.

  “ Sounds like just the therapy I need.

  * * * * *

  “ Its hard to believe its only been a month since that nightmare, Emory said when Paula and Renée moved off to speak to the hostesses. Her gaze swept over Dana, her lids slowly lowering as her lips curved playfully. “Although I am aware its been almost a month since the last time I saw you. Painfully aware.

  “ Longest month of my life, Dana muttered, concentrating on the feel of Emorys hand in hers. They hadnt touched in twenty-eight days. Twenty-eight endless days and restless nights. She wished they were anywhere else right now, doing anything other than waiting for the first daughter to get married. She was still officially on this story, although she didnt seem to be able to pay attention to anyone but Emory. God, but Emory smelled so good, and her dressa shade of blue the exact color of the Mediterranean Seaaccentuated all her curves and revealed just enough skin as it dipped low over her chest and back to make Danas palms tingle. “Its so damn good to see you. Ive been living on the sound of your voice over the phone, and as fun as that is sometimes, its not enough. Im dying to touch you.

  “ Im sorry I couldnt get away sooner. Knowing that you arrived last night to interview Blair and I couldnt get here until this morning has been driving me crazy. Emory leaned closer and whispered, “I want to kiss you. Actually, I want to get you out of that very elegant suit and make love to you for a week.

  “ Only a week?

  “ Thats round one.

  Dana wondered how she was going to manage civil conversation for the next five hours while she was completely aroused. “Im due some time off. I never collected on my leave after I got back from overseas the last time. Clive has had me chained to my desk.

  “ Your reports on terrorism and what it means for us, all of us, have been amazing. Im glad the White House didnt demand a blackout on all of it. Emory scanned the crowd waiting for the signal to move into the solarium where the ceremony would be held, noting the large number of security guards. “You handled what happened to Blair very sensitively.

  “ Even if I didnt know her personally, I wouldnt have reported the details of what happened out there anyhow. Dana shrugged. “I dont have to give some other bunch of crazies any ideas in order to report what really matters. While Lucinda Washburn and my editor were fussing at each other over First Amendment rights versus national security, I just wrote my story and let them worry about the spin.

  “ I loved reading your articles. It made me feel closer to you.

  “ Can you get away? Dana asked, knowing she sounded desperate. “I really need

  “ Yes. Thats why Ive been so busy. We had funding reports due, and I needed to get my senior people started on an important leg of our current project. Now I can take a break. Emory squeezed Danas hand. “I need time with you too. Will youwill you be going back overseas?

  “ I dont kno
w. It depends on how long that dustup over there lasts. Maybe. Dana knew it wasnt easy for people in her line of work to maintain a relationship, and she wanted to so badly. “I know its soon and I know my lifestyle isnt ideal, but

  “ Its not too soon. And I understand about your job. Emory kissed her cheek. “Im not always available either. But you matter we matterwell find a way to make it work.

  Dana kissed her, a soft kiss of promise. “We will. “Im surprised youre still doing this part of the story, Emory said, gesturing to the crowd.

  “ If it had been anyone elses wedding, I wouldve found a way to get out of it. But I wanted to see you, and I wanted to be here for Blair and Cam, andshe gestured toward the door as the president of the United States walked in with Lucinda Washburn on his arm“this is the story of the hour.

  * * * * *

  “ Nervous? Diane zipped up the back of Blairs cream Armani dress and rested both hands on Blairs shoulders, studying her in the mirror in front of them. The squared bodice highlighted Blairs smooth, strong shoulders and the subtle ruching accentuated the flowing lines of her body. “This dress is fabulous. Youre a knockout.

  Blair tipped her head back against Dianes shoulder and sighed. “Im not really nervous. Excited, mostly.

  “ Tanner has done a great job keeping the press from bugging us this week, and having Dana stay on as the official reporter has really helped.

  “ Its the first time Ive ever been happy to have a reporter in my pocket, Blair said with a laugh. “Is everything okay with you? I havent seen much of Valerie this week.

