
Home > Other > MoonlightBundleSet > Page 59

  Aislinn felt a little overwhelmed. Hunter seemed nice, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to meet anyone else just yet. For that matter, would Connor want her to? Surely if he wanted her to meet his pack, he’d have introduced her himself. But she couldn’t very well uninvited the man, it would just be rude.

  When Hunter hung up the phone, he smiled and took their packages from them.

  “Austin said he’s free. I just need to tell him where we’re going,” he said as he started walking toward the parking lot.

  “What about Red Lobster?” Cassie suggested.

  Hunter made a face. “What about Jack’s Place?”

  She frowned. “That hamburger place on South Street?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they have salads and stuff, too,” Hunter said.

  Cassie looked at Aislinn. “It’s up to you. This is kind of your ‘welcome to the family’ day.”

  Aislinn wasn’t used to making decisions. Hugh had always chosen the restaurants they went to. Faced with a decision now, she wasn’t sure what to do. Either way, someone wasn’t going to be happy. Looking at their expectant faces, she felt uneasy. Was there a right way to answer the question?

  “Well?” Cassie asked. “Do you feel like eating seafood or hamburgers?”

  “Um… hamburgers sound pretty good, but…”

  Cassie nodded. “Hamburgers it is.”

  Hunter loaded their bags into Cassie’s SUV. After he made sure they were safely buckled and locked in the car, he walked back up the aisle to his Harley, pulling his cell phone out along the way.

  Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose. Working on payroll was starting to give him a headache. He’d been at it all day, probably because he’d been distracted by thoughts of Aislinn. He should’ve been done an hour or two ago, and at the moment, he wasn’t sure he would be done before he left tonight.

  He hadn’t heard from Aislinn all morning and he was getting worried. Cassie would take good care of her, he knew that, but it still makde him uneasy not to know where she was. He’d have to get her a cell phone so he’d be able to reach her at any time, assuming he could convince to accept one.

  Tossing his pen down on his desk, he stretched. Maybe he’d take a walk around the site to get some fresh air. He’d chained himself to his desk all morning in the hopes that Aislinn would call., But with that looking unlikely…

  The phone rang and he pounced on it.

  “Connor Tierney,” he answered.

  “I see your mate is feeling better.”

  He sighed. “Hi, Gabriel. Wait. You’ve seen Aislinn?”

  “I’m looking at her right now, through the window at Jack’s Place.”

  Connor frowned. “I’ve never known Cassie to eat there, not unless she was joining the pack.”

  Gabriel laughed. “Trust me, she didn’t pick it this time, either. I’d say one of their lunch companions picked it out.”

  “Companions?” Connor growled.

  “Hunter and Austin. Both of them are harmless so you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Just the same, I think I’d better take a lunch break now.”

  “I’d stay, but I’m needed at the garage today.”

  “I understand. Thanks for calling and letting me know about Aislinn. I haven’t heard from her all morning and I’ve been worried.”

  “She looks fire. A little strained maybe, but fine,” Gabriel said.

  “I”ll convince Cassie to take her home after lunch.”

  “Why can’t you take her? You’ve already been at work for half a day or more.”

  Connor sighed. “Because I’m battling payroll and promised I’d take off tomorrow and stay home with Aislinn. I can’t afford to miss a day and a half this week.”

  “So take it home with you.”

  “I inherited a desktop computer with this company and I haven’t upgraded to a laptop yet.”

  Gabriel snorted. “You’re making excuses.”

  Connor realized his cousin was right. He was making excuses. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with his mate, he just didn’t want to be away from work for too long. He hadn’t missed more than a day or two since buying the company. Maybe it was time for him to figure out his priorities.

  “You’re right. I’ll figure something out,” he told his cousin.

  “Listen, they look like they haven’t been here long, but you might want to hurry just in case.”

  “I’m leaving now,” Connor assured him.

  He hung up the phone, grabbed his keys off the desk and headed out the door. Knowing two werewolves were with his mate, made him want to hurry to her side. Hunter and Austin might be harmless by Gabriel’s standards, but they were still men and Aislinn was a beautiful woman.

  Chapter Eight

  Aislinn was grateful to Cassie for all that she’d done for her, but sitting with the two werewolves was making her nervous. They both were very nice, but she couldn’t help wondering if Connor would approve. He hadn’t been far from her thoughts all day. She still couldn’t believe she was his mate. It seemed too good to be true.

  She was about to take a bite out of her hamburger when she noticed both Hunter and Austin had fallen silent. Feeling a presence behind her, she tipped her head back and looked up into Connor’s stern face. He didn’t look very happy with their little group.

  Austin stood. “Alpha, we were just getting to know your mate.”

  Connor growled and Austin quickly sat down again. He looked around the table, his gaze resting on each of them for a moment. When he reached her, the stern look on his face softened.

  Aislinn slid further around the horseshoe shaped booth to make room for Connor. He sat next to her and placed a proprietary hand on her thigh, sending shivers down her spine.

  She was happy to see him, but was concerned that she’d done something wrong. He seemed unhappy with her. Tentatively, she placed her hand over his.

