Dark Is The Night: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 3)

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Dark Is The Night: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 3) Page 23

by Michael Todd

  As soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs Katie swung her staff, taking out a demon running straight for her. They all entered the hallway scanning in both directions. Demons were creeping down the hall, and there wasn’t much room to work. Katie sighed and nodded to Calvin, taking off at a run toward the pack to the right. She ran up and over the curved ceiling of the hall, taking off several heads with practiced swings of her staff’s blades.

  Calvin knelt and blasted the group, taking down the rest. Katie turned, ready to help the soldiers, but they had it all under control. Brock, a demon’s head in his hand, looked up at Katie and smiled broadly as it burst into dust. She couldn’t help but laugh at that, and was seriously impressed by how well the soldiers were handling everything. She didn’t feel like the lone hero saving the day with them there, which was nice. She liked being part of a team again.

  Calvin holstered his gun and walked over to Katie, looking up at the ceiling. “You really gotta teach my demon how to do some of this antigravity shit you do. Seriously, it’s fucking badass.”

  Katie grinned. “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure this has more to do with my own skills than the demon part of me.”

  “The angel is shining through. That can’t make Pandora too happy.”

  “It doesn’t.” She chuckled as they headed farther down the halls.

  “You know, I am supposed to be on vacation right now. I want this extra time tacked onto the end, I got a woman at home waiting for some special time with me.”

  Katie raised her eyebrow. “Now is when you think of this shit?”

  Calvin grinned. “When else? I always seem to be covered in bodily fluids or up to my armpits in demons. I gotta get my thinking done when it comes to me.”

  “Truth,” Brock yelled.


  Katie tapped the blade of her staff against the skulls as she walked the tunnels, following the feeling in her chest to the portals. The group was quiet, only the crunching of their feet making any sound. It had been several minutes since they had seen even a single demon, much less found a portal. They were starting to think the demons had retreated, but Katie knew better than that. They were putting a hurting on them, but it wasn’t that bad. They would continue to fight, especially if they had any more of those monster demons—which she did not look forward to fighting in such a small space.

  Stop, Pandora called.

  Katie stopped in her tracks and put her fist in the air. Everyone slowed down, raising their weapons in front of them to be ready for whatever was coming. Katie tilted her head and scanned the darkness, still not seeing anything.

  Something isn’t right. I can sense a demon ahead—a strong one, an old one—but I don’t see anything through your eyes. There is a good possibility that it is invisible.

  Invisible? What the hell?

  There is one specific demon, Baal, that has used that technique in war for centuries. And the demons I can feel were there the last time he used it.

  I’ll use my angel powers to see if I can sense where it is.

  Be careful. I smell serpent, the pets of Lucifer. The ones sent in to sneak around and trick mankind.

  Uh, are we talking about Eve-and-the-apple kind of serpents?

  Yes, but the demon version of them. They look different on Earth, and depending on their strength, some are poisonous while others aren’t.

  Great, an invisible snake with fangs and poison. This is just fantas—

  Just then a scream rang out at the back of Brock’s group. They spun around to find one of the guys clawing at something invisible around his neck. Their eyes grew huge as he started to convulse, two large fang marks appearing on his forehead. Blood trickled from the punctures and he fell to the ground. Brock narrowed his eyes and pulled out his sword as the blood coated the invisible body of the demon. He lunged forward, stabbing the serpent again and again, trying to get it to release the soldier.

  Their teammate was dying, trying to grasp for air, but the beast had wrapped itself around him so tightly that all he was getting was the venom from its fangs. The others ran up and started stabbing the serpent as well, and its body flickered back into solid form. They all lurched back as it attempted to strike, its body bleeding out over their friend.

  Calvin pulled a sword from his back and pushed through the soldiers, holding it out in front of him. “Come on, fucker, attack me! Pick on someone just as tough as you, with your invisible-ass skin. Fucking coward.”

  The demon hissed a laugh and slowly began to slither toward Calvin. He fucking hated snakes no matter what kind, but this one he hated more than most. Its gleaming yellow eyes stared at him as it slithered through the blood on the ground, leaving a long narrow trail. The snake lunged at Calvin, fangs out, and he swung the sword, taking the demon’s head right off of its body. The body fell to the ground and venom leaked from its neck, bubbling and sizzling on the dirt floor. They all stood there for a moment, shocked at what had just happened.

  Brock ran up to the guy and bent down beside him, putting his fingers to his neck. The guy was dead, and a lump formed in Brock’s chest. He brushed his fingers over the dead man’s eyes and closed them tightly, gripping his shoulder to hold back the emotion. The other guys paid their respects one at a time, and Brock looked down at his blue-tinged face.

  “We are going to toast you, buddy, just as soon as we’re out of this hell.”

  Just then there was a loud bang and they all looked back as Katie reached out and grabbed the other invisible demon by the head, holding it like a snake catcher would. The demon’s body quickly became visible, the fear pumping through it.

  “Lilithhhh,” the snake hissed. “You aren’t supposed to be here. Master will find you, and he will rip those pretty red lipssss right off your human.”

