Wanted Preacher (Silverpines Book 9)

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Wanted Preacher (Silverpines Book 9) Page 7

by Renea Westlyn

  “Oh, come now my dear Abigail, you know it is only a matter of time before we wed. I don’t know why you keep fighting it.” He licked his lips hungrily as he stood.

  “I have not, nor will I ever agree to marry you! Now, please get out of my home!” She stood outside shaking as she held the door open.

  Reverend Skinner walked toward Abby as she tried to tamp down her fear. He stopped in front of her, “Oh, Abby, must you continue on like this. It’s just sad really.” He brushed his finger across the tip of her nose and leaned forward as if to kiss her. Abby sucked in a breath and leaned away.

  “I believe the lady asked you to leave.”

  Abby jumped at the sound of the smooth sharp voice, her hand flying to her chest as she released the door from her grasp. It promptly swung back, smacking Reverend Skinner directly in the nose.

  “Oh, you little! This isn’t over,” he said grabbing his nose. “Soon you’ll see that I’m the only one who truly wants you,” he yelled and ran off into the night.

  “Pastor James?” Abby asked breathlessly. “Ho-how, wh-why, uhh umm, thank you for, well, you know.” She waved her hand feeling the heat rise to her cheeks and praying he wouldn’t notice under the moonlight.

  “You’re welcome. Would you like me to walk you back to Mrs. Sewell’s?” He made no further move toward her.

  “Oh umm, no thank you. I’ll be alright now. I-I don’t think he’ll be back.”

  “Alright then. Goodnight, Mrs. Bates,” he said, then turned and walked away.

  What a stubbornly beautiful woman, Akecheta thought. Did she truly think a bump on the nose was going to keep that man from coming back? He found he agreed with Alexzander, something was definitely off about that Reverend. Actually, Akecheta had a hard time believing the man was anything more than a con artist. Surely no true Reverend would behave in such an ungodly manner.

  Akecheta walked away from the parsonage but only out of Abby’s line of sight. Abby might think she was safe for the night, but Akecheta could still see the fear in her bottomless chocolate eyes. Besides, he didn’t trust the so-called Reverend and thought it best if he kept watch. He propped himself up beneath the weeping willow and settled in for the night.

  He’d really been hoping for a bath and a soft comfy bed after all that travel. However, he also felt the Lord brought him here for a reason and one of those reasons, he truly believed, was the lovely Mrs. Bates. He’d been nearly tongue tied when Betsy introduced them earlier. It was as if she spoke directly to the storm that raged within his soul and it simply ran out of energy by the mere sight of her. A strange calmness settled over him and the sheer power of it left him feeling as if he were falling. It was a gift and a gift like that came from the only One with the capacity to create it.

  Akecheta believed the Lord was telling him, “This is the one I made just for you, son. Love her, protect her, cherish her, as she is your rightful bride.” He had no idea how he would ever explain that to anyone, or how he would win Abby’s heart, but he had to try. He knew the Lord would not lead him astray and he would simply have to trust. Which is how he ended up under the willow tree instead of laying on a soft comfy bed.

  Akecheta watched as Alexzander approached the parsonage. He made a soft bird call that he knew would get Alexzander’s attention and draw him his direction.

  “Evening Marshal,” he chuckled.

  “I figured when you didn’t come back to enjoy a piece of that peach cobbler something must have gone wrong; everything okay?”

  “Tis now. Mrs. Bates came home to a rather slimy surprise. That Reverend you’ve been watching was in her house sitting at the table waiting to be served dinner,” Akecheta said as he tossed the blade of grass he’d been chewing on.

  “WHAT! Where is he now?”

  “Well, I imagine he’s nursing a bloody nose somewhere.”

  “You hit him?! And he’s still walking?”

  “He’s still walking because I didn’t hit him. Mrs. Bates was holding the door open, telling him to leave when I startled her, and she let it swing. He thought he was gonna steal a kiss and the door just happened to catch him right in the nose.”

  “Serves him right! Is Abby okay?”

  “Stubborn, but she is unharmed.”

