Susanna's Seven Husbands

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Susanna's Seven Husbands Page 12

by Ruskin Bond

  Eva, her face beet red, is jumping up and down, shrieking.

  Cut to:

  Int. Susanna’s house. Day.

  Arun bursts through Susanna’s door, brushing past Maggie, who’s scrubbing the floor. He runs up the stairs.

  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Moments later.

  Arun runs down to the master bedroom. The door is open, the room is empty.

  Int. Hallway. Same.

  Maggie looks up to see Arun leaning over the upstairs railing.


  She looks at his fuming eyes.

  Cut to:

  Ext. Stables. Day.

  In the shadow of the barn, Arun finds Susanna sponging down one of her thoroughbreds. It’s a hot day; she’s rolled up the sleeves of her blouse. Her hair is loosely pulled back. Arun stops the horse by holding the reins.

  ARUN. Moscow

  Susanna smiles.



  She smiles more.



  SUSANNA. Ah …! India

  Susanna dismounts and leads the horse towards the stables. Arun follows.

  Int. Stables. Continuous.

  A syce hurries up and takes the horse. Susanna hangs the bridle in the tack room.


  Susanna turns, looks at him and bursts into laughter.

  SUSANNA. marraige that to with a Russian …! Gorbachev

  She tries to move away but Arun holds her by the arm.


  They look at each other in silence.


  She suddenly holds him by the hair, violently drags him inside and pushes him into the mound of manure.

  Arun walks past her and stands in front of Goonga who was listening to the conversation. Arun holds his hand and drags him away. Goonga is resistent, mumbling out loudly back at Susanna, still standing inside the stables.

  Cut to:

  Int. Arun’s bedroom—Mumbai. Night.

  The present day. Arun and Nandini are cuddled up on the bed. The lights are out.

  NANDINI. So many secrets … My God, Arun … girlfriends

  ARUN. Eva college

  Nandini shivers at the thought. She turns to him.

  NANDINI. Thank God ……

  She sees his mournful face.

  NANDINI. You still miss her …? It’s insane.

  Arun tries a rueful smile but fails, touched Nandini kisses him.

  NANDINI. and just don’t let me catch you dreaming about her.

  The camera moves in on Arun, whose eyes shine in the darkness. He is lost in thought.

  Fade out.

  Ext. Susanna’s house. Day.

  A grey, foggy day in Panchgani. Clouds are brooding over the heavily wooded hills.

  The camera drifts down to the blackened remains of Susanna’s house.

  In a raincoat and hat, Arun is a lonely figure, poking through the ashes, taking in the devastation.

  At length, he walks through the destroyed foyer and stands on the front steps.

  On a hill directly opposite, he sees the chapel. And the motionless bell in the tower.

  As he walks through the burnt remains something grabs his attention: an old photograph, half burnt. Arun picks up the photo and wipes it clean of debris.

  Cut to:


  It’s the picture of Susanna as a young girl, holding hands with her father on the beach in Goa.

  Cut to:

  Int. Arun’s apartment—Mumbai. Night.

  Nandini clears the dinner things from in front of the aged Goonga, who is finishing his coffee. Little Aditya is there too, but his supper is untouched.

  NANDINI (to Aditya). I’m warning you. Hot or cold, it makes no difference, you eat something or I’m calling your father.

  Nandini shows him the cellphone. Aditya looks at Goonga, and they both suddenly burst into laughter. Nandini presses the green button on the cellphone.

  But on the phone, she hears a recording: ‘This user’s telephone is currently not in service. Please try again later.’

  Dissolve to:

  Int. Arun’s apartment. Later.

  Nandini sits at the desk, checking her laptop for emails. Nothing.

  She goes to the website of a Mumbai hotel, then dials their number.

  NANDINI. Hello, yes … Mr Arun Kumar, please. (Pause.) No, please check again. He arrived last night, with the Criminal Forensics group. (Pause.) I see … No, thanks very much.

  Cut to:

  Int. Arun apartment. Day.

  Nandini cries as Chetna tries to console her.

  CHETNA. Come on, Nandi … It’ll be fine … I’ve a friend in Vodafone. He is finding out. last phone .

