Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1)

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Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1) Page 8

by Rebecca Preston

  “Oh, but you must. An order from the Laird is an order to be followed. Now go ahead, untie it,” Heigl said.

  Maria move to the bundle and pulled at the rough taffeta yarn, and then unwrapped the cloth. “Oh, this is beautiful.” Maria said holding up a very fine blue dress.

  “Yes, and it will look very lovely on you,” Heigl said.

  “Wait, what is this?” Maria said picking up other items from the bundle. She had what looked like a linen slip dress in her hand, and there was another full linen skirt as well.

  “The under things to wear under the dress. There are several layers, and it is important that they are worn to give the dress its proper look. I don't know where you are from, lass, and the Laird has not told me much. But I saw what you were wearing before and that is not what we wear here, especially the ladies. You cannot go to dinner in the grand hall dressed like an English soldier,” she said.

  Then there was another knock at the door. “Oh good that will be the hot water for you to wash up.” Heigl open the door. A small girl entered with a large bucket of steaming water. She set it on the floor and looked at Maria with wide eyes. Very curious.

  “That is enough, lass. Now be off with you,” Heigl said.

  The girl scampered away and close the door behind her.

  “All right, lass, let's get that dress off of you and scrub you clean,” Heigl said.

  “Scrub me clean? Can’t I have a bath or something?”

  “I shall see to a bath tomorrow. For now there is no time, and we must scrub you here. Hurry up now, turn around and let me unlace that dress.”

  Maria did as she was told, and Heigl pulled the dress off of her.

  “My Lord, what is that that you wear?” Heigl asked as she looked at Maria's bra and panties.

  “Where I’m from, it’s much warmer, and we don’t need our under things to be very long like you do here in Scotland,” Maria said, hoping that was believable and wanting to laugh at the astonishment the woman had on her face.

  “I see. Now put out your arms, lass.”

  Maria did as she was told and allowed Heigl to take the course brush dipping it in the hot water and soap and running it along all of her extremities and body. She had to admit it felt very good to be clean and allowing someone else to wash her was like being at a Korean spa.

  Once they were done, Heigl dried her off with a rough blanket that was on the bed. Then threw it on the floor. “I will bring you fresh blankets for tonight. Now it is time to get into the underthings,” Heigl said.

  Maria sighed, but did as Heigl said. Heigl helped her squeeze into the linen slip, and full skirt, which she tied tightly around her waist. Maria sucked her stomach in as much as she could, and wondered if she’d be able to eat as she wished with it being so tight. Then Heigl directed her to sit down, which she did, and Heigl pulled out a brush and a bundle of flowers from the bundle that held all of the items.

  “We are going to braid this lovely dark hair nice and pretty with these white flowers from the herb garden. They will do nicely with the blue dress,” Heigl said.

  When they were all done, Maria felt like a new woman. She didn’t have a mirror to look at herself in, but by the smile on Heigl's face she knew that she cleaned up nice.

  “There now, lass, you look fit to dine with the Laird of Dunscaith. Such a pretty girl,” Heigl said.

  “You really think so, Heigl? Thank you so much for all of your help and everything. You are so kind to me.”

  “I am kind to the Laird. He is like a son to me, and what he asks me to do I do it. Now come and I will lead you down to the grand hall, the feast will be starting soon,” Heigl said.

  A few moments later, Maria stood behind Heigl, walking down the corridor toward the end. The smell of cooked fish, seafood, and breads wafted in the air and she realized that she was very hungry. Soft string music played, and she found the music familiar. She remembered that it was the same that she heard the first night she arrived, after crawling through the small door. At that time she thought it was the sounds of the party from the ghost tour, and now she knew that it was the Laird having dinner with his court.

  “Here we are,” Heigl said.

  Maria stopped in the entryway to the grand hall. Her feet felt frozen to the gray stone floor. She took it all in. The ceiling was very high, almost fifteen feet high or more. There was a grand fire in the middle of the room and rows and rows of wooden tables and benches filled the long narrow room. Sitting on the benches were hard looking men in belted plaid, beards, and broad physiques. All of them had swords at their sides and mugs of drink in their hands.

  At the top of the room was a long table, decorated in a more lavish manner with silver candelabras and bouquets of flowers. She had seen enough historical movies to know that was where the Laird sat with his family or trusted advisors.

  “Go on then,” Heigl said placing her hand on Maria’s back and pushing her into the room.

  Suddenly the chatter became lower in volume as most of those seated realized she had entered the room — until it was completely silent except for the string music. All eyes were on her.

  Maria started to sweat. She didn’t like the attention and she remembered that Cameron said everyone suspected that she was a witch.

  “Lass…” the deep voice pulled her out of her panic.

  She turned to see Cameron at her side. He looked gorgeous. His hair was still down, but the top half of it had been pulled back and tied at the crown of his head with a leather strip. Loose tendrils fell around his face, framing his blue-gray eyes that seemed to sparkle in the fire light.

  He wore a fancier plaid cloth that was more blue than green and happened to match her dress. Maria thought he looked to be wearing attire that was more refined than the casual attire she had seen him in so far.

