The Rogue Prince

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The Rogue Prince Page 18

by The Rogue Prince (NCP) (lit)

  “Will you please unlock the door, now?” Jasmine asked sweetly.

  “I’m sorry, my lady, but access to such commands is denied to level eight security clearances.”

  Jasmine opened her mouth, about ready to call the computer a few other choice names when Tori rushed to her and covered her mouth. “Trust me on this one, Jasmine. Let it go.”

  “Oh,” Ulyssa moaned. “I’m not feeling so well.”

  Jasmine frowned, thinking the queen was just trying to distract her from leaving.

  “Oh, my….” Sam said.

  “Ulyssa?” Tori asked.

  There was a sound of water falling on stone. Ulyssa’s gown was soaked from the waist down. She looked up from where a puddle gathered around her feet, her eyes wide. “I think I’m having the baby. I’ve been having cramps all day. I thought it was indigestion again from eating all that chocolate last night before bed.”

  “No,” Sam said. “It’s too early yet. You can’t have this baby.”

  “I don’t think that matters,” Jasmine put forth. “Her water’s broke. Go get her husband.”

  “No, you can’t,” Ulyssa said. “He’s with Reid, they’re….”

  The queen grabbed her stomach and moaned. Sam paled, making a move to reach for her and backing away.

  “You were married to a doctor, Jasmine, is this…?” Ulyssa said, her eyes tearing in fright.

  Jasmine shook her head, trying to clear it. Ulyssa misread the action and swayed on her feet. Instantly, Jasmine’s mind took over with what had to be done. “Tori, tell Siren to monitor her life functions or whatever the command for this computer is. I’m taking it she can do that?”

  Tori nodded and gave Siren the order.

  “Do you have a medic?” Jasmine asked.

  Sam nodded. “Yes, but he’s making rounds in the village today. The palace is on high alert until after….”

  “You might as well tell me so we can get past it,” Jasmine said.

  “Argh!” Ulyssa screamed, her knees buckling as she grabbed her stomach. Near breathless, she said, “The guys have gone to meet with the Medical Mafia to see what they want. Aside from that, we don’t know what’s happening. We’re just waiting to get word that it’s all right to come out.”

  Jasmine tensed. “So you were sent to babysit me?”

  “Yes,” Ulyssa rushed. “Now, could you hate me for this later?”

  “Get her on the bed.” Jasmine shook, keeping focused. Tori and Sam helped the pregnant woman to lie down. “Tori, does Siren have any medical functions as far as injections or anything at all?”

  Tori asked the computer. It wasn’t fully operational as a medic, but it did have some uses. It monitored the contractions and they were able to sanitize their hands in the bathroom. Sam rigged the food simulator to materialize something to help ease Ulyssa’s pain. Ulyssa refused to drink it, worried it might hurt the baby. Jasmine knew it wouldn’t but she didn’t press the issue.

  Jasmine took a deep breath. Tori was a big help, being as she was a scientist. Between the two of them they managed to set forth a game plan. Sam held Ulyssa’s hand, talking her through it and giving encouragement.

  “Okay,” Jasmine said, sitting on the end of the bed and taking a deep breath. Her fingers shook, but she tried not to let Ulyssa see her worry. “I think we’re ready.”

  “Ahhh!” Ulyssa screamed. “That’s good, cause ready or not, here he comes.”

  * * * *

  Reid glanced at Kirill. His brother’s face had paled slightly. Quietly, he asked, “What is it?”

  They stood on the walkway outside the palace. None of them liked the Mafia being so close to their home, but the Var guards were inside readied for battle should anything happen. Besides, none of the brothers wanted to leave the palace or their women unattended while they met the men elsewhere.

  “It’s nothing,” Kirill said, his jaw stiff. “I just felt Ulyssa for a second.”

  “If you need….” Reid began.

  “No, I trust her. She can take care of herself. I’ll feel it if she needs me to come to her,” Kirill said.

  Reid nodded, wishing he could have such trust between him and Jasmine, as he looked toward the end of the platform. The large ship had docked and three men in dark, form fitting suit jackets that reached to their knees and buttoned all the way down the front disembarked. Their pants were loose around their legs. One of the men carried a small, square suitcase. Reid wasn’t fooled. Even with their refined appearance, they were still criminals.

