Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-426-9

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This is for Karyn White, my wonderful editor. She's helped me to develop as a writer and is always patient with me. Without your constant help, advice, and support I wouldn't be living my dream. Thank you so much. I appreciate everything you do.


  The Owners

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013


  The day Prudence and James first met

  Prudence Star sat with her course books on her lap. She read the words, but they refused to sink into her brain. After three hours of solid study she decided to give herself a break. Throwing the books onto her sister’s coffee table, she moved toward the kitchen. There were times she hated Veronica for all of her perfection.

  You’re being petty, Prue.

  She loved her sister dearly. However, there were times she wished her older sister wasn’t so perfect. How could she ever think of matching up to what her sister achieved? Veronica was beautiful, intelligent, and don’t forget, thin. Her parents never came out and said anything about Prudence’s weight, but it was always there when they went to dinners or social events as a family.

  Her mother always warned of the carbs in pasta, potatoes, and pretty much everything she ate.

  Stop being a bitch.

  Grabbing the chocolate ice-cream, she picked the largest spoon that would fit into her mouth and started to eat. She stared out of the window overlooking the small garden. When summer hit she’d need to mow the lawn. Her sister was due home any minute, as she didn’t work late on a Wednesday.

  Thinking of her sister, Prue heard the sound of the key in the lock. She moved from the kitchen. Prue wore a pair of pyjama bottoms and thin strap shirt. Her hair was bound atop her head. The brown curls annoyed her. She was thinking about getting the mousy colour dyed but hadn’t settled on a colour.

  “That was such a good film. I can’t believe I didn’t want to watch it. Thank you for taking me,” Veronica said.

  Had her sister suddenly started talking to herself? Moving to the hall way Prue stopped at the sound of his voice.

  “My pleasure. I knew you’d like it the moment I heard what it was about.”

  His words melted her insides. With the spoon in her mouth Prue struggled past the wave of unadulterated pleasure. No man or boy had ever left her feeling so aware of herself. There was moaning, and Veronica gasped, which broke through the cloud of arousal.

  Prue rounded the corner to see the most handsome man she’d ever seen with his arms wrapped around her sister.

  A whimper escaped her. Her heart felt shattered at the sight of the man holding her sister. Prue didn’t have a clue what to think at her unusual response to the man.

  Veronica broke the kiss, turning to her. “Prudence!”

  Eyes widening, Prue watched her sister tug the hunk of a man closer. She stared into his eyes wondering if she’d ever be able to forget him.

  “Prudence, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, James,” Veronica said.

  He stared at her smiling.

  As she made to talk to him, she felt the spoon in her mouth. Cheeks flaming, she removed the spoon and then shook his head. “Hello,” she said.

  Her mouth felt dry even though the ice-cream she had eaten made her mouth water.

  “I didn’t know you had a sister,” James said.

  “She likes to pretend she doesn’t.” Prue walked away, unable to cope with looking at a man she could never have.

  What’s going on with you? You’ve never had a man, and now you’re jealous over a man you’ve never had?

  Shit, Prue, get a grip.

  She flopped on the sofa, grabbed her book, and continued to eat from the tub. Before her sister walked in she’d been tempted to put some in a bowl, but now she was eating the whole damn thing.

  They walked through to where she sat minutes later. She sat in the sofa taking up all the space with her course books.

  “James is going to stay a while. I’ll make dinner for us,” Veronica said.

  “Knock yourself out.” She didn’t look up from her book. When her sister didn’t move, Prue kept the spoon in her mouth. “What?” she asked, around the spoon.

  “You know Mom will be pissed. She’s really hoping you’ll stick to this diet.”

  Prue would welcome the ground to open up underneath her.

  Instead, her face flamed as Veronica took the ice-cream and spoon off her without another word. Prue wanted to storm out of the house. She couldn’t for two reasons. One, she wasn’t dressed to storm out, and two, that would only be the action of a baby.

  As Veronica moved out of the room Prue watched as James caught the carton of ice-cream. “You said your sister was eighteen, didn’t you?” James asked.

  Great, now they’re talking about me.

  Floor, open up for me now.

  Anytime would be welcome.


  “Then I think she should have the ice-cream if that’s what she wants.”

  James took the spoon and carton then moved over to the sofa. He handed her back what Veronica had taken away. Her sister stormed off. With shaking fingers, Prue took the things off James.

  “Thank you,” she said. “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “Yes, I did. Why are you being rationed?” he asked.

  Her eyes widened. “Look at me. My parents and sister hate the fact I’m fat.”

  James frowned, and she was sure she heard him growl. “You’re not fat.”

