The Sweet Taste of Murder: An Angel Lake Mystery

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The Sweet Taste of Murder: An Angel Lake Mystery Page 6

by CeeCee James

  He glanced at it. “This definitely is new. Good catch. I requested the forensic team to come back and check this out. ”

  “A clue!” Elise made a half-hearted fist pump in the air.

  “Yeah. This was good. Just don’t make a habit of finding any more. Let me do my job. You know how this made me feel calling it in? A jogger discovered a clue that I should have found.”

  “Hey, you can’t be everywhere all the time.”

  Brad touched the scraped paint with a glove covered finger. “Whoever did this was not too smooth about it. There are better ways to get in.”

  “Like how?”

  “Like opening the driver’s door and popping the trunk latch. The car wasn’t locked. I’m gathering you didn’t check?”

  Elise’s mouth dropped open. She shook her head.

  “Good. That helps. Fewer fingerprints that way. Now, I just need to get my hands on the video footage from inside the dealership.”

  “What? Why aren’t they just handing that to you?”

  “Apparently, it’s monitored by a third party. They aren’t making it easy to see. I might have to get a subpoena.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “Yeah. Nothing is ever easy in investigations. Remember that.” His gaze flicked over her face. “By the way, I like your hair.”

  “Oh!” She’d forgotten about the haircut. “Thanks. That reminds me, I heard something interesting while I was there.”

  “More interesting. Great. Let’s hear it.” He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled with an overly-patient expression.

  “So, you know how those salon places are. Gossip central.”

  “Yeah. I actually love them. Lots of info that everyone is more than willing to give out. I should have scheduled a haircut for myself.” His hand whisked over the top of his closely cropped hair.

  Elise wrinkled her nose. “Not too much to cut there when you keep it military short.”

  “Old habits die hard. Anyway, continue.”

  “There was this man who popped his head in the salon looking for his wife. Sylvia. Do you know her?”

  Brad nodded. “Frank’s wife. Yeah.”

  “After he left, Carla mentioned there was a ton of bad blood between Frank and Cameron, and that was before Sylvia got pregnant. I’ve been hearing it’s pretty common knowledge that the baby is Cameron’s. And then,” Elise’s voice raised with excitement as she remembered. “Another gal mentioned that Frank was working with the exterminator, who had a big job across from the dealership just days before Cameron died.” She swiveled around to locate the Wiggle convenience store.

  “You’ll try anything to get Lavina out from being a suspect, won’t you?”

  “I’m not making this up. It’s what I heard.”

  “Thanks for the gossip, but Frank’s already been on our radar.”

  “Oh. So that was a bomb of a clue.”

  “No, I appreciate it. You can tell me anything you hear, anytime. Just don’t go busting in searching out stuff by yourself. Let us do that.”

  They turned together and began walking back to the showroom.

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Just wait for the team to arrive. It might not be for a while. You?”

  Elise checked her Fitbit for the time. “I have to return the dogs. They’re still playing in my back yard. That’s my job, for now, a dog walker. Actually, I love it.”

  “Seems like quite a change from the big city. How are you doing with all of that?”

  Elise shrugged. “I don’t think I was ever made for city living. My husband, being a corporate lawyer, was always gone. He used to get m—” she paused, trying to think of the right word. “He wasn’t happy if I didn’t attend events by myself. Appearances you know. Everyone there is about them.” She laughed a little. “I did love dressing up, but really, it’s only fun when there’s someone by your side. But, honestly, I never felt more alone than in my marriage. I didn’t know how to fix it.”

  She looked up and noticed Brad staring at her. TMI, Elise! Her face flooded with heat. “I’m sorry. That all just slipped out. Still healing, I guess.” Unconsciously, her thumb felt for the empty place on her ring finger.

  “It’s okay. It’s still fresh,” Brad offered.

  “It really is. It will be finalized in little over a week. And I’m sad about all the wrong stuff. Not so much about the marriage ending. I’m more sad about the dreams I had as a young girl that are being taken away with it. But really, they were destroyed the night I read the text.”

