Tempting the Tiger by Lacey Thorn: Awakening Pride Series, Book Two

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Tempting the Tiger by Lacey Thorn: Awakening Pride Series, Book Two Page 12

by Lacey Thorn

  She hadn’t remembered the nightmare when she’d woken a short time later. Instead, she’d launched back into all the reasons why he had to let her go. His refusal was what had led to this—a long drive interspersed with her either begging him to let her go or threatening that she would be the reason he died, the reason everyone he loved died. In between? Total fucking silence, the uncomfortable, I’m-angry-as-fuck kind of silence. And the more he refused her, the angrier she became, to the point her body practically vibrated with it.

  He was more than ready to take the turn onto the shallow dirt path that would lead to the trail he’d first taken a few months ago. Still hard to believe how much his life had changed over the last few months. He wasn’t even surprised to see Logan waiting for him.

  Amia stayed silent in the Jeep as he stepped out and embraced his buddy with a hard hug. He could still picture Logan after he’d taken a bullet that could have killed him. He’d thanked God every day Logan was still with them.

  “Hey,” he greeted. “Everything good?”

  Logan nodded with a grin. “Good to see you.” His glance flicked over to the Jeep and Amia before meeting Reno’s once more. “You okay?”

  Reno nodded but rubbed his hand over the back of his neck wearily. It felt as if his skin itched. Tension held his body taut. He felt as if he were on the brink of something but had no idea what. His beast was a vital force inside him now, no longer content to sit and watch. He could feel it pressing for dominance, especially when it came to Amia.

  “I’m good. Tired. Long trip.”

  “I can tell,” Logan said, glancing at Amia again and grinning.

  Reno couldn’t have stopped the growl if he’d wanted to.

  Logan just lifted an eyebrow, and that grin turned into a full-blown smile, followed by a chuckle. “So that’s how it is?”

  “She’s a Blane,” Reno uttered just as Amia pushed the door open to join them.

  He saw the hurt in her eyes and clenched his teeth to hold in the apology. She was the one who kept reminding him she wasn’t with him by choice. And he’d heard her throw her name up more times than he could count over the last few hours.

  Logan whistled through his teeth and shook his head as she walked over to them. “Miss Blane,” he greeted her with a nod.

  She ignored Logan and locked right onto Reno. She’d been priming for this fight all fucking day, their arguments merely foreplay for the big event. At this point, he was more than ready.

  “Did you tell your friend good-bye? Tell him you’ve brought the big bad enemy home, and I’ll be the death of everyone?”

  Logan cleared his throat as Reno clenched his teeth some more.

  “That’s enough,” Reno said.

  She snorted and turned to Logan. “I’m a death sentence for anyone who comes too close to me. Maybe you’ll listen since he won’t.”

  “Amia.” Reno could feel the growl rumbling up from his chest. “You had your chance to talk on the way here.”

  “To a man too stupid to listen? I’ll pass.”

  “Uh, Reno.” Logan’s voice sounded a little nervous, but Reno ignored him, keeping his focus on the little spitfire in front of him.

  “It’s a moot point now, anyway,” Reno informed her. “You’re already here, and I’m not letting you go.”

  “I’m going to kill you,” she warned him. “I’m going to kill every person here.”

  The problem was she really believed it. No matter his promises to keep her safe, she truly believed she’d be found and anyone with her would die.

  “Reno.” Logan called his name again, obviously trying to get his attention, but Reno was still focused on Amia and the tension he could feel coming off her.

  “If you run, I’ll chase, and when I get my hands on you, you’ll be naked under me with my cock buried up your pussy no matter who’s around to see us. Do you understand me?”

  Amia glared at him. “Fuck you.”

  “That’s a given, Amia.”

  “Damn, Reno!” Finn’s voice interrupted them. “When did you sprout claws?”

  Reno dropped his gaze to his flexed hands and the animalistic claws that seemed to have taken over his fingertips. He heard Amia’s gasp, then a growl was filling the air around them. Apparently, the beast was far closer to the surface than he’d imagined.

