Seduced By Flames

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Seduced By Flames Page 22

by Vella Day

  He reached around her and pressed lightly on her nipples, tugging and teasing. Nothing had felt so good. Desiring more pressure, she thrust her hips back.

  “Nessa!” Kyle grunted.

  Knowing they might be able to fight side by side and enjoy each other forever made this experience ever so special. His mouth came down on her neck. While biting her wouldn’t give either of them any more power, Kyle seemed to need to mate with her again in his own way.

  She lowered her head and reached behind her, but all she could grab was the side of his ass. When his sharpened teeth sank into her neck, her climax came on so hard that her knees buckled. Kyle lowered an arm and kept her upright as his hot cum filled her.

  “You are my world, Nessa Caspian.”

  “And you are my realm.”

  “Stand still,” Nessa told Kyle. She ran her fingers through his hair to straighten the strands that were a bit cockeyed.

  “It’s just dinner with your parents, right?”

  “I think maybe the whole family will be there.”

  Kyle cupped her shoulders. “What aren’t you telling me?” He’d been able to sense her excitement but not the cause.

  “It’s a surprise. Now let’s go.”

  He knew questioning her wouldn’t do any good when she wanted to keep a secret. Her parents lived outside of town, which meant it was easier to fly than drive. The evening was balmy, and the view of the city below was magical.

  Once they passed the mine, they traveled another few minutes before landing on her parents’ front lawn. Not having to be constantly on alert that someone might attack was such a nice change. They quickly returned to their human form.

  “There’s an awful lot of noise in there,” Kyle said. “I thought you said this was an intimate affair.”

  She smiled. “It is, but I have a large family.”

  As soon as they stepped inside, Kyle was surprised all right. More than just the Caspians were present. The Sinclairs were there too.

  The loud conversations died down, and everyone faced him.

  Laird Caspian came over to them and patted Kyle on the back. “Come in, son. We have something to discuss with you.”

  Nessa had hinted that her family might officially offer him a position as a Guardian. Being able to help Nessa on her quest to right the wrongs of society appealed to him. He just hoped he could live up to the Guardian name.

  Jamison Sinclair came over and stood next to Laird Caspian. “We’d like to formally thank you for all you’ve done for our family.”

  He was about to say that he was just doing his job, but that wasn’t entirely true. “I love Nessa and will do anything to make sure she and her family remain safe.”

  Both men smiled. Nessa threaded an arm through his and looked up at her father and uncle. “Just ask him so we can get on with the celebration.”

  Laird Caspian chuckled. “Nessa always was impatient, but she’s right. We would be honored if you would agree to be part of the Guardian family.”

  Just as he was about to answer, Kaleena and someone Kyle suspected was her mate, busted in. “Sorry,” Kaleena said. “We had a little trouble with the portal location. Finn and I just returned from Earth. What did we miss?”

  “We’re waiting to hear whether Kyle is willing to become a Guardian.”

  Kaleena and Finn both grinned.

  “Yes!” Kyle exclaimed.

  He didn’t even have the chance to shake either of the elders’ hands because Nessa was in his arms, kissing him. Life with her would be one hell of an adventure.


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  I hope you enjoyed Nessa and Kyle’s story. Next up is Birk and Lily’s story, called KISSED BY FLAMES.

  Birk Caspian couldn’t take it any longer—or rather his dragon couldn’t handle not having the delicious Lily Harper in his life. Sure she was a human, but if he didn’t convince his future mate to go out with him—and soon—not only would his inner animal explode, his work would suffer. And that could jeopardize the lives of a lot of people.

  Birk folded his wings and extended his claws as he landed on the lush green grass of the park down the street from Lily’s apartment. Once he shifted, he straightened his button-down shirt and made sure his hair was out of his face before making his way to her place.

  With each step, his nerves increased, which was wrong on so many levels. Being the head of security for SinCas Gems and Metals, he was as tough as they came. So how could some blonde haired beauty with so many emotional walls bring him to his knees with a shake of her head?

  Mate, mate, his dragon reminded him.

  Like I could ever forget?

  His problem was that Lily had refused to go out with him ever since his protection detail of her had ended, and it was causing him undo mental stress. It wasn’t like Birk was some weak man. Far from it. He was one of the most respected of the Guardians, battling some of Tarradon’s biggest foes. Yet here he was—desperate and dejected.

  Lily will give in this time. I can feel it in my bones, his dragon said with what sounded like fake encouragement. And remember to smile for goddess’ sake. You look like an ogre most of the time with all your flexing muscles and perpetual frown.

  Fuck off. I got this.

  Or so he hoped. He didn’t need to explain to his dragon that his constant frown was because of Lily’s negative attitude toward dragon shifters in general. His sour disposition also stemmed from the fact she didn’t want to go out with him—now or ever.

  He entered her building and strode up to her new wooden door he’d had replaced after her attack. Birk straighten his shoulders and knocked. The addition of the keyhole was his suggestion since the last thing she needed was her ex-boyfriend, Nelor Dobbins, another dragon shifter who’d burned her, to return.

