Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5) Page 10

by Vera Roberts

  “Eli,” a Madre’s employee called to him, “do we deliver the bouquets and buttoineres now?”

  “Not yet,” Eli checked his watch. “The party should be arriving within the next thirty minutes and they’ll get them then. The photographer should arrive about thirty minutes later after that.”

  Simone felt her emotions get lodged in her throat. Was it really him? She looked over and her mouth hung low.


  Worry raced up her spine and her mouth became cottony dry. Someone was getting married at the high-rise Darren lived at and of course, they hired Madre’s to do the flowers. Simone should’ve known it was one of Eli’s creations. Lush arrangements of peonies, roses, hydrangeas were in long crystal vases with orchids peeking through.

  She saw a few workers carrying boxes of roses, presumably personalized placeholders for the guests for the recpetion. It was something Eli did that made him stand out from the competition and spurned a ton of copycats. He was always just ten steps ahead while everyone was struggling to get out of the blocks.

  Simone was sure it was him. She quickly hid behind a large plant when he looked toward her direction. No, it wasn’t time to confront him. It was a romantic weekend with Darren and not a time to schedule a visit to the Maury show. She would have to deal with Eli on her terms and when it was right.

  Whenever that would be.


  “Okay, are we done here?” Eli looked around at the wedding set up. From the white rose petal-covered aisle leading up to the altar to smalls balls of hydrangeas that decorated the chairs at the reception, Eli felt accomplished. The bride and groom were going to arrive soon and he hoped they would love his creations. Despite how messed up his love life was, he still held out hope for love. “Great job, everyone!” His phone rang and it was Faith calling him. “Yes? What? Okay, hold up. Where are you? I’m on my way.” Eli shoved his phone into his pockets. “That was Faith. I gotta go.”

  “What’s going on?” Maria asked. “Is everything okay?”

  “Nate was sent home from school because of a high tempoerature so he’s at the hospital with Faith. I’ll call with updates once I get them.” He rushed to the hospital.


  Simone overheard the conversation and silently prayed Nathan was okay. No matter how she felt about Eli or Faith, Nathan was Elena’s brother, even though she’d never met him.

  Simone waited until all of the Madre’s employees left and she got on the elevator back up to Darren’s apartment. She had a sexy date to get ready for and it was going to distract her from thinking about Eli.

  Maybe tonight was going to be the night she would finally give into Darren.


  Faith sat next to her son, grasping his little hand as he coughed into the other one.

  He had a mild cough in the morning and she didn’t think anything of it. As a precaution, she gave him some Tylenol and sent him to school. Within an hour of drop-off, he was hacking and she got the call he was running a temperature of 103. She immediately called Eli as she rushed to get Nathan, dropping E.J. off with her parents. She then raced to the ER and waited for Eli to arrive.

  The separation, the fighting…none of that mattered anymore.

  She fought back tears as she clapsed his hand and silently prayed to God to heal her baby. It took five miscarriages and a lost of hope before they’d finally conceived Nathan. Faith was so paranoid during her pregnancy, she followed every rule to the tee and barely did any housework – on Eli’s orders. She ended up gaining an astromonical amount of weight but quickly lost it after birth. It didn’t matter if she ballooned to 300 pounds. All she wanted was a healthy baby.

  Now her baby was sick and struggling to breathe.

  Pangs of guilt began to plague her. Maybe she shouldn’t have let him run outside without a coat. Maybe she should’ve been more stern in him wearing a hat. Maybe she should’ve carefully watched him wash his hands to make sure he got in between the grooves.

  If something happened to Nathan, Faith would never forgive herself.

  “Hey,” Eli rushed into the room they were in and Faith immediately stood up to hug her ex. “How is everything?”

  “Hey Daddy!” Nathan smiled.

  “Hey partner,” Eli sat in a chair on the other side of Nathan and felt his forehead. It still felt warm. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m sick, Daddy.” The little boy frowned. “I don’t feel so good.”

  “Yeah, I heard that, partner.” Eli rubbed his son’s head. “We have you in the right place and the doctors are going to make you feel better.”

