A Winter Moon

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A Winter Moon Page 41

by S. J. Smith

  “I am sure, about both of you. I have spent my life with numbers and few friends. I want this. Are you guys game?” she asked in return.

  In reply, Dave’s hand ran up her thigh to her rear end, and Max’s hand slid up her back while his other stroked one of her breasts. They were game! Mel turned and got on her knees with an arm going around Max, reaching her other for Dave. Soon they were all kneeling on the bed and she had one man on either side facing towards her, and their hands were as eager as hers were.

  She remembered wondering which one she would choose if given the chance and was happily shocked to be getting both of them! Mel gasped as Max’s slid a hand up the back of her tank top. She felt him work the hook on her bra as Dave’s slid a hand over her belly and then down her sweatpants.

  “Oh guys, oh…yes…that is it…oh yes!” she gasped. She reached one hand down to Dave’s crotch. He was hardening. She rapidly undid his pants buttons, reaching inside and down his shorts. She felt an electric charge going through her that was propelling her desires. There was no stopping it now, she thought dizzily as she pushed Max down on the bed. She was on her hands and knees over him, kissing his face and working her way down his neck to his chest as he unbuttoned his shirt. She felt her sweats and underwear being pulled off, and the she could feel Dave’s hands on her back and his hard member pushing against her thighs.

  “Oh yes Dave, ah… baby yeah!” she called out before kissing Max more fervently. Max’s hands were entwined in her hair as she felt the tip of Dave’s penis teasing her moist desire from behind.

  “Oh Mel, Melanie baby, I can’t hold it anymore, here I come!” he said, panting. She giggled femininely at his words, before he penetrated deeply into her center of lust. Her giggles turned to passionate cries.

  “Oh yes, yes… again oh yes!” she gasped out breathlessly. She had never felt anything like this. Her skin tingled as though fireworks were going off along every inch of her. Max’s tongue went deep into her mouth. He took her shirt and bra off, and his lips moved down to her nipples. She orgasmed, like an eruption or a crack of thunder. Her cries became almost soundless gasps and she became dizzy from the pleasure that Dave filled her body and mind with. She’d said she wanted this; but she had not realized how much she had needed this masculine contact. When Dave had thoroughly finished fucking her, she allowed herself to collapse down on top of Max who had not stopped working his hands. Everywhere he touched kept the blaze within her ignited.

  Mel made her way back up above his head, and he to her nipples, one at a time in his mouth. She arched her back feeling a shudder that began slowly and built into an orgasm from his lips alone. She moved up and down with the hard muscles of his stomach sliding against her inner thighs as she did, and it was entrancing. Every time she moved up he would set her off with kisses and licks to her breasts. When she slid her body down to kiss him in return she could feel his hard sword of pleasure close to her once-more needy opening.

  She kept moving up and down, sliding her sweaty body against his and moaning with every touch of his hand until they were both about to explode.

  “Oh Max! I need you inside of me!” she called out, reaching down between her legs to his throbbing member of love.

  “Oh yeah…yeah…yeah baby, now, now!” he cried out in return. She lifted her hips while guiding his large, eager cock into her. As he entered she felt he was bigger than Dave was. He filled her completely, and very quickly their passion resulted in two shuddering orgasms, like yet unlike what she had felt from Dave. Gasping when it was over, she rolled off of him and found she was lying between the two wonderful men; who had rescued her from death, and then filled her with passion, pleasure, and satisfaction.


  Dangerous Confidence

  Mel had never had a threesome, and it was beyond anything she could have predicted. She had fallen asleep with both of them and never in her life had she felt so safe and taken care off in every way. In the morning the men had got cleaned up and gone off to work, promising to let her know if they learned anything. After watching the news and seeing nothing about her case, she went to get cleaned up herself. She was feeling strong and confident after the previous night, as well as hungry. When she got out she dressed quickly and ate the leftovers from the night before. That and a cup of coffee had her ready for the day. Not that she was actually going to go anywhere. She was supposed to stay safe. Checking her phone, she saw she had missed a call from Janey. When she listened to the message she was horrified.

