Struck! A Titanic Love Story

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Struck! A Titanic Love Story Page 18

by Tonie Chacon

  “So, tell me these troubles, since I just left you a little over an hour ago.” Megan began prodding. “What has happened? I can tell by your face that something did.”

  Alice’s words poured out like water. “Am I such a rotten person to just be a classification? Don’t I deserve to be treated as a person, not just a member of a class? I was not born to greatness or to money. I was lucky enough to have somewhere to go when my parents died. I do have wonderful memories growing up with the Cheswicks and all. But now I’m not quite sure. I’m old enough that I should have found a husband to take on the burden of my existence, but you see I did not follow that path. I took a more troubled path with lots of pitfalls. Anyway, I should have realized what a burden I had become to this family. I think I shall ask Fletcher for a job in America. I’ll stay on and build a new life.” Alice took another sip from her drink.

  “How many of those have you had sitting here waiting for me to find you? I saw the photographs. They are wonderful. I especially like the one of you, me, and Frances. They were delightful. The way the light catches your eyes is incredible. But I don’t fancy you would like to hear the scandal of the day concerning Emily, now would you? She stormed out as soon as she saw me standing next to Franny and looking at the group picture of the four of us seated with our feet pointed out and flowers in our hands. Remember that one? Well, it turns out, not only did the photographer get his little thrills, we all fell for the ’press your arms together and smile’ bit. What that did was thrust our bosoms into the air, big, fleshy, plump and inviting. All with a sweet smile on our lips.”

  “Why, that is disgusting. We need to get those photos back. I cannot be having my reputation ruined by some photographs. What if they get out and into the wrong hands?” Alice was agitated all of a sudden.

  “Wait. Let’s look at this calmly. Let’s back up and you tell me why you started drinking in the first place. The last time I saw you, you gave me a sweet kiss goodbye and went to take a nap. What has happened to cause all this?” Megan made a sweeping motion around Alice.

  Alice drew a long, deep breath. She stretched out her arms, exhaled, and then lifted them towards the ceiling.

  “I thought I had broken it off with Emily the other night. I told her I couldn’t do it anymore. My meaning was that I was done. Finished. Through. But I guess in my drunken state I failed to get that message across. She found me as I was headed to find Franny. She backed me into a corner and started throwing accusations at me about lying and my classification and morals and character and I don’t know what all. I guess also my worth? How does it come down to how much money you have, or can get, to buy your way to heaven? Better places, better food, better beds. Your worth is not about making money, is it? It is about the value of people. So, how much am I worth?”

  “Right now, you are worth the world to me. Can I tell you that, or will it throw you into one of those tantrums, whirly windy things?” Megan teased her.

  “No, it is nice to hear, and believe. That is more important. Come, let’s go to the library and find a place that’s quiet. Also, somewhere that Emily would not be caught dead in. She has told me to avoid her for the rest of the voyage. So, I will comply. The library it is. How very boring.” Alice stuck her nose in the air and started walking, looking down on everyone around her. Which was no one, of course.

  “Yes, pity.” Megan also thrust her nose in the air, and linked her arm through Alice’s as they started walking.

  “It is but the two of us for the evening then, I suspect,” Alice said. “Can you think of anything else that might take up some time before we hit New York?”

  “We will think of something. I am sure of it.” On toward the library they wandered. Once seated in some chairs by a table, Alice brought up another subject.

  Alice said, “This might be a good time to tell you I have been thinking again about that special relationship you had talked of early on. Trust, liking someone first, then kissing and all that goes with that, and then on to planning a life together. You can both live with someone and then marry them, or you can live in doubt and wait for the other shoe to drop. The questions go on and on. I like you. I trust you. That seems awfully quick, but when it is right you just know it. We have only known each other for such a short time, and yet I feel I have known you a lifetime. You understand me, even when I don’t understand myself. But let me get back to that special relationship talk. Yes, I would love to have one with you. Second, I did have that type of relationship with Emily, which I thought was building quite nicely, but only on her terms, so not really, I guess. But that is over. So over that I will probably never see her again. And that seems soon enough for me. That, that woman, oh, don’t let me get started again. Let’s concentrate on us, all right?”

