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Hardware Page 9

by Sara Brookes

  “No smartass comment about it being a piece of drivel?” When she only shook her head, Edgar's eyebrows lifted in surprise. She saw the moment comprehension bloomed on his face and watched him shake his head then swear quietly as he left them alone.

  She lowered her head to the table, blew out a breath that was warm and moist against the tabletop and searched for a small thread of sanity. She hadn't been able to answer Edgar with more than one word because she couldn't make her throat work to form coherent words. Patrick's sudden demand for her had left her speechless and her entire body was loose and pliant.

  A firm hand pressed to her lower back and her thighs trembled as he moved to caress the curve of her bottom. His body pressed up tight against hers and she leaned against both him and the table for support.

  Someone entered the alcove with them but it didn't deter Patrick. His body pressed firmly against hers and with him so close, it wasn't hard for her to detect the scent of sex.

  “Errands are done,” he demanded quietly in her ear and the tone of his voice left no room for any sort of misinterpretation. “Unless you don't want to find out what if feels like to be restrained up against a wall.”

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  * * *

  Chapter Eight

  Evidently, she had wanted to find out and she was absolutely divine—just as he'd known. It broke his heart to know that no one had ever taken the time to tell her how special she was. Or show her just how she much she deserved to be worshipped and cherished.

  Patrick had taken note of how self-conscious she was and he intended to break her of it.

  As a simple test, he'd secured her to the slats of wood bolted into one of the brick walls at Sanctuary and been purposefully rougher than he normally would have been. He'd wondered if she would throw her safe word between them and call a halt to things. While he refused to strike a woman, in any manner, he could still be rough and never lay a finger on her. Even spanking was a hard limit for him. Men had no right to beat a woman for any reason.

  Just as he suspected, she hadn't said a thing. In fact, her reaction had been quite the opposite. Secured to the St. Andrews cross on his wall with leather cuffs, she faced him, her skin had a pink flush and her nipples stood out in hard peaks. He was tempted to reach forward and drag the pad of his thumb over one of those hard nubs. Maybe even lean forward, scrape his teeth or tongue across her skin.

  He'd made a promise to himself and despite it, gave into some of the temptation and brushed his hand against her skin. She didn't make a noise, just as she hadn't for most of their time in bed.

  They'd have to work on that. For now, he had other plans. “I'm going to break you, Allison. I'm uncertain how long it's going to take, but it will happen and you're going to enjoy it. Last night was just the beginning.” Her heartbeat hitched against his knuckles as he moved his attention to the other nipple and that was the signal he'd waited for. “Did you know I can force you to orgasm? I can tell from the look in your eyes that the idea intrigues you, but you don't understand how it's possible. Allow me to demonstrate.”

  He held up a slim, credit card sized controller in one hand and a harness in the other. “While I may not enjoy watching others engage in intercourse, I do particularly enjoy watching my sub out of control.”

  There was a tight clench at the base of his spine as those chocolate eyes of hers glazed over and lost focus. Something told him he wouldn't hear the safe word at any time this evening. He tucked the remote into his pocket so his hands were free.

  Like most things he owned or purchased for this room, the harness was a specialty item. Like each woman he'd had here was different in their needs, so was the harness. The previous version he'd owned had been made for a lover who'd been particularly fond of anal sex. While he never discredited it, he guessed Allison didn't have an interest in it yet because of her lack of experience. He'd had another harness fashioned with a few modifications that suited his desires with her in mind.

  “Would it excite you to know I had this toy fashioned specifically for you?” He waited a heartbeat and continued without her answer. “I've learned that a woman should be shown exactly what her body is capable of as it puts her more in touch with her sexuality.”

  “You have certainly done more than enough to make me aware of that,” she stated with a quiet laugh.

  The sound caused his arousal to spike and ordered himself to maintain his composure. He held the sturdy leather up in order to allow her a better view as he explained. There was no fear in her eyes, but there was curiosity. “These straps loop around each of your thighs and connect in the center where this metal ring is sewn into place. Depending on preference, there are various attachments that can be utilized. If you find it's too much, we'll make adjustments as necessary, but for now I went with something a bit small.”

  He held up a four-inch plug, pleased to note her expression didn't change. “This isn't meant for actual movement, more for a feeling of fullness. Once it's in place, it won't move until I take it out. This was specially made just for you as well,” he added as he flipped it over. “It's been outfitted with a bullet, so it will vibrate. Ups the intensity, takes another level of control away from the wearer.”

  After he'd knelt in front of her, he allowed himself to appreciate the sound of leather as it slid against skin as one of the straps slipped around her leg. Her body tensed and a quick glance told him it wasn't the feel of the material that bothered her and continued.

  Unable to stand not being able to touch her, his fingers slid against her skin. They dipped to where he felt the heat and slickness between her legs. Her breath caught in her throat as a finger slipped inside. He was pleased to discover she was already slick for him. Given that fact, he withdrew his finger and pressed the tip of the toy to her opening. He took his time to slide it inside her in minute increments.

