Control Freak

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Control Freak Page 11

by Sophia Vice

  She doesn’t know about everything I have to offer her yet, but she will.

  “Sorry I’m so late,” I apologize as we head down the stairs, “I had to stay late finishing up some important things after my last meeting.”

  “That’s fine,” she puffs, out of breath. I slow down, realizing that I’m probably taking the stairs too quickly for her, but as we exit the building her body suddenly goes slack, her hand loosening in my grip.

  “Kyle!” I shout, grabbing her by the waist before she can hit pavement. “Kyle!” I shake her a little, but she doesn’t respond, her head lolling to the side.

  The world slows down and my heart beat picks up, roaring in my ears. What’s wrong with her?

  I press my fingers against her neck and I am relieved when I feel a steady pulse and her warm breath across my wrist. Crossing CPR off my mental list, I swing her up into my arms and run to my car.

  I can get to the hospital faster than it would take for an ambulance to get here.

  I gingerly put her in the passenger seat, and when I get into the driver’s side I quickly ball up my jacket to cushion her head against the window. Assured she’s in place and buckled up, I spare her once glance as I start the engine. Her eyelashes are like dark crescents against her pale cheeks.

  She’s so beautiful. I can’t lose her now that I know what it’s like to be with her. I can’t.

  I steady my breathing. I need to be strong for her now so that I can protect her. Every step of the way, I’m going to continue to take care of her, just like I promised.

  I won’t let any harm come to her.

  With that thought bolstering me I pull out and press on the gas. My car roars to life as I gun it to the freeway, the engine’s power immediately putting me way over the speed limit. They can ticket me later, because I’m not going to waste a single precious second. My heart in my throat, I speed towards the hospital.

  Jason paces in the waiting room in front of me as I sit, leaning forward over my knees.

  I hate waiting for things in everyday situations, but this is like torture. Still, I keep it contained. Jason is driving me a little crazy with his restlessness, but I know better than to needle him right now.

  “I don’t get it, what exactly were you doing with her?”

  “Well, you asked me to check up on her,” I hedge. I had not wanted Jason to find out about me and his baby sister’s relationship this way. I had planned on letting Kyle tell him about us herself in the morning after she had made up with him. Now it looks like I’ll have to speak for the both of us.

  “How did you know where she lived?” Jason’s eyes narrow, and I can tell that he’s already figured it out.

  I raise my hands up defensively. “Look, I’m not going to lie about it—your sister and I, we have something going.”

  Jason frowns, crossing his arms over his chest in a gesture that reminds me of his sister. I brace myself for the interrogation. “And what kind of ‘something’ is that? I’ve known you for a while, Adam, and no offense, but long-term relationships don’t really seem to be your thing. My little sister doesn’t need more instability in her life.”

  “I think she can decide what she needs on her own,” I reply crisply, “but for your information, I’ve held a torch for your sister for a long time, and I don’t plan on messing it up. I’m serious about her.”

  Jason’s eyes widen. “Seriously? Since when?”

  “We’ve only been going out for a couple of days, to be honest,” I admit. “But I hope she wants to keep dating.” I keep my language bland and vanilla—if Jason found out what kind of relationship his little sister and I really have, he would probably haul off and punch me right here in the ER waiting room.

  “No,” Jason clarifies, “I mean, since when have you held a torch for her?”

  “Since I first saw her,” I tell him flatly. There’s no point in lying now that it’s all out in the open.

  Jason runs a hand through his hair, but I see some amusement in his eyes. “You old perv. And why did you wait this long to make a move?”

  I shrug. “I was trying to do the right thing. I’m older than her, obviously, and I didn’t want to… I guess I wanted her to have some normal college experiences. I think it would have been awkward if a guy in his late twenties was at her dorm. Plus, I was worried about how you would take it.”

  Jason sighs, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re a good guy, Adam. I’m just a little protective of my sister. We’ve been through a lot of shit, her and I.”

  I grimace. “I know. And trust me—I’m already protective of her too.”

