Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5)

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Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5) Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  I shake my head, and confess, “Only one woman. My woman.”

  Levi pauses mid-drink and stares at me with shock. “You’re dating?”

  “I am.” I’m not admitting to my marriage status until I’ve had chance to talk to my family. My mom is going to flip when she finds out so I think it’s going to be best coming directly from me rather than grapevine gossip. “She’s gorgeous.” I smile. “I love her, and I’m going to do everything that I can to make sure that she stays mine for the rest of my life.”

  “Fuck me!” Levi shakes his head and laughs. “I never thought you’d fall. You big sap.”

  “I didn’t think I’d fall, but I fell heavily the minute I met her. There was only her.”

  “Then why don’t you look too happy about that?”

  I rest my hands on my thighs, and turn my head to meet his frown. “My mom hasn’t given her a chance, but as much as I love my family, she’s my family now and I’ll do anything for her.” I grimace. “She’s older than me, which I think is my mom’s problem. Nothing more.”

  “Then show your mom how much you love each other, and I’m sure it will all work out. Your mom is usually a pretty fair lady, and at the end of the day all she’ll want is for you to be happy.”

  I watch in amazement and then laugh when he blushes. “What made you so wise?”

  He rolls his eyes and stands, shaking out his aching legs.

  “I have a Mom who wants that for me,” he winces, “so much so that whenever I’m home she always makes sure that there are single women around. Drives me nuts, but at the end of the day I know she only wants me happy, instead of alone.”

  I keep my eyes on him as he shrugs, wondering what’s going on inside that head of his.

  “Thanks for that,” I say.

  I track his gaze into the forest that we’re heading into once we pick up full tanks. The smoke gets thicker the further in we go and visibility is so bad that without proper equipment we could get turned around with tricks played on our senses.

  I’ve been turned around in a fire once or twice before back in New York and it isn’t a pleasant experience.

  “You two ready?” Rich asks, clipping his harness holding his air tank around his chest.

  “Yeah, I’m good to go,” I answer, standing.

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Levi grumbles.

  We trudge through the fire line and a sense of foreboding settles around me. I’m not the only one sensing something either as I exchange worried glances with my two friends.

  Levi, I’ve known since school and Rich since I’ve been home. They’ve both shown me what real friendship is and I know that in the thick of it that I can count on them, just like they can me. I guess that’s why we carry on moving toward the area that has been flagged as the next to be hit by the flames.


  Whistling to myself while I potter around my house doing some light cleaning now that I’ve finished making room in the bedroom closet for Diego’s clothes, I feel lighter. Happier. It’s helping to keep me occupied while I wait for him to return home. There’s a nervous flutter in my belly when I really think about us being married but it’s Diego and when I’m with him I can be myself, knowing that he loves me regardless of my flaws, even though I’m sure that I’m the only one who ever sees them.

  Placing some fresh daisies in the middle of my small kitchen table, I jump when my cell starts singing and buzzing around the countertop.

  I make a grab for it after only a quick glance at the screen. “Hi, Aiden,” I answer.

  “Rae,” he replies in a way that makes my belly drop to my toes.

  “What’s happened?” I whisper, my hand covering my heart while I pray it isn’t Diego.

  “He’s going to be okay,” Aiden starts as I drop into a chair hearing those words, “but he’s been taken to the hospital in town. Smoke inhalation and concussion. The docs have stitched the gash in his head and when he wakes he’ll probably have one hell of a headache, but Rae, he’s going to be okay.”

  I blink through my tears, and mumble, “I’ll be there soon. I’m leaving now.”

  Silence greets my statement, and then Aiden replies, “It might be best if you don’t come down, Rae. I’m sorry but it will only make things worse if you’re here.”

  Hearing those words breaks my heart so instead of replying I hang up the cell and sit staring into space until I realize that Diego needs me…and that I need to be there with him. He’s my husband so no one has the right to keep me away from him no matter how difficult I’m about to make things.

  Arriving at the hospital, I look around the waiting area and don’t see any of Diego’s family so I head toward the reception desk.

  The nurse looks up and smiles. “How may I help you?”

  “My husband,” my voice quivers so I stop and catch my breath, “he was brought in from a fire. He’s one of the rescue workers.”

  “Two have been brought in recently, which one belongs to you?”

  “Diego De La Fuente.”

  Her smile softens as she directs me to his room. “I think his parents are talking to the doctor right now, so you should be able to catch a few minutes alone with him.”

  “Thank you.”

  I follow her instructions and can’t believe I made it to his room without bumping into one of his siblings.

  I let the door close softly behind me as I stare at the still form of my husband lying in the hospital bed. There are machines to one side of the bed with wires attached to Diego. Moving closer, I notice that his complexion is paler than usual while tears begin to roll down my face. My legs start to weaken as I drop into the chair beside his bed, taking one of his hands into mine. I drop my forehead to our joined hands and cry.

  I’m not too sure how long I’ve been this way, but hearing, “What are you doing in here?” in the most unwelcome of tones stuns me enough that my tears stop. “I want you out of this room,” Lucia almost spits the words.

