Blood Money (Lone Star Mobster Book 3)

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Blood Money (Lone Star Mobster Book 3) Page 17

by Cynthia Rayne

  “No, I’ve been busy havin’ a royal freak-out.”

  “Well, the case has taken a turn in the past couple of days.” Jasper tossed the morning newspaper to her.

  Vick glanced through the article. Upon cross-examination, two of the expert witnesses for the defense had fallen apart on the stand. According to the reporter, Simon’s alternate theory of the crime appeared far-fetched. Things didn’t look so hot for Rodriguez.

  Probably because he’s guilty.

  “My guess is Simon’s been distracted, not doin’ his best work. So, I think Rodriguez might be willin’ to hear us out.”

  It made sense. “It’d be in his own self-interest. Simon could concentrate on the case if he wasn’t preoccupied with me.” If Rodriguez had something to gain, they might stand a chance.

  “It’s a long shot, though. If it fails, we’ll have to go with plan B.”

  “Which is?” Vick held her breath, fearing she wouldn’t like the answer.

  “I could eliminate Simon. Problem solved. It’d be a quick and clean solution, provided the cartel don’t find out who killed him. Frankly, I’d prefer to handle it that way, but I know you don’t.”

  Her stomach twisted. She didn’t want Simon dead, just out of the picture, even after all the havoc, he’d wreaked in her life. Vick owed him a debt of gratitude. Without his, er, offer of employment, college would’ve been more difficult, and he’d helped her bail out Jack, too.

  “You’re right. I want everyone to get out of this alive.”

  “Vick, if it comes down to Simon or you, my priorities are clear.” Jasper laid a hand on her arm.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. “It won’t come to that.”

  “Let’s hope so, but we got another roadblock to get past first.”

  “We need to get to Rodriguez?”

  “Yup, and that’s gonna be a bitch.”

  “Where do you think he is?”

  “Hmm.” Jasper took a sip of coffee, evidently gathering his thoughts. “The feds probably have him in solitary. The cartel’s got too many enemies.”

  The Lone Star Mafia had associates on the inside, but none of them could send a message to Rodriguez if he was under tight security measures. Besides, if they involved any of those contacts, Dix and Byron might find out what they were up to, and then there’d be hell to pay.

  “Thank you again for doin’ this, I know it could land us both in hot water.”

  Jasper flashed a smile. “Anytime, Vixen.”

  “Since the trial’s underway, they’ve probably taken extra precautions.”

  “Yeah, more than likely he’s on lockdown.”

  “What about Jane? Think she’d be able to get a meetin’ with him?” Jane still had a lot of contacts in high places.

  Jasper shook his head. “She doesn’t work with a law firm anymore.”

  “Wait a second. Rodriguez will be at the courthouse, right?”


  “We know exactly when his trial’s scheduled. So, we can approach him there, with the help of a diversion, of course.”

  He snapped his fingers. “At some point, Rodriguez will use the facilities. That’s our best bet.”

  Rodriguez would have minimal security with him in the restroom. Plus, there’d be no cameras in there to record a conversation.

  “It might just work.”

  She wanted to get this over and done with before Byron or Dix caught wind of it. And even God himself wouldn’t even be able to help them if Tucker found out. She and Jasper would both be six feet under.

  “Can you get us some info?”

  “Yup, we need some schematics.” She cracked her knuckles, preparing for a marathon hacking session. “Government databases are tricky, but not impossible. I’ll need my laptop though.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll fetch it for you, along with some clothes.” He winked. “Damn, you’re good.”

  Vick flushed. She was still wearing his shirt. Vick was loathe to give it up, but running around half-dressed wasn’t practical.

  “No, we’re good.”

  “I agree.” Jasper leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. It was quick, but it left her quivering. “And we haven’t even started yet.”

  She sucked in a breath. “So, we’re kissin’ again?”

  “Yes, ma’am, and when this is all over, we’ll sit down and have ourselves a real long talk.”

  “About what?”

