Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  When she pulled away, he saw the spitfire he loved.

  “I want you, James.”

  He unbuttoned his jeans and worked the zipper down. James gave her the few seconds of control then turned her onto her back with her arms above her head.

  With a finger in front of her face, James tutted. “Naughty girl. What have I told you about topping from the bottom?” he said.

  Prudence pulled on his hands. “I need you.”

  Running his hand down her body, James opened her thighs then slipped a finger inside her, teasing her with what he could do for her body.

  She whimpered, thrusting onto his palm. He added a second and then a third finger pushing them into her depths and watching the pleasure drive her farther.

  Only when she was on the brink of orgasm did James pull away. He pulled his fingers from her tight pussy and grabbed her hands, placing them above her. James wished he’d gotten something to tie her hands above her and to the bed.

  He hated it when he needed to improvise. Silk ties could provide a lot of excitement.

  “Don’t move your hands from above your head,” he said, commanding her.

  “If I move them?” she asked.

  Rolling her onto her stomach in one quick move James landed five short, sharp slaps to her ass.

  She cried at the first then moaned with pleasure as he delivered the other four.

  Turning her on her back, James smiled down at her. Her face was flushed but looked happy. “Then I get to spank your hot little ass.”

  “Okay, Sir, I’ll keep them above my head.”

  James moaned. Months had passed since he’d heard her use that word.

  “You’re a danger to my sanity.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, then moved away to pull his shirt off.

  Returning to the bed, James lay beside her teasing her body with his fingertips. The journey to Italy would take several hours, and he looked forward to teasing her body until she came apart over and over again. This wasn’t about his pleasure or release. He’d get pleasure from watching her.

  “You’re going to torture me,” she said, smiling.

  “It depends on what you consider torture.” James moved over straddling her waist. If he pressed against her core at that second he’d be a goner. Her scent already filled the air with her sweet perfume. The arousal seemed to emanate around the room taunting him with the strength of the smell.

  “What you’re doing is torture. I need to come,” she said, whimpering.

  Chuckling against the flesh of her breast, James nibbled the side. “Then you better get used to this. I’ve been dreaming about this body for too long. I need to remember how to satisfy you.”


  He was trying to kill her with his exquisite brand of torture. Prue didn’t know if this was revenge or love. Her body hummed with arousal. She’d never felt this on edge before in her life. There were no sane thoughts left in her mind. She couldn’t think past the pressure of his body on hers.

  Her pussy was dripping wet. She was turned on by the smallest of caresses with this man. His tormenting touch ignited a flame that only he could put out. Lips nibbled on her flesh while his fingers caressed her skin leaving a path of burning desire glowing inside.

  “Such perfect skin,” he said, biting the side of her hip.

  The flesh of her ass stung from his warning spanks. The burn coursed through her body like a bolt of electricity.

  “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  “Now, please, James, I need you now.”

  He chuckled. The sound vibrated through her making her pussy cream even more. She shouldn’t be affected like this. James knew every part of her, and yet it was like he was creating something new with what he was doing.

  “No, you’re going to come for me, and only when I say otherwise are you going to take me. I’m going to drive you wild with wanting me, baby. Do you think you can handle it?” he asked, challenging her.

  Smiling, Prue moved her hands to cup his face, purposefully disobeying his command. “I think I can handle anything you can dish out.”

  His eyes glinted with something fierce and possessive. James moved fast as he pulled away, grabbed her and landed her over his knee. The thrill of his strength made her struggle. She wanted his arms holding her place as he punished her.

  What’s happening to me?

  I don’t care.

  She closed off any doubts she still had and pushed them aside. The only thoughts that mattered were the ones dominated by James. His power, his strength, and the very essence of his being were all that mattered.

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  His palm landed one blow after another against her ass. She moaned. The smacks were igniting the fire so that it burned harder. Her pussy was burning, and she felt the cream leaking out of her onto his pant leg.

  “Please, James, fuck me,” she said, begging him.

  “You’ve resorted to begging me.”

  Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.

  Five smacks of the hand and she was crying. The pain was wonderful whereas the need for release was unbearable.

  “I can smell your need from here,” he said. He stroked her ass. “Lovely and red, just the way it should be from being naughty.”

  She opened her legs trying with all her might to get him to touch her. He did. His finger travelled down from the base of her back going down the seam of her ass to land to push inside her pussy.

  “So fucking wet.”

  A second finger joined the first. She pushed against his penetration. His fingers would never be as good as his cock inside her. His thumb brushed her clit. The small stroke on her tiny bud shocked her. What shocked her more was the instant climax that swept through her. Fingers pumped inside her pussy as he continued to stroke her clit.

  “That’s it, come apart for me, baby.”

  Her pussy tightened on his invading fingers. She gripped his thigh and muffled her screams against his leg. Nothing had prepared her for such an unexpected release.