  Birk hadn’t paid for the door repair to earn her favor, but he hoped it helped her understand that not all dragons were bad. From her reaction to him over the last few weeks though, she might never change her mind.

  A china cup hit its saucer and tinkled lightly. Then the voices on the television lowered, but no footsteps neared.

  He knocked again. “It’s Birk, Lily. I need to talk to you.”

  As if she could float without making any noise, the knob twisted and her face appeared around the edge of the door. Devoid of makeup, Lily was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her creamy white skin and long blonde hair were in stark contrast to her gorgeous green eyes. And those naturally red lips were made for kissing. Her sweet lavender scent wafted toward him, making his dragon claw his insides.

  Birk yearned to run his hand down her arm, but he didn’t want to upset her.

  “Is something wrong, Birk?” she asked, not stepping to the side to let him in.

  Yes, a hell of a lot was wrong, but he’d keep that to himself. “I just stopped by to see how you were doing. Mind if we talk?”

  She glanced behind her. He hoped it was to see if her place looked presentable and not to stall for time. He didn’t sense she had company. “Sure,” she said breaking eye contact.

  When he stepped past her, he swore she was even smaller than the last time he’d come knocking. He was almost a foot and a half taller, but that only made him want to protect her even more.

  He faced her. “Nelor hasn’t show up again, has he?”

  She jerked at that dragon shifter’s name. “No. He won’t come around. He knows the cops are still looking for him.”

  Birk’s job as head of security at the mines meant he believed in following the rules. Hopefully, Lily appreciated that fact. But unless her brother told her about Birk being a member of the Guardians, she would have no idea just how much he cared about people. “No other strange men lurking about?”

  When she furrowed her brows, he wanted to take back his question. He sucke
d at small talk, possibly because most of the women of Tarradon asked him out, not the other way around. Clearly being face-to-face with his mate evaporated his social skills.

  “No. Once my brother’s assistant was caught and killed, no one has threatened me. I’m invisible once more, just the way I like it.” She tossed him a quick smile, but it didn’t seem to hold much joy—only nervousness.

  As much as Birk wanted to reach out and caress her face to soothe her sorrow, he didn’t dare. “You’re hardly invisible, Lily. You are not only beautiful, but you have an important job. People know who you are.”

  She broke eye contact once more. “Thank you.”

  Birk cleared his throat. “I came by in part because I wanted to see if you’d have dinner with me. Just so you know, I’m going to keep asking until you say yes.” He winked, trying to act cool.

  A wink? Are you kidding me? his arrogant dragon asked. I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t shove you out the door right now.

  Lily let out a breath. When she touched his arm, heat swamped him, and he no doubt his ruby red scales were doing a dance under his skin.

  Sheesh, Lily didn’t need to see his brown eyes turn turquoise with lust or his scales flash under his skin to show how much she affected him. She was skittish enough as it was.

  “I appreciate the offer, but like I’ve told you before, I’m not ready to date anyone.”

  Those words seared his heart. “Is it because I’m a dragon shifter?” Birk asked.


  Her glance to the floor implied that was a lie. “It doesn’t bother you that your brother is mated to a dragon?” And that Kyle was now one too?

  Her lips twisted. “Not anymore. Nessa is a great person.”

  And I’m not?

  His dragon growled. Don’t act defensive.

  Fuck off, you fire breathing animal.

  “My sister is wonderful, but I’m only asking you to dinner. I promise not to shift or shoot fire at anyone.” That was assuming he didn’t have to protect some innocent person from harm.

  “Birk, please. I know I owe you my life for protecting me all those weeks against Tom Delaney—or rather Landry Madison and his minions, but I prefer being by myself.”

  “I understand.” Birk had no idea how to counter that response. He’d seen how joyous his sister was after mating, and he firmly believed that Lily could be just as happy if she gave him a chance. But just because she said no this time didn’t mean he would give up. “I’ll stop by again to make sure you’re okay.”

  Lily tilted her chin upward. “I think it would be best if you didn’t.”

  That was harsh. “If that’s the way you want it, I won’t then. Goodbye and take care, Lily.” Those words sliced off a bit of his heart.

  It took all of his self-control to walk out of the door and not punch the wall. She’d rejected him. Again. Had it been something he’d said? Birk had taken excellent care of her when those men were after his family and hers, yet he never once put the moves on her—and Fate sure as hell knew how much he wanted to.

  Her brother, Kyle, told him Lily had also been emotionally scarred by Nelor, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept her ultimatum. She was his mate and he needed her.

  Birk wasn’t one to give up. He was still convinced that with time and a little help from her brother and his sister Nessa, Lily would come around. The question was whether he could last that long.

  As soon as Birk reached the front entrance to her building his cell went off. It was his cousin Declan who never seemed to relax when it came to managing the two mines.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Birk asked in his most cheerful voice. If he’d answered in a tone that reflected his mood, even his fearless cousin might become afraid.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “I just came from seeing Lily. Why?” Declan was well aware of Birk’s need to connect with her.

  “Are you free now?”


  “Good. I could use your help at the gem mine. There’s been an altercation between some of the men.”