  Nandini tries to sip the water as Aditya skips into the room holding Nandini’s phone.

  ADITYA. It’s Daddy … I told him

  Nandini takes the phone, wiping her eyes.

  NANDINI. Arun!

  Ext. Coastal street. Day.

  Arun is walking down a street along the ocean in Goa. Palm trees arch overhead. A gentle sea breeze blows under a warm sun.

  ARUN. I’m fine, Nandini …

  Intercut phone call:

  NANDINI. But where in the hell are you? There is no conference in Delhi.

  Arun is quiet.

  NANDINI. Arun …

  ARUN. …

  NANDINI. Arun … why … Is there someone else in your life …? I Can’t believe

  Arun’s eyes are riveted on a couple entering a restaurant across the street: a bent-over, grey-haired man, who uses a walking stick, arm-in-arm with Susanna, now 58. She looks rejuvenated, with shorter hair and a smart, well-tailored suit.

  NANDINI. Arun …? Susanna

  Arun cuts the call and looks at the sea.

  Int. Restaurant. Day.

  Susanna shares a table with an older man near the outdoor patio of the restaurant. She calmly takes the older man by the hand.

  SUSANNA. I feel such comfort just by looking at you.

  The older man smiles.

  OLDER MAN. It all comes down to love, sweetheart.


  The old man picks his cane and places his hat on his head.

  OLDER MAN. church

  The old fellow pecks Susanna on her cheek. Arun steps aside for him as he leaves the restaurant.

  Unable to suppress a bitter smile, Arun goes to Susanna’s table and stands there. Susanna feels his presence but doesn’t look up.



  Susanna looks at him, and their eyes meet. He is expressionless.

  SUSANNA. Sugar …

  She smiles.

  Cut to:

  Ext. Goa street. Day.

  Arun and Susanna walk in silence down a leafy sun-dappled lane overlooking the beach.

  SUSANNA (voice-over).

  Int. Church. Night.

  It rains heavily as Susanna stands in the middle of the church, looking at Jesus with questioning eyes. She takes out a bottle of pills, opens it and empties it into her upturned mouth. In very slow motion, pills fall over her tongue.

  SUSANNA (voice-over).

  Cut to:

  Int. Church. Night.

  Maggie opens the doors of the church to find Susanna lying unconscious on the floor. As the lightning crackles, we see foam oozing out of her mouth. Maggie screams.

  MAGGIE. Miss

  Ext. Road outside Susanna’s House. Night.

  Ghalib tries to stop the speeding vehicles on the road amidst the heavy downpour. When no car stops, he finally stands in the middle of the road. A car screeches to a halt. The driver rolls down the window and screams.


  Ghalib rushes to him with folded hands.

  GHALIB. phone please

  The driver looks at the passenger seat. The passenger—who we will later come to know as Dr Tarafdar—a dignified man, comes into the light and raises his hand like Buddha. A halo is created around his head from the head
light of the vehicle behind his car.

  Cut to:

  Ext. Susanna’s house. Continuous.

  Dr Tarafdar walks through the rain down the pathway leading to the church.

  Cut to:

  Int. Church. Continuous.

  Dr Tarafdar checks Susanna’s pulse, wearing a stethoscope, while passing on instructions to Maggie and Ghalib.

  Maggie and Ghalib speak in unison.

  MAGGIE. What …?


  Dr Tarafdar tries to remember the Hindi name for ‘roshoon’.

  DR TARAFDAR. white-white


  Dr Tarafdar holds his eyebrows, trying hard to remember.

  DR TARAFDAR. No … white-white … That thing …


  Dr Tarafdar keeps shaking his head.




  MAGGIE. Chewing gum.

  GHALIB. Ice cream.

  MAGGIE. Toothpaste.

  Dr Tarafdar screams.


  Ghalib and Maggie look at each other.

  GHALIB (whispers). Tubelight.

  Dr Tarafdar opens his eyes and starts laughing in anger.

  DR TARAFDAR. Tubelight

  He looks at Susanna and suddenly turns back.

