Dangerous Lies

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Dangerous Lies Page 17

by Claudia Shelton

  “I understand. But you can trust Mitch. He’s not going to feed you a load of bull on something important. And, as far as him being compulsive on the responsibility aspect, he’s always been like that.”


  “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you. That’s his to share.”

  “What if he doesn’t ever share?”

  “Then you’re not the one who should know.” Josh leaned back. “Hey there, Reese.”

  She jerked her head around, and there he stood. Right behind her. She looked farther behind him, but didn’t see any sign of Mitch. How long had Reese been there? Had he heard their conversation? Pushing up from the chair, she could only hope he was alone.

  “Excuse me, guys.” She swallowed what felt like a tennis ball. “I think I should go to bed now. Get some sleep. I seem to have lost all control of my mouth.”

  The two men nodded, their nonchalant expressions giving nothing away as to their thoughts.

  “Where’s Mitch?” she mouthed as she passed Reese.

  He pointed to the hallway. “The SEAL went back downstairs for something. He didn’t hear you talking.”

  “Thanks.” Walking to her bedroom, she wondered if all the doubts flitting through her mind were nothing but her imagination working overtime. As she started to close her door, footsteps from down the hall made her stop.

  “Liz, wait.” Mitch jogged to her door, holding out a bottle of milk and an unopened bag of cookies. “I saw you left yours on the balcony table, so I brought you some fresh from downstairs.”

  Their fingers touched as she took the items, and she couldn’t remember ever feeling so special. All she wanted was to fall into his arms, while he whispered in her ear. Didn’t matter what he whispered, as long as he was close.

  “About earlier…” She reached for his hand, but he moved away. “I was wrong.”

  “Well…I might have been a little out of line, too,” he said, turning to face her. “I’d just gotten off a phone call and…”

  “Bad news?”

  He paused, eyes narrowed, then he quirked the side of his mouth and grinned. “Time for you to get some rest. Sleep as late as you want.” He gently brushed a lock of hair from her forehead, and his fingers trailed down the side of her cheek. “I think I’ll give you your first swim lesson tomorrow.”

  He hadn’t answered her question, but she smiled in return. “I don’t have a swimsuit with me.”

  “Check your closet. You might be surprised what you’ll find in there.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The first thought in Liz’s mind when she woke this morning had been Where am I? A quick glance at the bird-of-paradise arrangement had brought her back to reality. Then she’d looked at the clock—almost eleven.

  Skipping breakfast, she opted for an early lunch on the deck, which surprisingly, Mitch had even joined. Like her, he’d dressed as if they were on vacation.

  He’d seemed more relaxed. Willing to talk about places he’d been. There’d been nothing specific about the assignments, but enough bits and pieces that she had gradually found herself amazed at all he’d willingly done to save his clients.

  Even though she’d heard a lot of the same things the day they’d holed up at the wildlife preserve, somehow this time she felt them in a different way. One thing new he’d shared was that he had a cancelled plane ticket to Tahiti in his go-bag.

  “I’m sorry I ruined your vacation,” she said.

  “Trust me. Tahiti isn’t going anywhere.” He carried their empty plates to the kitchen.

  And, in that moment, she realized how much she did trust him. She might have doubts at times, but that was only because she valued her freedom. Valued being able to do what she wanted, when she wanted.

  At work, she’d always gotten her articles in by the contract commitment date, but she also made time to enjoy wherever she happened to be, and not only the landmarks. She liked to find where the locals ate, enjoy the people in the community, and drive around looking at Open Houses. Someday, she’d find where she was meant to live. She glanced out at the Gulf. Maybe the beach.

  “Besides, if I hadn’t taken the assignment, we’d have never met,” Mitch said as he returned to the deck and opened the connecting door to the pool area. “And, I’d never have gotten the chance to teach you to swim.”

  “Swim?” This did not sound like how she’d hoped today would go. “I was thinking more along the lines of a walk on the beach. Maybe lie in the sand for a while.”