  “Am I too late to join you for lunch?” he asked, directing his question at Cassie while never taking his eyes off Aislinn.

  “Of course not,” Cassie said.

  Connor looked around the table again. Hunter and Austin looked decidedly uncomfortable, but Cassie didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. Maybe her mate always acted this way around his pack, she thought. He was certainly behaving out of character as far as she was concerned.

  The waitress came over and took Connor’s order, smiling invitingly at him, but he ignored her, only having eyes for Aislinn. It wasn’t something she was used to, but she was enjoying his attention. Every time he fastened that penetrating gaze on her, her breath caught in her throat. She knew it wouldn’t take much for her to lose her heart to him, something she was trying to guard against. Being in love made you do stupid things – such as marrying an abusive man like Hugh.

  “I take it you’ve had a good morning?” he asked her.

  Cassie laughed. “More like an exhausting one. I’m afraid I’ve dragged her from one store to another. We ran into Hunter on our way to the car.”

  Aislinn gave him a tired smile. “She’s right. It’s been a busy day.”

  Connor narrowed his eyes at Cassie. “She’s supposed to be resting.”

  “She needed more clothes.”

  “Whatever their reason for being out, I’m glad I ran into them,” Hunter said. “It’s been an honor meeting Aislinn.”

  “Definitely a lovely addition to our pack,” Austin added.

  Connor growled at the werewolf’s word choice.

  Austin raised his hands in mock surrender. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I was merely complimenting your mate.”

  Connor’s food arrived and Aislinn, hoping to lighten the mood, sneaked his pickle from his plate. When she took a big crunchy bite, he looked at her in surprise.

  “Pickle thief,” he accused.

  She smiled. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  He grinned at her and kissed her cheek. “You can steal whatever you want from my plate.”
  Aislinn blushed, feeling happier from that one innocent kiss than she had during her entire marriage. Connor made her feel special, a feeling she never wanted to end. If only she could believe this would last! But the sorcerer’s words were always present in her mind. If she didn’t pass the tests, she wouldn’t be able to stay in Ashton Grove, would have to say goodbye to Connor. It was more than her heart could bear.

  Her tactic worked and the mood at the table lightened. Connor took Cassie’s teasing comments with good humor. And the werewolves, having seen that their alpha was going to be reasonable, relaxed and resumed the conversation they’d been having with Aislinn before Connor’s interruption.

  When the meal was over, Connor gathered Aislinn’s things and put them in his truck. It was obvious he wasn’t going to let her out his sight again. He helped her into the truck and buckled her in before closing the door. Getting in the driver’s side, he started the engine and turned toward Aislinn.

  “I have a stop to make on the way home, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “I need to buy a laptop on the way home, so I can finish a few things for work.”

  “And we’re going home after that?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I know you have to be tired, sweetheart. I promise I’ll be as quick as possible.”

  “It’s fine, Connor. Take as long as you need.”

  “Do you need anything while we’re out?”

  She shook her head. “Cassie already bought me quite a bit today.”

  “Then I’ll make my purchase and we’ll hurry home.”

  She smiled at him, not really caring what they did as they got to spend time together. If things ended badly, all she’d have were memories.

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later, Aislinn was completely healed. She smoothed her hands over her hair, trying to get the wild strands to calm down as she stared out of the window of her new Ford Focus at the construction site in front of her. She hadn’t found work yet and staying at the house was starting to drive her crazy.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the car. She should have called Connor, but had opted to surprise him instead. If she were honest, she’d admit that she hadn’t called on purpose – and it had nothing to do with surprising him. She’d worried that he would tell her to stay home and not to bother him at work.

  She closed her car door and walked along the gravel path to the trailer at the front of the site. She knew that was where Connor had his on-site office. She only hoped he was actually on site. He had mentioned having an office in downtown Ashton Grove, but she wasn’t sure where it was located. Not that Ashton Grove was big by any means, but she was still learning her way around.

  Her tennis shoes crunched on the gravel. Looking down at herself, she hoped she was dressed okay. Jeans and a long-sleeve tee weren’t exactly stylish, but she thought would suffice for going to a construction site. Having never been to one, she wasn’t quite sure what the dress code would be.

  As she neared the trailer, she heard raised voices. One she instantly recognized as Connor’s and the other was a female’s. Connor had mentioned having a female employee, and Aislinn remembered his phone conversation from her first week in Ashton Grove. If the yelling was any indication, it seemed the woman was still upset.

  Steeling her nerves, she opened the door and peeked inside.

  When Connor spotted her, he smiled, his eyes lighting up in pleasure.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  She tentatively entered and pulled the door closed.

  “I thought I would surprise you,” she answered softly.

  Coming around the edge of the desk, he wrapped her in his arms. Aislinn breathed in his scent and hugged him back.

  “I’m glad you did.”

  She smiled up at him. “I was worried I might be interrupting your work.”

  Across the small room, Cameron decided she’d had enough of being ignored.

  “Ahem, you are interrupting.”