  “Brother, I think you just described every woman in Silverpines! Perhaps we should rename the town to Stubborn Pines.” Alexzander laughed heartily. “I take it you’re staying under this tree for the night?”

  “She wouldn’t return to your house, think she might be a bit embarrassed from her earlier outburst. I don’t trust that fellow won’t return, though.”

  “I don’t either and he is a slippery one.”

  “I’ll help you keep an eye on him, but for now go on home to Betsy. I’ll sit watch, perhaps you can talk Betsy into having a chat with Miss Stubborn in there.” He would watch over Abby and that’s all there was to it.

  Alexzander laughed, “I’ll see to it. Goodnight brother, I’m glad you’re here.”

  Akecheta prayed long into the night over Abby and Silverpines, the community in which he hoped to shepherd. It had helped him remain awake and watchful as he awaited the sunrise.

  Abby awoke after a fitful sleep and made her way to the kitchen for a cup of tea. She couldn’t believe Reverend Skinner had been in her house and sitting at her table! What had the man been thinking! He had to know that wasn’t acceptable behavior. Although, she knew her own behavior toward the Sewell’s guest was lacking and she should apologize. Especially after the way Pastor James came to her rescue last night, though she’d yet to figure out what he was doing there.

  The kettle whistled, and Abby set her tea to steep. Zeph came in, stretching his long legs and purring loudly. Abby reached down and picked him up. As she cuddled him to her, she noticed a man was propped up against the willow tree and gasped as she took a step backwards. She continued to stare at the lone figure trying to make out who it was. His hat was pulled down over his face, so she couldn't make out his features. The clouds parted above and the sunlight bounced off a shiny turquoise bead…

  “OH!” she said scaring Zeph, who jumped down and started hollering for his breakfast. “Alright Zeph, let’s get you fed and put on a pot of coffee. I have no earthly idea why Pastor James is out there sleeping under my tree, but I bet you he’s really going to want a hot cup of coffee. Assuming he likes coffee, that is.” She fussed as she moved about the kitchen.

  She scrounged around looking for the largest coffee cup she had and then filled it to the brim. Quietly opening the door, she stepped outside and gently walked toward the tree. She didn’t want to frighten the man and wasn’t sure how she should wake him, kicking his boot likely wasn’t the answer.

  “Excuse me, Pastor James,” she said loudly and watched as he slowly pulled his hat from his head and looked up at her in sleepy confusion. My but he was gorgeous!

  “Yes?” he mumbled.

  “Why are you sleeping under my tree?” She watched him blink a few times as if he himself were trying to figure that out. It was endearing really and that stray black curl hung loosely over his forehead yet again.

  “I, umm,” he cleared his throat. “You didn’t want to go back to Betsy’s.”

  “So, you slept under my tree?”

  “Well, yes ma’am. I - I wanted you to be safe.”

  “Oh. I uh, well I made you some coffee,” she fumbled her way through the awkwardness and handed him the cup. His fingers slightly brushed against hers, sending unexplainable shivers down her spine and she felt the blush rising to her cheeks.

  “Thank you.” He stood, stretching and she tried not to watch as his muscles tightened, pulling his wrinkled shirt taut against him. “This is just what I needed to perk me up,” he winked, and she found herself wishing she had something to hold on to.

  “I would invite you in for breakfast, but umm, it wouldn’t be proper.” Zeph, who’d followed her outside circled around her feet, purring loudly.

  “That’s q
uite alright Ma’am, but if you don’t mind I think I’ll go find Alexzander. I want to discuss what happened last night with him.” He downed the last of his coffee and handed her the cup. “I don’t want you to think I’m bossing ya none, but I do feel it’d be wise for you to stay with someone or get them to stay with you until this matter is handled. Thank you for the coffee. I’ll be on my way now.” He paused and turned back to her, “You know that’s a wild cat, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.” She grinned. “Thank you, for well, everything,” she replied softly as she watched his long, lean, legs turn and eat up the grass as he headed toward the jailhouse. When he was out of sight she plopped down beneath the tree and released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding since their fingers collided. She had no idea what she was feeling. Every emotion she had seemed to be running through her veins at top speed and shooting off sparks.