  He shook his head, motioning her to follow him into the pool atrium. “Not today. I need a little more intel before we venture outside.”

  “Will you at least think about it?”

  “I will. After the updated intel meets my requirements. Now, take off that little cover-up thing you’ve got on and let’s see what you can do in the pool.” He stripped off his shirt and tossed it on the nearest chaise lounge, leaving only his swim trunks.

  Tanned. Tempting. Testosterone. Way too much testosterone. Her insides flashed with heat all the way from her eyes to her lady parts. He. Was. Gorgeous.

  She realized she was staring, but she didn’t care. She all out didn’t care.

  Somewhere between his chiseled chest, with the dusting of dark hair, and his muscular thighs, her imagination took control of her mind. Slowly she closed her eyes, moistened her lips, bit her lower lip and let the imaginary vision take hold. Blowing out a sigh, she couldn’t stop an all-out blush hot enough to melt hard-packed ice cream.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  Opening her eyes, she gazed into his and tried to pull back the embarrassed smile filling her face. “I…uh…”—she licked her lower lip once again—”I was just thinking. Can’t a girl think?”

  He quirked the side of his mouth then reached for his shirt. “If you’d rather, I can always put this back on.”

  “No!” That response sounded a little too eager, even to her. “I mean this is your house, so you should do whatever you want.” She shook her head. “No—no—no… That is not what I meant.”

  “What? It’s not my house? Or, I can’t do everything I want?” The tilt of his head and the clear focus of his clear blue eyes conveyed a message more potent than any words. “You need to be more explicit.”

  She raised her palms outward in front of her as she struggled to regain the serious, self-controlled person she knew herself to be most times. “I…I really…you…me…I really don’t know what’s going on here. But you should know that I’m not used to flirting. I don’t know how and—”

  “You’re okay, Liz. I just like teasing you.”

  “All right then, that was just teasing. Not flirting. Right?” Just like back at the Mariner’s, part of her felt better. But part felt like she’d lost something.

  “Whatever makes you feel better.” Grinning, he motioned her to follow him. “Besides, it’s only a swim lesson. That’s all you wanted. Right?”

  “Right. Absolutely right.” She really didn’t want a swim lesson, but if it meant getting close to him, she could try. Maybe. Maybe not. “But if we’re in the pool atrium, you won’t be available if Reese or Josh need to get in touch with you.”

  “Sure, I will. The entire house is hooked into the OPAQUE system I set up last night. And, before you ask, there’s a computer screen or panel in each area.”

  “Even the atrium?” Her hopes for avoiding the pool were fading fast.

  “Even the atrium. In case you forgot, I’ve already told you there are no full-time security cameras set up inside this house. Only the outside perimeter. So your dignity has nothing to worry about.” He grinned. “Now, stop stalling and come on in.”

  Stepping inside the pool’s full glass atrium, sides and top, she couldn’t believe how soothingly the blue of the pool water mixed with the cool whites of the chaise lounges against the terracotta tiles. A table and chairs sat near the bar, with another set at the opposite end of the pool.

  Off to the side, a round chais
e at least seven feet wide was covered in turquoise and green cushions. A partial, fold-down canopy completed the decadent look of the round chaise. Not only was it beautiful, it was also sexy as all get-out.

  “Push the button by the door,” he said.

  She pushed, and the glass walls facing the Gulf opened, allowing the sea breeze and sound to come through the screen sections. Her hair blew back from her face, and the glass roof panels angled open to let in the sun.

  “See? It’s almost as good as being outside.” He bent and splashed his hands through the water. Then smoothed the sides of his hair back, leaving a sheen to the dark brown hair and droplets of glimmering water.

  He looked in her direction, and she had to admit he was nine kinds of sexy. Nine kinds of hot. Nine kinds of— She held her breath, then felt the flutter of air against her lips as she exhaled. He kept right on staring at her eyes, then her lips. Feeling the heat of a blush on her cheeks, she swallowed the tickle in her throat and glanced away. Oh, for all that’s holy.