  We both glance down the hallway where we know Kyle is being examined. At that moment a doctor comes striding towards us.

  “Mr. Remmington?” The doctor addresses Jason.

  “Yes?” Jason’s voice is strained, and I can tell that every second that passes is killing him, because it’s killing me too.

  “Your sister is going to be fine. Did she know that she is anemic? The anemia is, most likely, what caused her to pass out. She’s fine now, but with her weight, we would also like to test for pre-diabetes.”

  Jason nods, looking relieved.

  “Women with anemia can experience fatigue and other symptoms like faintness, but if she develops diabetes, she will be at risk for life-threatening complications. If she wants to avoid becoming diabetic, she will need to exercise, lose weight, and eat clean. She will need to speak to her primary caregiver about it in more detail to get tested. Does it run in your family?”

  “Yes,” Jason admits, “my father is diabetic.”

  “Then I definitely recommend she get tested and start making some lifestyle changes.”

  “Yes, of course,” Jason agrees, clasping the doctor’s hand. “Thank you so much.”

  The doctor nods. “You’re free to visit her now. She’s asleep.”

  Jason starts towards the hallway, but I grip his arm and he pauses. “What?”

  “Look, she’s your sister and it’s up to you but…maybe it would be better to wait on this reunion? It might be a bit much for her just now.”

  Jason looks crushed, and I feel myself deflate at causing my good friend pain. “I want to tell you to fuck off,” he grumbles, looking down the hallway sadly, “but I think you’re right. Will she be comfortable going home with you? Since it’s early days and all?”

  “She’d better be,” I whisper under my breath. Like hell I’ll let my pet try to fend for herself when she’s not feeling well.

  “What was that?” Jason tilts his head.

  I clear my throat. “I said, I think so. I’ll give you a call if there’s anything wrong. And I’ll text you too, tonight and tomorrow morning. I’m going to clear my schedule tomorrow, so you and Chris are going to have to take the lead at the office.”

  Jason laughs. “You’re taking a day off work? Man, you have got it bad.”

  I shrug, grinning, and Jason slaps me on the back. “Don’t get me wrong,” he says, “if there was anyone I would trust to look after my sister, it would be you. You’re like a brother to me.”

  I clasp his arm. “Thanks, man.” The two of us really are brothers—Jason’s my head of operations, and we have shared all of our ups and downs in life the past ten years since college—although I have kept the more radical aspects of my sex life a secret.

  Jason salutes and starts off in the other direction. “Make no mistake though,” he calls back, “if you break her heart, I’ll kick your ass!” His declaration earns him a dirty look from an older nurse that passes by him.

  I chuckle and head toward Kyle’s hospital room. I hope that I deserve Jason’s trust. I’ll do everything, anything, to be what Kyle needs. I refuse to be the guy that breaks her heart.

  But I can’t help but worry, with how hard I’m falling for her, that she might be the one breaking my heart.



  I wake up to bright, sterile lights and the steady beeping of a heart monito
r. Alarmed, I shoot straight up.

  A heavy hand settles on my chest and pushes me back into the pillows beneath my head. “Woah, easy there,” the husky voice commands, and I feel a low thrum of desire pulse through me.

  I stare at the handsome face of the man sitting beside me, and it takes a second before I realize who it is. “Adam?”

  In the next second I remember everything that’s happened in the past week—that Adam is dating me. “Adam!” I repeat, grinning.

  Adam’s brow furrows as he reaches out to touch the back of his hand to my forehead. “Did they put you on some kind of narcotic?” he murmurs, looking concerned.

  I shake my head. “No—well, maybe, but I’m just happy to see you.”

  Adam smiles back at me, looking more relaxed. He takes my hand in his and feathers a kiss on the back of it, his steely eyes rising up to meet mine. His gaze is like molten silver, and, absurdly, I feel myself growing wet. “I’m happy to see you, too, baby,” he sighs. “I’m relieved to see that you’re alright. You had me worried.”