  “Easy,” Logan said, moving over as if to block Amia from Reno. Even though he knew Logan only meant to protect her, it made the growl turn into a low roar. No one stepped between him and Amia.

  “Reno?” She moved to him, ignoring Logan. “Are you okay?”

  Her hand met his chest, and he caught it with his, tugging her closer and holding her against his side.

  “I’m fine,” he said, and he was now that she was beside him. His cock was rock hard, throbbing behind his zipper with the need to take her. Part of him had really been hoping she’d run, just so he could do what he’d promised.

  “Look, signals been going apeshit since you got here,” Finn interrupted. “Did you check the Jeep for any type of tracker?”

  “Twice,” Reno answered.

  “Well, there’s still a tag somewhere,” Logan said, and Reno could feel the weight of his friend’s unspoken questions. “We’ve got it jammed for now, but the sooner we find it, the better.”

  “I never left my gear anywhere but the Jeep unless I was in the room,” Reno said. “She’s got all new gear. I have no fucking clue where they might have placed a tracker that I didn’t find.”

  “I’ll just take the Jeep for a once-over. I’ll take the handheld over everything, just to be safe,” Logan said. “Want to code me into the keypad?”

  Reno nodded and, keeping Amia at his side, turned to the keypad on the door of his Jeep. He keyed in a code and waited for the beep before placing his thumb against the sensor. Another code, then he was turning to Logan.

  “Thumb to the sensor.”

  Logan leaned in, his shoulder brushing Amia as he placed his thumb. Reno felt the shudder go through her as she pressed closer toward his chest and away from Logan. The keypad beeped, and Reno moved them away a few steps.

  “Done,” he said. “Jeep’s yours. I’ll leave all the gear in there. Go over it all with the handheld. I only did a visual scan.” Which meant he could have missed something, even with his increased animal senses. Maybe they needed to look at getting another handheld scanner in case they ran into another situation like this one. Fuck! There was a lot of equipment they were in need of.

  “I left the four-wheeler over by the tree line,” Logan offered, tossing Reno the key fob for it. “I’ll meet you up there later. Tah’s waiting.”

  Reno nodded. “Be careful,” he urged Logan.

  He just grinned at Reno as he jumped behind the wheel of the Jeep and headed out. Logan would take it to the garage they’d rented in the next county. If there was a tracker on it or on anything in it, the Blanes would be led away from them. Which didn’t explain the itch he felt on the back of his neck. He tried to appear nonchalant as he walked with Amia to where Logan had left the four-wheeler.

  “Meet you there,” Finn offered as he jumped on a dirt bike and took off in the direction of the cabin.

  “I told you I wouldn’t let you go,” Reno admitted as she climbed on.

  “I wish that didn’t scare me. I really wish it didn’t.” She looked so sad, and it was like a stab to his heart.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised again.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  She smiled, but it was an empty gesture, and they both knew it. She didn’t believe he could keep them safe from the Blanes. He wanted to roar in frustration as he jumped on in front of her, turned the key and felt the thrum of the motor engaging. What would it take to show her he was serious?

  Tah was waiting at the top of the steps when they arrived, arms crossed and looking anything but happy. Reno parked, killed the engine and jumped off with his gaze never leaving Tah’s face. He re
ad the worry, the concern, felt it like a ripple in the air, and for the first time felt his beast as conflicted as he was. The need to take care of Amia fought against the need to go to his friend, his leader, and make sure all was okay. Reno felt as if he were being torn in two.

  “Reno?” Amia’s soft voice reached out to him as she clutched his shirt in her hands.

  He glanced back and saw her looking up at Tah with a touch of fear and awe in her eyes. Behind him stood Finn and Murphy.

  “Trust me,” Reno whispered to her and took her hand in his, tugging her after him as he mounted the steps.

  “The glow…” She gulped, eyes glued to Tah.

  Reno lifted a brow in question, but she just shook her head. He looked back at Tah and mounted the steps with Amia right behind him.

  Tah met him with a hard embrace, and Reno released Amia’s hand to return it.

  “Good to have you home again,” Tah told him.