  “Almost.” She had to admit this atrium and pool were spectacular.

  There was no need to fight this, because there was no way to deter Mitch’s determination to teach her how to swim. And, who knew? Maybe he’d have a new technique that would keep her afloat instead of sinking, butt first, to the bottom.

  “All right, I’ll try. What’s first?” She slid into the pool from the side on the shallow end as he unhooked the buoys dividing off the deep end.

  “Lesson one, kicking the length of the pool. Lesson two, learning a basic stroke. And, lesson three is floating on your back.”

  Sounded like a lot of lessons. “So, how many are we doing today?”


  He dove beneath the water and popped up beside her, water cascading, like a satin sheet, off his body. More glistening drops of water found their way down his chest, following the contours of his abs, stopping at the top of his swim trunks. Trunks sitting a couple inches south of his waist. Her insides twitched. This was going to be one distracting swim lesson.

  For the next couple of hours, he worked with her on all types of water techniques that could keep her alive. Different strokes for staying afloat. Along with breathing methods, so she wouldn’t panic if she started to sink…or fell off a Q40.

  Time and again, his arm brushed hers. His chest slid along her back as he reached around to correct her stroke. And she made sure she needed a lot of help. She continually found moments to touch him, to feel his energy, to imagine his body pressed against hers, drawing her in and wrapping her in need. Sexy, powerful need.

  Floating on her back, with the feel of his body gliding beneath her—touching—teasing—asking with his fingers, then skirting away while he sliced bubbles the length of her body—felt like a dolphin making first contact. Sleek and wet and strong, his touch felt like a fine silk against her body. Fine…fine silk.

  Whatever was happening between them made her feel as warm as sipping hot chocolate in front of a gentle fire, tucked nicely inside a cozy cabin. Just Mitch and her cuddled beneath a blanket while big fluffy snowflakes coated the ground outside. Sucking in a deep, much-needed breath, she smiled and let her thoughts return to the water rippling against her sides in the pool. She’d never forget this moment. Never.

  From the inviting expression on his face when he slipped alongside and kissed her shoulder, he knew exactly what he was doing to her. And that she was letting him.

  She strolled up the concrete steps at the end of the pool and looked back over her shoulder at him. Yep, he’d been watching. That’s all she wanted to know. She also liked the fact he hadn’t turned away when she looked.

  Diving under the water once again, he came up at the side of the pool. As she walked past, he brushed his hand against her ankle then hoisted himself onto the edge.

  She stopped. Trailed the tips of her fingers across his shoulders. Lightly nudged her knee against his bicep. “That was quite a water tango, Dance Man. Thanks for the swim lessons. I may need a follow-up tomorrow.”

  “Any time you want.” Slowly nodding, he caressed the back of her calf, letting his hand come to rest on the arch of her foot. “For now, we’ll call it a day if you can float the entire length of the pool. Deal?”

  He dove back into the pool and within seconds, he leaned against the far side. Gorgeous and sexy and tempting.

  “Deal.” She had no idea where this swim lesson was going, but she sure liked the little hot-spot stops along the way.

  She moved to the deep end and, awkwardly, started down the aluminum ladder into the pool. Her hold on the ladder and feet on the steps suddenly slipped, causing her backside to stick out…a lot. Not the most ladylike stance, to say the least.

  He whistled.

  She pulled herself tight against the ladder.

  “Could I see a replay of that last move?” he asked.

  For all that was holy, she’d looked like she was putting everything out there for consumption. “No. And stop looking at my butt!”

  “But it’s such a nice change from the woman flapping around in the pool five minutes ago.” He laughed. “You reminded me of a baby bird that fell out of its nest and landed in a tiny puddle. Flapping and squawking, when all it needed to do was stand up.”

