by Samantha Twinn

“Is there anything you need?” His question startles me and I feel heat creeping across my chest as I contemplate telling him what I really need. Damn, do I need it. But damn I shouldn't want it. Stepbrother, stepbrother, I say over and over in my head as though reminding myself of the obvious will have any bearing on the way I'm feeling.

  “No. Nope. I’m just…” I wave vaguely toward the front of the house and stumble over my feet a little as I back out of the room. “Just. Bath.”

  His laughter at my clumsy exit follows me out of the room and I feel my cheeks flush.

  In my bathroom, I slip out of my shoes and twist the taps on my bathtub. Out of everything in my house, I may love my bathtub the most. It’s an old-fashioned clawfoot tub, deep and wide and set underneath a window that’s covered in honeysuckle. The water runs strong and hot and the hand shower looks like one of those telephones from an old Forties movie. Thankfully, it’s delightfully modern with several different streaming and pulsing water functions.

  Tendrils of steam are curling off the water and the mirror is starting to fog up. I toss a handful of scented salts into the tub and breath deep as the bathroom starts to smell like an English garden in full bloom. I slide off my shorts and t-shirt and toss them toward the corner before nudging the door shut a little with my foot. Then, I step into the steam and slide down into the soft water, letting the scent envelop me as the water wraps around my skin in a warm, silky embrace. Sighing, I lean my head on the edge of the tub, close my eyes, and let my thoughts drift.

  They drift to Kieren and Antony. Of course.

  I love having them here in the house with me but it is driving me crazy. The more I see them, the more I want them. Both of them. I could never choose. I know this. They each hold a part of my heart in their hands and they don't even know it. I want both of them in my life. These past weeks have shown me how much I love having them in my home, and my fantasies....well, they keep dragging Antony and Kieren into my bed.

  I picture Kieren’s toned stomach again and Antony’s broad shoulders. I think about digging my fingers into the firm flesh of Kieren’s ass as I suck his cock. I think about Antony behind me, his fingers pulling at my nipples then slipping in between my legs to rub at my aching clit. The press of his cock nestled in the cleft of my ass. My nipples tighten in the steamy air and one hand wanders up, my mind picturing the twins.

  These have been my fantasies for years. I’ve thought about being with both of them more times than I can count, but having them here with me is causing these thoughts to multiply. I run hands down over my ribs and across my stomach, picturing Antony dragging his tongue lower and lower, stopping to kiss the sensitive skin of my pussy before dipping his tongue into where I'm so hot and wet. My fingers follow the trail I wish his tongue was making and I open myself, sliding my fingers along the seam of my pussy and rubbing at my stiffening clit. I think of laying across my king-sized bed, Antony’s face buried between my legs, pushing his tongue deep inside me, and Kieren above me, his thick cock pressed against my lips and over my tongue, salty in my mouth.

  I gasp and slip my fingers inside. It’s been so long since I’ve been with a man and I’m hungry and needy for release. I slide my fingers in and out and bring the twins back to my fantasy. In my mind, I’m on my hands and knees now with Kieren behind me, pushing deep, his cock stretching my pussy wide. I’d push back against him and reach between my thighs to cup his balls in my hand as he slaps against me. I plunge my fingers in and out faster and fling my foot over the edge, splashing water onto the floor and dislodging the hand shower. It floats across the water and bumps into to my knee. I grab it, turn the water on and set the showerhead to its highest pulse setting. Sliding my eyes closed again, I push the pulsing water against my throbbing clit, slide my fingers back inside and return to Kieren and Antony.

  I imagine them changing places, Antony behind me now, cock buried to the hilt, his fingers playing on my clit and Kieren, his dick pushing down my throat, his fingers knotted around my curls as he pulls my mouth down on his shaft, my throat opening wide for him. Oh god. This is what is I want. My twins, owning me and claiming me. My body breaks open and moans escape from my throat as my release rushes over me, my body rocking against the shower handle and splashing water over the edge of the tub.

  Someone’s at the door. There’s a soft knock and I hear Kieren’s voice through the crack.