  Pleasure unlike anything she’d experienced bloomed inside her chest.

  “You don’t think I’m fat?” she asked, looking up at him. She moved her books for him to sit next to her.

  “You’ve got curves, Prudence. You’re not fat.”

  He was the first person to say that to her. She fell deeply in love with him.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  They sat together in silence. She spooned some ice-cream into her mouth. “What do you do, James?” she asked.

  “I own a night club. Ravage, it’s called.”

  Veronica worked at the club a couple of days a week.

  Prue found herself staring at his hands. They were huge.

  “What about you?”

  “I’m a student. I’m studying business, and I have absolutely no knack for the subject.”


  James sat next to Veronica’s sister. She was a cute little thing. Bigger than Veronica but he wouldn’t use the word fat to describe her. He stared at several of her course books before looking at her. She ate her ice-cream as she flicked through the pages of the book on her lap. There was no way she was reading the words.

  Her hands shook as she scooped more ice-cream. He couldn’t believe Veronica’s actions when she took the carton away from her. Admittedly, he’d known Veronica a short time, but to embarrass her sister in the way that she did annoyed him. There nothing wro
ng with having a few curves on a woman.

  “So, you’re the dangerous man that runs Ravage?” Prudence asked. “Anything else you’re in to?”

  He chuckled. James wasn’t going to get started in on what he liked to do in his spare time.

  “Nothing that would interest you.”

  She smiled, and his heart stopped beating. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life. For several moments he couldn’t turn away, and James was disgusted with himself. She was only eighteen, and his shaft thickened in his pants. The need to claim her struck him to the core. He wanted nothing more than to lift her in his arms and take her back to his place. She’d want for nothing if only she kept smiling at him.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. Prudence stopped smiling and reached out to touch his hand. “Are you okay?”

  Her touch did several things to him. One, he pulled out of the trance he seemed to be in, and second, he realised what he was doing.

  No, he refused to lust after an eighteen-year-old.

  Wasn’t going to happen. He stood. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve got to get some work done.”

  James walked to the kitchen where Veronica was stirring together some sauce. She turned to him with a smile. Her smile didn’t have the same effect. The look on her face didn’t call to him in any way.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” she asked.

  He wanted to wince at how unnatural the word sounded.

  “I’ve got to go. There is something I need to do back at the club. Can I take a rain check?”

  “Did Prudence say something?” She looked over his should with a foul look on her face.

  “No, she was studying, and watching her work reminded me of something.”

  James walked over to her. He cupped her cheek then brushed her lips with his.


  No electricity or need to claim her.

  One touch on the hand from Prudence and the need arose in him.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” she asked, pressing her body against him.

  He’d never seen a fault with her before he met her sister. She didn’t hold any of her sister’s voluptuous curves. Her smile wasn’t sweet, and it certainly didn’t light up his world.

  “No. I’ll see you soon.”

  He left without looking back. The urge to take Prudence with him was still there. James made his way back to the club and went straight to the Dungeon. He trained other subs in his spare time. Veronica’s presence in his life hadn’t changed his need to train other women. He removed his shirt as he walked into the Dungeon of Ravage. Several couples were already mid-way through a scene.

  “I didn’t think you were coming today?” Kevin said. His best friend, Tate, was working a woman with a paddle in the far corner while Kevin leaned back and watched.

  “I thought you were holding out for Rebecca?” James asked, wanting to take the focus from him.

  “We are, but she doesn’t want to see us. This blows off steam in our spare time.”

  When he saw the other man staring into his cup, James felt bad for bringing up the other woman. She couldn’t leave her house and saw only Cadeon.

  “Do you think there will ever be a woman out there for all of us who doesn’t complicate things? I’m starting to wonder if the whole possessive crap is just a load of bull-shit.”

  James thought about Prudence. There was no way that woman came without problems. She was nothing but problems.

  The age gap between them was fucking scary. He felt like a cradle robber just for looking at her.

  “I don’t know.”

  He moved to his spot and pointed at the sub who worked behind the bar. James rarely fucked the women he trained. He helped them to understand their own needs and desire and then matched them with a perfect Dom.

  The sub came willingly to him. James led her through to his room where she leaned over a spanking bench. No words were necessary.

  Prudence’s face flashed in his mind, and he raised his hand.

  The sub wiggled on the bench waiting for him to punish her.

  He wavered. How could he give the sub what she needed when he couldn’t get Prudence’s face out of his head?

  “Sir, have I done something wrong?” she asked.

  James shook his head. “No, you need to go back to the other room. Bring me the vodka and a glass please.”