  Reno nodded, then reached back and grasped Amia’s trembling fingers. “Good to be home.”

  Tah’s gaze swept over Amia, and Reno knew he was picking up on the fact Reno’s scent was all over her, just as hers was all over Reno. If he wasn’t mistaken, there was a bit of hostility in Tah directed straight at Amia. What the fuck was that about?

  “We need to talk, Reno.”

  He nodded to Tah. “Let me get Amia settled, and I’ll meet you.”

  Tah nodded, hard eyes flashing to Amia. Then he acted as if she wasn’t even there. Amia noticed and seemed to try and shrink into herself. The growl was rumbling up from his throat before he could hold it in. Tah answered with one of his own. Reno felt the urge burn inside him to confront Tah over his treatment of Amia. It battled with the urge to cede to his alpha’s judgment, and there was no doubt in him now that he was part of Tah’s pride. His lip lifted in a snarl, revealing his canines as Amia began to shake beside him.

  “Are you challenging me?” Tah demanded, his arms wide as he faced Reno with a look of incredulity on his face.

  Amia found herself locked in fear as she glanced between Reno, whose eyes were now neon blue, and the man he called Tah, whose eyes were a deep yellow gold. The glow around him was the most magnificent she’d ever seen. She felt an overwhelming urge to fall to her knees before him as if he were royalty, and she a mere peasant. This Tah was undoubtedly the leader of Reno’s group. And he could see her for the threat she represented even if Reno couldn’t.

  “Reno, please,” she whispered, turning to face him as he growled again beside her. “Reno!”

  He finally brought his attention to her, and the neon faded a bit from his eyes. He shook his head as if to clear it, then glanced back up at his friend.

  “Reno?” Tah questioned, but Amia felt the power when his gaze shifted to her.

  “I’m fine,” Reno answered. “Give me a sec, please. I’ll be right in.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Amia asked as Tah and the other two men who’d been behind him stepped into the giant fortress Reno had brought her to.

  “I’m fine,” he said again.

  “You’re shaking,” she informed him. “And you’re skin feels like it’s on fire.”

  He glanced at her, and she swore she saw worry in his eyes even as his lips denied it.

  “I’m all right. Let’s get you settled. Then I’ve got to talk to Tah.”

  She couldn’t stop the trembling that rocked through her. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

  “You’ll be safe here,” he promised.

  But she couldn’t shake the bad feeling she had.

  “I promise, Amia.”

  Whatever had almost happened between him and his friend, Tah, had been because of her. She might not know why, but she did understand she was the instigator. So she just nodded. Maybe she’d find her chance to get away while he was busy with Tah. She wouldn’t even think about the empty feeling that gave her. What was it about Reno that made her want to stay with him? Believe in him?

  “Let’s go in then,” she said, trying to shove her thoughts aside and deal.

  He laced his fingers with hers as he glided across the porch and stepped inside.

  “Tah’s in the study,” the one who’d met them and announced Reno’s claws said as soon as the screen door shut behind them. “Murphy and I can take care of Miss Blane for you.”

  Reno looked torn between what to do, and Amia pressed her fear aside to say the words he needed her to.

  “Go ahead,” she urged him. “I’m fine.” She borrowed his words and gave them back to him.

  He glanced down at her, and she saw the fight he was waging inside reflected in his eyes.

  “Go, Reno.”

  He nodded at her. “Murphy and Finn will take care of you.” He pointed to each man as he said their names. “I’ll find you as soon as I’m done talking to Tah. Promise.”

  He bent his head and kissed her softly on the mouth. It was probably only meant to be a soft peck, but it quickly combusted to the point their entire bodies were involved. The sound of a throat clearing finally had him shifting his lips from hers, but he merely moved them to settle over her shirt, just above the scratches he constantly left on her flesh from his wicked teeth. The heat of his breath seemed to sink beneath her skin, warming her all the way to her core.

  “I’ll be with you as soon as possible.”