  Oh, let me, please. Pandora was too angry. She took over Katie’s arm and squeezed the demon’s head in her hand tighter and tighter, listening to the small bones inside crack and shatter. She reached down with Katie’s other hand and pulled out a knife, plunging it into the heart of the demon, twisting it back and forth until the snake died. Pandora released control of Katie’s hand and she threw the snake demon to the ground, stomping repeatedly on its head. It had taken down one of her teammates, someone she had only just met but who’d helped her take down the monster out front. They were Brock’s family, and Katie’s heart immediately went out to him.

  She nodded at the soldiers, showing her sorrow for their loss. They all stood up and gritted their teeth, clenching their weapons in their strong hands. They were ready to kick some ass and take whatever revenge they could. Katie sighed, knowing that look all too well. There had been so many times over the course of her Damned career that she had gone out thirsting for revenge, and she truly felt that in itself made her a stronger warrior. The boys had that same cold glimmer in their eyes, and Katie felt good about whatever they had to face next. She was no longer fighting with soldiers, she was fighting with warriors.

  They took off down the hall to a large opening, a room with higher ceilings where it looked as if several people were buried, memorialized in crumbling stone statues. All along the walls were golden trinkets, crosses, and jewelry. One of the soldiers reached out, but Katie slapped his hand. “Not this. It belongs to the dead.”

  “But they’re dead.”

  “And I’m assuming you want them to stay that way.”

  Calvin smirked as fear ran across the soldier’s face. Of course Katie meant demons, but in his mind, he was playing out 28 Days Later, rampaging around slaying zombies hell-bent on sucking every brain dry. The soldier backed away just as a group of demons burst into the room, snarling and growling, their sharp claws at the ready.

  The group moved as a team this time, slicing through the demons, stabbing, shooting, and beheading them as fast as they could. The guys finished off the last few coming through the door and leaned back against the wall, feeling a gush of cool air. Katie looked around, putting out her sensors, trying to feel the porta
ls or any other demons nearby.

  P, you feel anything?

  Nope, right as rain over here. How about that angel sense?

  No. I don’t even feel the portals anymore.

  They closed them. You must have defeated the last of their supply for this battle.

  Katie looked over as Brock picked up his radio, hearing his commander calling over. “Yes, Commander?”

  “Brock? Hell, it’s good to hear from you. Intel shows no more portals open underground, and the heat-seekers don’t see anything but you, your team and the two mercs I am assuming you are with. The place is all clear. Make your way back to the surface. There are some people who want to shake you and your team’s hands.”

  “Copy that, sir.”

  He let go of the call button and put his hands in the air, and the guys all cheered in victory. When they started that fight, they hadn’t thought they had a chance in hell of making it through. They thought that with the size of the demons and the number coming through the portals, the best they could do was make the situation better for the mercs when they got there.

  Little did they know Katie’s Killers would be fighting alongside them, taking out everything in their path. Sure, they lost a man, and the tragedy of it burned a hole in Brock’s heart. However, he couldn’t give up or give in to emotion. Demons hated the strong, and he figured he might as well start working on that strength so that in the future he would be more than capable of finding and killing anything that got in his way.

  “Good job out there,” Katie told him, patting him on the shoulder as she strode back toward the stairwell. “All of you did one hell of a job.”

  Back on the surface everyone got to work, cleaning up their gear, tending to the dead soldier, and making sure their teammate made it honorably to the surface. Brock sat down on the steps and used a towel offered by a bystander to wipe the blood off his face and hands. He looked up at Katie, who was standing a few steps down with a beautiful smile on her face, her body perfect in every way, and the breeze blowing her hair wildly around her. She was stunning, and at the same time she made Brock so nervous that he could barely talk to her.

  He had just seen some of the most terrifying beasts so far in his career with the Damned, and he was afraid of asking a girl on a date? Just the thought of it made him want to kick himself. He wasn’t supposed to be afraid. He was supposed to be even stronger than he had been before. Finally, after fighting himself for over twenty minutes, he got up and walked toward Katie.

  She finished her interview and looked around, smiling as she walked up the steps to meet Brock. “That was some showing today, dude. You missed your calling with the mercs, but you have a really great team.”

  “I do.” Brock smiled nervously. “They are really devoted, and ready to lay down their lives if they need to. Just glad the commander was right and it wasn’t today.”

  Katie smiled and patted him on the shoulder as she stepped past him. He shook his head and looked up, shouting her name. She turned around, lifting an eyebrow and smirking.

  “What’s up?”

  “I was wondering…when I get back to the States, could I take you out?”

  Katie was surprised that he was asking, but not completely against the idea. She shrugged and patted her body, looking for her cards. She remembered she was wearing the gear with no pockets.

  It’s in there.


  On your tit.

  Katie looked at him and narrowed her eyes, reaching under her shirt and shaking her head with a sigh. Brock tried not to watch her lift her shirt, but he wasn’t quite sure what she was doing. She reached around in her bra and grabbed a card, pulling it out and looking at it with irritation.

  How the hell, Pandora?

  Hey, I am looking out for you. A girl can’t go out unprepared, and you never think about the opportunity for a little booty when you are going to a job.

