Get Her Back: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

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Get Her Back: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance Page 2

by Maxine Storm

  I had thought Michelle was just being bratty by insisting on the stuffed animals but I realized how wrong I had been.

  "Do you want kids one day?" Michelle had asked me, as we continued to walk side by side.

  "I'm not sure," I had said. "Maybe not."

  Michelle had looked disappointed. At the time, I had thought it was because she just liked kids - witnessing her good deed to the group she was tutoring.

  But now I realized it was because she was really asking if I wanted kids - with her. I was too dumb and detached to realize it then.

  "Well," I had said, trying to lighten the mood, "if you want kids, you're going to have to... you know."

  Michelle had looked at me and frowned.

  "Is that all you think about?" She had asked.

  "No," I had said. "Not the only thing I think about. Except when I'm with you."

  Michelle shook her head.

  "Gross!" she had said.

  "Michelle," I had said, "it's only natural."

  "You'll have to wait," she had said. "Or catch me."

  She ran ahead away from me.

  I had caught up to her and gently brought her down to the grass so I was leaning over her.

  We had stared at each other in a silent intensity, only the sunset's glow surrounding us.

  I had bent down to kiss and felt myself hard against her and the soft skin of her face pressing mine.

  "You're so beautiful," I had said breathlessly.

  Michelle blushed and ran her hands down my legs that were straddling her.

  "I'm not ready yet," Michelle had said.

  "It's OK," I had said, caressing the sides of her face. As much I had longed for her, I knew I could wait - if it were for her. There was no one else I had thought about.

  "Brent," Michelle had said, "will you ever leave me?"

  "No way," I had said. "There's no way, Michelle."

  I had laid down on my side and held her, our fingers intertwined. We had laid together like that, just hearing the sound of nature around us, until it was time to go home.

  My phone started vibrating and I was jolted out of my reverie. I gave my head a shake and reached inside the pocket.

  "Don't forget your meeting for the new app," said the text. It was from Marsha.

  I looked at the time it was delivered. Damn, how long had I been just standing there, imagining Michelle? I haven't experienced anything like this in ages.

  I called my driver and waited for the limo in front of the hotel. I needed to get to that meeting quickly. Not because I was late, but because my mind was obsessing over Michelle, and those words I had told her that day so long ago that I would never leave her. They echoed in my mind and I wondered what was going to happen now that she was back.

  Chapter 3 - Michelle

  The alarm was buzzing in my ear like a saw and my hand swung violently onto the nightstand beside my bed, frantically pounding the wood, inching towards the snooze bar. I didn't want to get up and fell back asleep and woke multiple times until the sun was so bright that I couldn't do that anymore.

  It had only been two days but I already felt like I couldn't continue with this gig.

  Marsha and Brent had set me up in a nice room with all the amenities that faced the pool and the beach. But even that wasn't enough to keep me here at this place.

  On the first day, I nearly had a heart attack from being chewed out by one of the guests.

  I was delivering some fresh towels to a pair of ladies tanning by the pool. I was careful to walk quietly around the other women who were lying down in their chairs, stepping over the sandals, bags, and magazines that had been strewn along the deck. I was like a ballerina gracefully doing plies over the guests' belongings - until I felt a push on my back. But before I could turn around and see who it was, I was already falling headfirst into the pool, splashing the nearby guests who were not too happy to be roused from their naps. I saw two little brats standing at the edge of the pool, giggling. But before I could scold them, I was scolded myself by the two ladies for getting the towels wet and for endangering their two precious nephews with my 'tomfoolery'.

  Then I had to had to 'help' one of the multi-millionaire athletes who had been staying at the hotel breakup with his girlfriend. He didn't want to tell it to her himself - he didn't have the guts. So he beckoned me over one day while I was carrying some toiletries. He asked me if I worked here, and then put a one hundred dollar bill in my hand and gave me the instructions, down to the very lines, which were not quite diplomatic I am afraid to say. I was totally stunned and was in a zombie-like state as I walked to the young woman he had pointed who was sitting at the bar and broke the bad news. I walked back to the athlete, who patted me on the shoulder, but I handed him back the money, and walked off in a stupor back to his now ex-girlfriend. I tried to console her for an hour but I could barely get a word in between all her crying.

  The straw that broke the camel's back, or mine, literally, was when I was helping an elderly gentleman with his belongings. I guess the concierge had left too early, so the man was struggling to move a bag the size of a boulder off the floor and into his room. I asked the man if I could call someone to assist him, but he insisted that I carry his bag, and carry it now. And so I bent down to pick it up, and tried lifting it, only to throw out my back. I hobbled away, ignoring the man's curses at me, and looked for some aspirin.

  There were a number of other incidents between those that made me wonder whether the tips and connections would have been worth it. I was already miserable and pain after two days and I didn't know if I could physically last here much longer.

  The alarm buzzed again and my hand jammed it like a sledgehammer. I felt the waves of pain radiating through my back and there was no way I'd be able to perform.

  The tears were streaming down my face and I wished I could just disappear, but I realized I had nowhere else to go. There was nothing in my hometown for me. I didn't want to go back to New York City after all the nonsense with Melvin Small. And worst, I didn't want to let down Marsha and Brent after I had been welcomed here to work.