  “Mel? Call me when you can. Some guys came by this morning to ask after you and started getting rough about it. Mike, my boyfriend got beat up in front of our apartment. Luckily a cop was nearby and saw it. We are at the hospital now and the detective doesn’t believe me when I told them about what happened at Super Shoes and now I am scared! Mike is saying I should disappear for a while. I tried the firemen who have been helping you, but they are not answering the phone. I don’t trust anyone Mel. I am going to a safe place I know, but call me will you? I could use a friend about now.”

  Hearing the message made Mel start to tear up. She had never really had friends, and her parents had passed when she was young. She had never known how to be a good friend, but Janey needed her. Mel looked at her phone a long while, nervous about using it knowing the bad guys were still looking for her. Max and Dave had shown her how a good friend works. You help your friend if you can. They had become close in a short time but she knew she could count on them. She wanted Janey to know she could count on her. Mel nodded to herself and picked up her phone.

  “Hey Max, when you get this call or come over please. Janey and her boyfriend were assaulted by someone looking for me. She left a message saying she was going into hiding and is very scared. She needs some help as soon as possible. Call me as soon as you can and I’ll get you in touch with her. I will keep my phone near me.”

  Then she tried Dave. His went to voicemail too so she left the same message. After a half hour she began to worry about Janey more and more. She knew that no one but the guys knew where she was, so she thought maybe she could go help Janey herself. It wasn’t the smartest idea, she knew, but she was feeling strong and able, especially after last night, and it wasn’t like it would be that dangerous. Mel was also pretty sure where Janey was going. She had mentioned once during a lunch break that when she needed time and space to herself, she had a place. Mel remembered where it was.

  Mel put a sweater over her blouse and put her stylish boots on. They were designed to look good and keep her feet warm. She tied her hair back and put it in a bun, then put a stocking cap on. Checking herself in the mirror, she decided she had hidden her identity pretty well. Unless someone knew her pretty well by sight they would not recognize her, she thought. It did not occur to her that the bad guys might be very good at finding people. She kept her phone’s ringer turned up in case Max or Dave called, and then headed out.

  Mel took a cab ride to midtown and then walked about ten blocks, going in a roundabout way, the same way that Max had driven them to the motel. Just in case, she thought. She arrived at an old building, and circled around to the back. There was a basement entrance that Janey had told her she used to go find a private place to be alone. Mel entered after looking around to see if anyone was watching. As she went down the stairs she could see a light at the bottom.

  “Janey? Hey Janey are you there?” She called.

  “Mel? Is that you?” It was Janey’s voice.

  “It’s me. I’m alone, don’t worry,” she said as she reached the bottom of the stairs. There was an open door, and Janey appeared looking disheveled and scared. She ran forward and hugged Mel.

  “Oh thank you Mel for coming. Is it over now? Can I go home? Is Mike safe?” she asked in a panicked voice.

  “Not yet. I got your call, but the guys have me nervous about being on the phone too long so I couldn’t call you. I left messages with them and came to find you. If you want, you can come back to my motel. No one know
s where it is.”

  Janey almost collapsed in relief. “Oh thank you Mel. I am so scared. I didn’t know who to trust. After talking to that fireman Max the other night I knew that whatever is happening is dangerous. Then this happened and Mike’s in the hospital and I didn’t know where to go,” she said dissolving into sobs. Mel held her as she cried, letting her get it out. Mel cried a little herself.

  “I’m sorry Janey. They came after you to find me, I am so sorry. It’s all my fault, but I am going to fix it, one way or another. Max and Dave are working on it and I have a safe place. How is Mike?”

  “He got hit pretty hard and the doctors are keeping him for observation. He figured he would be safe there for now, because he doesn’t know you. That is why he told me I was the one in danger so I panicked,” said Janey.