  His large masculine hand was held out to her with his palm facing the floor. Maria placed her hand on top of his.

  “Good. Now just hold your head high and come sit at my side. You are my guest,” he whispered to her.

  She nodded nervously. His smile made her feel a little calmer, then they began to walk through the grand hall toward his table.

  Cameron enjoyed feeling her hand on his. The heat gathering there did not escape his notice. When he saw her walk in, his heart stopped. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

  The white flowers in her hair gave her an angelic look, and the dress cinched tightly on her waist, showed her womanly tall body. He’d gone to her side immediately. Cameron knew that if he showed his court that he accepted her as a friend to the clan, then they would have no choice but to do the same. And he very much wanted her accepted by his clan.

  Chapter 12

  Maria sat at the long table, at the head of the hall next to Cameron. She felt nervous because she knew that all eyes were on her, including those of Bran. She also knew very well what the man thought of her, that she was a witch or a spy, and she didn't know which one was worse in their eyes.

  “Have some of this, it is quite potent, but I think that you will like it,” Cameron said taking a glass bottle from a servant that hovered over his shoulder. He poured the liquid into her goblet.

  “What is it?”

  “A whisky we brew here ourselves, not for the faint hearted,” he said. “We only drink it in the evenings because it is a bit strong.”

  “Oh, are you trying to get me drunk?” she said.

  Cameron turned to her and gave her a strong look. It was a look filled with lust, and it made Maria become very warm in the layers of her dress.

  “Would I have to?” he said in a low husky whisper.

  Maria's eyes grew wide and she blushed but didn’t respond to him. Instead she picked up the goblet and smelled the fragrant liquor. It was very strong. She took a small drink, and then began to cough lightly.

  Cameron let out a soft laugh. “You were warned, lass,” he said.

  She set down the glass and looked around the room, taking it al
l in. It was a very lively situation, and in this moment she felt like she was back in her own time partaking in one of those themed restaurants like Medieval Times. How strange it all was.

  Then there were three very sharp notes let out by the stringed musician, and everyone cheered.

  “What's going on?” she asked Cameron.

  “It is the feast being brought in,” he said.

  Just as he said it, a long line of servants entered the hall, each of them carrying platters of food to set down on the various tables. Maria was very moved by the way that these people were grateful for food. In her time it was generally taken for granted unless you lived in a poorer country, but these people knew how much work was involved in delivering the food from the land to the kitchen and then to the table. They cheered for it and were very happy for it. She could really get used to this simple way of life and being grateful for the small things.

  Platters were set before her and Cameron, and the rest of his men who sat at his table. There were large pots of fish stew, loaves of bread, roasted vegetables, and meat pies. Seeing all displayed in front of her felt very festive.

  “This is so wonderful and festive,” she said.

  Cameron looked at her. Her eyes were filled with wonder and there was a smile on those beautiful lips. He was glad to see her happy. He had seen so much worry and stress in her eyes since her arrival that he wanted to give her a little bit of reprieve from it. He knew that having her as his guest for dinner was the right thing to do, no matter how many people stared at them. He wanted them to look at her, to see that she was no danger at all. It was very important.

  A loud cough broke Cameron’s focus from Maria’s face. It was Hugh, who sat on the other side of Maria. Hugh gave him a look that he took to mean he needed to make introductions.

  “Oh yes, Maria, please allow me to introduce you to my cousin, Hugh. He is my stable master and one of my advisors. I trust him with my life,” Cameron said.

  “Very nice to meet you, sir,” Maria said with a smile.

  “And you, lass, very good to meet you as well. You were right, Cameron, she is very bonny, but that is not why I drew your attention. I think you are forgetting something,” Hugh said gesturing toward the rest of the hall.

  Cameron turned to see that all eyes were on him, waiting. He quickly stood up, realizing he was neglecting his duty to his people. He held up his goblet and said, “In honor of my guest, the lovely lass, Miss Maria Saunders, let the feast begin.”

  Cheers overtook the hall, but Maria was quite stunned to see that Cameron had devoted this feast in her honor. She didn't know if the cheers were in agreement of that, or simply because everyone was about to eat. She smiled a polite smile, knowing that she was being judged by all.

  “Pick up your goblet,” Cameron said quietly to her.

  Maria quickly picked up her goblet and raised it in the air. Cameron pushed his goblet against hers, and then they drank. She was glad that he was trying so hard to get everyone to see her as a person because she knew that her life depended on it. Cameron sat down and the servants began to serve him and Maria from the soup bowls first.

  “Thank you for doing that, you did not have to,” she said quietly to him.

  “Oh, but I did, lass. The more my people see you and not some mystery locked in the tower, the more they will think of you as a person and not a witch.”

  “I know your charms are starting to work on me,” Hugh interrupted with a cheery laugh.

  Maria smiled at him, glad that he was much more pleasant than the other cousin, Bran.

