New York's Finest (1st of the Trilogy)

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New York's Finest (1st of the Trilogy) Page 12

by Swinson, Kiki

  I slept in a spare bedroom in case those young ass gang members came looking for me and somehow managed to scale the wall like fucking Spiderman and climbed through my window. If they were that ambitious, I didn’t want to be in the obvious place. Amazingly, Damian didn’t sleep on the sofa in the living room. He made a makeshift bed on the floor in the hallway outside my spare bedroom. I think that act of chivalry was what kept my pussy moist the whole fucking night.

  He was awake when I fell off to sleep . . . and awake when I woke up this morning. I really don’t think he slept at all last night. I was so fucking tired from motherfuckers shooting at us to dealing with Lil Man’s ordeal at the Polo Grounds, then dealing with Miguel and that trifling bitch, Vanessa. On top of all that, my parents were now in Philly until all of this shit blew over. But instead of being worried the whole night, I slept like a fucking log. How crazy was that?

  Instead of going through the front entrance of the TSA Administration Office, I walked outside on the tarmac and went in through the back. For our particular airline, the federal government hired over one hundred federal marshals and law enforcement officers to work undercover to prevent future terrorist attacks on our homeland. It was a shame I had access to four of those law enforcement officers when I needed a job done. I wondered what the federal government would say about that shit. Under my breath, I thanked the fucked up economy and recession for making even the unimpeachable vulnerable for more money.

  “Well, good morning, Mr. Wright,” I said the moment I walked in the back office. Mr. Wright was the head LEO for the airport. He was my go-to-man because he had been working for this division since they implemented it back when George Bush was President. Mr. Wright had to be in his late forties. I liked the way he handled business. Although he was a black man with over one hundred law enforcement officers under his command, he didn’t let the power go to his head. The man knew his shit and no one fucked with him. But like any average motherfucker today, he needed extra money for his family and bill collectors.

  “I’m just great. What about you?” he smiled. His teeth were pearly white and his mustache had a nice mix of salt and pepper hair added to his distinction. With a million dollar smile, he sort of reminded me of the late Gerald Levert, but with a little more height.

  I walked around his desk and extended a hug to him. “I’m good,” I smiled back. “Are you working alone today?” I continued to question him as I checked out the surveillance cameras he was monitoring.

  “For right now I am. John went to get him a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee. He’ll be back in a few minutes. Why? Do you need to talk to me?”

  “Why of course I do.”

  “Have a seat,” he insisted. I took a seat in the chair behind the other desk that was only a few feet away from him.

  After I sat down, I immediately went into why I was there to see him. “I’ve got another shipment coming through next Tuesday and I’m gonna need you and John or maybe Rick to come on board.”

  “What time is it scheduled to come in?”

  “In the morning.”

  “Who you got working the floors and bringing it through?”

  “Evan and his crew.”

  Mr. Wright thought for a few seconds and then he said, “How big is the load?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “What do you mean you’re not sure? You’ve never asked me to assist you with your deliveries and you didn’t know how much you were expecting.”

  “I know. But see this time it’s different. I’m helping someone else bring in their product so they can set up shop,” I began to explain.

  Mr. Wright wasn’t pleased with that answer and he made it known. “That’s not a smart move on your part. You know better than to help another supplier transport his product. You’re playing a very dangerous game. And I don’t think I want to be a part of that.”

  “Come on, Mr. Wright, I need you.”

  “I’m sure you do,” he replied and I could see the uneasiness on his face. “And believe me, I would love to take another fifty thousand dollars off your hands to finish paying for both of my daughters’ college tuitions. But my gut is telling me that this one isn’t right.”

  I instantly sat up and took heed to what he was saying, because Mr. Wright never turned me down. He had always assisted me, along with two of his most trusted LEOs. I figured if I explained to him that I knew where the dope was coming from and who the supplier was and that I had been doing business with them for some time now, then maybe he’d have a change of heart.

  “Look, I know I scared you a bit when I told you I didn’t know how big the load would be,” I began. “But if this is any consolation, I do know who the shipment is coming from. And not only that, these guys that I am doing this for are good people. And the reason why I know this is because those same guys are the ones that supply my brother.”

  Mr. Wright went into think mode again. This time it took him longer than a couple of seconds. I figured now would be a good time to add icing to the cake by offering him an extra ten grand. “If you’ll consider doing this for me just this time, I’ll throw in an extra ten grand,” I said and then I sat back and waited for him to give me his answer. I hoped he’d take the extra money as a little incentive.

  While I sat there waiting on Mr. Wright to tell me what I wanted to hear, the other LEO, John entered the office carrying a white paper bag and a middle-sized cup of coffee. He smiled at me as soon as our eyes connected. “How are you Ms. Pretty Lady?” he greeted me.

  I stood up from the chair because I knew I was sitting in his seat, but I also used that chance to give him a hug as well. John was an Irish cat from Long Island. I never asked him his age but if I had to guess, I’d say he was in his mid-thirties. He wore his hair faded along the sides but spiked at the top. He sort of reminded me of the London born Soccer sensation, David Beckham. Now he wasn’t as debonair, but the resemblance was strong.

