Control Freak

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Control Freak Page 1

by Sophia Vice

  Control Freak

  Sophia Vice


  About the Author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  20. Epilogue


  Copyright © 2017 by Sophia Vice

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Disclaimer: The following ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is completely coincidental. Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.

  About the Author

  Sophia Vice writes scintillating romances that range from light to dark and sweet to bad boy.

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  Adam was always just a fantasy. Older. Intimidating. Sexy. Then, years later, when I’ve hit rock bottom, he shows up.

  But I’m not the happy girl I was when we first met. I’ve lost all control of my life. I expect him to walk away from my mess.

  Instead, he offers to take me in hand.

  To rule me.

  Discipline me.

  I know it’s wrong.

  But why does it feel so right?


  I’ve wanted her since the moment I laid eyes on her. Those lush curves, the shy way she looked at me. I wanted to make her mine.

  I held back for years.

  Then I find out her life has fallen apart.

  I can’t stand by and watch her self-destruct. She needs to learn control, and I’m going to teach it to her. But I want more than her body and her obedience.

  I want her love.



  “Carmel latte with extra whip,” the older woman orders, her long nails clicking against the counter as she taps her fingers impatiently. She has a brassy blonde dye job, and her earrings are miniature poodles. I watch them wobble as she speaks, entranced by how they appear as though they are trying to run away from her.

  “Hello?” she raises one overly-plucked eyebrow, her tone high-pitched.

  I clear my throat. “Sorry. What did you want?”

  “Carmel. Latte. With. Extra. Whip,” she enunciates carefully, as if I’m too stupid to understand.

  “Got it,” I say cheerily, punching her order into the tablet. I flash her a bright smile just to show her that I’m not ruffled by her condescension.

  She gives me a thin, hateful smile in return as she hands me her Visa. I run it and give her the receipt. She signs it and hands it back to me quickly. I’m not shocked to see that she didn’t leave a tip.

  I sigh as she leaves to sit by a window on the far side of the cafe. My best friend, Shauna, looks at me sympathetically and mouths bitch to me as she gets to work on the disgustingly sugary drink. I burst out laughing and then slap a hand over my mouth as people look our way, startled. I have a loud laugh, and I’ve never been able to turn the volume down to an ‘indoor’ level of appropriateness.

  “God,” I sigh, leaning back against the counter, “I can’t wait until this shift is over.”

  “Right?” Shauna looks over her shoulder at me as she puts the finishing touches on the drink, putting a little design on the top. I don’t know why she bothers. At this point, I think it is more to entertain herself than to please the customers or our douche boss, Don.

  I grimace as I think about how much longer I will have to work here before I go back to school. I was in my junior year of college with Shauna, but this fall I had to drop out because I lost my scholarship. The worst part is that I have no one to blame but myself.

  For some reason, I sank into a depression that I just couldn’t shake. I started getting black-out drunk on the weekends and just laid around during the week doing nothing. I didn’t see the point of studying when I didn’t know what I wanted to major in, and going to classes seemed more and more pointless. I thought I could just coast through and cut corners, but this last fall quarter my overall G.P.A dropped below the level I needed for my scholarship. I had no choice but to drop out.

  Now, months later, I’m still working the same dead-end job, barely able to pay my rent and the student loans I’ve already accrued from my first two years of college. I probably should have just gone to community college in the first place, but I’m from a shitty town with a matching set of alcoholic parents, and I dreamed of something more. My brother went to this same university years ago, and now he works as a hot-shot businessman. I looked up to him and was jealous of his big city life, so I had followed him out here, hoping I could achieve the same level of success.

  Now I can barely look my brother in the eye. He gave me some lectures when he saw me slipping, but I gradually stopped answering his texts and calls. I was ashamed that I had basically flunked out of school. He had helped me move, paid for my dorm expenses the first year, kept an eye on me, and this is how I repay him? By becoming one fat disappointment?

  Speaking of fat, I have also put on a ton of weight in the last two years. The freshman 15 was a very real phenomenon for me, and my once petite, slim frame is now totally changed with an extra thirty pounds. When I first got to college it felt like every guy on campus was admiring me. I was athletic, hot, and full of potential. Now I feel dumpy and out of shape. If I have to run to catch a bus I am out of breath by the time I get on. Basically, I am a failure at being an adult. I have zero sex appeal, zero confidence, and now I am always one step away from being broke. Every day it feels like I struggle to get out of bed and go to my shitty job, and the only thing that motivates me is knowing that if I don’t go, I will probably have to move back in with my parents. If that happens, then I can truly kiss any chance of success goodbye.

