American Isis

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American Isis Page 35

by Carl Rollyson

  Middlebrook, Diane. Anne Sexton: A Biography. Random House, 1991.

  ______. Her Husband: Hughes and Plath—A Marriage. Viking, 2003.

  Myers, Lucas. Crow Steered/Bergs Appeared. Proctor’s Hall, 2001.

  ______. An Essential Self: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Five Leaves, 2011.

  Newman, Charles, ed. The Art of Sylvia Plath. Indiana University Press, 1970.

  Peel, Robin. Writing Back: Sylvia Plath and Cold War Politics. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002.

  Plath, Aurelia, ed. Letters Home: Correspondence, 1950–1963. Harper & Row, 1975.

  Plath, Sylvia. Ariel: The Restored Edition. HarperCollins, 2004.

  ______. The Bell Jar. Harper & Row, 1971. Kindle Edition, 2008.

  ______. The Collected Poems. Harper & Row, 1981.

  ______. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose and Diary Excerpts. HarperPerennial, 2000.

  Reid, Christopher, ed. Letters of Ted Hughes. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2008. Kindle Edition, Faber & Faber, 2011.

  Rollyson, Carl. Biography: A User’s Guide. Ivan R. Dee, 2008.

  ______. Marilyn Monroe: A Life of the Actress. UMI Research Press, 1986. Reprinted in paperback by DaCapo, 1993.

  ______. Rebecca West: A Modern Sybil. iUniverse, 2008. Kindle edition, 2009.

  Rose, Jacqueline. The Haunting of Sylvia Plath. Harvard University Press, 1992.

  Schulman, Grace. First Loves and Other Adventures. University of Michigan Press, 2010.

  Schweizer, Bernard. Rebecca West: Heroism, Rebellion, and the Female Epic. Greenwood, 2001.

  Steinberg, Peter K. Sylvia Plath. Chelsea House, 2004. Kindle edition, 2004.

  Steiner, Nancy Hunter. A Closer Look at Ariel: A Memory of Sylvia Plath. Harpers Magazine Press, 1973.

  Stevenson, Anne. Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath. Houghton Mifflin, 1989.

  Thomas, Trevor. “Last Encounters.” Privately printed, nd.

  Uroff, Margaret Dickie. Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. University of Illinois Press, 1980.

  Van Dyne, Susan R. Revising Life: Sylvia Plath’s Ariel Poems. University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

  Wagner, Erica. Ariel’s Gift: Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and the Story of Birthday Letters. W. W. Norton, 2000.

  Wagner, Linda W., ed. Critical Essays on Sylvia Plath. G. K. Hall, 1984.

  ______, ed. Sylvia Plath: The Critical Heritage. Routledge, 1988.

  Wagner-Martin, Linda. Sylvia Plath: A Biography. St. Martin’s Press, 1987.

  ______. Sylvia Plath: A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

  Wootten, William. “That Alchemical Power: The Literary Relationship of A. Alvarez and Sylvia Plath.” Cambridge Quarterly, September 2010.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Aaron, Daniel

  Abels, Cyrilly

  “Above the Oxbow”

  Akutowicz, Edwin

  Aldermaston marchers

  Alexander, Paul

  “All the Dead Dears”

  Alliston, Susan

  Allyson, June

  Alvarez, Al

  Hughes, T., and

  on Hughes, O.


  meeting of

  on Plath, S.

  relationship with

  reviews of

  visit of

  Amateur Dramatic Club



  “America! America!”

  “America the Beautiful”

  American Book Review

  American Poetry Review


  Ames, Lois

  Anderson, Jane

  “Angst and Animism in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath”



  Arendt, Hannah


  Ariel (Plath, S.)

  Ariel’s Gift: Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and the Story of Birthday Letters (Wagner)

  Arnold, Matthew


  “The Arrival of the Bee Box”

  The Art of Loving (Fromm)

  Arvin, Newton


  The Atlantic Monthly

  atomic bomb

  Auden, W. H.

  Augustine, St.