  DR TARAFDAR. Garlic …

  Ghalib shakes his head as Maggie takes a deep breath.



  He checks Susanna’s eyes.

  DR TARAFDAR. colour

  Ghalib has opened the bag, turns sharply towards Dr Tarafdar.


  Dr Tarafdar looks at him through his spectacles on the nose and smiles.

  DR TARAFDAR. Mushrooms … please …

  Ghalib takes out two beautiful red-coloured mushrooms from inside the glass jar.

  Fade to black.


  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Day.

  Susanna is surrounded by Maggie, Ghalib and Dr Tarafdar. All three eagerly wait for her to open her eyes.

  Susanna opens her eyes to find Dr Tarafdar looming over her. She moistens her dry lips and whispers.


  DR TARAFDAR. Tarafdar … Dr Modhushudhon Tarafdar.

  Susanna voice over fades in on the soundtrack as Dr Tarafdar smiles.

  Cut to:

  Int. Kitchen/Solarium. Day.

  Susanna’s voice-over continues as the camera travels inside the kitchen. The slab is full of ginger, garlic, mushrooms and other vegetables. Dr Tarafdar cuts the vegetables to mix it with some colourful syrup kept in some transparent glass bottles. He finally pours everything into the vessel on the stove and stirs it with the boiling soup inside. He then uses a big serving spoon to fill the bowl to the top with the soup.

  Ext. Solarium. Continuous.

  A frail-looking Susanna is seated in a robe, staring obstinately at the soup in the tray. Maggie and Ghalib are smiling at her, hoping that she will have it. Susanna sweeps everything to the floor.

  Cut to:

  Int. Kitchen. Continuous.

  Dr Tarafdar—busy cleaning and putting mushrooms back in their respective jars in the kitchen—reacts to the sound of a tray and glass bowl hitting the floor. He whispers to himself.


  Int. Solarium. Continuous.

  Dr Tarafdar reaches the solarium, holding his jar of mushrooms. His walk reflects anger. Maggie silently cries and clears the floor as Ghalib looks on. Dr Tarafdar sits next to Susanna. He opens his jar and takes out a red mushroom.

  He holds his jar upside down in front of her eyes and drops all the mushrooms into her lap.

  He picks up one mushroom and holds it in front of her eyes and asks her in a very loving tone.

  DR TARAFDAR. soup … hmmm?

  He holds his eyebrows to remember the exact word. Susanna’s eyes are swelling up with tears. She whispers.


  Dr Tarafdar looks up and smiles.


  Dr Tarafdar brushes hair gently in a fatherly manner. Susanna howls and hugs him tightly. He smiles more.

  Cut to:

  Int. Solarium. Later.

  Dr Tarafdar feeds her a bowl of soup. She can’t take her eyes of him.

  Int. Solarium. Day.

  Another day. Susanna looks healthier now. Dr Tarafdar holds a glass of juice.


  Dr Tarafdar, in full concentration, rolls his lips as he speaks.


  He tries to feed her the juice but she refuses.




  She laughs and hugs him tightly. He stands there, holding the glass of juice, and smiles sheepishly.


  On a garden table in the shade behind Susanna’s house, Dr Tarafdar is squeezing an assortment of fresh fruits. He hands a brimming glass of juice to Susanna, who is seated at his side.

  In a high-tech gym, Susanna jogs on a treadmill as Dr Tarafdar supervises.

  Dr Tarfadar admiringly displays to Susanna the red-coloured Mushrooms he has grown in the backyard of the house.

  Susanna is half-naked on a massage table. Dr Tarafdar pours oil on her back and briskly goes to work, his face a picture of stern concentration.

  Early morning on the lawns, dressed in robes, Susanna and Dr Tarafdar are seated side by side at a bubbling fountain. Their eyes are closed in serene meditation.

  They stand in front of a big old house.

  They stand in front of a big house.

  Susanna and Tarafdar plant his medicinal plants and mushrooms in the garden of the house.

  Tarafdar’s cabin is being set up with many books and magazines on health-care and wellness.