  He sat down on the bed available in the room. Perspiration dotted his brow. The sub came back with the bottled vodka. He drank from the bottle and thought about Prudence.

  “Stop thinking about her, you sick fuck. You can’t have her. You’ll never have her in your life. Stop thinking and concentrate on what you do have.”

  Swallowing the strong spirit allowed him the bliss to fall back on the bed and go to sleep.

  His dreams were filled with Prudence, and when he woke up he didn’t feel better about himself.

  “Great, the woman I want is the younger sister of the woman I’m dating.”

  As if his life couldn’t get more complicated enough, after some years passed, she walked right into Ravage.

  Chapter One

  Straight after Owned by the Dom Part One

  James Castleden charged out of Ravage without looking back. His anger was acute, and he needed to find the person responsible for taking Prudence away from him. The thought of his woman being at the mercy of a bastard criminal was enough to drive him crazy.

  “James, stop,” Cadeon said. Lucas shook his head as Stephen walked through the entrance to the club. James looked at the sign for Ravage. In his heart there was no future without Prudence. His woman meant the world to him. Without her there was no point in him living.

  Glancing down at his hands, he saw the blood painted on his fingers. “What? Why do you need me to stop? Jermaine is fucking dead, and Leo or fucking Daren have my woman. I’m not going to stop until I get her back.”

  Lucas stopped him with a hand on his arm. “This is not the way.”

  “No, this is not the way, but Prudence is out there, and she wasn’t supposed to be part of the deal. Whatever way we were going to handle this shit has gone. I’m going to Veronica’s house to get the answers I need.” He pushed Lucas’s hand away. The rage inside him wouldn’t be tempered down by kind words or reassurances. His woman was in danger. Getting Prudence back in his arms meant more to him than calming down his friends.

  “You’re not designed for this,” Lucas said. “I’ve been in battle. You’re not the person for this.”

  “I may have wealth, but I know how to fight my battles.”

  Dane came out holding his face. “I can help you.”

  “You stay away from me. You come near me, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  James opened the passenger door to his car. Arthur sat in the driver’s seat. Cadeon knelt at the window. “I’m begging you as a friend, James. Don’t do this. This is what Daren wants and whoever he’s working for.”

  “If this was Violet would you back down until you had her in your arms? Prudence is the other half of me.”

  Cadeon’s hands tightened on the window then let go. “Keep us posted.”

  He nodded then waited for Arthur to move out of the way. “Do you need to talk about it, sir?” Arthur asked.

  “No. I need you to get me to Veronica Star’s house. She knows something. I know she does.”

  An image of Prudence in his arms flashed before his eyes. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being alone. What would Leo do to her?

  Not Leo but Daren.

  He fooled you, easily.

  James ignored the man beside him. His only thoughts were consumed with images of Prudence being tortured. She was far from innocent, and he’d heard so many things about women put up for auction. He’d read several articles in papers and reports about it all, but none of the information he’d been given would ever prepare him for that kind of truth.

  She has to be safe.

  I’ll tear everyone apart who dares to hurt her.<
br />
  He felt himself losing focus. Nothing else mattered to him other than getting Prudence back. How far would he go to get her back?

  These were thoughts he’d never imagined thinking. What would he do to get her back? How much was he prepared to lose in order to have her safe by his side?

  Nothing else mattered to him other than claiming her. The moment he saw her again James was never going to let her go.

  “We’re here, sir,” Arthur said.

  Without speaking, James released his seatbelt then made his way to her door. Veronica opened the door after the third bell. Her eyes widened, and he knew that she’d known something was amiss. Anger, rage, and unadulterated pain consumed him. He didn’t know what happened. One moment he stared at Veronica, knowing in his heart she was responsible for Prudence’s disappearance, and then in the next he had her pressed against the wall with his hand wrapped around her slim neck. Her husband, Daniel, was clawing at his arms where his fingers were wrapped around her neck. James wasn’t hurting her. He applied only enough pressure to scare her.

  “You know something, you little bitch. What do you know?” he asked, snarling in her face.

  “Nothing.” The words were hard to decipher with his grip around her neck.

  “Let go of my wife,” Daniel said.

  Not breaking his hold around her neck James slammed his free fist into Daniel’s face, which knocked him straight out. Veronica looked at him, startled, but he saw the knowledge in her eyes. She knew something, and she’d been the one to send Prudence to him with the pictures.

  “Let go of me.”

  James released her neck but kept his fingers against her skin. He’d never been more pleased about not sleeping with a woman than he was in that instant.

  He slammed the door closed then got right up close to her face. “I will fucking break you if you don’t tell me what you know,” he said.

  “I don’t know anything.”


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