  Mel soothed her friend. “Don’t worry. I would have panicked too if I were in your position. Let’s get you back to the motel. We can be safe there until this is over,” she told her. Janey agreed, wiping her eyes. Mel was not sure where she had got her confidence from, but was glad she had found it. She led Janey outside and around the corner and hailed a cab that drove up just a minute after they got to the street. Perfect, she thought. She gave him the address a few blocks down from the motel as a precaution, and sat back with Janey for the ride. Neither said much because the driver could hear them.

  Once they got to the destination they got out and began walking around the block heading to the motel. Mel was proud of herself. Janey’s rescue had worked to perfection and her friend was safe.

  “Can I ask a question Mel?” Janey asked as they walked.

  “Uh huh,” she said.

  “How come you came to find me?” she said. Mel looked at her and shrugged.

  “I…uhm…well I have never really had a friend before. When you left your message I just thought, friends are supposed to support each other and so I wanted to help. Especially since the trouble stated with me. And I remembered you telling me about your little abandoned room there, too.”

  “I am glad you remembered that. Thank you, I don’t know what I’d have done without you,” Janey said. She hugged Mel, as they walked into the motel. They stopped at the vending machines and stocked up on soda and snacks. To hell with their diets, Janey said. Laughing they got to her room and were safe. Easy as pie she thought, suddenly wishing they had pie.

  Mel and Janey finished a couple bags of Cheetos and two Doritos bags when she heard the lock click in her door. She turned her head quickly as it flew opened and strange men stormed into the room. Both ladies jumped up. Janey stumbled on her purse that was next to her on the floor. She fell against Mel, causing her to stumble back and trip over the table leg. They both ended up falling onto the floor with the lamp crashing to the floor as well.

  “Don’t move ladies, we are not playing this time,” said a big man. He held a gun and had a black eye and a bruised jaw. The other two looked like they had lost a fight as well. She realized they were the same ones who had come to her apartment the other night.

  “How the hell did you find me, or get in here?” Mel snarled, trying to be tough. She realized sitting on the floor with Janey half on top of her did not look too tough.

  “We just waited for you to show us where you were. Gave the motel desk clerk a few bucks to let us up here. They don’t get paid that much,” he said to Mel, laughing at her. The other two men chuckled also. They were plain-looking men dressed in ordinary clothes. She remembered Dave telling her the surveillance cameras had taken pictures of these men, but that they were having a hard time getting identifications on them.

  “You hid yourself pretty good here. We followed this one from the hospital though and just waited,” he said, pointing at Janey with an evil grin. “My boss thought it was a long shot, but I knew it would it pay off. Nice people are so easy to predict. You had to help your friend.”

  Mel picked up a half empty Orange Crush bottle and threw it at him. He sidestepped it and laughed at her.

  “Be good girly or I will shoot you here,” he told her. The other two smiled.

  “Look you got me, let her go! She is not involved in this and you know it,” Mel tried, furious with herself and them. She had screwed up and they had taken the advantage.

  “She is now. She got a look at us this morning and that makes her a witness. Her boyfriend is a wimp and we are not worried about him. Just her, and you,” he said. Gesturing them to their feet with his gun.

  “What, you are not worried about the other fires or have you killed everyone there already?” Mel couldn’t help saying to them.

  “Those are all taken care of. Once we kill you two we get to disappear as rich men,” he said.

  “That is stupid. The cops have half of it figured out already. Even if you leave the country they will find you,” Janey told them. Joining Mel in keeping the men talking and distracted. Trying to prolong whatever they had planned.

  “They’ll get the owners, sure. Us though, we get to disappear and let them take the fall. Those guys are idiots but I figured what the hell. Pull off the job, let them get busted. The lower level guys are never searched for that hard anyway. Let those idiots get busted, we will be gone. Right after you are. So are you going to come quietly or are we going to have to just shoot you here. I have a silencer,” he told them helpfully. Mel did not know why but all she could think about was, stall, girl, stall! So she tried that.