  “Just wanted to let you know dinner’s almost ready,” he says.

  “I’ll be right out.” My voice sounds high and shivery.

  “You okay?”

  I clear my throat. “I’m fine. I’ll be out soon.” I listen to his footsteps fade away as he crosses my bedroom and I wonder what he heard. How long had he been at my door? Did he hear me having an orgasm? A thrill rolls through my body at the thought as my cheeks heat even more. I almost want him to know.

  A few minutes later, I’m dressed in a light sundress and joining the boys outside for dinner. I can’t look at them and focus instead on the soft candlelight spilling across the table and the delicious scent of the food.

  “You look a little flushed,” Antony comments.

  “Just…the water was warm.” I sputter. Kieren gives me a glance, his eyes shrewd and searching. I think he knows. He heard me. My skin flushes even more and I reach across the table, grabbing at the platter of chicken in an attempt to distract Kieren from reading my face.

  “This looks great,” I say and start heaping chicken and vegetables onto my plate. Both of the boys are staring at me.

  I shovel a bite of food into my mouth and gesture at the table with my fork. “You guys going to eat?” I ask around a mouthful of lettuce.

  Antony just shakes his head and starts piling food on his plate but Kieren is still studying me with a sharp green-eyed gaze. Finally, he shrugs and helps himself to the food.

  We spend a few quiet minutes eating, the only sound the soft clink of the silverware against the plates and quiet pop of Antony uncorking the wine bottle. He pours for us and I sit back and sip at the cold Pinot Grigio, savoring the burst of apple and honeysuckle across my tongue.

  “This is really good. You guys did a great job,” I say as I take another bite of the tender grilled chicken.

  “What can I say…man of many talents, right here.” Kieren grins at me and pops a mushroom into his mouth.

  “So, what’s the schedule for the week look like?” asks Antony. Always business with this one.

  “I’ll forward you the email once Samson sends it. He’s got a few things scheduled for me.”

  “Speaking of mail, I brought yours up.” Antony reaches around and pulls a packet of envelopes and magazines from the inner pocket of his jacket hanging on the back of his chair. He hands them to me and I start to flip through them.

  “Look. I made US Weekly.” I roll my eyes and toss the magazine to Kieren who guffaws and flips it open to find out who wore it best…me or Gigi.

  “I need to arrange to have these bills sent along to Samson,” I murmur, half to myself. “What’s this…”

  There’s an envelope with just my name scrawled across the front. No return address, no postage.

  Antony is immediately tense. “Let me see that.”

  “It’s for me.” I rip open the back and pull out a single sheet of paper. I can feel the blood draining from my face as I read note scrawled in messy handwriting.

  “What is it?” Kieren reaches over but Antony is faster and snatches the note from between my trembling fingers. He scans it quickly before passing it Kieren. I watch as his face darkens, jaw tightening with a hard fury.

  The note is from Dennis. He’s back. And he knows where I live.



  Dennis showing up again was inevitable. Guys like him who are disturbed and twisted, don’t just disappear. They need to be threatened with legal, and sometimes physical action before they’ll crawl back into their hole, and even then, on occasion, all they do is get sneakier about their stalking. The
y stay out of sight and watch and wait and plot. There are only three things, in my experiences, that will truly get rid of a stalker; jail, another victim, or death. Victoria was shaken to the core when that note showed up, and not because of what it said. It was a simple note. A ‘Hi, I’m thinking of you’ note. No, it was because he violated her most personal and sacred of spaces through that letter. He came to her home. He knows where she lives.

  One good thing came of the letter; we finally know who he is. We pulled prints from the paper and envelope and found out our guy is one Dennis Blanton, movie theater manager. Imagine that. He’s had prior complaints filed against him for stalking but no convictions so far. It made it easier to get the restraining order against him.

  The restraining order is in a manila envelope on the seat next to me. I’ve just picked it up from the police station and I’m going to deliver it to Victoria. I know that it’s just a piece of paper and probably won’t do much to actually keep a guy like Dennis away but it will make her feel a little safer at least. And speaking of safer, we’ve hired a guard to cover her front gate and make sure everyone who comes onto the property is announced, and that no one slips in while the gate is closing. It’s an extra hassle but worth it to protect Victoria.