  “Let’s disappear,” Megan said. She glanced at her watch. “It’s now four thirty. Let’s vanish from sight and simply enjoy each other. On Monday afternoon, we shall reappear and start mingling amongst those who might have missed us and see where we are by then. Once we dock in New York, we’ll know what is right and best. Do you agree? Let’s go find my brother and Alexandria. All signs are showing that she might be my sister-in-law soon. Let’s go ask her if she could spare us the room for the next twenty-four hours. We’ll tell her it’s the plague or something.”

  “No, not a plague, darling, how about the stomach flu? If we find them, try to look sick. I shall be your nurse. I’ll use Franny as a reference.”

  “Look, how convenient. There’s Jacob now. Jacob, Jacob do you know where your daughter is?”

  JACOB LED THEM to a corridor just off the last stack toward the stern. He stopped, looked both ways, and said, “Follow me, but quietly please.”

  He entered another, tighter, passageway and started to climb the ladder that was bolted onto the wall. Halfway up the ladder he pinged on the side of the stack, twice, with a dime he had taken from his pocket. He pushed on a couple of rivets and a little door appeared, jackknifing out of the stack. He climbed over the berm and gestured for them to follow. Both women gathered up their dresses to begin the short climb up and then through. What greeted them was a bit of a surprise. They were in a little round room where Colin and Alexandria sat at a small table playing what appeared to be a card game. Both were a little flushed in the cheek area. The rest of the room was sparsely furnished with a small bed, a dressing table, and a mirror.

  “I never intended for this little hideaway to be holding so many people,” Jacob said. “It is a bit squeezed in here. I shall take my leave, but bye-the-bye have you a care to be extra careful leaving now. This is all a secret. Please remember.”

  His head disappeared from view and down the ladder he went.

  Moving the rivets again somehow closed the door. Two taps of the dime sounded different inside than it did outside.

  It was a very small room, but Megan pulled Colin aside. Megan wanted to laugh at him and the situation they had not quite caught them in, but in reality, she wanted to ask for the same thing. Peace and quiet with the girl he adored. Well, she adored. In a quiet voice Megan started by asking if Alexandria could stay somewhere else that night. His answer was louder than she wanted.

  “Ask her, for God’s sake. Not me. I’m not your roommate.”

  “No, you are my brother, who I love and who I think would appreciate the opportunity I am giving him. But, no, I get a man’s wounded pride.”

  “What is it?” Colin smiled a question. “You seem to be full of yourself now.”

  “All right, here goes. I need to have Alexandria stay elsewhere tonight until at least the mid-morning of tomorrow. I cannot really explain the purpose, but I will tell you when we hit port in New York. All right then?” Megan asked earnestly.

  “Well, I still think that you should ask Alex herself,” Colin said looking smug.

  “Oh, Alex is it now, boyo?” Megan turned her attention to Alexandria. “Alexandria, would you mind if I asked you a question?” The girl turned and faced Megan. “Would you m
ind spending the night here or in some other accommodations just for tonight? We need to conduct a, a, yes, that’s it, an experiment.”

  “An experiment?”

  “Yes, my experiment of a new way of life,” Megan said with conviction.

  “It’s not dangerous now, is it?” Colin sounded concerned.

  “No, not really, just to my heart,” Megan whispered.

  Colin glanced over to where Alice stood. “So that is the way the wind blows eh, Megs, me love?”

  “Anything is possible,” Megan said, “even love.”

  “Anything for love I will do for you. I too have noticed sparks flying about the room when you both think I was not paying attention, but I was,” Alexandra said.

  Megan walked over to Alexandria and gave her a hug. “Take good care of him. We’ll see you both, tomorrow night then, for dinner in the Second Class dining room please.”

  “Thank you.” Alex leaned into Colin. He grabbed her by the waist and held on. With a huge smile on his face he waved goodbye with his other hand, his fingers waggling.

  Alice went first down the ladder followed by Megan.