  I swallow hard. “What happened? I was going down the stairs with you, and then I felt dizzy…”

  He nods. “You passed out and I had to take you to the hospital. You almost gave me a heart attack,” he jokes, but I can see the seriousness in his eyes.

  God, I think, way to make things heavy so early in the relationship.

  “You’re anemic, which caused you to pass out, but the doctors are also saying you could be pre-diabetic,” Adam explains, his thumb stroking the back of my hand.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp, “that sounds serious!” I start to panic. My dad has diabetes, not that I’ve ever cared. The cold truth is, I’ve never cared about either of my parent’s health. God knows they never cared about mine.

  “Relax, babygirl,” Adam soothes. “You could be pre-diabetic. Which means you don’t have diabetes yet. But it does mean that you’re going to have to start exercising and eating a clean diet. No more packages of chocolate chip cookies.”

  My eyes widen. “How did you know I like chocolate-chip cookies? Have you been snooping in my kitchen?”

  He smirks. “I tasted them on your lips yesterday when I came to pick you up. There were also some crumbs on your shirt, remember?” He grins, and a sexy dimple appears on his cheek.

  It melts me on the inside, even as I blush.

  “What about the anemia?” I ask.

  “An iron supplement and eating more meat should fix that, but you can ask the doctor when he comes back in,” Adam explains. “Are your periods very heavy, baby?”

  My mouth pops open as I turn red. “You did not just ask me that question!” I gasp, my voice shrill with horror.

  He quirks an eyebrow, unmoved by my reaction. “Well?”

  I grab the thin hospital blanket and pull it over my head. “I’m pretending that this conversation isn’t happening.”

  He chuckles warmly and pulls the blanket back from my face, drawing some of my mussed hair in front of my eyes. He takes my chin in his hand and focuses my eyes on his.

  “Kylie, you’re a woman. I’m under no illusions about that. I enjoy your sweet pussy, and your tits, so why shouldn’t I be attentive to the other things that make you a woman?”

  I flush under the intensity of his watchful gaze. “How do you know about all of this, anyway?” I mumble.

  He sighs, running a hand through his hair. It looks sexy, all unruly like this—as if he just rolled out of bed. “I didn’t want to wake you up, so I’ve had some time to research all of this on my phone.”

  “Oh. You didn’t have to do that.” I smile at him shyly.

  His eyes are serious. “Yes, I did.” He leans in closer. “You agreed to be my submissive, and I know you know by now that means you obey me and follow my rules, but it also means that I take care of you.” He kisses my cheek. “Watch over you.” He kisses my other cheek. “Protect you.” Finally, he presses a warm kiss to my lips, and I can hardly breathe.

  Love you? I think wildly, desperately.

  “Cherish you,” he finishes, and something pangs inside of my chest.

  It isn’t what I wanted to hear, but it still means a lot to me. I don’t think anyone has ever cherished me before.

  I tug on the back of his neck, and he gets the memo and leans in to kiss me again. It’s soul-searing, his lips hot against mine, and I begin to wish that we were at his house instead of in this hospital room.


  We break apart, and Adam grins sheepishly at the doctor that has entered the room as I flush in embarrassment.

  “We were caught up in the moment,” Adam explains, settling back in his chair and winking at the doctor.

  Oh my god, he is shameless.

  “So,” the doctor begins, ignoring Adam and walking towards the foot of my bed with a clipboard in hand, “how are you feeling, Ms. Remmington?”

  Adam insists that I come back to his house. I argued with him for a while, but then he just leaned in and whispered, I know you aren’t well, but that doesn’t mean I can’t raincheck a punishment.

  So then I stopped arguing with him.

  Back at the house he makes me chicken soup, and after we are done eating he orders me to undress and get in the shower. I instantly grow wet at his authoritative tone.

  He undresses too, and I’m a little intimidated as every inch of his rock-hard body is unveiled. I don’t really know if I’m ready to play with him.

  Weakly, I tell him so.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” he husks, pulling down his briefs to reveal his thick, hard cock, “I’m just going to help you wash up. I know you’re still recovering.”