  “What do you need me to do?” The employees who worked the late shift were probably just blowing off steam. Most likely Declan was calling to check up on him.

  “I’d like you to coordinate extra security and send them right over.”

  That seemed lame. “I’ll get right on it.”

  Instead of running back to the park where he could shift and head to the mine, Birk walked, stopping occasionally to plan his next move. He needed to win her over—but that event, however, was unlikely to happen soon.

  Birk didn’t think it was his looks that turned her off. Many women had told him he was exceedingly handsome, though he bet they were referring to his body more than to his face. Most likely his large build scared tiny Lily. Shit. It wasn’t like he could change that. While he’d never met Nelor, it was his understanding that he was a big guy too. Lily had been attracted to that, until he went ballistic on her. Birk would never treat a woman or anyone with that kind of cruelty—unless he was in battle with an enemy and had to fight to survive. In fact, Birk had deliberately been passive around his mate, fearing she’d reject any man—or shifter—who was too aggressive.

  He just needed to keep being himself, even though as of yet, it hadn’t gotten him very far. Eventually, Birk hoped she would take a chance and see the type of person he was: a caring, giving, loving and highly protective man. Lily had been hurt. He understood that, but she had let herself judge everyone by that one experience and he didn’t know how to get even a pinhole of light through the walls she built up around herself.

  If you think you’ve been yourself, you’re wrong. You’ve been nothing but a sullen, over protective ass. You haven’t even tried to learn anything about her.

  He didn’t need this conversation with his dragon. I know she works for an insurance company and grew up poor.

  If you know so much about her, tell me her favorite color or her favorite food. What is her best childhood memory? Who is her best friend?

  A horn beeped and Birk jumped back to avoid being hit by a car. While a collision with a vehicle would hurt, it couldn’t kill him. “I would know more about her if she didn’t push me away all the time. When she does answer my questions, it’s with as few words as possible. Since she keeps saying that she wants me to leave her alone, it’s kind of hard to learn about her.”

  “I get it, but you have to try harder.”

  Perhaps. For sure, Birk needed help in the relationship department, though he didn’t know whose advice he should seek. His cousin, Tory, was a people person, but he’d never live through the embarrassment of asking for her help. His sister, Greer, was class personified, but he didn’t know how she could help.

  Right now, he needed to get to the mine. Once Birk arrived at the park, he shifted into his dragon form, and flew there. The more he thought about it, he wasn’t even sure why Declan had called him. His cousin was more than capable of handling a little ruckus.

  As if on autopilot, Birk found himself over the mine a few minutes later. Not once during the short flight had he checked his surroundings for unfriendly dragons. Crap, he was losing it, and he blamed Lily for making him lose concentration—damn, sexy woman. Why couldn’t she just go out with him? He was positive he could show her a good time.

  Birk did have an ace in the hole. Lily’s brother was mated to Birk’s sister. If they had a get together, he’d be in the same room with her and could hopefully charm her, though that wouldn’t show her what he was really like—a warrior, a protector, and a good man. Damn. Maybe he was destined to be alone.

  When Birk landed and headed to the Sinclair Gem office, he didn’t see any major catastrophe brewing outside the mine. When he stepped inside, Declan spun around.

  “What took you so long?” His lips were pressed tight. Crap.

  Birk shrugged. “I came right away.”

  “What did you do, fight crime for half an hour first?”

  “No.” Birk didn’t need to justify himself to Declan. Okay, maybe he did. Declan Sinclair was boss over both the Sinclair and Caspian mines, but he was also his cousin.

  “Did you contact your men to help out? Because if you did, no one showed up.” Declan moved closer. Usually his cousin was easy going, but something seemed to have set him off today.

  “Sorry, I forgot to make the call. I got a little distracted.”

  Declan stared at him as if he’d lost him mind—and that wouldn’t be far from the truth. “You forgot? You never just forget. You are the most dependable person I know.” He held up a hand. “But don’t worry about the skirmish. My men took care of it.” Declan gave him that death stare again and then chuckled. “Actually, I called you here to find out what’s really going on with you. In the last few weeks, you’ve been distant and quite honestly unreliable.”

  Birk had never shirked any responsibility in his life. It was what made him so serious. “Nothing happened.” Other than Lily.


  “Fine. If you must know, when I was protecting Lily Harper I realized she’s my mate.” There. He’d spilled it.

  Declan smiled. “Well, congratulations. You should be happy, but clearly you aren’t. Why?”

  It was humiliating to mention his failure. “I can’t get her to go out with me.”

  “Seriously?” His tone almost sounded mocking.

  “It’s because Lily is afraid of dragons.”

  “Hmm. What does her dragon shifting brother have to say about that?” Declan raised his eyebrows.

  “Lily needs time to deal with what her ex-boyfriend did to her, but my dragon is giving me ulcers. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Hell, I can’t even remember to call for help one minute after you tell me there is an incident at the mine. That’s not like me.”

  Declan wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “I know. And that’s what worries me. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but I hope you do it sooner rather than later. Why don’t you take the weekend off? Think of Monday as a new start. If anything happens, we’ll call you.”


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