  “In case you're wondering, it's perfectly safe for you to wear that for as long as I choose. Another Top I know once presented something similar to his bottom with the instruction she was to wear it for five consecutive days without removing it. But don't worry, I have nothing like that in mind tonight. I do plan to take my time, spend all night finding that point in which you lose complete and utter control.”

  Once it was fully slipped in place, he secured the other strap over her thigh and buckled it into place. He stepped back to admire his handiwork and slid his hands into his pockets as he studied her. While he could have gone for a more functional harness that allowed for other possibilities on other occasions, he was glad he'd taken the time to have this one fashioned.

  He extracted one of his hands and slid a finger along her jaw. “You are simply mouth-watering strapped before me like this. Do you know that? It's so simple, how it provides me an unencumbered view to all of that luscious skin of yours. You should see yourself, so helpless with one of my harnesses between your legs. I wish you knew, had some idea of what level of pleasure you're going to find tonight.” He made himself remove his hand, step away from her because he wasn't sure he could keep himself under strict control if he continued to touch her.

  The heavy sound of his shoes was loud on the floor as he stepped away. From experience, he knew the sensation of the vibrator fitted inside her was agonizing enough, especially when the person was already aroused as much as she was. And he hadn't really gotten started. The device wasn't even turned on, but the thought that at any moment it could be was certainly alluring.

  To draw out the moment, he spun on his heel and crossed to the kitchen where he kept a small supply of liquor. He hooked a finger over the rim of a highball glass as he pulled out an opened bottle of Glenlivet whiskey. Even without a glance her way, he knew she watched him intently and wondered what his motives were. He mulled over the idea to remain in the kitchen, drink the whiskey and pretend she didn't exist, but found it difficult. He wanted to look at her, see her reaction the first time the vibrator was switched on.

  Choice made, he carried the bot
tle and settled in the chair placed a few feet away from her. He shifted his pants so they wouldn't pull and bunch as he sat and lifted one leg so his ankle crossed his knee. The whiskey bottle made a dull sound as he sat it on the floor beside him.

  When he finally looked up, she stared directly at him. It was almost as if she defied him to tell her to do otherwise. While it was an admirable sight, it wasn't what he wanted. There were two ways he could handle this. Ignore it completely or address it.

  Patrick wasn't the type to ignore.

  He took the remote out of his pocket and tapped the button closest to his palm—the highest setting—and watched her body jerk and strain against the ties that bound her. Her eyes immediately fell away from his and landed on some arbitrary point on the floor between them.

  Pleased, he tapped the off button.

  The whiskey was warm on his tongue and he tasted the full body of the ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. When he swallowed, the spices opened to an exotic fruit flavor that made him nearly close his eyes. The liquor was as decadent as she was and he indulged himself with another sip. In a way, it reminded him of her—complex and intense but with a hint of sweetness that was silky on his tongue.

  “I'd leave you alone to have your little affair with the alcohol, but I'm in a bit of a precarious position.” Despite the sardonic tone of her voice, the hint of a smile turned up one corner of her mouth.

  “A position I put you in. You'll do well to remember that someday. Now, don't speak unless you're directed to.”

  After he took another sip of his drink, he tapped the first button on the remote. She followed his instructions and didn't make a sound. However, he heard the leather around her wrists and ankles creak as she strained against them.

  Heat spread through his veins as he watched her cheeks flush and her body bow ever so slightly away from the wall. He'd purposefully left her waist unsecured even though he owned a wide strip of leather used solely for that purpose. He hadn't wanted anything on her other than the four cuffs and the bands that held the vibrator in place.

  Despite the complicated nature of his desires when it came to sex, he liked to keep the visuals simple. Just the sight of his lover naked, wearing cuffs and a collar was enough for him.

  Collars would come later with Allison. For now, he enjoyed the sight of her just as she was.

  He took another sip and noticed the increased flush of her skin. The button on the remote pushed in under his thumb. Again, the bow of her body increased and decided it wouldn't take long before she strained the binding as far as it could go. To take advantage of her reaction, he thumbed the slide control next to the row of buttons used to incrementally increase the vibrations instead of taking it to the next level.

  It was a slow form of erotic torture.

  He pushed the button up a bit more, pleased to hear her quiet gasp of surprise. Given the fact this was a new experience for her, he allowed her the small concession. She was close so he engaged the medium level and set the remote down on the arm of the chair.

  Her body went rigid as she strained away from the wall and the shimmer of an orgasm made her body taut. She didn't know it yet, but this was only the beginning. The pink flush of her skin made him want to push up from the chair, cross to her and lave his tongue over every single inch of that heated skin and feast on her until he was sated. To keep in line with the scene he'd set up, he refrained.

  As the orgasm faded, her gaze lifted from the floor to meet his. There was no doubt in his mind that she believed the one release was the end of the scene. He took another sip of the liquor, savored it and made no move to take up the remote again. Her eyes went wide as her body strained against the restraints and he watched her have another orgasm.

  It had taken her by surprise and he wondered if it was the first time she'd experienced multiple orgasms in quick succession. The idea of the opposite reaction—delayed orgasm—delighted him and made the experience even more enjoyable. It was something to aspire to one day and promised himself to develop another scene at a later date when they could explore that particular aspect.