  Susanna opens a box full of T-Shirts with ‘The Art of Dying—Live Healthy and Die Healthy’ printed on them. She hands one each to Ghalib and Maggie. Tarafdar looks on with a huge grin on his face.

  A dozen guests are gathered at a ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the doctor’s new clinic. They all applaud as a board is placed on the wall outside the house.

  A Board outside the house announces:

  Dr Tarafdar’s

  ‘The Art of Dying—Live Healthy and Die Healthy’

  Sweating and wheezing, a dozen strangers are jogging around the grounds in expensive athletic wear. Leading them is Susanna, clad in a tracksuit.

  Ghalib is manning the drinks table, handing out frosty glasses of senna pod juice.

  SUSANNA (voice-over). Massages, enemas, ice-cold showers … Everyone loved it … The Art of Dying was a hit.

  On the patio, Dr Tarafdar administers a deep-tissue massage to a squirming, moaning middle-aged man.

  Maggie carries a sinister-looking rubber bag and water hose as she pursues a nervous old gentlemen across the lawn.

  They exchange a romantic glance while going about their work.

  Int. Marriage hall. Day.

  Susanna and Dr Tarafdar get married in a traditional Bengali ceremony. People throw flowers on them. As Susanna looks into his eyes lovingly, the flowers turn into mushrooms and fall on the bride and groom.

  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Night.

  Dr Tarafdar enters the bedroom holding a big mushroom in between his teeth. Susanna comes close, and the lights go off as they start to eat it together.

  Ext. Airport. Day.

  Susanna waves from outside as Dr Tarafdar enters the airport wheeling his suitcase.

  Cut to:

  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Night.

  Susanna’s calmly sleeps alone on her bed.

  Int. Living room. Same.

  A masked man walks stealthily across the living room in the darkness.

  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Same.

  Susanna opens her eyes as she hears a noise elsewhere in the house.

  Int. Living room. Same.

  The masked man is hidden behind the curtains. He
looks at the shards of the broken lamp that lies on the floor. He takes out a butcher knife. The knifes edge shines in the darkness.

  Int. Susanna’s bedroom. Same.

  The masked man creeps into the bedroom and walks towards the bed. As he gets closer, Susanna comes out from behind the cupboard, holding an iron rod. She is about to hit him, when he turns. A beat.

  He swipes at her with the knife, but she wards off the blow, bringing the iron rod down on to his shoulder—WHAM!

  The man goes down on his knees. He groans. Susanna runs out of the room, screaming. The man follows her outside.

  Int. Staircase. Same.

  She goes down the staircase, and the lights come on. Ghalib enters, holding a loaded rifle. Susanna points upstairs. Ghalib runs up to the living room to find the window open, swinging in the blowing wind.

  Ghalib walks to the window and peeps out—everything is still in the darkness as the sound of the crickets fills the air.

  Fade out.

  Ext. Susanna’s house. Day.

  Dr Tarafdar pulls up to the house in his Mercedes. As he unloads an overnight bag and laptop case from the front seat, he sees a couple of police cars parked near the garage and some cops standing on the lawn with Susanna.

  Ext. Garden. Day.

  When she sees her husband coming across the grass, Susanna runs to him and throws her arms around his neck. He holds her tight, stroking her hair as he takes in the broken window and the worried servants.

  Int. Bedroom. Night.

  Susanna carries a stack of towels to the bathroom door and taps on it with her foot.

  The door opens and Dr Tarafdar leans out in a cloud of steam. He’s naked and dripping wet. He shoots her a grateful smile as he takes one of the towels and throws it over his head, drying his hair.

  In the mirror, Susanna catches sight of his back. A long, ugly bruise is visible on his shoulder! She freezes.

  In a moment, her husband is looking at her again and she recovers her composure. But as he shuts the door, there is a trace of worry in his face, too.

  Cut to:

  Int. Bedroom. Later.

  Darkness and silence in the master bedroom in the small hours of the morning. The door cracks open as, once more, the burglar is there.

  He tiptoes to the bed, raises the butcher knife, then plunges it down!

  He stabs again and again until he realizes that the mound under the blankets is not Susanna but a wad of bath towels.


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