  “The text?”

  “Yeah. That’s how I found out. So cliche, right? Still, it was almost a weird, sick relief when I saw the text message because I finally knew what was wrong. Some girl asked him if they were still on for that night. He’d changed her name in his contacts to Steve, but I figured no matter what something was up when Steve wanted him to bring extra condoms.”

  She shook her head with a sad smile. “But that’s what happens sometimes. And now I’m here. And I’m doing okay, really.”

  Brad nodded. “I had a hard time when I returned home from the Army. It’s not easy leaving one life for another. But slowly, eventually, everything does fit into its place like it was the way it was supposed to be all along.” He leaned over and patted her shoulder. The pats changed to a slow squeeze. “Sure, there are some ‘not okay’ moments, but it will work out. You’re strong. Stronger than you think. And I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Full circle, right?” She grinned.

  “Sometimes you just have to know when to come home.” He gave a final clamp on her shoulder. “Now get out of here and take care of those dogs. And stay out of trouble!”


  Elise walked out of the bright sunlight and into the dark nail salon. It had been two days, and she still hadn’t heard anything more from Brad about the trunk. She debated whether it would be out of line to give him a call. Squinting, she looked around the interior for Lavina.

  It was her first time getting a manicure since she’d left New Hampshire, and she would have been quite happy to wait longer, but Lavina had been insistent in their phone call that morning. “I need a distraction and some girl time,” she’d begged. “And, I’d love to hear more about Brad.”

  Elise winced at the memory. She already knew where Lavina was going with that. Her thumb went to the divot on her ring finger, sending a pang of sadness. She still hadn’t heard anything from Mark after her lawyer sent over the documents. But, from the way everything was going so far, her lawyer had assured her it would all be over soon.

  Definitely too early to be grilled about Brad. She wasn’t ready to jump into anything yet, not for a long time. And darn Lavina for suggesting otherwise! She huffed.

  “Hello, darlin'!” Lavina’s cheery voice rang out from the back of the salon. Her face was half-obscured by a pair of overlarge super-model sunglasses.

  From behind the front desk, a young woman with silky black hair pulled into a tight ponytail smiled. She fretted with a vase of flowers, rearranging the long stalks, then beckoned warmly with her hand to lead Elise back to her friend.

  “Why on earth are you wearing those indoors?” Elise grumped as she sat in the chair next to her.

  Lavina pulled the sunglasses partway down and peered over the tops. “Last night was a bit late in the making. Two bottles of wine and Mr. G.” She smiled lasciviously. “And everyone knows glasses make all eyes appear fresh.”

  “Yes, but you can’t see a darn thing.”

  “Pish. Who needs to see things when there are darlin' people to take care of it for you?” Lavina flashed her million-dollar smile at the young esthetician. The gal held up a pink bottle for Lavina’s approval. Lavina reached for the polish and held it into the light, before nodding. “Sparkles. I love it.”

  The esthetician gently took Elise’s hand and placed it in a bowl of warm scented water. “Five minutes,” she directed with a deep accent.

bell chimed again. Both women looked up.

  A woman in a violet dress suit with a spray of flowers adorning her matching hat, waltzed in. An unhappy teenage girl trailed in behind her. “Pricilla. Stand straight, dear. What have I told you about a woman’s posture?”

  “Crystal,” Lavina hissed through gritted teeth and even Elise stifled a groan. Only pompous Crystal could bring out that reaction in Lavina. The recently divorced socialite treated Lavina with the social acquaintance of a rival mob wife—overly polite to her face, but wouldn’t stop to spit if she found her on fire. And, for some reason, things had really amped up between them this last year.

  Crystal addressed them from the doorway. “My good-gracious. This place is buzzing today.”

  “You have an appointment?” Ada asked.

  “Yes, of course. Two o’clock.”

  “Come this way.”

  Lavina groaned as Ada settled the newcomers at the table across from them.