  The café door chimes, breaking me out of my depressed reveries, and I see Shauna’s eyes widen. I turn around to see what has her attention, and my mouth drops open when I realize someone I know has come into the cafe. He looks devastating in his suit, which is perfectly tailored to his heavily muscled body. His strong jaw has some five-o’clock-shadow, and his dirty blonde hair is mussed as if he’s been running a hand through it. He looks up from his phone, and his cool grey eyes lock with mine. I forget to breathe for a moment as he walks confidently up to the counter, a slow grin spreading across his face.

  “What a pleasant surprise to see you here, Kyle.” His voice is like warmed butter as he leans onto the counter, his eyes scanning over me.

  I turn beet red, realizing that this is the first time I’ve seen Adam in over a year. When I first moved to the city, the summer before my freshman year, I had lived in my brother’s apartment before moving into the dorms. Adam is one of my brother’s best friends and the CEO of the company he helped found, so naturally, he had come over all the time. He is out-of-this-world, cover of GQ hot, with his tan skin, muscular build, and charm. Of course, I had had a huge crush on him, but it had never been any
thing more than a fantasy for me since he was almost a decade older, and way out of my league. I always felt like some silly kid whenever he was around because he made me so flustered and awkward.

  Adam quirks an eyebrow at the same time as Shauna elbows me under the counter. I flush again, realizing that I’ve been silent for too long.

  “Um,” I reply eloquently, “yeah, what a coincidence. How’s it going?” I avert my eyes as I finish, already humiliated by what a stuttering mess I am.

  He laughs lightly, as if I’ve made a joke. The sound skates across my skin, making me shiver. “It’s going great. How have you been?”

  I peak up at him, and my mind turns to mush again when I see how his eyes crinkle in the corners from his smile.

  I clear my throat. “Good,” I finally answer, trying to muster a smile in return.

  “Yeah?” Suddenly, his smile is gone, and his cool eyes seem to be assessing me. I feel myself turn red again as I realize that the girl in front of him must look totally different from the girl he knew two years ago. I was once bubbly and lithe, albeit still shy of him since I’ve always had a crush. Now I’m a chubby college drop-out in a coffee chain hat and apron.

  “Jason told me you dropped out of school.” His gaze is penetrative as he calls me out. All of the friendliness is gone from his voice, and he sounds more like how I always imagined he would playing hard-ball in the boardroom. The authority in his voice makes me straighten, and I get the feeling that he’s almost…disappointed? I look down at my hands on the counter-top as another wave of humiliation washes over me.

  “Flunked out, actually,” I finally respond, deciding to try to save face by being frank. I’m sure my brother, Jason, already gave him the low-down anyway. There’s no point in beating around the bush.

  He nods as if he already knew, confirming my suspicion. “Thanks for telling me the truth,” he says seriously, his steely grey eyes sending chills down my spine. What the hell does he mean by that? He’s not family, and I really barely know him, so he isn’t entitled to any truth from me.

  He tilts his head to the side, examining me with a thoughtful expression. This time I don’t back down—I look right back at him. He’s being rude, and I won’t be intimidated.

  “Would you like to get a bite to eat with me sometime?” he suddenly asks, and I stare at him, my mouth open in surprise.

  “I went through kind of a similar experience when I was your age,” he continues, not waiting for my answer. “Maybe it would help to talk to someone about it.” He smiles and shrugs in a way that disarms me.

  I try to speak, but my voice catches. Adam, my all-time biggest crush, wants to eat with me? I can’t even process it. No matter what college boys I slept with, they couldn’t hold a candle to my fantasies about Adam. I always imagined that it would be different with him—that his touches wouldn’t be fumbling and uncertain. Sometimes I had even thought of him when I was with other men to get off.

  My brain lag finally catches up with me, and I realize that he might not be asking me out. He just wants to give me advice, probably in an older-brotherly way. Well, I don’t really need another older brother judging me for my poor life decisions. I purse my lips as I think it over. I fume internally for entertaining the fantasy that Mr. Sexy Adam, CEO, would be interested in plumpy, dumpy old me.

  “Sorry,” I finally say, my voice flat now that I’ve broken through the illusion that he would want to take someone like me out, “that’s really sweet, but I’ve got a super busy schedule.”

  Adam raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything, and I grow uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. Finally, he nods. “Ok, Kyle,” he says, and the way his voice seems to caress my name makes me heat up. “Then I’ll just take an Americano, black, no sugar.”

  “Sure thing,” I answer, already typing into the tablet. I don’t look at him in the eye the rest of the transaction. Finally, he leaves in all of his dripping-hot glory, Americano in hand, and I breathe out a huge sigh of relief.

  “Dude!” Shauna squeals once the café door swings shut. “I don’t know how you know that guy, but I cannot believe you just turned him down!”