  “Can we go for ice cream when I feel better?” Nathan asked.

  “Sure thing, little man.” Eli nodded. “Anything you want.”

  A slender dark-skinned Black woman entered the room. “Great news,” she looked up and noticed both Faith and Eli. “Oh, hello.”

  “Dr. Toure, this is my hub…” Faith paused. “…This is Nate’s father, Eli.”

  Eli felt his heart become lodged in his throat and he swallowed several times. The doctor was enchanting. She barely said a word and Eli was already smitten with her. “Hi,” he managed to say.

  “Hello there. I was about to tell Faith that all of Nate’s tests came back negative. He does appear to have a virus but I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics and it should be cleared up within a few days. Other than that, you’re free to go.” She smiled.

  “Thank you so much!” Faith was about to break out into a praise dance. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem,” The doctor smiled again before she left.


  “I want ice cream and pizza and hot dogs and mac ‘n cheese and a strawberry shake!” Nathan beamed.

  “Well, I can tell you’re feeling better,” Eli smiled as he tucked his son into bed. He followed Faith home to help her with Nathan and E.J. before he headed back to his apartment.

  “Can I go play now?” Nathan asked.

  “Oh no. You’re staying in bed for a while and we’ll go out later when you feel better,” Eli promised. “Is that a deal?”

  “Deal!” Nathan smiled.

  “Cool! Well, I gotta get going. I’ll see you tomorrow morning?” Eli promised.

  “Yeah!” Nathan beamed. “Bye, Daddy!”

  “Bye, little man.” Eli kissed his son’s forehead. “Get some rest and listen to your mom.”

  “I will!” Nathan turned on the TV and began watching cartoons.

  Eli stepped out of Nathan’s room and saw Faith waiting in the hallway. His chest tightened seeing how beautiful his ex was and she kept her composure under stress. He silently reminded himself she was someone he couldn’t have and he would just have to deal with it. “It seems he’s situated and having fun watching Thomas the Train so I’m going to head home. Call me if anything changes and I’ll be right here.”

  “Thank you for coming over,” Faith replied. “I’m sorry if I interrupted work.”

  “Call me anytime when it comes to our kids.” Eli said. “I will literally stop whatever it is I’m doing to help.”

  Faith remembered when Eli used to tell her to call him anytime. He purposely left her out of the equation and the realization stung. “I wanted to talk to you about the custody arrangements.”

  “Okay,” Eli shifted his stance, “what’s on your mind?”

  “I was wondering if we can start dropping the kids off to each other without making our parents do it? I mean, we’re grown and I think it’ll be all right if we did it?”

  “Sure, I like that.” He agreed. “I think it’ll be good for the kids as well.”

  “I thought so as well. Also, if you don’t have any plans tonight, you can always stay here.” She mentioned. “I’ll get the guest room ready.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I need to prepare the boys’ stay for the week so I have a lot of cleaning to do.” He began walking downstairs. “But maybe I’ll take a raincheck for the future?”

h yeah, sure.” She hoped the disappointment in her voice wasn’t obvious to him as it was to her. “Sure.” Faith followed Eli outside to his truck. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”

  “Yeah,” Eli waved before he got in his truck, “see you later, Faith.” He took off.

  You used to call me Faye. Faith bundled herself up and headed back inside. She checked on E.J. before stopping by Nathan’s room. She then went into her bedroom and stared at the wedding photo for a long while. They’d been separated for a few months and Eli no longer tried to fight for her anymore. She simply gave him no reason to. She could recall a time when they went out dancing and a guy disrespected her. Eli had to be restrained by Tony, Joey, and several bouncers before he left the club on his own recognizance.

  That same night, they made the most incredible and passionate love, with Eli taking out all of his frustrations on her in various positions. It was also the first time he’d used a toy on her. Faith was traditional and didn’t welcome anything foreign inside her. Eli, however, made her a believer that night.