  “Us, where we go from here, and how that kiss wasn’t a mistake after all. You game?”

  Her mouth went dry. “Lookin’ forward to it.”

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna get your things.” Jasper placed one of his guns on the kitchen table. “Keep this with you until I get back. I won’t be long.” He swaggered out the front door.

  Vick couldn’t believe it. Everything she’d wanted was in her grasp. She could close the book on her past and move forward with her new life with Jasper at her side.

  As long as he didn’t discover the true nature of her relationship with Simon.


  While Vixen hacked her way into the courthouse database, he walked around the outside of his townhouse looking for vulnerabilities. Come nightfall, Simon’s goon would probably try another abduction. The bushes by the front porch were a might high—a good place to hide and watch. He’d have to get hedge clippers and take care of it.

  As Jasper walked around the corner, he found a man, standing a few feet away, peering into Jasper’s living room window watching Vick. He seemed mesmerized, unable to look anywhere else.

  It chilled Jasper to the bone. He had to be the stalker. The man was older than Jasper imagined.

  Hmm. Maybe I don’t need to involve Rodriguez at all.

  Jasper decided to poke the bear. “Why are you sneakin’ around in the bushes? That ain't polite.”

  Startled, the stalker turned to face Jasper. His eyes turned cold.

  “You some kinda pervert? Lookin’ into windows, tryin’ to catch women in their unmentionables?”

  “I’ve seen her in a lot less than that.”

  Jasper clenched his fists. “Get on outta here, before I call the cops, Simon.” Or shoot you between the eyes.

  Simon’s brows raised. “Don’t act like you’ve got some kind of claim on her.”

  Not yet anyway. “She sure as shit ain't yours.”

  “And you’re only her friend, Jasper.”

  He knows me? And I just heard of him yesterday.

  Then Jasper noted Simon had a bouquet of roses in his hand. Did he come here to woo Vick? To apologize for the gunshot wound?

  “Your boy, Mark, almost killed her.”

  A muscle clenched in his jaw. “It won’t happen again.”

  “You’re damn right it won’t. Now get your ass off my property.” Jasper tapped the gun on his hip.

  “You’ll have to make me.”

  “My pleasure. In fact, I could make this situation go away real quick.”

  It was an empty threat. He couldn’t shoot anyone in broad daylight without causing all kinds of unwanted attention. Jasper wouldn’t call the police in a million years either.

  “But you won’t.”

  “You’ve got some nerve comin’ here.”

  “Yeah, I do. Victoria is mine.”

  “Her name’s Vick, and I’m pretty sure, she belongs to herself.” Or me, but definitely not you.

  “You want her for yourself? Forget about it, son. She’ll never be yours. Tell Victoria this can end, as soon as she comes to her senses and accepts my offer.”

  And then Vick skidded to a halt beside him. Jasper hadn’t been aware she’d walked outside.

  “Jasper, I got this.”

  “Go back inside. Now.”

  “No. Let me handle it.”

  “If you think I’m leavin’ you alone with this nutcase, you’re outta your mind.” Was she insane?

  “Please let me talk to Simon. Alone.”

  Simon scrutinized th
e wound on her shoulder. The bulky bandage beneath her shirt was hard to miss.

  “I’m sorry, Victoria. Mark told me you might’ve gotten injured. He was supposed to persuade you to see things my way, not hurt you.”

  “Apology not accepted.” Vick grasped his arm. “Please go.”

  Why does she want me outta here so damn bad?

  “I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

  Vick’s shoulders sagged, and her chin trembled.

  “Wait a second. He doesn’t have a clue about us, does he?” And then Simon laughed, as though they shared some private joke.

  “What’s he talkin’ about Vixen?”

  She swallowed.

  Jasper had reached his limit. “Vick?” He wouldn’t be put off this time. “What haven’t you told me?”

  “Victoria’s an escort.” Simon had beaten her to the punch.

  “What?” Jasper stared at Vick. “Tell me he’s lyin’.”