  I heard a plane taking off from nearby and I wished I could just get on one of those planes and escape. I didn't even get a chance yet to do any work involving the private jets and it was something I was looking forward to. I tried to roll out of bed to perhaps catch one taking off but I felt another back spasm and I was pinned to the bed like there was a chain around my waist.

  I must have been lying there for an hour when I heard a knock at the door.

  "Michelle?" said the voice.

  "Who is it?" I answered.

  "It's Marsha. Are you OK?"

  I bit my lip. I didn't want to worry her but things weren't quite OK.

  "I think I threw my back out yesterday. It's killing me to try to get out of the bed."

  "OK, dear," Marsha said. "Just hold on."


  It was only moments later that I found myself face down on a massage table with the hotel's resident physical and massage therapist kneading away all the pain in my back.

  Marsha had gotten the key to the room and brought in Hector to set up the table and the two helped slide me on to it like I was made out of jelly.

  At first I was so embarrassed that I was just glad I could hide my face in the face rest while Hector massaged me. I was so red that I would have turned even redder if they had seen me. But soon I found myself relaxing as the pain starting to dissipate from my back.

  "I don't think there is any structural damage," Hector said. "My guess is mainly stress."

  That was a relief to hear. At first. I was worried I might have pulled something carrying that who-knows-what antique from that guest yesterday.

  And then I realized...stress?

  It made perfect sense. I had been bottling up all this stress for years, all my uncertainties and doubts about my future, my love-life, my past, and I was confronted with it head on once I arrived here at The Capital and saw Brent. It's like my bod
y had rebelled to get my attention and said, "hey, that's enough!"

  Hector finished up the massage.

  "You'll be fine, Michelle," he said. "Just take it easy for the next few days and you'll be back in action."

  Marsha and I thanked him and Hector left the room but allowed me to rest on the massage table for awhile before he returned.

  I found myself able to sit up and it was like my body wasn't stiff as a board anymore.

  "Are you feeling better?" Marsha asked with concern.

  "So much better," I said, stretching my arms out. "What other work would you like me to do today?"

  "Oh, honey, you needn't worry about all that," she said. "Rest for a few days and then we'll continue."

  "No," I said, "I'm OK to get back to work."

  "It's alright," Marsha said, smiling "Trust me."

  I wasn't sure about taking time away from working right after I got here, but Marsha's genuine smile disarmed me. Still, I wasn't completely sure about it.

  "But what would Brent think?" I asked, touching my back, and feeling the welcome absence of pain.

  "Brent understands," Marsha said. "He's a good man. After I had my third child, I needed to take some time off, even though we were in a busy season. I wasn't the same chipper young lady I used to be. But Brent reassured me it was fine. And credit to his wisdom, I came back stronger than ever." She flexed her bicep and giggled.

  I could only smile at her words and her praise of Brent's character.

  "Still," I insisted, "maybe Brent would be worried or worse, mad, if I had to take some time to recover."

  "Were you two ladies talking about me?" said a voice at the entrance of our room. Marsha and I turned our heads and saw Brent standing there with some ice cream.

  "Only the sweetest of things," Marsha said.

  Brent sat down beside Marsha.

  "How is your back doing?" Brent asked.

  "Wonderful now," I said. "I feel like I could do backflips, cartwheels."

  Brent winked at me.

  "Once Marsha told me about what had happened, I knew Hector would be able to help," Brent said. "I only hire the best and he's saved many a guest and staff member when it came to injuries like yours."

  Brent said he only hires the best... I wondered if he was complimenting me as well.

  "Anyway," I said, "I'm eager to get back into things. I feel good as new."

  Brent shook his head.

  "There's no need to rush into it," Brent said. "It's best to wait a bit before you start again."

  "No, it's OK," I said. "I'm ready."

  "I know you are," Brent said, "that's what I'm afraid of. I know you always give one-hundred-and-ten percent and right now, that's too much right after throwing your back out like that."

  "But," I said, trying to interject.

  "No 'buts'," Brent said. "Doctor's orders."

  "You're not a doctor," I said.

  "But I played one on TV," Brent said, lightheartedly.

  I furrowed my brows.

  "No, really," Brent said. "I did an ad on public access TV right after graduating when I was between flying gigs."

  "I don't know about this whole Dr. Stevenson thing," I said.

  Marsha laughed.

  "Well, I have to leave you two old lovebirds," Marsha said wistfully. "Brent, I will see you later to talk about the new project."

  Marsha left my room but her words echoed in my mind. Lovebirds. Was it that obvious that there was still something between Brent and me? I wasn't even trying to flirt with him but she must have sensed it. Women can figure these things out a lot faster than men can.

  "But Brent," I said, "seriously, I know Marsha was worried about me, but really, I can get back to work."

  "Don't worry about that for now," Brent said. "Actually, let me take you out for dinner tonight. We haven't had any chance to catch up. It's a good opportunity while we have time."

  "I don't know," I said, feigning weakness, "I think my back is starting to hurt again! I can't make it for tonight."