  I nod, but I’m skeptical as he gets into the glass enclosed shower with me, his eyes hot as they rove my body.

  He still makes me nervous.

  “How’s the temperature?” He murmurs, coming up right behind me. I tremble as his cock presses against my ass.

  “Amazing,” I moan, because it is. The hot water is melting the chill of the hospital out of my bones.

  “Good,” he rumbles, pouring some eucalyptus body wash into his hands.

  His strong fingers begin to clean me, rubbing the bubbly wash over my skin. “I can do that myself,” I protest, already groaning as his strong hands work on some knots in my back.

  “No arguing,” he admonishes, so I surrender to his touch.

  It is absolutely decadent, having this man wash my body. His hands seem to sense every spot of tension, and when he’s cleaned most of my body his hands run briefly run over my breasts to wash them. My nipples immediately harden, making me gasp.

  I expect him to play with me, but his hands are brusque, which somehow turns me on even more. He pulls my back against the hard planes of his chest as his hands move to my navel. I relax against him, letting my head rest against his shoulder.

  I startle as his hand dips down to my folds. “I thought you said no sexy stuff?” I breathe. I try to move away from his hand, but I’m trapped against his body.

  “Hold still,” he commands, nipping my ear, “and spread your legs. I’m just going to clean you.”

  I struggle a little more, but his other hand is like a band around my stomach. “Do you want a punishment, pet? I thought we were past this. I touch your body how and when I want. I own it. Unless you need to safeword?”

  “No,” I gasp, feeling like my weak body is on fire as his forefinger presses against my clit.

  “Good.” He uses his own strong legs to nudge mine open, his cock like a steel pole against my ass.

  His fingers, still sudsy with body wash, cleanse my pubic hair and my folds before he cups some water into his hands to make sure that I’m totally rinsed off. Letting him clean me like this is intimate and embarrassing and really hot all at once.

  “I’d like to get rid of this,” he says idly, his fingers trailing through my pubic hair.

  I look at him sharply. “Isn’t that up to me?”

  He shakes his head. “No, it is
n’t. I’m in control, remember? I own this body.” He tweaks a nipple, and I squeak as his harsh touch sends a shot of arousal to my core.

  “I think it looks slutty,” I argue.

  He raises an eyebrow. “A slut is a woman who loves to fuck. Do you not love it when I fuck you?”

  My mouth drops open. “I do,” I admit, and I can’t help but glance at his large cock, “but that doesn’t make me a slut. I don’t fuck everything I see.”

  He tips my chin so that my eyes meet his again. “No, you don’t. That’s why you’re my slut.” His eyes gleam. “You love to be fucked, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Now, let’s get you dry.”

  I feel a little spark of disappointment as he turns off the shower and babies me some more by toweling me down. Even now I wish he would fuck me. It’s as if my body wants to prove his point.

  He produces a decadent, fluffy bathrobe and wraps me in it. It’s like he’s running a hotel or something.

  “Brush your teeth,” he orders, handing me a plastic-wrapped toothbrush.

  “Why do you have this?” I ask, peeling the wrapper back. Last night I had just used his toothbrush.

  He shrugs. “I got it for you. I knew I was going to want you sleeping here sometimes, and I wanted you to practice good dental hygiene.”

  I squint at him. “You’re not normal,” I grumble.

  He smiles and swats my ass. “Get brushing.”

  After we brush our teeth he gets into the bed with me, and I feel oddly shy.

  “What are you doing all the way over there?” He asks. “Come here.” He pats the spot next to him.

  I slowly move over, but he grabs my wrist and drags me until I’m flush against his warm body.

  We lay in companionable silence until Adam presses his lips to mine. He kisses me leisurely, and then leans back, his eyes assessing me.

  “What is it?” I ask, sitting up on my elbow.

  “We never finished our conversation at the restaurant, about what you’re going to do about your rent,” he begins, one of his hands idly running through my damp hair.


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