  Axelrod, Steven Gould

  babysitting jobs

  Badia, Janet


  Barbizon Hotel

  Bartholomew Fair

  “Battle-Scene from the Comic Operatic Fantasy The Seafarer”

  Bayley, Sally


  “The Beach”

  Beales, Joan

  “The Bear”

  Becker, Gerry

  Becker, Jillian

  “The Bee God”



  The Bell Jar (movie)

  The Bell Jar (Plath, S.)

  copyrights of

  Davison on

  dedication of

  first draft of

  influences on

  interpretation of

  McCullough on

  publication of

  reviews of

  Belmont Hotel

  Benny, Jack

  Beuscher, Ruth



  Hughes, T., and


  Birthday Letters (Hughes, T.)

  censorship of

  personas in

  response to

  “A Birthday Present”

  Bitter Fame (Stevenson)

  “Bitter Strawberries”

  “Black Coat”

  Black Lamb and Gray Falcon (West)


  The Blackboard Jungle

  Blackwell, Betsy Talbot

  Blackwell, Constance

  Blake, William

  “The Blue Flannel Suit”

  Boddy, Michael

  The Bookseller


  Boston Herald

  Boston University

  Bourjaily, Vance

  Bowen, Elizabeth

  Bowles, Sally


  Brans, Jo

  Brown, Marcia



  Buck, David

  Buckley, Maureen

  Buckley, William F., Jr.

  Bulganin, Nicolai


  Bumblebees and Their Ways (Plath, O.)

  Bundy, Leo

  Buntzen, Lynda K.

  “Burning the Letters”

  Bus Stop

  Butscher, Edward

  Hughes, O., meeting with


  Christmas at


  letters at

  mentors at

  return to

  schedule at

  The Cambridge Companion to Sylvia Plath (Van Dyne)

  Cambridge University

  Campbell, Wendy


  Campus Cat

  Cape Cod

  career, marriage and

  Carter, Mark Bonham

  Cary, Joyce

  Catcher in the Rye (Salinger)


  of Birthday Letters

  copyright and

  of journals, Hughes, T.

  sexuality and

  Chaikin, Celia

  “Character Notebook”

  Chase, Mary Ellen



  childbirth. See pregnancy



  end of

  first kiss

  hurricane of September 21st, 1938



  ocean andr />
  Plath, O., death of

  children. See also Hughes, Frieda Rebecca; Hughes, Nicolas

  colds of

  confession about

  longing for

  Plath, A., as caretaker of

  “Child’s Park”

  Christian Science

  The Christian Science Monitor

  Ciardi, John

  “Circus in Three Rings”

  The City of God (St. Augustine)

  Cohen, Eddie

  advice of


  Plath’s, S., rejection of

  on recovery

  relationship with

  Cohen, Marvin

  Cold War

  Collected Plays (Yeats)

  The Collected Poems (Plath, S.)

  errors in

  Hughes, T., division of


  Colman, Ronald

  The Colossus (Plath, S.)

  Compton, David

  Connors, Kathleen

  Continuum Books



  Coover, Robert

  copyright, censorship and

  Court, Clare

  Court Green

  Coward, Noël

  Craig, Anna C.

  Craig, Daniel


  of Hughes, T.

  marriage and

  teaching and

  Crockett, Wilbury

  on suicide of Plath, S.

  visit of

  Crow Steered/Bergs Appeared (Myers)

  Curie, Marie



  rejection of

  review of

  Dalrymple, Florence

  Darkness Visible (Styron)

  Davidow, Ann

  dropping out of



  Davies, Winifred

  Davis, Robert Gorham

  Davison, Peter

  relationship with


  death. See also suicide

  childbirth and

  consciousness and

  of Hughes, T.

  philosophy and

  of Plath, O.

  writing and

  The Death and Life of Sylvia Plath (Hayman)

  Denison, Judy

  “Departure of the Ghost (After Paul Klee)”



  dynamics of

  emergence from


  “The Descent of Ariel: The Death of Sylvia Plath”

  “The Detective”

  The Development of Personality (Jung)

  “Dialogue of the Damned”

  “Dialogue Over a Ouija Board”

  Dickinson, Emily


  “The Disquieting Muses”


  “Doom of Exiles”


  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  The Double (Dostoevsky)


  “Dream Life”

  “Dream Woman Muse”



  Drew, Elizabeth

  Dyson, A. E.


  “Eichman in Jerusalem”

  “18 Rugby Street”

  “Electra on Azalea Path”

  electroconvulsive treatments

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elizabethan Club

  Ellison, Ralph

  Elwin, Malcolm

  “An End”

  England. See also Fulbright

  “Epitaph for Fire and Flower”

  Epstein, Elinor

  Epstein, Enid


  Ewell, Tom

  Eye Rhymes: Sylvia Plath’s Art of the Visual (Bayley & Connors)

  The Fading Smile (Davison)

  Fainlight, Ruth

  “Falcon Yard”

  fan letters

  Farber, Leslie


  “Fate Playing”

  Faulkner, William

  “The Fearful”

  Feinstein, Elaine



  “The Fifty-Ninth Bear”

  First Loves and Other Adventures (Schulman)

  Fisher, Alfred

  Fisher, John

  Follett, CB (“Lyn”)

  “For a Fatherless Son”

  “The Forsaken Merman”

  Frances McCullough Papers

  “Frieda Hughes Attacks BBC for Film on Plath”

  Fromm, Erich


  application for

  marriage and

  renewal of

  “Fulbright Scholars”

  Fuller, Roy

  Fulton, George

  Gaitskill, Hugh

  Gardner, Ava

  Gellhorn, Martha

  Gendron, Valerie


  Generation of Vipers (Wylie, P.)