  The entire hall was very festive as everyone ate and enjoyed the food and drink. The musicians in the corner played on their stringed instruments and Maria again recognized some of the songs, they were the same that had played the night that she arrived. How long ago that seemed for her now even though it had only been a few days. She knew that what she was hearing that night she arrived had been everyone sitting in this very hall enjoying a meal. She was glad that she didn’t follow the music and stumble into the Great Hall because her demeanor at that time would have made her look crazed and no doubt many of these men would have put a sword through her in order to protect their Laird.

  “Are you alright, lass?” Cameron said leaning over to her side.

  “Yes, all is well. Thank you very much for this. It feels good to be out of the room,” she said pulling out of her thoughts about the night that she arrived.

  “I understand. I am sorry that you have been locked up in that room, it is for your own protection. But perhaps with more time, you can have some freedoms,” he said.

  As soon as he said, some time... her smile turned into a frown. Was she destined to stay in this time period forever?

  “What is it that bothers you, lass?” Is the food not to your liking?”

  “No, the food is very good,” she said. “I was just wondering if I would ever get back to my own home. I miss it,” she said.

  “I understand. Perhaps when my friend comes to visit, she will have some answers for you. She knows the mysteries of this Castle better than anyone.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “For now, you are here as my guest. Enjoy your meal, enjoy the evening,” he said pouring more whisky into her glass.

  Maria knew he was right and tried to focus on enjoying her time in this strange world and time. After the eating was done, a very informal manner took over the hall. Everyone walked around the Great Hall enjoying conversations at various tables. A few drunken people danced in front of the musicians, laughing and having a good time. Maria thought of it as a party, and she was glad that the focus seemed to be taken off of her, except for one man who continued to look at her from across the room as he sat at a table with a few other men, who also stared at her.

  “Who is that man?” she asked Cameron as they stood together.

  “That is my tanist, and cousin Bran.”

  She remembered the name, it was the man that he argued with outside her door who thought of her as a witch and did not trust her. She quickly looked away and smiled at those who walked by her.

  Bran glanced at his colleagues who seemed to think the same way about the new woman as he did. “Look at the way she smiles. Cameron is known to turn a blind eye when it comes to a pretty face. Look how close and how familiar they are, she could poison his whisky at any moment if she wished,” he muttered.

  “Aye, tis true. But what is to be done about it?” one of the men said to Bran.

  “There is nothing to be done. The Laird is set in his ways, and we are loyal to his word. All we can do is keep an eye on her and make sure that she does not get the opportunity to cause him any harm,” Bran said.

  The men agreed, and then continued watching.

  Maria could feel eyes upon her from across the room. She knew that Bran and his men still stared at her. Obviously they didn’t trust her and being a detective herself she knew to keep an eye on the suspect. That was exactly what they were doing to her, they thought that she would be the suspect in some sort of harm coming to Cameron. Not that it was true. She would never harm him. But fine, they could watch her all they wished because she wouldn’t be doing anything to harm their precious Laird.

  Her eyes turned to the man in question and she watched him circulate the room. Stopping and chatting with people at each table, he made them all seem very important to him. As she watched, she continued to drink the potent whiskey he’d poured for her. He wasn’t wrong, it was very strong and she was starting to feel the effects of it.

  “Watch your step there,” Cameron said an hour later. He had been keeping an eye on her, but he also took the time to mingle and talk with those in the hall. He had not realized that while he was away from her side she had drank quite a bit of the very strong whisky.

  “I’m fine,” Maria said with a small hiccup. She put her hand over her mouth, her eyes flying to his and her cheeks turning pink. “I suppose I had quite a bit more of the drink than I realized.”
r />   “Come, I will walk you back to your room,” he said taking the goblet of whisky from her hand.

  “Kay, I think that is a good idea.”

  “Kay? What is this word?” he said amused.

  She grinned up at him sleepily. “Hmmm, kay, short for okay, means all right, or yes, I agree.”

  Cameron chuckled and held out his arm for her. She looped her arm in his and walked at his side as they made their way out of the hall. He led her through the maze of corridors and stairs until they were at her door. He hesitated, really wanting to kiss her, but with how much she’d had to drink, he was unsure.

  Maria stopped at his side in front of her door and had a strange feeling. It felt like she was back in her own time on a date in New York with the guy stopping in front of her Brownstone apartment to kiss her goodnight. She turned to look at Cameron, tilting her head up because he was much taller than she was, and she really liked that. She looked into those gorgeous blue eyes and could still see the bright color of them even though the corridor was dark and only lit by torchlight.

  “Well, I had a very good time tonight. Thank you for inviting me,” she said. It startled her that those words were the same words she would say after a date in New York in her own time, and yet it seemed to be the right thing to say in this time as well. Such a strange coincidence.

  “Aye, I did as well, lass. I have something for you,” he said moving closer.

  Maria grew very heated. She braced herself tilting her head back even further, ready for him to kiss her. Her entire body came alive. He moved closer, and she found herself closing her eyes and feeling a bit dizzy from being drunk. But she waited, knowing he was about to place his lips on hers at any moment. But then she felt something like cold metal be placed into her hand. She opened her eyes confused. Maria looked down and saw that there was a skeleton key in her hand. Was he not going to kiss her?


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