  “Lucia?” I recognize Emiliano’s voice as he tries to calm his wife.

  “Don’t…that woman is not allowed in this room.”

  I finally lift my head and see Diego’s family in the room, Lucia at the front of them looking ready to throw me out of his room herself. I meet Aiden’s gaze before he looks away and refuses to catch my eyes again.

  “Excuse me,” says a doctor who is trying to exert some authority. “Why are there so many people in this room? My patient needs quiet, and space to recover.”

  Lucia turns to him. “That woman by my son’s bed needs removing from this room.”

  I narrow my eyes and finally find my tongue. “I’m not going anywhere.” Standing, I keep Diego’s hand in mine and land my pleading eyes on the doctor. “It’s me he’ll want to see when he wakes up. I’m his wife.”

  There is a collective gasp, which I ignore and continue talking to his doctor. “Please…he’s my husband.”

  “That’s a lie,” Lucia growls and takes a step toward me, but Emiliano grabs her arm to keep her still. “My son isn’t married especially to you. I want her out of here right now. She’s nothing to my son.”

  I notice Aiden wince and Sarah looks up at him close to tears as though she can’t believe he’s just standing there. That’s something I’m going to be thinking about later.

  “You know nothing about your son. He’s my husband, and if you want proof, all the doctor has to do is search for a marriage license in the state of Nevada.”

  “Ha,” Lucia laughs. “You’re lying. What woman marries and doesn’t even have a license to prove it.”

  I breathe deeply, and confess, “We do have a license which Diego wants to frame. He took the license with him when he left having got the call to head back to Montana.”

  “I don’t believe a word of it.” Lucia turns to the doctor. “I want her gone now.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” To prove my words, I drop into the chair that I’d previously been sitting. Crossing my arms over my
heaving chest, I tune his mother out while staring at the beautiful but tired face of the man I love.

  The doctor clears his throat from beside me. I turn and meet his gaze, which he quickly looks away from. “My patient is my priority and right now I don’t know who is right and who is wrong, but I do know that this argument isn’t helping him.” He points to Diego before finally holding my gaze. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to leave.”

  My eyes haze over at his words as I swallow the sob that rises at the back of my throat.

  “Yes. Either willingly or with security.” The doctor firms up on his resolve. “And the De La Fuente family need to leave as well and wait in the family room.”

  “I’m his mother. I’m staying.”

  “This is ridiculous,” the doctor snaps. “You,” he points at me, “leave.” He glances at the others. “And I want the rest of you out of this room as well. Until he wakes up, no one is allowed in this room. Enough is enough!”

  Lucia opens her mouth, but the doctor hushes her, “If this room isn’t cleared in ten minutes then security will be here to escort everyone from the hospital grounds.” He goes to leave and stops. “You with me, now.”

  “This is all your fault,” Lucia accuses viciously.

  How the hell has everything gone so wrong? Since when has it been wrong for a wife to be able to be with her husband when he needs her most?

  I know I’m not going to win this and as much as it kills me to leave him, I know that when he wakes he’ll be asking for me. Wondering where I am. Hopefully he’ll see through the lies that his mother is likely to tell.

  Slowly rising on unsteady legs, I ignore everyone and leaning over Diego, I place a kiss to his lips. “I love you,” I whisper, and kiss him again before I silently leave the room.

  My throat is raw with unuttered thoughts and protests, the swell of pain inside of me beyond tears.

  The doctor talks beside me, but I can’t hear him with my own distress rushing through my ears in a rush of blood. I’m going to fall apart soon and I don’t know what to do or where to go. I don’t trust myself to drive without causing an accident so once fresh air greets me I start to run. I run as far as I can until I’m hidden behind a large tree at the back of the hospital.

  I slide down, burying my face in my raised knees as I wrap my arms around my legs, and finally let the deep sobs trapped inside of me break free.



  After paying the cab driver, I head toward the entrance of the hospital and catch movement out of the corner of my eye. Watching, I frown when I realize it’s Rae running around the back of the building.

  I hesitate before stepping into the hospital because something tells me that I should follow her, except I really need to check on my brother first. I’ll head after Rae soon and find out what’s going on with her after that rapid departure.

  Tiredly, I head up to the second floor, which is where Mateo had told me to head to once I arrived.

  Not entirely sure what to expect, the total silence that greets me when I open the door to Diego’s room isn’t it. I glance at my family and frown, which deepens when Mom and Dad exchange sharp words.

  Shaking my head, I glance over at Diego, willing him to wake up. Then it hits me. “Crap!” I glance at my family. “Rae? She was here and now she isn’t, why?” If Diego is still sleeping that means my family are the ones that caused Rae’s upset, which I know will piss Diego off when he finds out.

  “She left,” Aiden sighs.

  “She’s our friend and we let her,” Sarah adds and gets an evil look thrown at her by mom.

  Aiden moves in front of Sarah. “Don’t even think about starting on Sarah. She’s right. We all stood here and let you call her names and demand that she leave. She’s been my friend and like a sister for years and I did nothing to stop you. I feel damn sick for that. But don’t ever consider taking your anger out on my fiancée.”

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand.