  I shrug. “He wasn’t asking me out, Shauna. He’s my brother’s long-time friend and boss, and I think he just wanted an opportunity to give me some sage fucking wisdom about getting my shit together. I get enough of that from my brother. I don’t need it from him, too.”

  Shauna just stares at me, her blue eyes wide. “I’m pretty sure he was just asking you out. You got it ass-backward. The advice thing was just a front.”

  “Why would a guy like that need a front? Any girl would fall all over herself to go out with him.” I look at her skeptically as I use a rag to clean some spills.

  She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Ha! So you admit it! He’s hot!”

  I sigh. “Of course he is. He’s literally the hottest guy I’ve ever met.”

  Shauna sighs too, leaning against the counter. “Right? I thought I was going to melt on the spot, and I could not believe it when Mr. Sex-on-legs knew you! And now you’ve blown it.”

  I shake my head. “He definitely was not asking me out. I mean, him, with me?” I look at her incredulously as I gesture to my own body.

  Shauna takes me by both shoulders. “Kyle, you have got some serious image issues. Have you put on weight? Yeah, but you’re still just as hot. He definitely was asking you out. He probably just didn’t want to intimidate you. He looks…” she laughs, then turns a little red herself.

  “Older?” I supply.

  She nods. “And probably high-powered.” Then she bursts into giggles, leaning closer to me. “In more ways than one!” she adds, dissolving into more laughter.

  Great. I’ve probably blown it with Adam Ricci, the hottest guy in this hemisphere.



  I try to keep the disappointment off my face as I leave the crappy chain coffee shop. I would never have been caught dead going to a place like that if it hadn’t been for Jason. Their coffee tastes like watered down piss. I take a sip, and, grimacing, I toss it into the nearest trashcan. If Kyle had made it herself I might have forced myself to drink more of it out of courtesy.

  Jason, one of my best friends, wanted me to check in on his baby sister, and who was I to say no? I had tried to tell myself I was only doing it as a favor to Jason, and that I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Kyle. Kyle, who I had spent the majority of my later twenties imagining in various states of undress and positions. I met her when she was just a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old, new to the city and completely unaware of her own beguilingly lush curves and stunning features. I could practically scent that she was a virgin, and the urge to be the one to pop her cherry had ridden me hard. I had spent the whole summer buried in other women to try to cleanse her from my mind. I knew that she was off limits: she was too young for me, and she was my best friend’s little sister.

  Maybe it’s that sense of the forbidden that’s kept me wanting another sight of her. I’ve seen her a handful of times over the years when our visits to Jason’s apartment overlapped, and every time I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I had thought that my fascination with her would wear off, but it hasn’t. I can’t stop wondering if her skin is as supple and soft as it seems; I want to know if she tastes as sweet and sinful as she smells. I wonder what she would look like on her knees, her mouth stretched wide around my cock.

  I shake my head, trying to snap out of that particular vision before my boner becomes visible.

  In addition to the fact that she’s my friend’s little sister and therefore dangerous territory, I know that my particular tastes tended to break a lot of hearts. I like a woman that wants to be cherished—and that will obey me in return. The rush I get from that level of commitment and trust is better than any high, but I know that it is beyond extreme for most women. It probably would be too much for Kyle, too.

  It isn’t worth the risks and complications. I know that, and yet, I just asked her to
go out with me. I hadn’t meant to, but it was like I couldn’t control myself.

  It’s that loss of control, how Kyle completely undoes me, that makes me want her even more. I want her big, blue eyes blinking up at me. I want to hold her lush curves—to feel her pouty mouth against mine. I want to see her react to my will, to reply to me with an obedient Yes, sir. The thought makes me hard.

  I round the corner to where my car is idling, with my assistant Chris in the driver’s seat. I slide into the passenger side, and Chris raises an eyebrow at me.


  “Where’s your coffee?” He looks pointedly at my empty hands.

  “The coffee there is disgusting,” I say sourly, buckling my seat belt.

  Chris barks a laugh. “So, how did it go? Did she turn you down?”

  I look at Chris sharply, astonished at his guess, although I suppose I shouldn’t be. Chris is my assistant for this very reason—he’s a perceptive bastard. He would be the one to guess that I would only enter a crappy establishment like that one to pick up a girl.

  I sigh, resting my head against the seat. “Yeah. I got the ‘too busy’ line,” I air quote.

  “Wow.” Chris can’t suppress his grin as he runs a thoughtful hand through his hair.

  I frown at him. “You don’t need to be so amused.”

  Chris tries to stifle his smile but fails. “Sorry. It’s just, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman turn you down. I wish I had seen it with my own eyes. It’s got to be your first rejection.”


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