  “Thanks,” Megan said to her brother as she disappeared into the darkness. “Have fun.” They heard a slight ping, ping a moment later.

  “What did you think of that little room we were just in?” Megan asked Alice as they strolled towards their cabin.

  “Well, it was very small, but it would have had a great view of the stars. The stack straight up seemed looming. Do you suppose Jacob made it? He is a master welder and all. It was very well hidden.”

  “If you didn’t know it was there you would climb right past it on the way up to the surveillance station that we can see from the top deck of the ship,” Megan said.

  “You remember that scare that went round the ship that first day?” Alice asked. “Surely you heard of a black face appearing in that window staring down upon us all. Some thought it was the devil himself putting a curse on Titanic. The rumors died down after it was discovered that a fireman had climbed the ladder to the station to watch the festivities of the launch. He was an Irishman who had just finished working in the coal room and had black soot all over his face. His blue eyes appeared and his white teeth showed when he smiled. Jacob has blue eyes and now we have a suspicion of who it really was. Wait until I tell Frances.”

  “You love telling gossip, don’t you, love?” Megan asked.

  “You call it gossip, I call it re-telling stories. Are you ready to go back to our cabin?”

  ALICE HUNG THE Do Not Disturb sign on the door and closed it tight. She locked the door, making her feel safe from the eyes of the many on board. She turned to find Megan already unbuttoning her dress.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” Alice said.

  “I don’t really need help with anything, but if you want to,” Megan said.

  “I want to,” Alice said. She unbuttoned the last four buttons, pulled the dress down from Megan’s shoulders, and kissed the top of her breast. “I want to do everything with you, all in good time, love, as you would say.” Alice kissed Megan full on the lips, taking her mouth with her tongue. She heard a moan, but she didn’t know if it came from her or from Megan. Alice helped Megan undress more until all that was left was a one-piece chemise made of filmy linen. Alice pulled back the sheets and blanket on her bed and invited Megan to climb in. Megan did and scooted over, then patted the side next to her.

  “You next,” Megan said. “I want to watch.”

  It was Alice’s turn to flush. And here she thought she had the upper hand. Slowly, she removed her dress, watching Megan watch her the whole time. The rise and fall of Megan’s breasts as she breathed deep, trying to keep her composure, gave her away. She was as excited about their lovemaking as Alice was.

  Alice removed her corset and stockings, but kept her chemise on as well. She eased herself onto the bed. She gathered Megan close, and they touched breast to breast, both breathing heavily and hugging fiercely. Alice’s hands touched Megan’s back, her sides, her butt, moving quickly from one place to the next. Whatever Alice did, it was reciprocated by Megan. Alice felt Megan’s hands all over her. She knew what she wanted, and she knew that Megan must want the same.

  Alice stopped kissing Megan, drew back, and asked, “If there is anything I’m doing that you don’t like, tell me. It won’t hurt my feelings. Or if there is something you’d like, I know how I feel but I’m not sure about you. So—”

  Her sentence was cut off by Megan’s lips on hers. She kissed Alice deeply and her hands boldly touched. She removed Alice’s chemise and then touched Alice’s naked breast. She gathered it in her palm, kneading the taut tip as it grew in her fingers. She finished the kiss but still was intent on making Alice’s nipple rise in her hand. Alice looked at Megan’s hand on her breast. It sent juices flowing from her crotch as she opened her legs on Megan’s thigh. Slowly she arched up and felt her clit brush the hard surface. She had the need for Megan to know how much she wanted her. She felt Megan’s juices on her thigh. They rocked back and forth on each other as Alice nipped and licked Megan’s ear, eliciting a moan from her lover.

  Alice removed Megan’s chemise and rolled Megan onto her back, fully capturing her body under her own. She molded herself into Megan’s arms and legs as if they were one. Not yet, though. Her hands were molding Megan’s breasts simultaneously as the tips grew to small pebbles. She replaced her fingers with her mouth. Megan moaned and pushed her body into Alice, pleading for more. Her tongue circled the tip of Megan’s breast, which grew in Alice’s mouth as she gently moved her hand down Megan’s body. She stopped at the hair of Megan’s mound. Her little finger reached out to stroke it and she waited for a reaction. Megan’s hips jerked forward, searching for a fulfillment as ancient as the stars. Alice’s hand crawled down the hairline of Megan’s crotch until she reached her apex and flailed her fingers, rejoicing in the juices that flowed for her. Megan was so wet with wanting it made Alice feel special.