  “Was an escort,” she corrected. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  Jasper felt like someone had socked him in the gut. No, it can’t be true.

  Vick reached for him, and Jasper backed away. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard, couldn’t even process it.

  Simon laughed. “Well, I think my work here is done.”

  “Shut up, Simon.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Jasper’s head was spinning, and he felt sick to his stomach.

  Now it all made sense—the way Vick had defended the girl at the massage parlor, how she’d gotten the money to pay for Jack’s treatment. This had to be the big secret she’d kept from him.

  “He doesn’t want you anymore. Surely, you can see that, but I still do, Victoria. In fact, I’ve leased an apartment for you. It’s on the top floor with a terrific view. The place is ready for you to move in.”

  “Leave, Simon. Now.”

  Jasper couldn’t concentrate on the conversation. His mind was assaulted by visions of Vick with other men—being fondled, fucked by them. Being used.

  His fists clenched.

  “Call me, Victoria.” Simon offered the flowers to her, and she tossed the bouquet on the ground, before stomping on it. “Always the little spitfire.” Simon strolled down the street to a silver sports car and took off.

  Jasper knew he should chase after the man, take care of this once and for all, but he couldn’t make his legs work. Nothing seemed real right now.

  “Let’s sit down and talk about this, Jasper. I can explain.”

  Jasper nodded curtly and followed her into the kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  Vick didn’t know what to say. Now Jasper knew she’d been deceiving him for years. Even if she explained herself, would it make any difference? Vick couldn’t change her history as an escort or all the lies she told to cover it up.

  They were seated at the kitchen table once more. Simon had taken off, but he was the least of her concerns. He’d already done enough damage for one night.

  “Vick…?” His brows raised.

  His expression gutted her. She could see the disbelief, the hurt. Her deception had wounded him.

  “I didn’t even know where to begin, and until recently, it was ancient history.”

  “I get that.” Jasper nodded. “You slept with him. For money.”

  It wasn’t a question. Jasper said the words as though he still couldn’t quite believe it, but she answered anyway.

  “Yes.” Her throat ached.

  “Does Jack know?”

  “No, I’ve never told him.”

  Vick had to come clean with Jack, too. She knew all his dirty secrets. It’s time, she clued him in on hers. Vick also wanted him to comprehend what lengths she’d gone to, to keep him out of trouble, and why she refused to ride to the rescue again.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Vick hardly knew where to begin. “These things got a way of escalatin’. It ain’t like I woke up one mornin’ and decided to become an escort.”

  “I understand.” The words were a touch cool.

  “It started in college. At the time, I worked two jobs for minimum wage, and as a sideline, I did some web design, social media management, you name it. Anythin’ I could get my hands on, to make ends meet. I even built this cam girl a website. We got to talkin’, and she told me how much she’d been rakin’ in. I couldn’t believe it.”

  He heaved a sigh. “You were a cam girl, too?”

  Vick winced. “Yeah, I took my clothes off for strange men on the internet.” No sense in holding back now.

  Jasper glanced up. “I didn’t mean…”

  “I know. Amy, the web cam girl, made her own hours, decided what rates she charged for private shows, and was her own boss. Honestly, it even seemed a little glamorous. And I’m not a prude—I enjoy sex as much as the next girl. I figured, why not?”

  Jasper nodded stiffly.

  “I was supportin’ my brother, payin’ for school, and tryin’ to keep my head above water. Between my student loans, scholarships, and work, I still couldn’t meet my monthly bills.”

  “I get it.” Understanding dawned in his eyes. “So, she got you into camming then?”

  “It started out slow. Amy loved the website I built, so she asked me to manage her social media—tweeting sexy messages, answering emails. She paid me a lot of money, and I wanted to strike out on my own, see if I could be just as successful. So, I bought all the equipment and came up with a persona named Veronica. I changed some details about my life, and let my flirtatious side out. Then one night, I did my first performance.”

  “And the money was decent?” Jasper was hunched over in his seat, and he looked a bit queasy to her.

