Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1)

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Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1) Page 11

by Rebecca Preston

  Chapter 16

  “Heigl, walk with me please,” Maria whispered to the maid as she stood at the entryway of the great hall. Maria was quite nervous, and many people had already gathered for the meal. Some were standing about chatting and drinking, and others were already sat at the table. She scanned the room looking for Cameron, but he was not there. She didn’t know what to do and felt silly that she was waiting for a man to command her. But she didn’t want eyes upon her as she entered alone, that was why she asked Heigl to walk with her into the hall.

  “Fine, lass, come to this side of the room,” Heigl said leading Maria to the edge of the room to take a goblet off the tray. Heigl said some words in the old language to the kitchen maid holding the tray, that Maria did not understand. Maria just smiled slightly and did her best to stay against the wall and next to Heigl.

  As Maria looked around the room, she could tell that there was a different mood in the hall all together. There was a sense of tension, and she knew why. It was because of the visiting MacDonald Clan. Then suddenly, the chatter lightened and then came to a complete stop. She watched as everyone turned toward the main entrance of the grand hall. Maria turned to look as well.

  Cameron MacLeod had entered, and he looked incredibly dashing that it almost took her breath away. His long blond hair was pulled back again with that leather strap, and loose tendrils hanging about his face. He wore the blue and green plaid across his chest over a new tunic. The kilt made of the same plaid wrapped around his waist and fell down to his knees. His high boots looked to be newly polished, and he wore all kinds of various medal adornments that seemed to glint in the firelight. It was more than the lavish belt buckle and sword at his side, and Maria wondered what they all meant. She took a drink of the port in her hand in order to quench her gathering thirst.

  At Cameron’s side were Bran and Hugh. Behind Cameron, were Jamie MacDonald and his young wife. Behind them were MacLeod men, all of them armed with swords. Maria could only assume that the MacDonald men were eating outside the castle walls with the rest of the MacLeod Clan men.

  “It is a good night for a good meal,” Cameron said loudly. “As you may have already heard, we have guests staying with us in order for us to speak on matters of trade. You will treat them with the same respect as you treat to me. The son of Duncan MacDonald, Jamie MacDonald and his wife Eileen,” Cameron said introducing them.

  Jamie stepped forward and nodded a bow to the hall.

  Then, Cameron stepped forward and walked toward his grand table at the front of the hall with his entourage following him. Maria felt very edgy, at the tension that was moving throughout the room. Suddenly, Hugh was at her side.

  “Lass, Cameron asked me to have you sit among one of the hall tables. This way,” Hugh said escorting Maria.

  Maria gave a tentative parting look to Heigl who nodded with encouragement. Maria was glad that she didn’t have to sit with Jamie and his wife at the grand table, but also a bit disappointed because now she couldn’t get a take on their character and understand if they truly were a threat to Cameron. But she understood Cameron's need to have her not to be too noticeable to the MacDonald Clan.

  “Right here, lass. This is Mr. Gibson and his wife. I give you Cameron's honored guest, Miss Maria Saunderson. She is to dine with you,” Hugh said.

  “Yes, we have met before, Mrs. Gibson,” Maria said taking a seat on the bench, glad that she had made it a point to mingle with some of the women during previous night's after dinner when people would gather around the hearth in the hall.

  “Yes of course, please sit, lass,” Mrs. Gibson said with a smile.

  Her husband simply nodded and seemed more interested in the ale in his mug than making conversation.

  Hugh nodded before walking off to join the grand table. Cameron stood at the table with Jamie to his right, and Jamie's wife sitting next to Jamie. To Cameron's left sat Bran and then Hugh.

  “Let the feasting begin,” Cameron announced. Then the hall grew loud with conversation as everyone began to watch for the servants bringing in platters of food to set on the tables. Maria felt relieved, finally the tension had lessened.

  “That is a very pretty fabric.”

  “Thank you.” Maria smiled.