  Crystal arched her eyebrows in their direction. “Why, hello there. Seems you’re both enjoying a girl’s day out. Bless your hearts.” She carefully removed her purse and placed it on the cushioned seat next to her. “Pricilla, you remember Miss Chantly.”

  “Ms.” Lavina corrected, before smiling in Pricilla’s direction. Pricilla bobbed her head with an air of boredom and reached for a People magazine.

  “Too bad you didn’t invite us. We just got back from the hair salon. The four of us could have had a full-blown girl’s day.”

  “Oh, come now.” Lavina shot back a tight grin. “It’s been some time since you’ve been called a girl.”

  Crystal’s eyes barely flickered at registering the insult. “I hardly have time to hang with girls, with all the charity work that must be done.”

  Ada gestured to the other esthetician, Kata, hurrying out from the back room at the sound of the door chime. “You help her.”

  Kata quickly scurried over with a steaming porcelain dish of water and placed it before Crystal. With a nod towards the younger woman, Crystal placed her fingertips in the water.

  Ada dried off Elise’s hands off with a towel. She quickly pushed back the cuticles.

  Kata rolled the bottle of polish before gently adjusting Lavina’s hand. She applied the polish with even strokes.

  “Well, it’s nice you’re getting a mother-daughter break,” Elise replied, hoping to defuse the tension.

  “It’s just so odd to run into you today,” Crystal continued, ignoring her comment. “We were just talking about you. Weren’t we, Pricilla, dear?”

  The teenager barely looked up from her magazine. She quickly nodded and turned the page.

  “I was so surprised to hear that Cameron was your father, Lavina. How long were you planning to keep that a secret from all of us?” Crystal dropped the bomb with a purr.

  Lavina straightened her shoulders. With her free hand, she fished her lipstick out of her purse. After gliding the red over her lips, she sent a wide smile back. “Why would you care, dear?”

  Crystal sniffed at the use of the term. “I thought we were close friends, Lavina.” She smiled up at Kata, who had set a glass of sparkling water in front of her.

  “I hardly think taking the same yoga class makes us close friends. By the way, your downward dog definitely needs some improvement.”

  “I hardly dare to ask why you’re such an expert.” Crystal took a delicate sip of water.

  Lavina laughed. “Oh, honey. I’m an expert in all sorts of things. But it seems you lost your chance to ask Cameron about that. Being newly single and all.”

  Crystal slammed her glass down. The sound seemed to startle her into reining in her emotions, and she drew in a deep breath. “Could I get a napkin?” She smiled at Kata. Then, coolly she answered, “I believe we’ve all lost the chance to ask Cameron something. I hear your getting a new sibling? A new itty bitty who might be contesting daddy’s will with you? By the way, have you been asked if you have an alibi?”

  Lavina went visibly white behind her sunglasses. Ada turned towards Elise, having just finished the last few strokes of the clear top coat on Lavina’s nails.

  “Elise, darlin'. Do you care if we continue our day elsewhere?” Lavina’s tone was cheery despite her countenance.

  “Of course.” Elise stood up, taking her hand from the esthetician. “Maybe another day,” she said to Ada.

  “Oh. Leaving so soon?” Crystal’s face shone with victory. “That’s too bad. I imagine it’s so difficult to squeeze in a manicure with all the hours you put in waitressing. Nice to see you give yourself a rare treat, dear.”

  “I’m not a waitress. I own the deli. But, it’s okay. At your age, we can’t expect your memory to be perfect.” Lavina pulled out a hundred dollar bill from her purse and set it on the table. “Thank you, Ada. It was a joy as usual. Please keep the extra as recompense for the uglier people you must deal with.” And with that, she adjusted her sunglasses and glided out.

  Elise followed, feeling slightly out of her league.


  Lavina was tight-lipped as they left the salon and asked Elise to excuse her. “I feel a headache coming on. We’ll have to do it another day, darlin'.”

  Elise gave her friend a hug. She drove home replaying the scene at the nail salon over and over. “This isn’t going to get any better thinking about it,” she muttered with a grimace. But something in the back of her mind wouldn’t let it go…triggering her to pay attention.

