Get Her Back: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

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Get Her Back: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance Page 6

by Maxine Storm

  I remembered Brent taking a dive into the tulip bed and I laughed.

  "You're lucky Ms. Teresa never caught you," I said.

  "How would she have ever caught me with those moves I had? I disappeared like James Bond."

  "I wouldn't say it was that graceful, but it was pretty smooth."

  Brent chuckled and then sighed.

  "We had a lot of good times together," Brent said, breaking the silence on the line.

  "We did," I said.

  "I want to do more of that with you," Brent said.

  "What, making out in a tulip garden?" I said, sarcastically. I suddenly felt unready of taking things forward with him after it was seriously presented to me. It was like something I had imagined suddenly became real and I was unprepared to face it.

  "That would be nice, actually," Brent said, "but it wasn't what I had in mind. I want to make up for last night."

  I paused on the phone.

  "I don't know, Brent," I said. I wasn't sure. I wanted to see him, but I just didn't know if my heart could handle it again. The possibility of being brought up and let down again.

  "I do know," Brent said, assuredly. "I do know that I want to see you again. And that I want to spend time with you again."

  "Really?" I said, without thinking. There it was - my doubt about myself and my chances again. It was lurking beneath the surface when it came to my love life.

  "There's no doubt about it," Brent said. "No doubt at all."

  I felt myself getting nervous again and was unable to speak. The reality of what could have been and what could be between us hit me hard. The chance that we might have lost was now returning and I didn't know if I was ready to grab on to it.

  "Brent," I said. "I'm not sure."

  "I'm sure," Brent said. "Just give it a try, again."

  "I did," I said, curtly, "last night. And look how that went." I was clenching and relaxing my hand, trying to manage my anxiety. The truth is I was afraid of things failing with Brent again. Because if they did, then I don't know what I'd do anymore when it came to my relationships, or what meaning any future one would have for me.

  "Yesterday, yeah..." Brent said. "It's true it wasn't my best moment. I didn't mean any of that to happen."

  "I've heard that before," I said, the sarcasm flowing without even trying.

  "No, I mean that," Brent said, with honesty in his voice.

  "You didn't really show it yesterday," I said, annoyed.

  "Yesterday I screwed up. It's true. But I want to make things work with you, Michelle."

  I didn't say anything. He was such a high status businessman now. And, it's true, really handsome with great character. Maybe I should just let go of his behavior from our date.

  "Forget about what I did the other day," Brent said. "I want to see you again."

  "OK," I said, trying to put the past out of my mind.

  "Tomorrow we're going out," Brent said.

  "Where?" I asked.

  "It's a surprise," Brent said.

  "Oh no," I said, "no more crazy surprises."

  "Were the tulips a nice surprise?" Brent asked, almost cutting me off.

  "Yes..." I said. "They were."

  "Then trust me," Brent said. "I'm the master of surprises. The good kind only, of course."

  "Fine," I said. "Fine."

  "Great," Brent said. "I'll share the details later."

  "Alright," I said. "Bye."

  I put down the phone and put my hand over my heart. It was still racing though finally it was beginning to slow down. I didn't know if I made a mistake. All I knew was that Brent convinced me enough to go out with him again. In some sense, I knew that I wanted to. One date with Brent was more exciting to me than the last years of my life combined. I just hoped we wouldn't push each other part again this time.

  Chapter 8 - Brent

  I was going to show her something special.

  I was going to take her somewhere that meant a lot to me.

  I had not taken anyone else there.

  But for her, it was worth it.

  I imagined us two alone, away from it all, and I knew it was something I had to do.

  Chapter 9 - Michelle

  "So why did you wake me up so early, Brent?" I asked, still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What was so freakin' 'urgent' that you wanted me to see?"

  I'm not usually such an early riser, at least without a few gallons of coffee in my system. But Brent insisted that I wake up at 4AM - an ungodly hour, even for some of the 24 hour party people living in this glitzy hotel. And when I wasn't responding to the wake up calls in my room that were wailing in my ears like a banshee to a sleeping giant, he ended up banging on my door like he was going to break the thing down. And he probably would have, if he didn't own this place and didn't have every key hanging somewhere, waiting for supposedly 'urgent' moments like these.

  Brent stood at the entrance of my room, flicking the lights on and off, like when our 10th grade teacher Mrs. Stonebrook wanted to get our attention. I found it weird that she would do that when we were already all in high school. And I found it annoying then as I did right now.

  "Taking one from the page of old Mrs. Stonebrook, huh?" I said, trying to shut my eyes to keep the light out.

  "You know it," Brent said. "It works. I was so motivated to never have a class with her again that I ended up acing biology. And I hated biology. I just hated the thought of having to repeat the course with her again in the summer."

  I laughed at the memory Brent shared. It's true that sometimes he would slack a bit when it came to academics, back in the day. But he could be top of the class if he wanted to, if it had fit his own goals. In that case, avoiding the most annoying teacher in the history of education.

  "It's working, isn't it?" he teased, sensing my annoyance as he continued flicking the lights.

  "Yes," I said. "But it won't when I do this!"