  He seemed reluctant to leave her, and she had to give him a little shove to send him away. He glanced back several times, and her fear increased with every step he took. She wanted to yell for him to come back, beg him not to leave her on her own with men she didn’t know and certainly didn’t trust. But pride wouldn’t let her, and pride was really the only thing she had left where Reno was concerned. She watched him as he disappeared into a room toward the end of the hall and tried to calm her heartbeat. He was leaving her. Leaving her alone.

  “This way.”

  The two men stepped to either side of her as they led her in the opposite direction then down another hallway. The shorter of the two pressed against a section of the wall and a panel popped open, revealing a staircase going down. Fear hit her like a freight train, but she swallowed it back as she went with them. These were Reno’s friends. He trusted them. She should too. Reno wouldn’t let anything happen to her. She was still telling herself that with every step she took, going deeper into the underbelly of the house.

  Another hallway, lit but deeply shadowed. The smell of sawdust hit here, as if they’d been working on something. A few doors were open, and she could see small rooms filled with food supplies, medical supplies and boxes of other things she couldn’t really get a good look at.

  “Where are we going?” she asked and suddenly found herself spun around and slammed face-first against the wall. A hard body leaned into her, pressing until she gagged for air, her entire body revolting at the touch. She hadn’t been prepared for this attack, had never seen it coming. Being with Reno had made her stupid, and weak, so weak.

  “What did you do to him?” the one Reno had called Murphy gritted in her ear, voice hard, deep and with the barest hint of a brogue.

  She panted and gasped, unable to answer even if he really expected her to. She could barely suck oxygen in. Speaking was a no-go. Her body hurt, and the longer he touched her, the worse it got. What were they planning to do to her? And why? Why?

  “There’s an empty cell over here,” the one called Finn said. The friendly guy who’d met her earlier was gone, replaced by an ice cold warrior even an outcast Blane could recognize.

  “How did you fuck with his head?” Murphy asked and slammed her head against the wall.

  She shook her head as black dots appeared around the edges of her vision. Her hand reached up, clawing at his grip on her hair, scratching skin and drawing blood. Where was Reno? Where was Reno! She could feel her body giving up the fight as she slid deeper into the darkness. She was barely conscious when he literally tossed her inside a room by his grip on her neck and in her hair. Her head slamm
ed into a hard surface and sent a kaleidoscope of colors going off behind her clenched eyelids.

  “No one’s going to die on our watch,” she heard Murphy say. “You think you can just come in here and tell us we’re all dead?”

  She hoped he wasn’t waiting for an answer from her. She couldn’t form a word if she’d wanted to.

  “Heard her loud and clear. She told Reno she’d kill him and all of us as well. I told Tah as soon as I got back.”

  Oh, God. Finn had overheard and misunderstood her, seeing her as a real threat to him and the group. A threat to Reno. She felt a wall behind her back and slid to sit, throwing her arms out to help and encountering walls, too close. The walls were too close. She was panting for breath again, and it had nothing to do with the choking she’d received.

  “And you’re sure he said to lock her up?” Murphy asked.

  “She threatened us. You think he’d tolerate anyone threatening Abby? He was pissed,” Finn said.

  “But he said to bring her down here and lock her up?” Murphy demanded.

  “He said to follow her and watch her closely. We just got lucky when Reno agreed to let us take care of her.”

  “Jesus. You don’t have a fucking clue if this is what he meant or not, do you?” Murphy exploded.

  “He said take care of her. What’s your problem?” Finn demanded.

  They were obviously fighting over her and how to handle her. She was trying desperately to focus on that and them, but it wasn’t working. Oh, God, it wasn’t working. She was losing it, losing herself in a nightmare that wouldn’t go away. Breathe. She needed to breathe. Then she could focus on crawling out the still open door.

  “Stay down here and keep an eye on her until I talk to Tah and find out what the fuck is going on,” Murphy grunted out.

  She tried to shake the daze from her head as fear seized her and locked her inside, trapping her even better than they’d planned. Finn slammed the door, shoving her feet until she sat with her knees to her chest just so she could keep a few inches of space between her and the door. She was trapped, enclosed. Locked inside too tiny a space. Oh, God! Oh, God!


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