  “I’m going to turn it on the lowest setting,” he instructed as he kneeled betweeen her legs, “just tell me when to stop.”

  “I’m not sure about this, baby,” Faith glanced down at the pink vibrator in her husband’s hand, “what if it burns me?”

  “It won’t. I promise.” He reassured her. “Are you ready?” She nodded. “Alright. Here it goes.” He gently rolled the vibrator around her swollen nub and Faith immediately arched off the bed. It was a new sensation and the buzz gave her a tingle she’d never known before.

  “Grab onto the pillows, baby.” He instructed as he rolled the vibrator more.

  Faith reached up and grabbed the pillows, softly moaning into one of them as her husband continued to play with her. The vibrator gave her a feeling she’d never known and she was immediately addicted to it.

  He suddenly withdrew from her and Faith moaned at the loss. A few moments passed between them and just when Faith was about to protest, she felt Eli slide his thick cock inside her. She gasped at his touch and moaned. The vibrator was nice but it was nothing compared to her husband’s thick shaft filling her.

  He moved slowly in and out, setting a steady pace when he stopped again. Faith heard the familiar buzz from the dildo and almost lurched off the bed when she felt it on her again. He put one hand on her to steady him while the other held the vibrator steady against her clit.

  Deep, voracious moans emitted from Faith and she almost didn’t recognize her voice. Eli slammed harder against her and turned the vibrator up to the highest setting. Faith’s nails dug into Eli’s forearms as his hard thrusts made the headboard slam against the wall.

  “Ooh, Eli…” Faith mewed.

  “That’s it,” he purred as he studied her reaction, “give in to me. I want to feel your pussy come all over my cock.”

  Faith’s legs began to shake and her body whimpered as she released it from the captive orgasm that held it. Her orgasm rippled throughout her body, curling her toes, stiffening her midsection and ending at her mouth, where it softly came out.

  Eli thrust a few more times and met his release. He turned off the vibrator and pulled out, collapsing next to his wife. “I should get into more fights at the club.” They both laughed.

  Now the same man barely said any words to her tonight and only spoke to her when she said something first.

  Eli didn’t deserve the way she treated him. He begged her to forgive him and she was slow in doing so, pushing him away. The separation made him happier and healthier. He was as fit as he’s ever been. The smile that lit up his entire face and revealed his dimples was back. That’s when Faith knew she drained the life out of her husband and her marriage.

  With a heavy heart, Faith opened the marriage book that had been collecting dust on her nighstand. Maybe it was time for her to grow up and save her marriage.


  Her look was unforgettable.

  She was tall, slender, and dark-skinned. He especially loved her skin color. It was rich and full of melanin, blessed by God Himself. She wore her straightened black hair in a ponytail and her makeup was light with just the bare minimum. She had an accent and Eli guessed she was British. It was fine by Eli. The mysterious doctor brought much-needed attention back to his jeans.

  He purposely abstained from sex since the separation out of fear. He wasn’t afraid of women or giving the press another reason to pile on the family. He didn’t want to get caught up with someone, just to break up with them when the relationship ran its course. While Eli had a reputation of pumping and dumping, much like Tony and Joey before he settled down, it was something he didn’t want again.

  News of his separation sent the opportunists out, parading themselves in the most-revealing outfits in Madre’s, showing the very best silicone, injections, and fillers money could buy. Eli humored their efforts but made it clear he was only interested in taking care of his sons.

  Then the good doctor made her appearance and Eli lost his all sense.

  He kept his composure in front of his ex-wife and purposely refrained from telling her what he was doing after he tucked Nathan in bed. He was going to see the doctor and thank her for taking care of his son. And maybe, ask her out.

  He didn’t have to search too far when he’d arrived, as it appeared she was getting off her shift. She already changed into street clothing and her hair flowed around her shoulders. “Thanks for looking out for my son. I really appreciate it, Dr?”

  “Erica Toure, and it’s not a problem, Mr. D’Amato,” the doctor warmly smiled. “It’s my job to look after kids.”