  He sat the whiskey to the side, took up the remote and dropped it into his pocket as he approached. The coarse brick skinned his palms as he laid them on either side of where she was secured to the cross. “How does it make you feel? Is it too much or not enough?”

  “No. Just right.” The tension in her voice caused his cock to jump in response.

  Down boy.

  “We can't have that.” He reached into his pocket and flicked his thumb over the slider control for a higher level. Her arms jerked against his. “Just right isn't good enough. I want you at the edge and you're not even close yet. I want you begging for me to give you more. I want my name to be the only sound on your breath as you scream.”

  Her body hitched, but not because she'd had another orgasm. His fingernails dug into the mortar between the bricks as his groin tightened even more. He forced it aside as this wasn't about him. “Find that edge—balance on it for as long as I command. Is that clear?”

  “Please.” Her plea came out as a sob.

  Nearly wasn't enough.

  “No.” The single word was succinct and resonated through the quiet of the room. He showed her the remote and pushed the slider up a bit more, just under where the next speed would kick in and thumbed the lock to keep it in place. Then he shoved the slim control into his pocket before replacing his hand on the wall beside her.

  He wouldn't touch it again.

  Confusion darkened her eyes. “You said you wanted me to beg and I am.”

  “Please isn't enough. You have to mean it.”

  “I do.”

  “Not yet you don't.” He noticed how dark his voice sounded even to himself and it sent a thrill through him.

  “I don't—I don't understand.”

  He pushed into her space, forced a feeling of claustrophobia. Still, he didn't touch her. “You have to surrender yourself wholly. You haven't done that yet. When you think you have—you haven't. You have to go further and stop thinking completely. Don't force it to come, let it happen. Let me be the one who says you go, not you. Now—show me.”

  “I can't.” The words were said through gritted teeth. He knew she could, but she just didn't believe in herself enough. Some of that would come with time, as her confidence built. He intended to ensure it happened but one step at a time.

  “That's because you're still reaching for it, trying to do it in order to please me. Don't think.” She needed something extra to help her over and lowered his hand, cupped his palm against her clit. He pushed hard against it so she would be feel the pressure. His fingers wrapped around, rested under the leather and he could feel the vibrations through the thick, heavy material.

  “Let yourself go. Even though I've told you to do it, you're not giving yourself permission. I told you that you could, but you haven't told yourself. You're wondering about the ‘what if'. I'm ordering you to stop it right now and just feel.”

  Her body sagged in the restraints as she sought to do as instructed and by the set of her body, he could tell the instant the powerful orgasm rocketed through her body. An oath ripped from her throat as she drenched his hand and the leather, but it still wasn't enough.

  “Again,” he demanded, pushed against her over-sensitized muscles again. “God dammit—I want to hear it.”

  She didn't protest this time and he listened as the oath slid into his name. As she became his, the sound of his name morphed into a scream that ignited his body. He reveled in her loss of control and waited while she rode out the quick-fire series of completely unrestrained orgasms.

  When her body sagged in the restraints again, he took her weight as he flipped the panic snaps to free her from the cross. He reached around to unlatch the same type of releases on the harness and let it fall to the floor. Its job was done for now.

  With her body in a reactive state to the powerful releases, he lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the bed in the co
rner. He lowered her onto the bed then toed off his shoes and, still fully clothed, climbed into bed with her.

  She curled into him and rested her head against his shoulder, her legs twinned around his as she fit herself against his body. Patrick smiled in the darkness when the sound of her breathing fell into a pattern as she succumbed to sleep.

  Surrender had only begun.

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  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  In the dark of an early Thursday morning, the Conners brothers worked in tandem to prepare the shop for the first round of customers. The sun still hadn't yet peeked over the horizon and Patrick found he enjoyed the hushed silence this time of day brought. His life had changed dramatically in the past month all because of a chance encounter right here in this very store. He would never scoff at the idea of fate ever again.

  Plastic crinkled as he slid a sleeve of paper cups into the storage area under the counter. He balled up the trash and turned to find Nick's gaze on him. “Am I running this place by myself now?”

  “Says the man who's been hard to find quite a bit lately.” Nick checked the contents of the cash drawer and slid it shut before he keyed in the security code that allowed the register to be handled when the customers started to file in. “What's put such a bright smile on your face lately?”

  “Nothing.” Patrick shrugged and plunged his hands into the hot soapy water used to wash the steaming pitcher for when he prepared orders.

  Nick gave him a dry look over his shoulder and wiped the counter down in front of the register. He moved on to dilute the concentrated mixture Mitchie had prepared last night for the iced drinks. “Don't try to bullshit me, Patrick. I know better. The only time I've ever seen that expression on your face was when you pitched that no-hitter junior year.”

  Well, he certainly had him there. Patrick couldn't remember a time when he'd been happier as he looked back over the past four weeks. There was nothing secret about the remarkable change that had taken place in his life, but he hadn't made it a point to shout it from the rooftops. He hadn't said anything to his brother either.


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