  “Dead bodies in a room that you talked to the desk guy about. You are calling your bosses idiots, come on,” Mel said.

  “Yeah jeez, I am not a criminal, but I would now better than that. Come on, do you guys let him call the shots?” Janey said to the other two men who were just standing by silently. They looked at each other and then the leader who laughed.

  “Nice try ladies, but these two came up with half of the plans,” he said.

  “That explains it then,” Mel said looking at Janey with her hands raised as if giving up on the men’s intelligence. She could see the fear in her friend’s eyes, but Janey stayed strong with her.

  “Yeah it does. This is going to be embarrassing, being killed by such dumbasses,” she said sarcastically.

  “Silencers it is,” said the leader reaching into his pocket. Both ladies stiffened in fright. Mel was just deciding whether she should rush them when the door clicked and flew open behind the bad guys. Mel’s saviors stormed in with a fury, as well as a bunch of armed cops right behind them! Mel and Janey jumped backward, trying to stay out of the way. Two shots were fired and Mel felt her arm burst with white-hot pain. She cried out and fell; as she did she saw Janey falling to the floor too. Her shoulder felt like it was on fire. Lying next to her, Janey looked pale. There was shouting around her and she could hear her Max and Dave’s voices as she faded out in shock.


  All’s Well That Ends Interesting

  Mel was just glad it was over. It all seemed a little surreal while at the same time exhilarating. She had learned a lot from the ordeal and gained a few friends. She also felt she had gained some courage. She had always spent her life with her head down, doing her job. She did not want to live her life like that anymore. Janey was feeling the same way. What the crime had been about was still confusing.

  “So the whole thing was built on revenge against the government?” she asked Max. She was sitting with Max, Dave and Janey in Darrel’s Deli, finishing a wonderful lunch.

  “Yep, the government wanted the buildings for government offices and the owners felt they were not getting a good enough offer. Due to the laws around government usage they had to take what was offered. So when they were given a year to get ready for the buyout, the three companies got together and decided on a plan,” Max told them, popping the last bit of his corned beef sandwich into his mouth.

  “The plan was to strip their companies of all the assets and then burn the buildings down, so the government would not get to use them as planned. Amongst the many problems with the plan, they hired som
e low level thugs to do the dirty work. I have heard the mob wouldn’t even hire these guys. Which explains the stupidity of their actions,” Max told them.

  “The owners are on the defensive now and claim they had no idea that the thugs would kill anyone. The problem with that is the leader that shot you Mel, has a message from one of the owners to do just that. Like you said Janey, idiots,” Dave said.

  Mel looked over at her friend. Janey was sitting sideways to the table due to the brace around her injured leg. She had been shot in the leg while Mel had been hit in the shoulder.

  “Do you want to know the funny thing?” Max asked with a grin.

  “Sure go ahead,” Mel said.

  “They had cashed everything out, not trusting wire transfers due to traceability, and all that cash was in the getaway van, with the driver. Once everything went down at the motel the driver panicked and took off. He has over five hundred million in the back of the van and no one can find him,” he said. Everyone laughed.

  “I guess the smartest guy got the money. Part of me hopes he doesn’t get caught,” Janey said. They laughed again. They had been laughing a lot at this meal. Partially, she was sure, in relief. Mel had been trading little glances with her two boyfriends and knew that soon they would be getting together. Janey was a little jealous of her relationship and asked if Max or Dave could set her up. Her boyfriend Mike had decided Janey was dangerous to hang around with and left her. She wasn’t too upset by that.

  “So one more thing, just to be sure,” Janey asked suddenly.

  “Go ahead,” Dave said.

  “I was shot by the bad guy, but Mel was shot by one of the cops?” she asked.

  Mel sighed. Janey had been teasing her about that.

  “The big guy shot you and one of the cops returned fire and missed. Hitting Mel, yes,” Max answered. He wasn’t quite as amused by it as Janey was. The compassionate look he gave her warmed her. She couldn’t help smiling though.


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