  I guide the SUV up the winding Hollywood Hill roads towards Victoria’s home, the iconic Hollywood sign a white beacon on the hillside. The neighborhood is quiet and the new guard is lazing against the fence when I pull up in front of the house. He glances up and gives me a slow wave, punching at the button to open the gates. I pull to a stop in front of him, waiting impatiently for the window to roll down.

  “What the hell? Weren’t you instructed to call up to the house before opening the gates?” I pounce on the young guard.

  “I knew it was you, man. I recognize the car.”

  “You know how many black SUV’s drive around L.A. on a daily basis? This is a woman’s life you’re playing with here. You. Announce. Everyone. You check every. Vehicle. Understood?”

  The kid looks down, his face contrite and red. “Understood, sir.”

  “Good. Now open the gate.”

  The gate slides open and I pull around the house, sliding the SUV in behind Victoria’s Mini. There’s a white Ranger Rover parked in the loop at the front of the house that I recognize as Liddie’s. It’s good that Victoria is having visitors and trying to live her life normally. I grab the restraining order, lock up the car and let myself in through the patio doors. I can hear giggling coming from the front of the house, punctuated by Kieren’s low voice. I snag a bottle of water from the fridge and head toward the living room.

  It looks like Victoria’s Secret has exploded in the living room. Every lacy, sheer, see-through, silky, sexy piece of lingerie I’ve ever pictured is draped over every available surface. There’s a bottle of champagne and three glasses dripping condensation onto a little side table. Victoria, Liddie, and Kendra are still digging through the pile of bags stacked four deep beside the door. Kieren is sprawled across the sofa, feet propped on the table in front of him and a sheer pink bra dangling from his fingers. His grin stretches from ear to ear. I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Antony, hi!” Victoria gives me a dazzling smile when she notices me standing there, manila envelope almost forgotten in my hand. “We went shopping. Kieren was nice enough to take us. Don’t worry, we took Liddie’s Ranger Rover, not the Mini. Look, Agent Provocateur!” She holds up a black, frothy piece of silken sheerness held together with ribbons. I have no idea what it is but I desperately want to see it on Victoria. And then tear it off her.

  I look at Kieren. His grin, impossibly, has gotten even bigger. I step around a pile of lace somethings and stop in front of him. “Having fun?”

  “You better believe it.” He gives his head a jerk and I look over to see Kendra, naked to the waist, pulling on a cherry-red corset. It matches her hair. She doesn’t take her eyes off Kieren as she adjusts the ribbons that tie it. She plumps her tits with her hands, nipples barely covered by the lace. With a wink, she spins in a slow circle. “What do you think?”

  “I love it!” Victoria squeals. I glance at the bottle of champagne and realize she may be just the slightest bit tipsy. On her, it’s cute. “Antony, what about this one?” She’s holding up a creamy confection of material, tied in the front with light pink ribbons. It’s so sheer I could read a book through it. In dim lighting. I have no trouble imagining Victoria in it. In a candlelit room, her pink skin glowing through the fabric, the silk rubbing across her nipples causing them to pebble. I’d take them in my teeth, bite them right through the nightie until they were diamond hard against my tongue…

  “It’s nice,” I say. “Kieren, let’s take a walk. We need to have a chat with the gate guard. And I have the restraining order.” I raise the envelope in my hand.

  Kieren shrugs and pulls a satin robe off his lap, dropping it to the sofa before unfolding his body and stepping around the girls and the shopping bags. “I expect a full show when we return, ladies.” Kieren winks at their giggles and follows Antony down the hall and out the back door.

  “So, what’s up with gate guard?” he asks.

  “Oh. Just, he waved me through without stopping to check it was actually me. I dressed him down for it.”

  “Okay then. The restraining order?” He flicks his fingers at it and I hand it to him. He pulls the papers out and quickly reads over them. “This seems standard.”