  Probably because I’m thinking about staying the fuck alive.

  Hey, I care about you staying alive too. How am I supposed to get the D if you RIP?

  Are you purposely trying to be an R-rated version of Dr. Seuss?

  No, but I think that would be a fabulous idea for a book series for adults, don’t you?

  Except I’m a demon killer, not a writer.

  Hey, be a jack-of-all-trades.

  Katie sighed and looked up at Brock, who was watching her curiously as she bantered with Pandora. She chuckled nervously and handed the card to him.

  He took it and nodded, sticking it in his jacket pocket. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Text me. I’ll be back in the States soon, and we will figure something out.”

  Brock watched as Katie walked back over to where Calvin was, lining up for her next interview. He smiled and turned around, pumping his fist close to his body. He stopped and tilted his head, feeling fear in the pit of his stomach, but he knew it wasn’t his.

  You okay in there?

  Yep, she replied quickly. Perfect. Nothing to see here. I’m just fine.

  Rigght. Then why aren’t you giving me shit for asking for a date with a woman?

  She let out a deep breath. I don’t care on this one, and am not choosing to fight. Do whatever you want with her. Do anything! Do her all night long, and then again in the morning. All I ask is that you do...not...piss...off...her...demon.

  Brock laughed and shook his head. Huh, we finally found someone who will shut you the hell up. I’m going to have to make sure to spend a lot of time with this scary demon you are so frightened of.

  I’ll be hiding deep inside in the pit of your bowels.

  That sounds disgusting.

  Anything is better than the wrath of her demon, and whatever the hell else that is inside her. It is like an electric shock anytime I’m close. Did you see the way her eyes changed from red to this blue-green sheen? It wasn’t natural.

  First, I did notice, and I thought it was fucking hot. Secondly, what are you talking about natural for? You are a damn demon inside my body, which isn’t natural.

  Whatever. Do what you want, just give me a little warning ahead of time. I don’t want to be ripped out and sent to hell. Or worse, ripped out and forced to wear wings and a halo.

  I don’t think even Katie is capable of giving you a halo. Brock chuckled.

  Oh, sure, laugh it up. It’s all fun and games until your soul is snatched by the Queen of the Fucking Damned.

  Calm your tits. Sheesh!

  Brock made his way back to his team and stood with them as they surrounded their fallen brother. They each put a hand on the shoulder of the soldier’s next to them and hung their heads, giving a moment of silence in his honor. The media put down their cameras for just a moment, making probably the first time in history they had respected a very private moment. It was only for a moment, though. By the time they raised their heads again, flashes were going off.

  Brock glanced at Katie as she talked to a reporter. She looked back at him and winked, which put a smile on his face. Inside, though, his demon shivered, hiding as deep as she could.

  “Katie, this is the first time you have come out in the open to the media. What has changed?”

  “Me, I suppose. We are in a situation where everyone fears for their lives. They want to know the faces of the people who are out there working hard to protect them, so instead of running, I decided to show that face. But I am only one of many. In that cathedral today we were backed up by some of the finest special operations soldiers I have ever worked with. Even when they’d lost their brother they’d put on brave faces and pushed forward, knowing that they were there to protect the people, not just of their country, but countries around the world. France is just the beginning, and hopefully, the stronger we grow, the stronger other countries will grow as well.”

  “Katie,” another reporter shouted. “Rumors have spread that you are not only carrying a very strong demon inside you, but you are also blessed with powers of an angel. Can you confirm this?”
r />   “My demon has shifted her stance on the human race, and has been instrumental in taking down some of the largest demons this world has ever seen. Without her, I would be no different than you. As far as the angel rumors, it is obvious now that yes, I do have wings when I need them, but as far as the details of the rest of it, I am not going to get into that. There are things in this world that we never knew existed, and I will do my best to use those powers to continue to protect the world, side by side with my colleagues, from the threat of a demon invasion. Thank you, and now I have to catch my flight.”

  Katie waved at the crowd and headed over to the choppers with Calvin. Before she could get away, though, one of the reporters broke through the line and ran over to her.

  “Katie, just one more question. If you won’t confirm or deny the presence of angels, can you explain your feathered wings?”

  Katie smiled and let out a deep breath. “Just because someone is Damned doesn’t mean they can’t be redeemed.”

  She nodded and took Calvin’s arm, heading toward the helicopter. Calvin nodded in approval of her statement, and she felt a warm glow in her chest, almost as if Gabriel were giving his approval as well.

  You better be preaching to the masses, not to me, bitch.

  Katie laughed and shook her head. Why, Pandora? You don’t think you can be redeemed?

  I never said that, but who says I want to be redeemed? Maybe I’m happy being bad to the motherfucking bone.

  Katie rolled her eyes, knowing better. Sure, P, whatever you say. How about we get on this helicopter and chow down on some donuts?

  Now you’re talking sense.


  When they pulled up at the base’s hangar and walked inside, Katie sighed and ran to her personal jet, wrapping her hands around the nose. She wasn’t sure if Timothy had gotten the message before she went into battle, but she’d wanted a comfortable ride home instead of hurtling through the air with her skin feeling like it was melting off her face.


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