  She eased into the water, grabbing the pool’s ledge below the water line. “Well, I’m not a bird.”

  “True. Birds don’t wear swimsuits.” Raising his eyebrows, he bit his lower lip.

  Aiming her palm in his direction, she swiped her hand across the water, spraying him. He shook his finger at her, and she drenched him again.

  He kicked a spray of water in return. “You keep that up, you’re gonna be in trouble, little bird.”

  She couldn’t keep from smiling—not just any old smile, but the playful kind she used back in college. At least she thought that’s what she was doing, had been a long time since she teased a man. Might not work. But anything was worth a try, if it meant she might end up tangled in the sheets with him. Her pulse quickened with the thought of skin on skin, and she pushed away from the side of the pool while the adrenaline rush raced through her body. Slow and steady, she floated and kicked all the way to the other end of the pool

  He applauded. “You did great. I knew you could do that.”

  She had to admit she felt vindicated for all the time she’d sputtered in the pool while others called her lead bottom. Stoked, she raced back to the other end and did the whole process once again.

  As she got out of the pool, Mitch’s gaze skimmed over her like the water sliding off her body. If she had more nerve, she’d undo her top and go straight back into the pool. See if he followed. See if… She blew out a long sigh—she didn’t have that much courage.

  “I’m going to try to swim the length,” she said as she returned to the other end.

  He shook his head. “Wait till you’re fresh. You just went two lengths of the pool. That’s enough for now.”

  “I know I can do this. Watch.” Defiantly, she climbed back down the ladder and pushed off from the end of the pool. Kick, stroke, breath…kick, stroke, breath… After a few strokes, she realized he’d been right—she was tired. And realized she was sinking.

  Off to the side, a splash of water shook her out of the panic she was spiraling toward, and before she knew what had happened, Mitch’s arms were wrapped around her. He held her close against him, treading water to keep them both above the water line.

  Unthinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck, shook her hair back, and smiled amid the spray of the droplets of water. “I knew you’d save me.”

  Her gaze couldn’t seem to leave his lips, especially his full lower lip. The one inching closer and closer and closer…

  “Maybe we should”—his lips brushed against her neck—”call it a day before we…”

  Beneath the surface, his hands stroked down her sides, igniting her body with his touch. His palms tight enough to feel his heat. His thumbs circling lightly on her top,
circling till she ached deep within her core. Ached to have more of him. Ached…

  Suddenly he kissed her, long and deep, then stood, pulling her up with him. Only a foot of water lapped against their legs as they clung to each other. Staring into each other’s eyes, neither seemed to know quite what to do next.

  “How did I get to the shallow water?” she asked breathlessly.


  Better question. How had he gotten himself in such deep water?

  “You held on to me, Elizabeth.” He loosened his hold around her waist. “And I pulled you along.”

  Suddenly, she dipped straight down in the water then bounced up, wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He fought the instinct to cradle her bottom in his hands, because Mitch knew, without a doubt, he was in over his head with Liz. And the protection aspect had nothing to do with his feelings.

  The faster he pulled himself back, the better for both of them. “I think we better take a break. Don’t you?”

  She looked quizzically into his eyes then sighed as she slid down the front of his chest, landing on her feet. “That’s a shame. But I guess you know best. After all, you’re my protector.”

  Turning away, she skimmed her fingers across the surface of the water as she walked out of the pool, and his insides hungered to reach out for her. She dripped a trail of water while strolling to one of the chaise lounges. Nice…and easy…and sexy as hell in that little bikini.

  All he could do was stare at the way her ass swayed from side to side with each step she took. Could be the person she should fear most was him. He was, for sure, scared of her.

  Once he’d gotten his body under control, he hoisted himself up on the side of the pool and sat for a while. His escapade with the flirting while she floated had pushed them both to the edge. Didn’t take a genius to know the heat between them was simmering. There was no way to stop the simmer, unless he took himself off the case. Or if Drake found out and pulled him.


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