  “It is. He has to stay at least three hundred feet from her, her property and residence, any building she’s currently occupying and he can’t contact her via phone, text, mail, fax, or send gifts. Cover’s it all.”

  “You couldn’t tell me this inside? I mean, did you see what was going on in there?”

  “You planning on sleeping with Kendra?”

  “Chick with the parrot hair? Nah. Doesn’t mean I won’t watch her model lingerie, though. I’m a man as well as a bodyguard!” He grins at me.

  “Uh huh. What about Victoria?”

  “I don’t discriminate. I’ll watch her too. And she’s had just enough champagne to not feel awkward about stripping down in front of her stepbrothers."

  “Listen, Kie…” I drop into one of the patio chairs and kick the other out with my foot, nudging it towards Kieren.

  “What’s going on man?” He eases into the chair, his face clouding with worry.

  “It’s about Victoria.”

  I see his lips twitch once before he pulls his face into a mask of seriousness. “What about her?”

  “I’m starting to…” I stop, not sure if I can get the words out. Fuck it. I take a deep breath and rush the words. “I’m starting to have feelings for her. Not brother type feelings either. I want her.”

  Kieren throws back his head and guffaws. The sound scares a flock of tiny birds from the nearby bushes. They take flight, fluttering into the clear blue sky. I level a look at my brother and wait until he catches his breath. “You done?”

  “Sorry. Yes. This is what you really brought me out to talk about?”

  “It is.”

  I guess the serious tone of my voice finally gets through to him because he stops his chuckling and sits back in his chair. He ruffles his already disheveled hair and scratches at his stubbled chin.

  “All right. We’re talking about this then. Now?”


  “So talk. I know you didn’t haul me out here just to tell me you want Victoria. So, what else is it?”

  “I just need to know. What about you? How do you feel about her?”

  “She’s a beautiful girl.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’ve already established that. Do you want her?” I say flatly.

  “What man wouldn’t? She’s gorgeous.”

  “Cut the shit, Kie. I’ve seen the way you look at her. And I know you guys have fun together. You’ve always been able to make her smile.”

  Kieren tilts his chair back, rocking it onto two legs, his eyes studying the vines twisting
through the pergola overhead. He exhales slowly. “What do you want me to tell you?”

  “What you feel. The truth.”

  He drops the chair and leans toward me, his elbows on his knees, hands dangling between his legs. “Yeah, I’m attracted to her. I have feelings for her. If it wasn’t for Victoria, I’d be balls deep in that rainbow haired girl already. I know that if I hook up with one of her friends that it will destroy any small chance I might have with her. There.”

  I knew it. I’m not mad. We both want her. I think I always have and I think it’s same with Kieren. I don’t know where to go with this.

  “What should we do?” I ask him.

  Kieren pushes out of his chair and starts pacing around the bricks of the patio. He spins when he reaches the edge and marches back, stopping in front of me, forcing me to crane my neck to look up at him.


  “What do you mean, nothing?”

  “Think about it, Ant. This is Victoria, not just some girl. She’s already Michael Carter’s daughter. And she’s a helluva actress. There’s already Oscar buzz about her. Her life is going to get more and more public. Do you want to be the one responsible for the tabloid articles that will be printed if the press finds out she’s dating one of her stepbrother’s? I know this Hollywood but some stuff is still taboo.”

  I’d never thought about it that way. Press is something that I never consider. Except for when our mother married Michael they’ve mostly left us alone. We’re just not that interesting to them as Victoria. But we would be if she was dating one of us.

  “I guess you’re right. So we do nothing.”

  “Just shove those feelings down deep, bro. And maybe take a cold shower.”

  “Strangle my emotions…and my cock. Sounds like a plan. When did you get so sensible?”

  Kieren claps me on the shoulder as we make our way back into the house. “Don’t let the pretty face fool you, little brother.”

  Taking up his spot on the sofa, Kieren watches as the girls’ model lingerie and open another bottle of champagne. He jerks his head to the empty spot on the end of the sofa but I just smile and head for our bedroom.


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