  “ Shes here, but shes keeping a low profile, mostly to keep me happy. I know Cam said that with her handler gone and Matheson dead, theres probably no one in the agency interested in her any longer, but I still dont want her picture in the newspapers.

  Blair slid in the diamond drop earrings that Cam had given her as an early birthday present. “Youre getting pretty good at the secret agent stuff.

  Diane laughed and shook her head. “I know. Whoever would have thought.

  “ But youre okay? Blair turned and took Dianes hands. “Youre happy?

  “ More than I ever imagined. Diane gave Blairs hands a shake. “Especially since Cam got to you before I could convince you what a great catch I am.

  Blair kissed her cheek, then hugged her. “I love you.

  “ Hair! Makeup! Diane exclaimed in horror, but she hugged Blair back. “I love you too.

  A knock sounded on the door followed by a male voice inquiring, “Blair?

  Diane stepped away. “Thats my cue to go find my lover. Ill see you downstairs.

  “ Dont get lost. Im not doing this without you right next to me.

  “ Thats where Ill be, anytime you need me.

  Blair called, “Come in.

  The door opened and the president stepped inside. “Hi, Diane.

  “ Mr. President, great to see you. Diane slipped past him and disappeared outside.

  “ Hi, Daddy, Blair said.

  “ Hi, honey. All set?

  She took his hand. “Yes.

  * * * * *

  “ Let me do that, Marcea said, fastening the small emblem of the seal of the United States that the president had presented to Cam for meritorious service to the lapel of her charcoal gray morning coat. Then she smoothed her hands over Cams shoulders and down her sleeves. “You look very dashing.

  “ No one will be looking at me, Cam said. At least she hoped that was the case.

  “ Youre every bit as beautiful as Blair.

  Cam laughed. “Spoken like a mother.

  “ Which I am, Marcea said affectionately. “This is a very brave thing you are doing. Im very proud of you.

  “ Loving Blair is the smartest thing Ive ever done in my life, Cam said. “Convincing her to have me was the hard part. Everything after that is easy.

  “ I know that what happened in Colorado could happen again. But we cant live in fear, can we. Marcea kissed Cams cheek. “Let your friends help you both take care of each other.

  “ I will. Cam held out her arm to her mother. “If I can be half as wise and brave as you, well be fine.

  “ Then I wont worry about you at all. Ready?

  “ I am.

  * * * * *

  Blair stepped into the hall with her father just as Cam and Marcea came out of the room opposite.

  “ Sir. Cam nodded to the president.

  “ Cameron.

  “ Hello, darling, Blair said softly.

  “ Hi, baby, Cam murmured, stepping close as the president and her mother turned away to say hello.

  “ Any second thoughts? Blair asked.

  “ Not a one. Cam wanted to kiss her, but she held back. “You look beautiful.

  “ So do you. Blair was surprised to hear her voice shaking. “Just to be clear, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

  “ Im yours, forever. Count on it.

  “ I do.

  “ I do too.

  Blair joined her father. “Ill see you downstairs, then, and we can say it again for the whole world to hear.

  “ Anything you say, Ms. Powell, Cam called after her as Blairs laughter filled her heart.

  About the Author

  Radcly f fe is a retired surgeon and full time award-winning author-publisher with over thirty lesbian novels and anthologies in print, including the Lambda Literary winners Erotic Interludes 2: Stolen Moments ed. with Stacia Seaman and Distant Shores, Silent Thunder . Her novels Justice Served , Turn Back Time , and When Dreams Tremble were Lambda Literary Award nalists. She has selections in multiple anthologies including Wild Nights , Fantasy, Best Lesbian Erotica 2006, 2007 , and 2008 , After Midnight, Caught Looking: Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists , First-Timers, Ultimate Undies: Erotic Stories About Lingerie and Underwear , A is for Amour , H is for Hardcore, L is for Leather, and Rubber Sex . She is the recipient of the 2003 and 2004 Alice B. Readers awards for her body of work and is also the president of Bold Strokes Books, one of the worlds largest independent LGBT publishing companies.

  Her forthcoming works include Night Call (October 2008) and Justice for All (2009).

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