  “Good girl.”

  Her body melted on top of his. James picked her up in his arms placing her on the bed. She watched as he licked her cream from her fingers. “You taste wonderful.”

  Prue reached up to cup his cheek. “Thank you.

  “What for?” he asked.

  “For being you and giving me this. I love you.” She meant the words down deep in her soul.

  He stroked her hair then kissed her head. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” he said.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Six times he’d made her come. James opened the doors to his villa and followed behind Prudence as she walked inside. Pride filled him. She was exhausted from his attentions, and he’d lost count of the times he’d made her call his name.

  “I can barely move,” she said, turning to him.

  After the first orgasm with his fingers James had brought her to orgasm twice more with his fingers and then the rest with his tongue. He tasted her on his tongue, and he wanted more. Her taste was addictive.

  James dropped their cases then swept her up in his arms. “Good. You’re not half as argumentative when you’re tired.”

  “I never said I was tired,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Well, I’ll just have to work on those orgasms. I think you’re due three more.” She groaned, resting her head in the crook of his neck. He walked through to the kitchen.

  “First, before I ravish you into submission, you need to eat.”

  “Do we need to go shopping?” she asked.

  He placed her on the stool next to the counter.

  “No, I phoned ahead and got the people who take care of the house to stock the fridge and freezer. Why would you think we need to shop?”

  She smiled, resting her chin in her palm. “Silly me, I’m one of those people who still need to earn a living. I wasn’t born into millions.”

  James chuckled. “Money does have its benefits.” He kisse
d her lips, groaning when she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close.

  “I can forgo the food.”

  “No, you can’t, and I wouldn’t be a good Dom or fiancé if I didn’t feed you.” He smiled as he walked away. The shock on her face was amusing. He’d missed being himself around her. Forgetting about the past and all it entailed was liberating and well worth the wait.

  “Fiancé ?” she asked.

  Opening the fridge, he waited for a length of time to pass. He grabbed some fresh pasta along with the ingredients for pesto.

  “Yes, didn’t I tell you? We’re getting married when we leave here,” he said.

  She licked her lips. The teasing sight of her tongue made him pause.

  “You didn’t ask me,” she said, glaring at him.

  “Baby, by the time I’m finished with you, you’ll be begging to be my wife.” He made it sound like a promise.

  Prudence growled. “Really, you think I’d be your wife.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to be?” he asked.

  He filled a pan with some water before placing it on the heat. While the water started to boil, he stood opposite her with a pestle and mortar. “Do you like raw garlic?”

  “I can’t keep up with you.”

  “I only asked if you liked raw garlic.”

  “Was it a marriage proposal?” She stood up facing him with hands on her full hips. Her curves would look so good with rope tied around her. He enjoyed working on his technique, and her body was the perfect canvas to start. The image of the rope resting on her flesh sent his cock harder than rock. “Sit down.”

  Without arguing she sat down.

  “Good. It’s about time you did as you were told. You tell me when you’re ready if it was a marriage proposal.”

  He ground most of the ingredients together.

  “I hate raw garlic.”

  James left the garlic out. He bashed everything to a green paste.

  The scent of the basil was nothing compared to the scent of her creamy pussy. He added pasta into the water. While he waited for the pasta to cook he stood in front of Prudence, cupped her cheeks, and claimed her mouth. Running his hands down to the straps of her dress he pulled the dress down until her breasts were on display. “I want you to eat like this.”


  “Because I like looking at you.” He stroked each breast in turn before going to drain the pasta. Once everything was mixed together he served them lunch. They moved to the table, her tits catching his gaze with each bite she took.

  After they finished, James got her to remove the dress. “When you’re here with me you don’t need clothes.”

  “What about if people come to visit?” she asked.

  “If people come then you get dressed. I don’t share. You’re mine, and that’s how it’s going to stay.”

  He rested his head against hers and then started out of the room. “Come on, time for the tour.”

  James showed her around the house. He owned a pool and games room complete with a pool table. The thought of Prudence bent over the table was too much to ignore. He’d have her over that table in no time.

  He showed her the library along with the movie room.

  “You don’t own an office?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t come here to work, ever. This next room is pretty special to me.”

  The room that had once been a fully equipped gym was now his personal playroom. Prudence gasped beside him. He owned a spanking bench, a cross, and a cage, along with several other pieces of equipment. Toys lined the walls. He’d been waiting for the right woman to share this with. The room had never been used. No woman had crossed the threshold until now.

  James entered the room and felt the tranquil calm that settled over him. This was right for him. Prudence stepped over, and everything fell into place for him. He knew in his heart Prudence Star was the woman for him, but having her inside this room told him he’d made the right decision.

  “This is your playroom?” she asked.

  “This is more than my playroom.”

  She glanced around her. Her hands fisted at her sides. “Have you brought another woman here?”