  “I hope that there are clams this evening,” Mrs. Gibson said in a jolly voice.

  “Me too,” Maria answered. This was just what Maria needed because she could eat and nodded her head to Mrs. Gibson. She suspected that Mrs. Gibson liked to talk, and didn’t much expect a response. That made it easy to only half pay attention to the conversation while looking straight ahead past Mrs. Gibson at the grand table, and at Cameron and the MacDonalds.

  Though she couldn’t tell what was being said, she was skilled at observing people by their body language. It was what a detective was supposed to do. Looking at Jamie, she could tell that he was a man who liked a good time. If she were in New York she would consider him a playboy who liked to drink and hang out at the clubs. His wife sitting next to him, seemed a little off to her. She looked around a lot, and not at the people but at the building itself, as though looking at or studying the architecture. The dirty looks she would give her husband Jamie whenever it was obvious he had cracked a joke at her expense, did not slip past Maria's attention. Not much had changed in the marriage department, she thought.

  Besides these little observations, Maria didn’t observe anything sinister, which was a relief to her. Every now and then when she looked at Cameron, she hoped that he would look to her and they would have a moment. But he never did. He never even glanced her way, though it was obvious that she had a direct eyeline to him.

  How was it that they had shared such a heated moment? And now it was as if she didn't even exist. To this thought, she drank a little bit more port than she should have.

  Before she knew it, the evening meal had ended and transitioned into the mingling hour, to which she only participated in for a bit before heading back to her room. She could no longer be around Cameron because she was feeling angry that he hadn’t even come to talk to her. She knew that she shouldn’t think such things since he had so much on his mind dealing with the MacDonalds, but there were plenty of times when she saw him laughing and joking with men, so he definitely had the time to speak with her. He chose not to. That made her angry and so she made her way back to her room, locking the door behind her and settling in for the night.

  But even though she had quite a bit of port in her, she found herself tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep. So when there was a light knocking at her door, she was fully awake.

  “Lass, it’s Cameron,” the voice said in a low whisper.

  Maria was shocked to hear his voice and she quickly unlock the door.

  Cameron stepped inside and close the door behind him. She could smell the whisky on his breath.

  “What is it? Is there something wrong? Did the MacDonalds do something?” she asked because she was astounded to see him come to her room so late in the night.

  “No, they have not done anything. Jamie went to bed already quite drunk with his wee wife. I simply came to check on you since I did not get a chance to speak with you, with my duties and all during the dinner.”

  “ Oh, I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad that you have come. There is something I have to tell you about the MacDonalds,” she said.

  “Oh, and what is that?” he said taking a step toward her, towering over her with his tall height.

  “I remembered something, from my time. I remember reading about the castle and that the MacDonald Clan eventually took it over. But I don't know when it happened, or even if you took it from them. I only remember that they did eventually conquer the castle at some point,” she said.

  “Is that so?” he said with a concerned look on his face. He sat down on the bed, and Maria realized that this caught him off guard because usually he had an arrogant reply.

  “Yes, so please do not trust this Jamie man,” she said.

? I do not think he is a threat, if it would be anyone it would be his father Duncan, the Laird of the MacDonald Clan. Jamie is nothing but a drinker and a troublemaker, no doubt his father sent him to deal with this in order to keep him sober all together. Jamie is rumored to have a temper, but he mostly takes it out on his wee wife. Jamie has never been good with women, does not believe they are strong enough for anything.”

  “He doesn't? And do you, Cameron? Do you believe that women are strong enough?”

  “Indeed I do. They are very strong and can be very dangerous, dangerous to my heart, and to my body.”

  His hand moved down the side of her gown. Maria felt her entire body come alive. His kiss was hungry and deep.

  Before she knew what was happening, she kissed him back. Her desire awoke and overtook her every move.

  Maria felt herself getting aroused by the nearness of his body. Her lips separated and his tongue tenderly brushed against hers. He put both of his hands on her small waist and then his hand slid over her dress. He caressed her softly, followed gently over her belly.