  Gibian, George

  Giving Up (Becker)


  Godden, Rumer

  The Golden Ass (Apuleius)

  The Golden Notebook (Lessing)

  Gone with the Wind

  Goodall, Pat

  Goodman, Ann

  Goodman, Leo

  “The Goring”

  “Grand Canyon”

  grave marker

  Graves, Robert

  Greenwood, Esther

  Guggenheim Fellowship

  Gyllenhaal, Maggie

  Hafter, Daryl

  Hahn, Emily

  Half-Remembered (Davison)

  Hall, Caroline King Barnard

  Hall, Donald


  “Hardcastle Crags”

  Hardwick, Elizabeth

  Hardy, Thomas


  Harris, Phil



  Haupt, Gary

  Haven House

  The Hawk in the Rain (Hughes, T.)

  Hayman, Ronald

  Hecht, Anthony


  Henley, William Ernest

  Her Husband (Middlebrook)

  Herself Surprised (Cary)

  “Hill of Leopards”

  Hinchcliffe, Elizabeth



  Hitler, Adolf

  Holm, Alex




  Horder, John

  The Horse’s Mouth (Cary)


  Houghton Mifflin

  The House of Aries (Hughes, T.)

  Howls and Whispers (Hughes, T.)

  The Hudson Review

  Hughes, Carol

  Hughes, Edith

  Hughes, Frieda Rebecca

  Hughes, Nicholas

  Hughes, Olwyn

  Alexander and

  Butscher meeting with

  Cohen, M., on

  as custodian of Plath’s, S., work

  hatred of Plath, S.

  Hughes, T., letters to

  Kroll and


  Malcolm and

  meeting of

  on Plath, S.

  Stevenson, Anne, and


  on Wevill, A., suicide

  Hughes, Ted

  abuse of

  Alvarez and

  on America

  arguments with

  Ariel rearrangement

  Auden and

  BBC readings of

  biographers and

  censorship of journals

  The Collected Poems division of

  competition with Plath, S.

  creativity of

  day job of

  death of


  education of

  faith in

  fame of

  farewell love
letter to

  fatherhood of

  feminist reaction to

  fishing of

  Guggenheim Fellowship of

  guilt of

  Harper’s prize win of

  Harvard reading of

  hatred of

  Hayman’s charges against

  Horder on

  hygiene of

  infidelity of

  jealousy of


  Letters Home and

  letters to Hughes, O.

  letters to parents

  love letters of

  love poems of

  lovemaking with

  on marriage

  marriage to

  marriage to Orchard

  meeting of

  Merwin, D., on

  Morgan and


  physical appearance of

  Plath, W., meeting of

  on Plath, S.

  as Poet Laureate

  poetry critique of

  politics and

  popular prose of Plath, S., and

  pregnancy involvement of

  privacy and

  Prouty and

  Prouty on


  reaction to suicide of Wevill, A.

  reconciliation, plans for

  relationship with

  sadism of

  Sassoon, R., on marriage to

  as school teacher

  stories of

  success of

  on suicide

  at UMASS

  violence and

  wardrobe of

  Hughes, William

  The Hughes Papers

  Hume, David

  Humphrey, Dorothy L.

  Hunter, Nancy


  Huws, Daniel



  fan letters and

  loss of

  at Smith College

  “In the Mountains”

  The Independent

  Indiana University


  An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Hume)

  “The Inscription”


  The Invisible Man




  Jackson, Marni

  Jackson, Shirley

  “The Jailor”

  James, Henry

  Jane Anderson v. AVCO Embassy Pictures




  at Belmont Hotel


  at Massachusetts General Hospital

  routine of

  waiting tables

  Joe’s Pizza

  John Birch Society

  Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams (Plath, S.)

  “Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams” (Plath, S.)

  Jong, Erica


  journals, Hughes, T., censorship of

  Joyce, James


  Jung, Carl

  on marriage

  on motherhood

  Plath, A., and


  Kaufman, Alan J.

  Kazin, Alfred

  Kendall, Tim

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kent, Clark (Superman)

  Kerouac, Jack

  Kesey, Ken

  Khrushchev, Nikita


  King’s Chapel


  Klein, Elinor

  Klotz, Myron


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