  “That’s what I want to know.” All heads swivel at the sound of Diego’s voice. “God, I feel as though I’ve been ran over by a truck,” he moans while trying to sit up.

  “Try a tree,” I drawl. “Here, let me.” I figure out the buttons to get the bed moving and then Diego is cursing with his eyes squeezed tightly closed.

  “Fuck, that hurts… What’s happened?” He slowly opens his eyes and watches us.

  I tug my ball cap from my head and run a hand through my hair in frustration. This isn’t going to go well when he realizes Rae isn’t here and the reason why.



  I feel like shit and watching my family between narrowed lids, there’s one person missing and I have a feeling that I know why. She’d be here if she could and I’m sure that I heard her voice while I slept.

  Breathing through the hammer in my head, I have to know where she is. “Seems as though no one is going to tell me what’s going on… Where is my wife? Where’s Rae?” I glare at Mom who looks nervously at Dad. My father looks up to the ceiling and I have a feeling that he’s praying.

  “She wasn’t lying,” Mateo mumbles softly cursing, looking at Erin. She lays a palm against Mateo’s stomach, leaning into him.

  “She was here? I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t, was I?” I rub my brow, trying to remember what I heard. “I was starting to wake up and heard her being told to leave… I’m right.” I look at Kasey for confirmation.

  “I’ve only just arrived, but I wanted to know why Rae was running out of the hospital instead of into.”

  “Why would anyone,” I snarl, “think that I wouldn’t want Rae here when I woke. I love her—”

  “I see my patients awake,” the doctor announces and glares at the rest of my family, making me believe that I’ve missed more than I thought.

  “Doc, I want straight answers.”

  He nods.

  “My friends, Levi and Rich, are they okay?”

  “They have both been treated for smoke inhalation, stitched up, and released.”

  “My wife?”

  I watch as the doctor’s eyes widen and he glances at my mom.

  “You know what? How about someone gets me some clothes so I can go and ask Rae. She’ll give me straight answers.”

  The doctor places a hand on my shoulder, which I’m going to rip off if I don’t get the answers I want.

  Kasey steps forward and dislodges the doctor’s hand. “Look, I’ll go and find Rae. I saw where she headed and she was my next stop anyway after I’d checked on you. I’ll bring her back.”

  Staring at the doctor, I know who he is. “I recognize your voice. You made her leave.”

  The doctor sighs. “I hate family drama.”

  “There isn’t any family drama. My wife and Kasey are the only ones I want in this room.” I sweep my eyes over the others. “Whatever was said to make her leave, I’m guessing you all supported it.”

  “Diego—” father starts but gets cut off.

  “How can you not want us here? We’re your family.” Mom steps toward me but with one glance at my withering glare she steps back into the embrace of my father.

  “My wife is my family, and she is the only person who I want by my side, and…” I suddenly realize that my ring is missing. “Where the hell is my ring?” I roar and right now I don’t give a shit who the fuck hears me. “Is it hospital policy to remove wedding bands from your patients?” I ask the doctor who stutters without actually saying anything.

  Collapsing back against the bed, I realize that I’m not going anywhere until my head stops its pounding and I don’t feel like I’m about to hurl.

  “I want my ring,” I hiss. “Now!”

  “I don’t know where it is as we don’t remove jewelry unless it directly involves our treatment of you.” The doctor frowns and glances around the room.

  “I can’t keep my eyes open. When I wake that ring better be on my finger with the room empty apart from Rae, or Kasey.”
My eyes drift closed but I force them open one last time. “Kasey, please stay with Rae. Look after her while I can’t.”

  “You got it, bro,” he speaks with determination.

  Everything goes blank.


  Once my tears had dried up I realized that I was stupid for letting everyone walk all over me. I’m not an idiot and I need to be there waiting for the man I love to wake up. So I’m going to go in there and I’m going to refuse to leave until Diego tells me to, which I know in my heart will never happen. I shouldn’t have run and I hate that I did.

  Lifting my chin, I stop when I see Kasey walking toward me. He wears a worried frown on his handsome face and with a wince he tugs me into his arms. “He’s just woken and basically told everyone to go to hell. He was pissed as hell that you weren’t there,” Kasey whispers into my ear. “Only you and me are allowed in his room now.”

  I meet Kasey’s gaze. “I don’t understand.” I have a feeling that I probably do though.

  “Diego heard some of what was said to you as he was starting to wake up. He thought he was dreaming until he realized that you weren’t there. He kicked everyone out.” Kasey grins. “Come on. He’s sleeping now but needs you there when he wakes up.”

  “I was heading back inside. Once I cried myself sick, I realized that I wasn’t being true to Diego by running away when he needs me the most.”

  Kasey wraps an arm around my shoulders. “You are so strong, Rae, but being alone against my family is hard especially when you’re emotionally drained. I wish I’d have been here to back you up.”

  Walking through the hospital with Kasey, I don’t see Diego’s family anywhere, which is a relief. Minutes later Kasey leads me back into Diego’s room and ushers me into a chair beside my husband.

  I take his hand and thread my fingers through his. “I love you, Diego,” I whisper, laying my head on our joined hands as before.


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