  “Well, I can’t thank you enough.” Eli stated. He paused for a moment before he continued. “I would like to take you out to dinner sometime as a token of appreciation.”

  Erica knew who Eli was. Hell, the entire world knew who he was. She also definitely knew ho Faith was and her relationship to him. She followed the D’Amato family enough to know Eli’s request wasn’t just a platonic gesture. She may not have known a lot about what was occurring between Eli and his wife, or ex-wife, or whatever her title was, but she knew enough about Eli to stave off his advances. “I don’t do reality TV, Mr. D’Amato.”

  “Who said anything about cameras? They only shoot when I tell them to.” he replied.

  “TV cameras, yes.” Erica mentioned. “Paparazzi, not so much.”

  She knew him too well. It was a definite downside to his fame. Eli really couldn’t go to the bathroom in peace. “Is there anyway I can convince you otherwise?”

  “I’m afraid not,” she shook her head.

  Eli walked up to her and caressed her cheek. “I always get my way.”

  Erica shivered as a current of lust swept through her body. If Eli wanted her, he was about to fight. “And I look forward to the battle.”


  Leave it to Darren to make Simone feel better and forget about Eli.

  He took her out to one of the finest restaurants in New York, The Petrossian, and then a Broadway play, something that had been on her bucket list for some time. With security following them at a safe distance, the couple went on a romantic stroll around New York.

  Still, the thoughts of running into her child’s father in New York made Simone uneasy. It was inevitable, given the reality show, and Darren playing in New York. Simone wondered if somehow things would be easy for her and Eli. She would drop Elena off at his home while she went on a holiday with Darren.

  It was fantasy she knew wouldn’t come true. Leaving Elena with her father was one thing; having her be around Faith was making Simone physically ill.

  “Are you having a good time, my love?” Darren held Simone’s hand and kissed it.

  “Much better,” she finally revealed, “it was an…interesting day.”

  “Oh?” He asked. “How so?”

  Simone pondered if now was the time to tell Darren the truth about Elena’s father. She didn’t want to ruin a good evening
but she didn’t want to prolong delivering the news. “I saw Elena’s father today.”

  “Really?” He inquired. “How did that go?”

  “We didn’t actually visit. I just saw him from a nearby distance. He was busy with other people so I didn’t interrupt. It wouldn’t have been a good time, anyway.”

  “That’s why you’ve been a little distant tonight,” Darren acknowledged.

  “Geez, I’m like the worst girlfriend ever.” Simone was embarassed.

  “No, not at all.” Darren stopped walking and turned to Simone. He pulled her close to him and swayed her body to an imaginary beat. “You’re actually the best. I don’t care about your past, Simone, and I only want to be a part of your future.”

  “You keep saying that,” Simone smiled. “But you’re not saying anything.”

  “Well, maybe…” Darren lowered himself onto one knee and opened a ring box. “…this can do all of the talking for me?”

  Simone gasped at the huge radiant-cute solitare staring back at her. She didn’t know how big it was other than it was absolutely perfect. She felt her heart belt like a gospel choir and she could barely stay still as she felt the thumping in her ears.

  “Katilyn Simone Harris, will you marry me?” Darren asked.

  “Yes!” Simone screamed and Darren stood up to slide the ring on her. He gave her a smoldering kiss that played on her lips and ignited a fire between them. He gently suckled on her bottom lip before sliding his tongue inside, gently playing with hers.

  Darren never knew how dangerous and exciting it was to fall in love. Head first, no protection, and no restraints. His heart swooned just thinking about Simone and he had already formed an unbreakable bond with Elena. He couldn’t wait to give Elena more siblings and complete their little family. Everything was perfect and his night couldn’t get any better.

  “Darren,” Simone broke away from the kiss, “I have a confession to make.”

  “A confession?” Darren smiled but it quickly disappeared when he saw Simone’s face. “What is it, honey?”

  “The reason why I didn’t confront Elena’s father is because I didn’t want it to be on camera,” she began. She took another heavy breath and pushed it out of her lungs. “Elena’s father is Eli D’Amato.”


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