  “No, never. This place is for the woman who I’m sharing my future with. I built this place with the idea she’d share my passion.”

  She fingered her hair then went to him. “I’m that woman.”

  “More than you could ever understand.”

  Prudence went to her knees before him. The action was sudden and shocked him to the core. They’d never really tested the boundaries of Master and submissive. Their time in Italy would prove to be very interesting, James thought.


  Stripped bare of her clothing, Prue felt exposed but liberated at the same time. The two emotions conflicted with each other. Clothes helped her to hide away from the world, and because she couldn’t hide away from the intensity of James’s words, she felt exposed. At the same time as the clothes helped to hide her, being without their confines liberated her in the most amazing way.

  Kneeling before him was the right thing to do. He stroked her hair. The action made her moan from the acceptance of his touch.

  “Look at me, Prudence.”

  She lifted her gaze to his.

  “Do you want this?” he asked, moving his arm around the room. “Being your Master is a lot more than being me.”

  He knew. James knew about the change inside him.

  “I always intended to be your sub. We never got around to discussing it,” she said.

  James went down on one knee before her. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  He kissed her lips. “I want you in the bedroom.”

  She smiled. “Not here?”

  “Soon, but not yet. I need you first. We’ve got all the time in the world to come back here.” James led her out of the room.

  Prue wanted one night with him before they delved into a Master and sub relationship. He walked up one flight of stairs and went to the door at the end of the hall.

  The door led into a luxurious master bedroom. “I need to be inside you,” he said.

  “Please, I need you.”

  She watched as he tore at his clothing. His movements were hurried, and she loved watching him undress. His body was pure perfection. James took great care to work out and keep healthy. She loved him for more than his hot body.

  He reached out, taking hold of her hand to pull her close. Their bodies slapped together. The sound echoed around the room making her giggle.

  James reached around and slapped her ass.

  She ran her fingers down his back and sank them into the flesh of his ass possessing him in the same way he possessed her.

  He growled walking her back until she met the wall. “I can’t wait.”

  “I’m dripping wet, James. You won’t hurt me.”

  Within seconds he lifted her in his arms and thrust inside her. His cock eased into her pussy stretching her to accommodate his wide girth.

  She moaned as he pressed to the hilt.

  “It has been too fucking long,” he said, pulling out and then slamming inside.

  Holding onto him as tight as she could, Prue opened her body to his commanding thrusts. After being without him for these past months, having James inside her was the best feeling in the world.

  She closed her eyes only to enjoy the feel of him scraping her walls with his thrusts.

  “This is going to be hard and fast, baby. I can’t hold on much longer.”

  “Fuck me, James.”

  He gripped her hips pushing inside her with all of his might. She cried out as his cock thrust to the hilt hitting her cervix. The pleasure combined with the pain was intense.

  Holding onto his back she fought the need to beg him for more.

  James plunged in and out of her. His thrusts came faster than she’d ever known. She didn’t know how he managed to keep hold of her and fuck her against the wall.

  He sucked her
fingertips and then pressed her wet fingers between her thighs. “Make yourself come. I need to feel your hot little cunt around my cock.”

  She fingered her clit. After the six orgasms he’d given her she didn’t think it was possible to reach climax a seventh time.

  James knew her body better than she did. With the thrusting of his cock and the touch of her finger to her clit, Prue splintered apart screaming.

  “Fucking tight!” James slammed inside her twice more. His cock jerked as his seed pulsed.

  Before they fell in a heap on the floor, James carried her over to the bed. They collapsed together. His cock was still inside her as he stroked her hair.

  “You feel amazing,” he said.

  She stared at the ceiling feeling at peace for the first time in her life.

  “I’m not going to stroke your ego more.”

  “Why not?” he asked, staring up at her.

  “You’ve had your ego stroked enough over the years.” He thrust his pelvis against her making her gasp at the sweet pressure. Even flaccid he turned her into a mass of nerves.

  “I’ve earned my ego.”

  Prue ran her hand down his side, cupped his ass in her palm. She stared in his eyes, raised her palm, and slapped his ass. James yelped. As she raised her palm to bring down another blow to his ass, James caught her. He lifted her hand over her head. “I think that’s enough from you.”

  “What’s the matter, Boss? Too scared you’ll like being spanked by your sub?” she asked, teasing.

  He laughed. “I’ll pay you back for that,” he said.

  “Do you promise?” She loved this playful side of him. The urge to make him smile and to please him filled every part of her. Prue felt connected to him far more deeply than simply his cock inside her.

  “I promise to make every single wish of yours come true and even the ones you didn’t know you had.”

  “That’s a pretty big promise.”

  “I’m man enough to keep my promises.”

  “And I’m woman enough to live through them.” She smiled. Her pussy tightened around his hardening cock. He’d started to get hard as they were talking.

  He leaned down brushing her lips with his. “I want you again.”


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