  After we hugged one another, I moved to the side so he could set his things down. “You didn’t have to get up,” he said.

  “Oh, it’s okay. I’m fine. Take a load off so you can eat your food,” I insisted.

  “Are you sure?” he pressed the issued.

  “Of course I am,” I said and then I stepped further to the right so I could get out of his way altogether. I wanted him to be able to get a clear view of Mr. Wright, just in case Mr. Wright wanted to bring him in on our discussion.

  After several more seconds passed, I noticed Mr. Wright was fumbling around his desk like he was searching for something. I knew that wasn’t a good sign. That was his way of telling me that he really didn’t want to discuss the possibilities of him and his men coming on board to assist me with Miguel’s shipment. But little did he know, I wasn’t the type of chick that would take no for an answer.

  I sighed heavily and said, “Okay, I’ll tell you what, if you say yes just this one time I’ll throw you an extra twenty grand instead of ten.”

  Mr. Wright continued to act as if he was still busy with his other workload but I saw right through it. He was playing hardball with me. And thankfully enough, John chimed in. “Oh my goodness. What did I just walk into?”

  “I’m trying to get your boss over here to agree to do this job for me. But he’s acting like he doesn’t want to get involved,” I volunteered the information to John.

  “Didn’t we just do a job for you?” John asked me.

  “Yeah. But that was over a week and a half ago. And now I need you guys to hop on board and help me out with a shipment coming in next Tuesday morning.”

  “So what’s the problem, Mr. Wright? Why don’t you want to do it?” John asked him.

  “It’s more complicated than she’s letting on,” he finally responded.

  “How is it complicated when I told you who the shipment belonged to?”

  “Wait a minute, so this shipment we’re talking about isn’t yours?” John asked in a way as if he was seeking clarity.

No, it belongs to the guys that supply me and my brother.”

  “How big is the load?” John’s questions continued.

  “She doesn’t know,” Mr. Wright interjected.

  Shocked by Mr. Wright’s comment, John looked like he was taken aback. And before he got a chance to question me any further, I spoke up and said, “Listen, guys, so what I don’t know how big this load is supposed to be. But that doesn’t mean that this job is going to be risky. We’ve done a lot of jobs together and they all went smoothly. Not to mention, y’all have made a great deal of money because of it. So let’s look past this minor infraction and let’s move forward. Time is ticking and I need an answer today.”

  “I will say that I’m not too crazy about the idea of not having all the specs, but considering we’re not the ones who’s going to be in physical contact with the load, I say let’s do it,” John replied and then he looked at Mr. Wright.

  I couldn’t help but focus my attention on Mr. Wright as well. He was John’s boss, so when it was all said and done, he had the power to either give us the green light or pull the damn plug. “Come on, Mr. Wright, don’t have the lady standing here all day. Just tell her yes or no,” John continued.

  Mr. Wright let out a long sigh and then he looked at me with the sternest expression he could muster up. I swear I had no idea what he was about to say, so I braced myself. “Aside from these business deals we do, I have had the upmost admiration for you, because you seemed like a very smart woman up until this point. Now I’m a sixth sense type of guy. I’m able to sift out shit before it even hits the fans. The only reason why I’m apprehensive about getting me and my men involved with this particular shipment is because none of us will ever know what’s inside of it. Those guys you deal with could very well be dealing in firearms or explosive devices like C-4 and they will never tell you.”

  “Now I know you feel like you can co-sign for those guys, but I just can’t take that chance. I know I’m a crooked ass federal agent who takes payoffs from people in exchange for my cooperation in allowing them to get their dope through my airport. But I will not cross the lines and turn a blind eye for two years’ worth of college tuition for a couple of scum bags I don’t know, who may very well have plans to blow up one of my planes. The least I can do is try to take all the precautionary measures I can so I’d be able to protect my homeland.”

  “So I guess the answer is no,” I said quietly and meekly.

  “If this was one of your shipments, I’d help you. So yes, the answer is no.”

  After Mr. Wright uttered the word no, I felt defeated. I was so devastated by the fact that he declined to help me that I couldn’t see moving forward with the plans to go through with the delivery. Okay, granted, I didn’t necessarily need two or three more set of eyes, but I just didn’t want to take the chance of giving Evan and his crew full control of the shipment. There was always the possibility that they could throw some slick ass shit in the game by intercepting the delivery and act like it was beyond their control, so they could keep it for themselves. Now I couldn’t risk that because Marco and Miguel would have me and Reggie’s head.

  Before I left their office, I made my final plea and hoped that they would give in. “If he’ll give me clearance, I’ll do it. I could definitely use the money,” John said.

  Trying to be optimistic, I turned my attention back to Mr. Wright. He had his back facing us, while he continued to sift through the paperwork scattered on his desk. “Will you let him do it?” I asked him.

  “He won’t be able to do it by himself,” Mr. Wright replied.

  “Well, get Rick to come in with me. I’m sure he could use the money too. He and his wife just had a baby.”