  I flung the blanket over my head and hid myself under it as if it were a tent.

  "Can't see anything, now," I said, "might as well go back to sleep."

  I adjusted my body to a new position and called out to Brent, my voice muffled by the blankets. "Good night!"

  I no longer heard the light switch rhythmically being flicked on and off nor did I see the light strobing in my room. I felt the familiar sensation of falling asleep as my eyes closed from the darkness under the covers.

  Suddenly I felt the covers on my side being whipped open and a warm body pressing against me. I pulled them down over my head and saw Brent embracing me, and my body shivered when I felt his hardness rubbing against my crotch.

  "I'm going to carry you out of bed if I have to," Brent said, his arm rubbing my back.

  "You're doing a pretty bad job of that," I said.

  "I'm just getting warmed up," he shot back.

  Mmmm, I could feel that he was. I was too. His hand found its way under my pajamas and the warmth over the small of my back made my hips involuntarily jerk towards him.

  Brent rolled on top of me and cupped my face. Even in the darkness and I could see how handsome he was at the moonlight crept through the window and gently outlined his face.

  He bent his head down and kissed me softly, and I found my arms wrapping around his back, keeping him close.

  His lips carefully caressed mine and I all I could sense was our bodies sharing heat, sharing this moment under the covers. I realized how empty the bed had felt until he was with me here.

  "Michelle," he said, breaking the kiss, "I would love for this to continue, but we do have to get going. There is something special I want to show you today and time is of the essence."

  "Mmmm," I softly moaned, "can you show it to me right here?" The words were so unlike me, but I just felt so safe in his embrace, like I was still in a beautiful dream I didn't want to wake from.

  "I'm afraid not, babe," he said, brushing my face. "You've got to trust me on this one."

  "OK," I said, holding my hands around his. "We'll
get moving."

  Brent gave me a peck on the lips, got out of the bed, and starting folding the covers.

  "Meet me down at the lobby and we'll get to the runway," he said. "I'll have everything set up for you shortly."

  He winked and left the room.

  Well, I definitely was wide awake now. I felt ready to go with him, wherever he wanted to go, whatever he wanted to show me. And not only the bed, I realized, but the whole room felt emptier after he left.


  After I washed up and got changed, I made my way down the lobby to find where Brent was waiting for me.

  I passed the bar and saw a few gentlemen sitting by themselves on stools, heads down, nursing their drinks. I wondered about who they were and what they were doing staying here. Surely some kind of business or entertainment magnates. It was the clientele this hotel attracted. But there they were, alone, just their drinks and the bartender to keep them company.

  I went up to the bar to order a coffee and one of the gentlemen touched my arm as the bartender went to work.

  "What's a young lady like you doing up at a time like this?" he asked.

  "I'm not too sure myself, to be honest," I said. "My boyfriend - I mean my friend wanted to show me something." I realized I didn't catch my gaff in time. Maybe I was just too sleepy still. Brent - my boyfriend? I was definitely still waking up and my mind was hazy.

  "Well," he said, smiling, "whatever it is he wants to show you, it must be very special."

  "I hope you're right," I said. "I'm not usually ever awake at this time."

  "It comes with the business for me," the man said. "I have to fly out early soon. Nothing to do here but wait."

  "You're not married, sir?" I asked.

  "No," he said, shaking his head. "Just never had the time. Still don't. Or won't. Hard to say at this point in my life."

  "I'm sure you will find someone nice," I said.

  "Thank you, young lady," he said, tapping my hand. "Have a good time with your friend."

  The bartender placed my coffee on the bar and I picked it up.

  "Thank you, sir, see you."

  The man waved as I walked out with my cup in hand, slowly looking around the lobby, wondering who else was sitting here by themselves and wondering how similar their stories were to the man's.

  Brent was my friend, that was true. At least now it was - I think. But was he something more? And was that something 'more'? People who are just friends don't end up horsing around in the bed together like we were just moments ago. People who are just friends don't close their eyes and kiss each other as their bodies are in a close embrace. I guess we weren't just friends, but what we were, I wasn't sure, and maybe I was still afraid to recognize.

  Chapter 10 - Brent

  Michelle was taking a while to come down. I had hoped she wasn't freaked out by my - at first glance - crazy idea to have her wake up so early, and not tell her for what purpose. But if I told her everything, it would have ruined the surprise I had planned for her.

  It was also a test to see if she trusted me, and maybe, still in a sense, wanted me. It was what I wanted - for her to still have some deep feelings for me. I knew there was something we shared when I had crept into her bed playfully earlier. If only she knew just being near her like that set a fire throughout my whole body. When I was on top of her, feeling her soft lips on mine, I knew I had to be with her. It was a feeling I had missed and thought about for so long. It was filling some missing place in my heart that had been carved out and hollowed over the years. But in that moment, it was filled, and I was filled with a joy I hadn't experienced in so long. If only she understood how sexy she looked. If only she knew how close I was to possessing her right then and there, feeling the warmth of her flesh intertwined with mine, and the incomparable pleasure of having around me so deeply. Would she have been ready for it? I don't know. But damn it, I needed her so badly, if I didn't have this whole thing planned out, I don't know if I could have left her bed.

