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Shadow Soldier

Page 23

by Kali Argent

  “I love you, too, Deke. I’m just worried.”

  “I know, kitten. So am I, but we’ll get through this just like we do everything else. Together.” He rubbed their cheeks together, then nipped at her bottom lip. “Now, quiet that beautiful brain of yours and let me take care of you for a little while.”

  Their lips met in a slow, tender kiss that spread warmth throughout Roux’s body. Curling her arms and legs around her mate, she pulled him closer, trying her best to suspend them in that one perfect moment where their troubles didn’t exist.

  Deke’s hands mapped her body, caressing her sensitive skin beneath her shirt and teasing the swell of her breasts. Without hurry or urgency, they undressed each other, peeling away one layer at a time in between kisses until they rested skin to warm skin.

  His soft lips skimmed down the length of her throat and across her collarbones, stoking the embers that burned in her belly. When his skillful mouth found her nipple, sucking the hard bud between his teeth to flick his tongue across the tip, Roux moaned into his hair as slick heat drenched her pussy.

  Deke took his time, exploring her body with a thoroughness that left her breathless. When the need finally became too much for both of them, he positioned the head of his swollen cock at her entrance and pushed inside, filling and stretching her. Still, the usual frantic urgency never came, and they made slow, lazy love, coming together in slow glides and languid kisses.

  Eventually, their tempo increased, the need for release to great to ignore. When Roux’s climax struck, it stole her breath, hurling her over the edge, and Deke followed, tumbling into the abyss with her.

  Blinking open her eyes, she found her mate staring down at her with a strange smile on his lips. “What?”

  “Mine,” he whispered, his voice cracking on the single word.

  She’d never had anyone to call her own, never anyone she wanted for more than a night. With Deke, everything had changed…she had changed. Sometimes, her love for him overwhelmed her, almost to the point of pain, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  A long road, likely filled with more struggles and more loss, stretched out before them, but she’d be right there to fight by his side. The world had ended, and they’d still found each other. This time would be no different. As Deke had said, they’d figure it out together.

  Individually, they were strong, but when they worked as a team, they were unstoppable.

  Linking her fingers together behind her mate’s neck, she pulled him into another kiss filled with everything in her heart that she couldn’t bring herself to say. When they broke apart, and he smiled down at her, she could think of only one word—a single word filled with a thousand promises.



  Stepping out of the SUV at the Revenant compound in St. Louis, Corporal Thea Mendez pulled her handgun from its holster and disengaged the safety. Her boots crunched against the debris littering the parking lot of the converted truck stop, her footfalls echoing eerily through the early morning.

  “Are you sure this is the place?” Cade exited from the driver’s side door—motioning for Abby to stay put—and rounded the front of the SUV to join Thea.

  “This is the place,” Zerrik confirmed, appearing on her right with the map Captain Collins had given them before they’d left Pittsburgh. “This doesn’t feel right. Where is everyone?”

  There should have been Revenant guards to greet them, yet when Thea sniffed at the air, she didn’t scent anyone except the members of her party. The front door of the rest stop hung from a single hinge. The large windows had been shattered, the pieces of glass strewn over the ground, glinting in the sunlight. Tall weeds grew from the cracks in the pavement, giving their surroundings an air of abandonment.

  She agreed with Zerrik that something felt off about the place, but then again, she’d thought the same thing about the bunker in Pittsburgh. From the outside, the warehouse had appeared unremarkable, and it made sense that a truck stop on the side of the highway would be no different.

  “Should we check it out?” she asked.

  Pulling his own gun from its holster, Zerrik glanced at Cade and then back to the SUV. “Stay with Abby, but keep your eyes open. If you see anything, don’t be selfish. Share.” Once he had Cade’s agreement, he turned back to Thea. “Ready?”

  Thea chambered a round into her 9mm, stared into the darkness beyond the broken windows, and nodded.

  “Let’s go.”




  Born with a silver tongue and a pen in her hand, Kali spends her days sleeping (she's part vampire) and her nights crafting scandalous romances with larger-than-life heroes.

  Self-proclaimed patron goddess of reclusiveness, Kali currently resides in the Midwest with her oddly supportive family and tragically misunderstood cat.

  Seriously, though, the cat is evil.



  For more titles by Kali Argent, visit




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