  Chapter 6

  Akecheta made his way toward the jailhouse to see if Alexzander was at work yet before walking on to the Sewell home. As he meandered down Ash Street he saw a Barber and Bath house and made note of it, so he could visit later. In front of the cafe, two mischievous boys were playing. He smiled as he rubbed at the scar on his palm, remembering the boyhood promise made with Alexzander to be brothers forever and the shenanigans they used to get up to.

  A little girl with dark wavy hair sat playing with a ragdoll outside the post office while her mother stepped inside. Her hair reminded him a bit of Abby’s. If he and Abby had a little girl, would she look like that? Would she have Abby’s golden skin and deep chocolate eyes? And would she be as strong willed as her mother? The thought made him chuckle, remembering Abby’s actions the previous night. She was a spitfire, for sure, even if she didn’t know it. Her eyes seemed to bore deep into him and directly to his heart. He blushed at the thought of having children with Abby. Akecheta turned down Third Street and passed the butcher, still deep in thought. He nearly ran into a tall, lanky man as he crossed the street.

  “Hey, watch where you’re going, half-breed!”

  Akecheta was abruptly pulled from his musings. Regaining his focus, Akecheta realized the man was none other than Skinner. That slimy man had some nerve. With an attitude like that, he couldn’t possibly be a reverend. Skinner ran off in the opposite direction. He sported a nice little shiner under his left eye too. Of course, that’s all Akecheta could really see due to all the hair on the man’s face. Akecheta shook his head in frustration but continued towards the jailhouse. Maybe Alexzander had some information on the man. After his behavior last night, Akecheta hoped Alexzander could do something to make sure Abby was safe in the parsonage. He didn’t like her being there all alone.

  Akecheta reached for the door to the jailhouse and heard croaky singing from inside. Alexzander was definitely in. He’d never been able to carry a tune in a bucket, but that didn’t keep him from trying.

  “What you doing with bullfrogs in the jailhouse? You know you never could sing, my friend,” Akecheta jested.

  “Who you fooling! Betsy loves my singing.” Alexzander shot him a big, wide smile. “She’s always telling me I should sing to anyone locked up in here. A captive audience, you know?” Alexzander guffawed and nearly fell backwards on the chair he’d been leaning back against. “I’ve been saving that one for ages!”

  Akecheta shook his head at his friend and walked about the room looking at the wanted posters.

  “Hey, how did last night go? Did Skinner show up again?”

  “No, he never returned. I was hoping to leave before Abby saw me this morning, but exhaustion caught up with me. She brought me a hot cup of coffee,” Akecheta smiled. He knew he was smitten and wasn’t afraid to show it even though he knew Alexzander would razz him. “I bumped into him on my way here. He’s a rather rude man. I don’t believe he’s a Reverend.”

  A wanted poster caught his eye and he paused, “He looks familiar. If you add a mustache he looks almost exactly like…” Akecheta stopped cold. He knew exactly who this was. While the name on the poster wasn’t the name he knew him by, he’d know Douglas Bloomberg anywhere.

  “What’s got you so shaken? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Alexzander stood up from his desk and walked over to the wall where Akecheta stood.

  “That’s a new one, just received word about him this morning. Seems he’s been running a large prostitution ring out of Atlanta, Georgia, in a few other states as well. He was seen traveling this direction. You seen him?”

  “Seen him? I’ve been trying to lose him. He wants to see me hung! I’m surprised my face isn’t on one of these posters because of him. His name is not Colton Barlow, it’s Douglas Bloomberg.”

  “As in Nancy’s brother, Douglas?” Alexzander reached up and took the poster off the wall to study.

  “The one and only. I knew he was nothing but trouble, but never expected this. I fear he probably followed me here. He’s seeking vengeance though I am guilty of no wrongdoing. I’m sorry, Alexzander, but I can’t marry Abby with him here. I won’t put her in harm's way like that.”

  “I know, brother, I know.” Alexzander patted his shoulder. “We’ll get it taken care of. In the meantime, I’ve got another matter I need to take care of that I think you can help me with, if you’re willing.”

  “I might need a nap and a bath first, what is it you need?”