  Maria moaned softly at his touch. She felt the heat from his hand as he went further up until his hand covered her heaving bosom. Her mind twirled.

  She wanted him badly. Maria craved this man. She couldn’t hold on any more. His fingers quickly unfastened the laces of her dress down the front and he pulled her bosoms free.

  She gasped as her milky white flesh became exposed to him. Maria was overwhelmed for she had never experienced anything like this before.. It was wild to her.

  His fingers squeezed her rosebud nipple that was erect and hard in his grasp. She breathed vigorously yet felt short of breath. He moved his lips down her body and secured her breast in his mouth.

  Cameron moaned and delicately sucked on the tip of her nipple and twirled his tongue around it. She angled her back responding to his licking and kissing. Her body tingled all over. The mounting pressure between her thighs became more evident as the familiar pulsing she felt in her core came over her once more.

  But deep down she thought… He doesn’t love me. I shouldn’t give myself to him.

  Yet, she couldn’t stop. She placed her hand against his hard stomach. He was strong and she could feel the swell and ripple of his muscles. She unfastened the ties of his shirt from his neck and pulled it off.

  Maria allowed her eyes to drag over his perfect form. His lean abs and solid shoulders were sun-kissed, and she let her hands meander over them. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She desired him. It was a delightful feeling. His hand moved up her thigh, past her thigh-high, white, wool stockings tied together with pink ribbon. Cameron’s long fingers traced over her skin. Maria moaned at the feeling once more.

  Cameron pushed her dress up alongside her thigh with his hand. His long fingers moved to her under pieces of clothing. His hands worked quickly as he loosened the pantalets and began to pull at them.

  She opened her legs wide ready for him to be between her thighs.

  He pulled up her dress and pulled her panties off. He kissed her and his hand plunged in and found her clit. He massaged it in small circles. She thought she would explode in seconds. The desire that had built up in her made her feel like she was on the verge of something. She opened her legs wider and let him explore deeper. Two of his long fingers moved inside of her. He thrust them in and out of her as she cried out in ecstasy.

  “Cameron, I want you. I want you inside me,” she murmured urgently.

  He covered her mouth with his, stopping her words. She wouldn’t let him stop. She would make this happen. She reached down and grabbed his throbbing manhood. She rubbed it up and down. He moaned loudly. She knew he had to be beyond the point of stopping. She pulled his throbbing cock from beneath his kilt . She ran her hand up and down getting him harder.

  He moaned and moved his head back enjoying the movement. She moved her hand faster and faster. She wanted him on the brink so that there was no stopping. Then she grabbed the waist belt of his plaid and unbuckled it. Cameron pushed up and gripping the belt, pulled it off fully and set it and his plaid aside, then pushed his kilt down his legs, exposing his thick cock. She stared at it for a moment, startled at its size.

  Cameron grinned and then pushed away at her dress and all the many layers.

  “Now, I need you, Cameron. Please I need,” she moaned.

  She liked feeling his hard toned body between her legs. He gripped his cock and placed the tip inside of her. She arched her back up and he pushed inside of her.

  She moaned, “Cameron. Yes, Cameron. You feel wonderful inside me.”

  He moved slowly at first, thrusting in a sensuous rhythm that drove her crazy. . She grabbed onto the sheets and made a fist trying to hold on. She didn’t want to orgasm yet.. He kissed her neck and trailed kisses down to her breasts. He sucked lightly on her nipples and then with his teeth, he tugged softly on them.

  She ran her hand softly down his back feeling every muscle as he moved. He was a very strong man. He pulled out of her slightly and then moved faster, thrusting in and out of her. It was quick movements and drove her quickly to the brink.. Within seconds she was yelling as sensations exploded inside of her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him tightly to her. His mouth explored hers deeply and passionately. He moved down her neck and over her breasts again, kissing her everywhere.