  I rubbed my eyes to stir myself awake. I didn't want to be unfocused and day dreaming at a time like this. I needed to show her what I had planned, or else she would think that I had lost my mind. There were so many business men who had lost their way that found themselves in my planes and hotels. They just aimlessly wandered their old haunts, trying to reclaim their previous luster. I didn't want to be like that. My mind soared at the possibilities, but I was also grounded by keeping Michelle in my heart. This was for her, I had to keep her in focus.

  Finally I saw her walking towards me, her coffee in hand. She had a pink skirt on that fluttered in the breeze and her hair shimmered like the moonlight on a lake. Damn it, why did she have to be so beautiful and not know it?

  "So Brent, is this what you woke me to show me? Just your plane? I think you've lost your marbles."

  I grinned.

  "Not just that," I said. "But it's part of it."

  "You're being a bit too cryptic for me," she said, tapping her foot against the ground. "What is this all about, Brent?"

  "It'll ruin the surprise," I said. "You're going to have to trust me."

  Michelle puckered her lips like she was weighing out the options.

  "You're not going to kidnap me, are you?" she said, one eyebrow raised.

  "I'm afraid so," I said. "I'm taking you far away, down to Mexico. We're going to live on a small cattle farm I bought. I already sold everything I own."

  "I hate farming," she said.

  "It's too late for that, Juanita."


  "Your new name. And I am Juan."

  "That won't sound suspicious, like at all," she said, rubbing her chin mockingly.

  "Get aboard, Juanita," I said. "The chickens are waiting to be fed."

  "I thought you said cattle."

  "They're both there."


  "And you have to feed them."

  "Oh how wonderful," she said, rolling her eyes. I remembered back to when we were in elementary school and we had to take a field trip down to a farm out of the city. Michelle ended up being chased by a hoard of angry chickens after she had knocked over their feed because she got her foot stuck in the mud. Luckily I was there to intervene and I chased the chickens away from her. Ever since then, her and farm life never clicked.

  "I know you've dreamt about living on a farm since our 3rd grade trip to Evermore Farm," I teased.

  "Oh God!" she said. "Don't remind me! So this whole thing was just to torture me with those terrible chickens, huh Brent?"

  I placed my arm around her back and guided her up the steps into the plane's entrance.

  "I'll take care of the evil chickens, don't worry, darling."

  She stuck her tongue out at me.

  "Thanks," she said sarcastically. "Can't wait."

  I could only smile at her. I remembered joking around with her like this when we were so young. It never got old. I missed it. And when my arm was around her, guiding her up the steps, I could feel how delicate she was, and how badly I felt the need to protect her and keep her safe, no matter the cost.

  She took the seat beside mine and looked out the cockpit.

  "So where are we going," she asked.

  I made sure the steps were all up and everything was secure, and began the take off procedure.

  "It's a secret," I said.

  "Still?" she whined. "Come on Brent. What's this all about? I'm starting to think you had some bad debts and the whole Juan-Juanita plan might be real."

  "You're just going to have to be patient, my dear," I said, as I felt the familiar hum of the engine as the plane came alive.

  Michelle crossed her arms and turned her head away from me.

  "This better be good!" she said.

  "Trust me," I said, my mind focused on checking the gauges and getting us off the ground safely.

  I felt the ground beginning to rush under the plane as I sped us up. It was always a thrill to feel the first brief moment of untethering from the gr
ound as the plane began to rise and I felt the wheels say goodbye to the Earth. We were in the air.

  I circled us around the hotel and looked down at the resort. It was so finely designed, and yet I had the real jewel beside me.

  Michelle and I had our headsets on and I could see her looking out the cockpit. We were soaring over the city. The many lights glimmered from the ground, like they were their own stars emanating from the Earth. But I had to leave them all behind right now. For her.

  "You've never sat here before," I said.

  "Never," she replied.

  "This is nothing,"

  "Can I fly?"

  "Not just yet," I said, smiling.

  The plane took us effortlessly towards the coast and the mountains looking like kingly guards in the softening darkness of the sky. We were getting close. I was so glad to have her with me for this, even though she didn't know yet.

  "Michelle," I said, "I liked being close to you in bed."

  I quickly turned my head towards her and just saw her smile.

  "It was nice," she said, her face getting red. "It was very nice."

  Her smile filled the entire cockpit with her glow. I had flown to this before, but I never felt the same excitement I had felt as I did with her beside me.

  Finally, the moment I had been waiting for arrived. I felt the warmth and saw the uplifting change in hue peak through the cockpit, and the first gentle rays cast out through the sky.

  "We're here, Michelle," I said, with great longing in my heart.

  Chapter 11 - Michelle

  I was wondering where Brent was taking me. I pretended to be annoyed by his vague answers, but really, I was just happy to spend some time alone with him. Being alone with him didn't mean we'd have to be doing some physical, although that wouldn't be so bad...No, it was getting away from all the people at the hotel, from my frustrations and insecurities around all the rich and beautiful people there. It was a chance to be with him, who knows where, and who knows what for, but to be with him, in the purest sense of just sharing time with each other.


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