  “Get him on the radio and tell him to come to the office,” Mr. Wright instructed John.

  Hearing him give John the green light to assist me made me very happy. I ran over to his desk and hugged him from behind. “Thank you so much! I really appreciate you doing this for me,” I told him.

  “I’m sure you are. But don’t come in this office and ask me or my men to assist you with this type of load again. If we’re not working directly with you, then it’s a no go,” he warned me.

  “I understand perfectly. It will not happen again,” I assured him. I knew the words were a lie as soon as they left my lips.

  New York’s Finest Kiki Swinson

  Chapter 19 – Backed Against the Wall

  Reggie’s worker, Candie, had been on my mind all day. She had been in the hospital for two days now, since her attack. I knew I wouldn’t rest until I saw her, so I made it my business to stop by and see her. Visiting hours ended in fifteen minutes so I wasted very little time to get to the floor where they were housing her. When I got to the nurse’s station, it only took another minute to get her room number. After I thanked the nurse that helped me, I rushed off.

  Candie’s room was only four doors down on the right side and the closer I got to it, the more anxious I got. Coming up here to see her was the least I could do. She was a damn good employee. She never gave Reggie and I any problems. She made sure her money was always straight. And what we liked about her most was that she was educated and loyal to a fault. Cats all over Harlem wanted her to work for them, but she would never take them on their offers, even when our supply was out and she had to wait a week to get back in the game. You could pick out all the thorough niggas from the Polo Grounds and they couldn’t hold a candle to this chick.

  When I entered the hospital room, I was greeted by a slew of visitors, one male and three females. The man looked like he could’ve been Candie’s brother, because the resemblance was so strong. I surmised that the oldest woman was her mother, because of the resemblance was there as well. But the other two women didn’t look like Candie at all. So I figured they were distant cousins or even her close friends.

  Candie was lying in her bed wide-awake. After I spoke to everyone, including Candie, I walked over and stood alongside her bed. I tried not to stare at her face, but the cuts and bruises were somewhat unbearable to look at.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her, even though I knew it was a rhetorical question. From the condition of her face and the cast on her left arm, it was evident how she felt. I just hoped she didn’t take offense to it. I was only trying to make conversation.

  She tried desperately to smile. “I’m better than I was when I first came in here. Thank God for the medications they’re shooting through my IV,” she replied, her voice barely audible. I could tell her meds were working on her hard because she was really groggy.

  “Did the doctors tell you how long you had to be in here?” I asked her.

  “I believe they’re gonna release her tomorrow,” the older woman spoke up. “And by the way, I’m her Aunt Anna,” she formally introduced herself.

  I extended my hand. “Nice to me you, but I thought you were her mother.”

  She smiled. “She calls me her mama because I raised her from the age of six,” she continued.

  “Oh, how that’s cool.”

  “This is my son Derrick, and these two are my other nieces Mona and Shelby.”

  I reached over and shook everyone’s hand and told them that it was nice to meet them. But right when I was getting ready to turn my attention back to Candie, Aunt Anna threw a bombshell at me and started questioning me about how I knew Candie. I don’t know how I did it, but lies started rolling off my tongue as if I had been prepped before I walked through the door. And what weighed in my favor was the fact that Candie was too doped up to refute anything I said.

  “I know her from the neighborhood,” I began to say. “My mother lives on the same floor as Candie. So when I go out there to see my mother, I’ll check in on Candie to see how she and her son are doing.”

  “Well, you just let her neighbors know that she ain’t coming back to that rat hole,” Aunt Anna said. “She’s going home with me.”

  “I don’t blame you,” I replied. “I would do the same.”

bsp; “Would you know anything about why she was beaten up like this? Or know who could’ve done it?”

  “I wish I did, because they wouldn’t be running around in the streets right now,” I answered. “Candie is a sweet person and she doesn’t bother anyone. Every time I stopped by her apartment, she was either just getting in from school, cooking dinner for her son or doing homework, so she didn’t deserve this at all.”

  “She sure didn’t,” her cousin Derrick, chimed in. “So as soon as I find the niggas that did this to her, I’m gonna make sure they get a room next to hers.”

  The fury in his tone and facial expression became very clear to me that he wanted nothing else, but to make sure her attackers felt the same pain she was feeling. At that moment, for whatever reason, I felt obligated to tell them the name of one of the guys who attacked her. But I figured if I did that, I would be put in the position to explain where I got that information from and I wasn’t prepared for that. Not only that, I had just told them I didn’t know who had done it. That move would have definitely created more drama for me and could possibly have gotten me entangled in his disappearance. In fact, I could picture the homicide detectives calling me to come by the precinct to answer some questions and that alone wouldn’t be a good look for me. Instead of making one of the biggest mistakes of my life, I snapped back to reality and reminded myself that I needed to mind my business.

  Once Candie’s aunt felt like I had answered enough of her questions, she let me off the hook and kind of mellowed out a bit and allowed me to make small talk with Candie before the medication took full affect and she fell to sleep.

  Before I said my goodbyes to everyone, I told Candie to call me if she needed anything. And in her sweet little voice, she assured me that she would.


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