  “Ambassador Reid,” one of the men said, eyeing him. “Or are you Ambassador Jarek?”

  “I’m Prince Reid,” Reid said, lifting his chin. He didn’t recognize the man who spoke, but assumed he’d seen his speech at the medical conference on Nozando. The man with the suitcase stood a few paces behind the other two.

  “I’m sorry, you highness. I didn’t realize you were royalty.” The man bowed, but he didn’t look any more respectful.

  Reid said nothing. The men eyed his brothers.

  “I’m Dr. Ellington,” the man who’d spoken said. Then, motioning to the man at his side, he introduced, “This is Doc Francis. We’ve come to negotiate the return of our property.”

  Doc Francis was an older gentleman. He didn’t speak, merely stared. Reid glanced behind him to the man with the suitcase. Was that Dr. St. Claire? He’d never seen the man so he couldn’t be sure. The guy wasn’t acting like a man who’d lost his wife.

  “I wasn’t aware we were in possession of your property,” Reid said.

  “Don’t play games,” Dr. Ellington snapped. “Your friend already talked.”

  Reid tensed. Friend? Did he mean Jarek or perhaps a member of Jarek’s crew?

  Dr. Ellington waved his hand. The man with the suitcase came forward and opened it. With a jerk, he dumped the contents on the ground. A severed head rolled towards Reid’s feet. Reid took a deep, slow breath, forcing his nerves to be calm. Slowly, as if he hadn’t a concern in the galaxy, he looked down. The head’s face was pointed toward his feet. Whoever it had been, he’d had short black hair with graying temples. By the looks of the laceration on his face, he’d been tortured. His eyes were missing from his head. Reid didn’t recognize him.

  “Who’s this?”

  “You don’t know him?” Dr. Ellington asked, surprised. “Perhaps you just don’t recognize Dr. St. Claire. He has lost a little weight, hasn’t he?”

  Reid glanced down again. This was Dr. St. Claire? He took a deep breath, wondering how Jasmine would take the news if and when he told her. Reid couldn’t say he was sorry for it.

  “This is St. Claire?” Reid asked. “You’ve done me a favor. Now I can keep his wife.”

  The men exchanged looks. “This isn’t a joke. I assure you, we’re very serious.”

  “And I assure you,” Kirill said. “We are as well.”

  “Then give us back our booth,” Dr. Ellington said.

  Reid tensed. Booth? They were here for a booth?

  “I’m afraid I’m not following,” Kirill said.

  “And you are?” Dr. Ellington demanded.

  “He is the King,” Falke answered. The big Var took a step forward, towering over the men. The men shook and took a small step back.

  “Your Majesty,” Dr. Ellington said, bowing respectfully while keeping an eye on Falke.

  “What is this about a booth? You’re not here for Jasmine St. Claire?” Reid asked.

  “Who? Dr. St. Claire’s wife?” Dr. Ellington laughed. “What would I want with that insipid woman? If you want her, keep her. We don’t care. We just want our medical booth back. Jasmine won it in a drawing. Dr. St. Claire tells us it was put on your ship. He tried to swear he didn’t know what was in it, but then he did steal it, didn’t he?”

  Reid could barely breathe. These men didn’t want Jasmine. They wanted the stupid medical booth on Jarek’s ship.

  “We want what’s ours,” Dr. Ellington said.

  “Pick up your
head,” Reid answered, frowning in what he hoped looked like boredom and annoyance. Dr. Ellington motioned to the man with the suitcase. He placed the head back inside and stepped back. “Go back to your ship. I don’t know what St. Claire was up to, but he gave us that booth as a present. We did think it amusing at the time, especially when he said it was to pay us for taking his wife from him. But she’s pretty and I desired a bed slave.”

  Reid didn’t mean it, but it was the only thing he could think of. These men looked at the Var people as primitive, backward thinking barbarians. Why change the opinion? Let them think the Var were stupid fools.

  “And the booth?” Dr. Ellington insisted.

  “Let me keep the woman and agree to go away peacefully and I’ll let you take the booth.” Reid lifted his chin. “We haven’t even unpacked it. You’ll get it exactly as we did.”