  "Hmm, do you need Dr. Stevenson to give you a massage?" Brent said, in a mock-seductive voice.

  "An unlicensed doctor whose medical qualifications are appearing in a TV commercial once? Sign me up!"

  Brent laughed and stood up.

  "So what do you say for tonight?"

  I nodded my head.

  "Sure," I said.

  "Sounds good," Brent said. "I'll give you a call later."

  Brent walked out of the room and closed the door.

  I sat back on the bed and thought back to this whirlwind of a morning.

  I didn't want Brent or Marsha to pity me, like I couldn't handle the work. But it seemed like they were understanding and believed in my ability to do the job. And it wasn't so crazy to take a bit of time to relax. Maybe that's what I really needed right now, despite my protestations to the contrary. Anyway, I was looking forward to getting dinner with Brent, although the thought of 'being found out' in front of him made me nervous. I couldn't say what exactly he might 'found out'. It was more like he had known me so well since we were younger, and I was afraid of how I might have changed in comparison in his eyes after these years. Well, I was hungry, so ultimately I couldn't resist. I decided to take a nap and then go for a little walk before getting ready for dinner, at least knowing that things were starting to get better for me here, and maybe what was in store for Brent and me.

  Chapter 4 - Brent

  I felt like it was high school again. The nerves, the heart palpitations. My hands sweaty, gripping the steering wheel when driving to pick up Michelle after we had finished class. Checking my hair in the mirror to see if I had looked presentable for her. Making sure I didn't have any food on my shirt that I had spilled out of nervousness.

  Damn, it felt like high school again.

  And I loved it.

  I missed this feeling of anticipation.

  Of really wanting someone. That had been totally absent from my life.

  I had things, all the things money could buy. But I didn't have her. And that's what kept me feeling like something was missing, that despite all my success in business, it wasn't yet enough. It wasn't complete.

  I looked at my watch. It was time to see her. I didn't want to screw this up. A second chance like this - who knew how lucky I had to be to have gotten it. I adjusted my suit in the mirror and left my room. It was now or never.

  I took the elevator down, and though no one else was inside, it was like it was filled with my thoughts. Was she just being polite by agreeing to meet up? Did she still have the same feelings I did? I thought she did, but I couldn't be certain about that. Especially after how things had ended up between us so many years ago.

  I reached the restaurant on the lower level and waited outside the door. It wasn't long before I heard the sound of her heels tapping against the floor. My heart started beating quicker and I tried to calm myself down. It'll be fine, I said to myself. It'll all be fine. If she decided to join you, then she's interested, I thought. She still feels something.

  She had a simple but elegant black dress on, that hugged her curves and tempted my hands to rip the whole thing off her. The thin straps revealed her shoulders and collarbone and reminded me of the so many times I would bury my face in her nape after kissing her, feeling the warmth of her skin, and the longing I had to possess her.

  "Michelle," I said, reaching out and then kissing her hand. "You look wonderful."

  "Thank you, Brent," she said. Her face hinted at blushing, like she was trying to control her reaction.

  "I have a table set up for us," I said, taking her hand to lead her there. Her hand was so soft and small inside mine. She didn't flinch at all but return my clasp. I relished the spark of nerves of our skin meeting again. I imagined just walking with her away from here to somewhere else far away where it'd only be us. But the private booth would have to do for this evening. Finally we reached a more isolated space in the back where we wouldn't be disturbed. I was
glad to be able to have her all to myself, and not even have other people looking at her while I was focused on her. Was I jealous? We weren't even an official thing yet. But I couldn't resist thinking that already. I didn't want anything else right now. Nothing else but her.

  The waiter took our drinks, martinis for us both, and quickly delivered them. I had told the wait staff that I had someone very special coming tonight and I expected them to go above and beyond their usual exceptional levels of service. It was all for her.

  We were quiet at first, with few words exchanged - the weather, observations about the restaurant, our booth. Just being face to face with each other I think was overwhelming in a good way for both of us. Even being near her like this, alone, gave me a rush unlike any other. We took our drinks and after a few sips, I could see she was becoming more at ease.

  "Is it good?" I asked her, pointing to the martini.

  "It's great," she said. "Delicious, even."

  I smiled. I was glad she enjoyed it.

  "When was the last time you had one?" I asked. I was trying to suss out when was the last time she went on dinner with another man, other than me. But I didn't want to ask her so directly.

  "It's been a while," she said, putting the drink down.

  "Oh?" I asked.

  "Yeah," she said, softly. "Not since I was last working at MicroDigital."

  "Ah," I said. "You were in a relationship then?"

  "Yes," she said.

  I took a sip of my drink. I didn't want to admit it, but it did make me jealous knowing she had seen someone. It was like I didn't want her to see anyone else but me. I couldn't tell her that, of course, at least not yet. It'd be too much, too soon for her.

  "What happened?" I asked. I was legitimately curious. I wanted to know if this other guy treated Michelle right. She deserved the world.

  Michelle held her chin and then shook her head.

  "It's a long story," she said, with some disappointment.

  "I have time," I said. "For you."


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