  Maria moaned and arched her back up. She had been wanting this and desiring this for far too long.

  He moaned and she opened her legs wider and arched her body to him. She wanted him deep inside her. She wanted him to cum with her. She wrapped her legs around him again and pulled him to her as he thrust deeply into her.

  They both moaned at the feeling of the exquisite sensations as he filled her fully with his cock.

  “My God, Maria, love. You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.

  He moved his hips back and forth pounding against her. Cameron began to breath heavier and by the look on his face she could tell he was close to ecstasy. She grabbed onto his back and held him close. Then with a few more thrusts he exploded inside of her, taking her over the edge with him.

  Cameron collapsed on top of her. She hugged him close to her. Cameron moved to pull out of her, but she didn’t want him to leave.

  “No, don’t move. Let’s just stay like this for a while longer. I like having you inside me,” she whispered.

  Cameron smiled, and pulled her close as he rolled, so that he wasn’t crushing her.

  Chapter 17

  Maria looked at the brawny and very sexy Scottish man lying next to her. How did it come to this? She should be trying every single minute of every hour to get back to her own time, and yet she had found herself tangled in the lives of these ancient people. Now, she was giving her heart and body to one.

  Suddenly there was a loud banging at the door. Cameron popped out of bed in the amount of time that it took Maria to sit up. She realized just how trained he was to expect the unexpected. That must be conditioning when you are the Laird of a castle that could be put under siege at any moment.

  She watched as he quickly dressed, tying the plaid around his waist. She grabbed the linen shift and pulled it over her head as he opened the door.

  “Hugh? What is it?” Cameron asked.

  “It’s not good. You need to come quickly. Where is your sword? Do not come unarmed,” Hugh said quietly.

  Maria was panicked. She quickly pulled on her boots as Cameron grabbed his belt and sword and buckled it around his waist. “Stay here. Lock the door,” he said to her then walked out the door.

  But Maria, being a detective, was not one to stay behind in an obvious emergency. She quickly grabbed the rough plaid blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders and was out the door following Cameron and Hugh.

  “It’s Jamie. It appears that he has been murdered,” Hugh said to Cameron.

  “Christ almighty. This cannot be. Who knows?” Cameron said to him as they w
alked quickly down the corridor to the staircase down one level.

  Maria was behind them but trying not to draw attention to herself. She didn’t want Cameron to turn around and order her to go back to her room. Obviously this was a major emergency, a murder in the castle. If it were true, and someone had been murdered, she could be of help. She hoped that it was not what Hugh had said, Jamie MacDonald, she knew all too well that that would be causing a lot of trouble between the Clans.

  “No one knows. The guard came to find me, and I came to find you. I went to your Chambers at first, and then..”

  “Yes. Yes keep that to yourself. Let us not wake the whole castle. How was someone able to murder him with a guard on his door? We need to keep this from his men as long as possible, but I want guards searching the castle right now for anyone suspicious. Search every corner, every room,” Cameron said as they got to the top of the stairs.

  “I don’t know how it happened, I will question the guard again,” Hugh replied.

  They entered the corridor where there were a group of men, surrounding a body on the floor. Maria watched as Hugh gave orders to what seemed to be a man that was a captain of the guards of sorts, ordering him to gather his guards to search for a possible suspect. The guard went into action.

  “This is not good. It is recent, within the hour,” Cameron said squatting down.

  It was then that Maria got a good look over his shoulder. She gasped. Jamie lay on the ground on his back in a pool of blood. Though it was not the first time she had seen a body, it was strange to see one in this way.

  “What are you doing here? I said to stay in your room,” Cameron said, moving to her side as if to block her view.

  “No, I might be able to help. I have some skill in figuring things out like this. This is what I did before I came here,” Maria said squatting down next to the body.

  Cameron moved next to her, hovering over Jamie. Jamie was lying on his back with a knife in his chest.


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