  “Well, I sent for you for two reasons. One, Abby needs a husband, a protector and someone willing to fight for her. I think she’s hiding something or from someone, besides Skinner. Two, Silverpines needs a proper Reverend. With Skinner’s recent behavior the church elders don’t want him preaching. His sermons were, well I don’t even know what they were. Think you could fill in and preach the service tomorrow morning? I know it’s last minute...”

  “I’d be honored and now I know I need to visit the bathhouse and get a little shut eye. Will it be alright to go over to church to prepare later this afternoon?”

  “I’m sure it won’t be a problem and it’ll give you a chance to check in on Abby, though I think Betsy was headed over there to have a little chat. Let me walk you up to the house and get you settled. I’ll leave a note for Betsy in case she comes back while you’re sleeping, wouldn’t want to give her a fright.” He chuckled and gently punched Akecheta in the shoulder.

  Abby had already tidied up the parsonage and started on her small pile of washing. Maybe someday she’d have a family of her own and her little pile would grow. Zeph lounged in the sunshine nearby, dozing as she hung the clothing on the line. Hopefully he wouldn’t jump at them if the breeze picked up. She already needed to sew new curtains because of him. Perhaps, she’d walk over to Messer’s Mercantile, visit with Millie and pick up some material. It wouldn’t take her long to sew them and she did need something to fill her time.

  She just wished it would occupy her mind as well, all it seemed to do was wander. Dinner at Betsy’s had been upsetting. Arriving home to find Reverend Skinner sitting at her table had been frightening, and between the two, she’d forgotten to actually eat anything. Then there was this morning, she didn’t understand her feelings towards Pastor James or why he caused her heart to race. It was very confusing, and she desperately wished Kitty were here to speak with. Though Kitty had never had a beau so perhaps Betsy would be the better one to ask, if only she weren’t so embarrassed by her behavior at dinner.

  Abby was sick of hiding out in the parsonage and Reverend Skinner proved last night that it wasn’t exactly safe. So maybe she would walk over to the mercantile after all. She knew she needed to go over and clean the church before tomorrow's service, but she couldn’t bring herself to go in there alone. Not this morning and certainly not after last night. What if Reverend Skinner showed up? The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in there alone with Reverend Skinner. No, she’d wait for someone on that matter or the church wouldn’t be getting cleaned before service.

  She pinned the pillow case to the line and dried her hands on her apron. �
�That’s all, Zeph. Let’s go inside.” She picked up the sleepy animal, “My you’re growing into a big boy, aren’t you?” she cooed. Once inside she sat him down and went for her shawl. “I’ll be back soon. I’ve gotta get some material to fix the mess you’ve made.” She tweaked his nose, walked back out the door and headed to the mercantile.

  Instead of cutting through the park she walked down Birch Street and turned at Fifth Avenue. She’d just passed the Tailor when she heard Betsy’s voice, “Just where do you think you’re going?”

  “Well Betsy, if you must know I’m going to the mercantile.” She knew she sounded irritated, but she couldn’t help it. She was tired and confused and it made her feel as if she were unpleasant company for anyone today.

  Betsy stopped in front of her, “Why didn’t you wait for someone to walk with you? We don’t know where Reverend Skinner is.”

  “I know where he was last night! He was in my house! At my table! So, I think if I want to walk to the mercantile or anywhere else for that matter it’s perfectly fine. It’s certainly not any safer at my own home!” Tears spilled down Abby’s cheeks with her outburst and Betsy reached out and pulled her close.

  “It’s alright, Abby. I understand how frightening that must of been. I’m sorry to have upset you.”

  “I’m just so confused Betsy, I don’t know what to do.” She wiped her eyes. “I really should invest in some handkerchiefs.” She gave a small smile.

  “Perhaps you should get some at the mercantile. I’ll walk with you, if you don’t mind. I was on my way to see you anyway. I wanted to check on you after last night.”

  “I’m sorry I ran out the way I did.” Abby hung her head a bit as they walked.

  “Oh sweetie, don’t you worry none about that. Had I been in your shoes I would have thrown a tantrum of king size proportions,” laughed Betsy, bringing a smile to Abby’s face.

  “Why were you coming to see me?” asked Abby.


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