  What was it?

  Something that nasty old Crystal said? Elise twirled her Fitbit, trying to remember. She glanced at the rubber bracelet and pushed the button. Her eyes widened when she saw how low the number of steps were that she’d taken. If she was every going to compete in the half-marathon, she’d better get a move on.

  Her phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Elise. It’s Brad.”

  A smile skirted her lips before she could help it. “Hi, Brad. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Staying out of trouble?”

  “Always.” The grin was getting bigger, darn it. “What’s going on?”

  “I figured since you are feeling so detectivish I better do something to keep an eye on you. Want to tag along while I go over some footage from the outside of the McMahon dealership?”

  “You don’t need to ask me twice. Yes!”

  “Great! Want to meet in a half hour?”

  “Where? At the dealership?”

  “Not yet. Let’s meet at the movie theater.”


  He laughed. “Seriously, I’m going over an alibi for Frank. I’m a little smoother than that.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Elise ran inside the theater where Brad was already interviewing a concessions stand worker. She walked up just in time to hear the teen say, “Yeah, he was here. I recognize him.” The teen handed Frank’s photo back to Brad.

  “You have something to say about him?” Brad asked.

  The kid scratched at a zit on his chin. “He, uh. I bumped into him out in the hall about twenty minutes after his movie started.”

  “Was he getting snacks? Going to the restroom?” Brad asked, his pen poised above his notepad.

  The kid shook his head. “Nah. He was coming from that way.” He pointed toward the front door. “I told him he better hurry, man. Those first ten minutes of Zombies Bride are smoking. He just said he left something in his car.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “He went back into the theater. I didn’t see him again.”

  Brad closed the pad and reached into his pocket for a card. “Thank you for your time. Give me a call if you think of anything else. Here’s my number.”

  The kid thumbed the card and nodded. Elise wondered how long before that card ended up in the trash.

  They turned to go.

  “Interesting.” Elise grabbed the door. “Twenty minutes unaccounted for. And a motive.”

  Brad raised an eyebrow. “Easy there, detective. First,
just gather the facts. Now, come on. They’re probably ready for us at the dealership.” He eyed her sweaty hair. “Let me guess. You ran here.”

  “Yeah, I’ll meet you over there.”

  “Hang on. I can give you a ride.”

  “No, you go ahead.” She showed him the Fitbit. “I’m training for the Key Center half-marathon.” She laughed. “And, it hasn’t been going well. But I’m trying.”

  He smiled at her and swung into his car. As he drove by, he blipped his siren making her jump. She could see him laughing and shook her fist at him.

  A soft, happy feeling filled her as she bent to check her laces. It had been a long time since she’d had felt silly and free to have fun like that.

  Elise switched on her favorite playlist. Her bare nails caught her eye, and the almost-memory whisked right around the edges of her mind. She tried hard to claim it but it skittered away. “Just think about something else. It’ll come back.”

  Unbidden, another thought overtook her mind as she jogged along the sidewalk. Her soon to be finalized divorce. Her feet echoed her thoughts as they pounded against the pavement. Eight more days. Eight more days. She still hadn’t heard from Mark since they’d separated, and that surprised her. They’d been solely communicating through their lawyers.

  Their marriage hadn’t started that way. That first year had actually felt like a real life fairytale. He’d been so attentive, so loving. Every morning had started with a kiss, his darkly whiskered face lightly scratching against hers. And the way that man could move in bed. She’d lay there gasping when they were through. He’d always laugh and tease that she was booting him out now that his job was finished.

  The memory made her smile. They had good times, but did she ever really know him?

  A red and yellow spatter of color waving in the weeds reminded her of all the flowers he used to bring home. Guilt flowers, she knew now. He’d acted so sorry when she’d said she was divorcing him, and promised everything to get her to stay. But part of her wondered if it was because his firm looked down on divorce and he was due for a promotion. No matter what, she knew she’d never be able to trust him again. And what kind of life was that for her? Or for him?


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