  “No, it was great. In a few short hours, I earned my rent money for the month. The next night, I paid the rest of my bills—groceries, cell phone, internet, all of it. All I had to do was flirt with men and strip in my own bedroom. I told myself it wasn’t sex work. After all, nobody touched me. They weren’t even in the same room with me.”

  She’d been grateful for the money, but afterward, there’d been some discomfort. Vick couldn’t tell her brother what she’d done, or anyone else for that matter. Vick wasn’t sure if she actually felt ashamed, or just thought she should be. More than anything, she hated other people’s reactions.

  “I get it,” Jasper said. “I’ve compromised my ethics to make a livin’, too, so it’s not like I have a high horse to ride off on.”

  “It wasn’t just financial.” Vick sighed. “With the extra cash, came peace of mind. I didn’t have to worry about makin’ the rent, so I could concentrate on school, and worked on expandin’ my business.” Vick didn’t want to hold any of it back. Jasper deserved the entire truth, so she just blurted it out. “I sold my Skype ID, clips of myself, and even my underwear.”

  “I see.” Jasper clasped a hand over his mouth.

  Vick gave him a few moments to process it. She didn’t want to overwhelm him with everything.

  She’d been dreading this conversation, but there was something liberating about it. It felt good to unburden herself. She was sick of hiding things from Jasper.

  “How’d you meet Simon? Jasper asked after some time had passed.

  “He watched me perform and became one of my regulars. Simon gave me these outlandish tips. Eventually, he paid for private shows. When we Skyped, part of it was sexual, but the rest was emotional.”

  His nostrils flared. “Sounds like he was fallin’ for you.”

  “No, he wasn’t. Simon had a thing for Veronica, not me.” Vick knew the difference between real love and the illusion of it. “One night, he asked if we could meet in person. Simon was my most profitable client, and he had a ‘proposition’ for me, so I went.”

  “He wanted to buy you.”

  “Yeah.” Vick could feel her cheeks burning.

  “How’d it go down?”

  Jasper wanted all the nitty-gritty detai
ls. Probably because she’d kept something so substantial from him.

  “We went for coffee, and I eventually agreed to the arrangement. The money was just too good.” Vick took a breath. “At first, I convinced myself it was datin’ with some extras, but I was delusional. This doesn’t make a difference, but Simon was the only one. He paid me well for my time, so I didn’t even have to cam anymore, or take on any other clients.”

  “Simon wanted you all to himself.”

  “Yeah, I saw him over a period of a couple years.”

  “Like I said, Simon was fallin’ for you.”

  “I sold him a fantasy, Jasper, a stylized version of myself, which met his needs. Whenever I was with him, I acted a part, became Simon’s dream girl. At the time, he was legally separated from his wife, but they hadn’t divorced yet. I just came along when he needed someone.”

  “Don’t kid yourself, Vick. You're kind of spectacular, even a stylized form of you.” Jasper caught her gaze.

  She reached for him, but he scooted away. It’s the second time he’d physically rejected her today.

  “Right. Sorry.”

  Jasper’s fists clenched. “Have you ever acted with me?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good.” His shoulders sagged in apparent relief. “Was he always this possessive?”

  “I’ve been thinkin’ about that for a while. Lookin’ back, there were warning signs. Simon got more and more controllin’ with me. For example, if we went for the evenin’, he’d choose the clothin’ I wore, and he’d order food for me.”

  “And now he wants you all to himself again.”


  “How’d it end the first time?”

  “When I graduated from college, I cut off all contact with Simon when I moved to Crimson Creek. I got rid of all Veronica’s social media accounts and the website. I got a new cell phone number, even another car. Veronica became a ghost.”

  “And then what happened?”


  “You borrowed the money from Simon.”

  “I didn’t have much choice. I couldn’t ask Dix for a loan, and I didn’t have enough cash on hand.”

  The past few years she’d been getting her financial house in order—paying off student loan debt, eliminating her credit cards, and saving for a house, but money was still tight.


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