  This was what Alice had been searching for, forever, since she knew she liked the ladies. A special relationship, like this could be. She delved her finger into Megan and heard her gasp. Yes, this is what she wanted. Megan bore down on her hand and Alice withdrew a little and went back in with her thigh helping the old rhythm of love.

  Alice kissed Megan sweetly as her fingers closed in on Megan’s button, teasing it until Megan was panting and writhing in her desire for release. Alice could feel the tension building in Megan as she urged her toward the light of release. Megan’s body went taut as her sounds became moans and deep breathing with an “Oh my” thrown in as she reached her climax. Megan’s body bucked, riding the wave of sensation filling her body until she collapsed and Alice gathered her into her arms and held her tight. Alice rocked her and kissed her neck and they held onto each other, both breathing heavily.

  “Wow, I never expected that,” Megan gasped. “Whatever that was, I would like it again please, or rather, should we take turns? Will you teach me what you like to have done to you?” Megan asked shyly as she squeezed Alice.

  “Oh, Megan, there is so much more I’d like us to explore. I don’t want to be blamed for creating a Jezebel, unless, of course, you’re my Jezebel,” Alice said tenderly as she wiggled her eyebrow. “We have all night.” She kissed Megan and opened her legs onto Megan’s thigh once again. Writhing back and forth she said, “Here. Put your hand and fingers here and wiggle your fingers when you feel a little ball forming. You’ll know what to do, really.” As she let herself flow with the stimulation Megan was giving her, she felt the momentum building.

  “Go inside, please,” Alice squeaked out. “Don’t stop what you’re doing. That’s it. Don’t stop. Please, oh, my, Megan. Megan!” Alice shouted her name for all to hear.

  Her breathing subsided a few moments later. Her heart slowed and beat in rhythm with Megan’s, and she never wanted to let her go. This euphoria was different from anything Alice had felt before. Nothing she ha
d experienced with Emily or any of the other women she’d been with felt quite like this. Megan fit Alice, and even better, Alice knew that Megan’s feelings mirrored her own.

  Alice leaned back to look Megan in her eyes and said, “See. I knew you wouldn’t need much direction. Thank you for that. I could lie here with you for the rest of my life.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Megan said. “Except for one thing. I’m famished.”

  Alice laughed. “Me too. Lovemaking makes me hungry.” She hugged Megan and rolled out of the bed.

  She walked naked to the wardrobe and got out another dress to put on. Alice saw Megan watching her. She took the hairpin that Emily had given her. She held it out for Megan to see. “Should I wear this one last time, before I give it back? It’s a lovely piece, even if it does belong to someone not so honorable.” Alice looked over at Megan and saw the wanting look lingering in her eyes, staring at her nude body. “We’ll have more time for that, a little later. All night, in fact. For there are many things I’d like to teach you.” She wiggled her eyebrow and then her stomach growled. “I’m afraid though, I need sustenance first.”

  ALICE AND MEGAN had a late supper in the Second Class dining room. The two women couldn’t keep their eyes from one another. Alice gazed into Megan’s eyes and dropped her second coconut sandwich onto her plate. “Oh, Megan. You’ve caught me in such a whirlwind that I forgot, until now, the photographs. I have to go to the studio and retrieve them. I want to destroy evidence of all the photos of me with another woman. I am the one whose indiscretions have caught up with her, and I am the one who needs to fix it. But you may help me.”

  Megan laughed and said, “Thank you for allowing me to help you. I may come in a little handier than you already know. Come on then. Let’s go and find those photos. On to save yon maiden’s neck.”

  “I’m not going to forget about the negatives either,” Alice said with a great deal of conviction.


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