  Dr. Ellington smirked. The look on his face was condescending, as if he thought the Vars no more than a pack of fools. “Done.”

  Reid watched the men leave, standing quietly until the ship took off. A warm gust of air blew around them. When it was far off the ground, Kirill asked, “What do you think they want with a booth?”

  “I don’t know. Have Ulyssa tell her HIA contacts. Make sure they stop the ship far away from here,” Reid said. “If they thought it was worth killing people and traveling all the way to our quadrant over, it can’t be good.”

  “What about Jasmine?” Falke asked.

  “Dr. St. Claire is dead,” Reid said, torn between relief and sadness. “She’s safe from him. The rest is up to her.”

  * * * *

  Jasmine looked at the squirming baby in Ulyssa’s arms. It was still a little purple in color, but Siren assured them the new life form’s functions were healthy and strong. The child was swaddled in a cloth and the queen looked worn but very happy.

  The door handle jiggled, causing them all to gasp in alarm. It was locked. A pounding started on the other side.

  “Ulyssa?” Kirill’s voice called, sounding worried. “Are you all right?”

  “Siren,” Ulyssa said softly. “Unlock the door.”

  “Yes, My Queen,” Siren said, seconds before the door burst open.

  Kirill was the first through with Reid directly behind them. Soon, Quinn and Falke joined them. All eyes turned to the bed where Ulyssa lay.

  “Come meet your son,” she said softly, looking at her husband. Kirill’s eyes widened. Congratulations broke out as his brothers slapped his back. Jasmine watched Reid. His eyes met hers and his smile faded.

  Kirill went to his wife and kissed her before taking the baby. “My son.”

  Jasmine pulled back as everyone crowded over the bed. This was a family moment and she wasn’t technically part of the family. The door was still open and she slipped quietly out of it.

  “Jasmine, wait,” Reid called behind her. She turned in surprise, thinking he didn’t notice her going. “I need to speak with you.”

  She nodded and glanced around the hall. “Here?”

  “Ah.” Reid too looked around as if thinking. “Let’s go to Kirill’s office.”

  He began to lead the way through the halls. Jasmine stayed a half pace behind him, eyeing his gorgeous body through the corner of her eyes to make sure he was unharmed. She’d been so scared when she learned he was going to meet with the Mafia. Her first impulse had been to run after him and protect him, which had been silly really. She knew instinctively that Reid would be able to take care of himself.

  She was so relieved to see him safe, that she hardly cared about anything else. When they got to the office, he shut the door behind them so they could be alone. Jasmine faced him, keeping distance between their bodies. She wanted him so much. Her body was starved for his touch. Searching his hard features, she knew they needed to talk first. She pushed thoughts of sex from her mind.

  “You met with the Medical Mafia,” Jasmine said. It wasn’t a question. Reid nodded and she was glad he didn’t lie to her. “What happened?”

  “They wanted that medical booth you gave us. As far as we can tell, it must have some sort of information they need or maybe they’re smuggling something with it. We’ve contacted Jarek and he’s going to make arrangements to give it back to them. Then, they’re going to leave. Once they’re out of our airspace, Ulyssa will contact HIA and they’ll intercept the ship once it’s far from here. They didn’t come here for you, Jasmine. They came for their booth.”

  “But, Chad, he--”

  “Chad’s dead.”

  Jasmine’s eyes rounded. “You…?”

  “No, them. I saw his head.” Reid took a deep breath, studying her intently.

  Jasmine gasped, her knees weakening with relief as she sank to the floor. Chad was dead? She was free? Reid was at her side in an instant, kneeling by her as he held her arms to keep her from falling.

  Trembling, she asked, “You’re sure it was him?”

  “Did he have black hair, gray along here?” Reid asked pointing to his temple. Jasmine nodded. “Then, yes, it was definitely him. Dr. Ellington just assumed I’d know who he was.”

  “So it’s done? It’s over?” she asked. Chad was dead. Dead. She was free. “I’m free?”

  “Yes, Jasmine, you are free.” Reid let her go and slowly got to his feet. Jasmine pushed up from the floor. Without stopping to think, she went to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Thank you,” she said, kissing his lips lightly. “Thank you.”