  Connor looked at her over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes. If Cameron had a clue as to just how upset he was, it didn’t show. Instead, she flipped her long hair over her shoulder. Hair he’d told her repeatedly needed to be in a ponytail or braided for safety’s sake, yet the woman’s vanity wouldn’t allow it. It had been one of the many things they were arguing about before Aislinn had arrived; her skin tight clothes had been another.

  “Aislinn is welcome here anytime she wishes to stop by.”

  Cameron folded her arms over her chest and looked away.

  “Connor, I can go. I didn’t mean to disrupt your work schedule,” Aislinn offered, hoping to ease the tension in the room.

  He smiled down at her. “Sweetheart, you’re fine. Matter of fact, I was thinking of taking a lunch break. Why don’t you join me?”

  “Connor, I asked you to go out to lunch,” Cameron whined.

  His jaw tensed. “And I said no.”

  “Connor, really I…” Aislinn started, but he stopped her by gently placing his finger over her lips.

  Deciding it was time to claim Aislinn in more than words he lowered his head and kissed her gently. His lips barely brushed hers, but it was enough to make them both hungry for more.

  Having seen enough, Cameron stormed past them and out the door, letting it bang open against the side of the trailer, startling Aislinn and Connor.

  Aislinn gently touched her lips. She’d kissed Hugh many times, but she’d never felt anything like she did now. Connor’s kiss had been tender and sweet, yet it had stirred her unlike any other kiss; he made her feel safe and cared for.

  Connor caressed her cheek and smiled at her. “Come on, I have somewhere special in mind.”

  Aislinn looked down at her clothes. “I don’t think I’m dressed for anywhere special.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  Aislinn blushed and allowed Connor to take her hand. He always made her feel special, wanted. If she wasn’t careful, she would lose her heart to him. While she might be his mate, she wasn’t sure that would be a wise idea. He hadn’t mentioned anything about caring about her, much less loving her.

  “There’s somewhere I want to go before we have lunch.”

  She looked at him quizzically, but didn’t say anything.

  Connor helped her into his large truck, which had been parked behind the trailer. Once they were buckled, he headed for Main Street.

  Connor pulled up in front of a small jewelry store and turned off the truck. He had a feeling Aislinn was going to fight him when she realized they were going inside; more specifically, when she realized what he was buying. He needed to make sure that everyone knew she belonged to him, and vice versa. What better way to do that than with an engagement ring?

  “Come on,” he said with a smile. “We’re just making a quick stop, and then we’ll go get something to eat.”

  Aislinn looked at the jewelry store and eyed him uncertainly. The hospital had removed her wedding ring before starting her tests and she hadn’t put it back on, leaving her without any jewelry. Had Connor noticed and planned on getting her something? She wasn’t sure she was comfortable with him making so many expensive purchases for her. First the car and now jewelry?

  Curious to see what he was up to, she got out of the truck and followed him into the store. When they stopped in front of a display of engagement rings, she froze. She understood that being mated to him meant they had a forever kind of relationship, but marriage? She wasn’t sure she was ready to go back down that path – now or ever.

  “Connor, I don’t think…”

  He placed a finger over her lips. “Let me do this, Aislinn. If you won’t let me do it for you, then do it for me.”

  She pulled his hand down. “For you?”

  He nodded and pulled her aside, out of the hearing range of the people in the store. “You’re my mate, Aislinn. I want you to marry me.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t, Connor. I’m sorry,
but after everything I went through with Hugh, I just can’t do that right now.”

  “Then at least wear my ring and think about it. If you need time, I’ll give you time, but I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

  She gave him an odd look. “Is this a territorial thing?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “No, sweetheart. It’s not just that I want people to know you’re mine, I also want them to know I’m yours.”

  Hers. She liked the sound of that. “Will it really mean that much to you?”

  He caressed her cheek. “Yes, it would.”

  “Then I’ll wear whatever ring you buy for me.”

  With a smile, he kissed her gently and led her back over to the cabinet of engagement rings. She may not have agreed to be his forever, but at least she was going to wear his ring. It was a step in the right direction.

  Chapter Ten

  Later that night, Aislinn sat in the living room and waited for Connor to come home. She had planned on cooking dinner for him, but had found the pantry was rather bare. She would have gone grocery shopping, but she didn’t have any money. All in all, she felt rather useless.

  The rumble of a truck in the driveway told her Connor was home and she leapt off the sofa. Hurrying to the door, she opened it and waited anxiously on Connor. She may not want to get married again, but she had to admit he was rather spectacular to look at, his shirt clinging to his muscular arms and chest.

  He smiled when he saw her waiting in the doorway. “Front door service? I feel rather special.”

  Aislinn smiled and felt a blush spread across her cheeks. “How was work?”

  “Well, after you left, it was rather uneventful. Cameron never came back from lunch so the afternoon was rather quiet. I have to admit, it was nice not having her around.”

  “I was going to make dinner, but I couldn’t find anything to fix. I know you’ve been eating out a lot lately, but would you mind going out tonight?”

  He pulled her closer. “Aislinn, I don’t mind taking you out for dinner. If I had thought about it, I would have left some money for you to buy groceries today.”


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