  Jasmine kissed him again, this time letting her mouth linger a second longer. Pulling back, she looked at his lips, hesitated, and then leaned in to deepen her kisses. Her lips parted and she moaned. Reid always tasted so good, so addicting. She felt his body lurch against her stomach, his shaft becoming full. Before she could gather her thoughts, she was passionately tugging on his waistband.

  “I’m not wearing any panties,” she said by way of invitation.

  Reid growled, his eyes lightening to green, and she knew that he was as aroused as she was. His hands pulled at her skirt, lifting it up. In moments like this their bodies were so in tune. It was like she could read what he wanted.

  Jasmine untied his laces, loosening his pants. Her naked thighs brushed his. She glanced around. “Desk?”

  Reid nodded in approval. Almost savagely, he twirled her around and leaned her over the desk. He came up behind her, holding her skirt out of the way as he grabbed her hips. Jasmine’s breasts rubbed along the hard surface through the thinner material. The hard press only added to the urgency of their situation, heightening her desire. She gripped the sides, liking how the position gave him control. There was something very erotic to the game of being helpless before him, about to be conquered by the big, strong warrior prince.

  Suddenly, Jasmine realized she trusted him completely when it came to her body. She knew he’d never hurt her. That was what made these games they played so much fun and exciting. So, if she could trust him like this, could she come to trust him with more than just her body? Could she trust him with her heart?

  Jasmine felt his hard, hot tip pressing into her wet folds. Her body was aroused to such a fevered, needy pitch that she couldn’t concentrate on her own questions. Tensing, she waited for that first thrust, for the feel of his thick mass stretching her wide. She needed to feel him inside her.

  “Oh, yes, Reid,” she urged, “take me.”

  Reid groaned, thrusting forward, filling her tight body to the brink. She gripped the desk and moaned. He pressed his hips against her in small, shallow strokes, hitting her in just the right spot. She squirmed before him. One of his palms lay flat at her side as his other hand came around her waist. He pressed a finger into her folds, finding the little bud hidden there. She instantly tensed as he stroked her with both his hand and his shaft.

  Jasmine couldn’t move, as he forced her to take the pleasure he gave her. Her toes curled. His hips continued to move in small circles as he picked up the pace. Her thighs hit upon the desk as his th
rusts became more urgent, deeper and harder. Animalistic grunts sounded though out the room, attesting to his satisfaction. The two hard points of her nipples ground against the smooth surface, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Reid pinched the wet bud between his fingers, rolling it back and forth.

  The stimulation was too much. Jasmine tensed, crying out weakly as her orgasm hit. Her muscles clenched him, but he didn’t stop. Riding her to a full release, Reid slowed his body. Only when she started to come down, did he stiffen, coming inside her.

  He drew his hand away first, pressing it to the desk. Jasmine was glad she had the support underneath her. Her legs were shaking so badly she was sure she wouldn’t have been able to stand without his support. After a long moment, he pulled back, brushing her skirt down over her backside. Jasmine groaned in protest, even as she stood up. Still breathing a little hard she leaned against the desk, her head down.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  Reid chuckled. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”

  “I meant, thank you for trying to protect me.” Jasmine turned to him. He was lacing up his pants. “But, I want you to know I can take care of myself.”

  His smile faded.

  “I don’t appreciate you taking decisions away from me. I don’t appreciate having your sisters-by-marriage sent to distract me while you go out and fight my battles for me. Yes, it turned out well, but you should have talked to me first. You should’ve told me what was happening.”

  “So what if I fight battles for you? Is that so bad? I’m a man, a warrior. There is no shame in it.” Reid practically shouted at her. “Just as there is no shame in you being a woman to be protected. We are what we are, Jasmine. You are the physically weaker sex. You can’t take grown men in battle. I’ve spent most of my life at battle. Why not let me take care of it for you?”

  “Reid,” she said, taking a deep breath. Jasmine closed her eyes. “It’s not the fact that you were trying to protect me that upsets me. It’s the fact that you didn’t explain what you were doing. If you had come to me--”

  “You’d what? Have let me handle it?” Reid snorted in obvious disbelief.


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