ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance) Page 41

by Leah Kent

  Denise was turning 40 in one week. It wasn’t ancient old, but it was old. It was too old to still be single and have no prospects. She couldn’t remember the last time she had had real prospects, if she was being honest with herself. She did not think she was terribly ugly, but she knew she wasn’t beautiful. She wasn’t beautiful enough to be a MILF that young guys would want to date. Would she still be a MILF if she didn’t have any kids? Did that make her a cougar? God, that was so much worse. She wasn’t young enough or pretty enough to have a sugar daddy want to take her on.

  She had thin blond hair, and a waist that was once thin, but had slowly grown flab. She flattered herself that she wasn’t fat, but she knew that she was far from the standard in today’s world. She had dirty blonde hair that she had tried to dye different colors a dozen times. But her hair was just as stubborn as she was. It wouldn’t take to any hair dye she tried, no matter how expensive it was, whether she applied it herself or went to a salon. It infuriated her to no end. So here she was, stuck with her dirty blonde hair. She had grey eyes, not the deep, interesting stormy grey eyes that many people thought of when they thought of grey eyes. Rather she had a concrete grey shade of eyes, which could not be any uglier. Again, she tried to use colored contacts to change the color of her eyes. She saw people doing that all the time online. But they only made her eyes hurt, and they were red for days afterwards. Failure number one million and two. She did have some good parts of her body, or at least she thought so. She had more than ample breasts, which even after 40 years, still stood up, without sagging. Check one for Denise.

  She was single, and entirely miserable about it. She was the kind of woman who had always pictured her wedding, a large affair with all of her family and friends in attendance. She would walk down the aisle to “Here Comes the Bride”, her gorgeous groom waiting for her at the end of the aisle. They would have probably met in college, sharing the same passions and interests. She would stay at home and take care of their children in their large home. It would be perfect. All she needed was the man.

  But after 40 years, that man had never shown up. She looked and looked and looked. But nobody wanted her. Or she had never found the man who would actually love her. She felt as if she were a failure, she didn’t know how she could not find anyone. She would even have settled for a man she didn’t completely love. She just wanted….someone. It was shallow, and her friends had told her than being alone wasn’t the worst thing in the world. She should look on the brighter side of things. She was a successful lawyer, and had built her own firm that was easily making money everyday. That was what most people dreamed of on a regular basis. But not Denise.

  She looked up and saw that her stop was approaching, and she got up, preparing to disembark. She was desperate to get out of the subway, away from the stench of the people. As soon as the doors opened, she bolted out of the subway, running into a couple making out just on the other side of the doors. Seriously? Who made out RIGHT in front of the subway? She mumbled an apology and ran up the stairs onto the street. The fresh air felt wonderful in her lungs. The ever-present smell of New York City was there, but she could manage that. She walked down the block to her apartment, and quickly went upstairs. She unlocked her door, and her cat greeted her. Mr. Darcy was the only consistent man in her life, and he was a cat. It was embarrassing. Flinging her purse onto her couch, she walked to the computer to check her email. Scanning through the emails, one in particular caught her eye. “Lonely No More, Find a Husband Today” was the subject line. She knew that there were dozens of fake websites promising to find you love, and many dating websites, but none of them worked for her. She tried them all. But she had never heard of TLC Marriages. She couldn’t help herself but click on the email.

  She scanned through the website, looking at what exactly the site did. It was a mail order bride service essentially, matching up men and women based on mutual desires. She wasn’t sure how legal it was, but the wording would slip through all of the legal loopholes. She didn’t know why, but she felt drawn to this site. It was probably bogus, and would take her money and leave her heart broken. But she couldn’t click the exit button. It didn’t make any sense. But they said all of the right things, and hit all of her sore spots. Without thinking about it anymore, she filled out the form. She filled out her questionnaire, listing her sexual and personal preferences, blushing the entire time. When she was finished she went to the fridge to open a bottle of wine. What had she done?

  Chapter Two

  Denise barely slept that night. She kept tossing and turning, wondering if she had made the right choice. What kind of men would sign up for a mail order bride website? Who would pay for their spouse? She questioned the motive of the men until she took a hard look at herself. She would pay for a spouse. In fact, she was basically doing that now. She had logged onto the site several times, each time tempted to cancel her subscription. What if nobody wanted her? Nobody could want her, she was unwantable. She ended up leaving her subscription up, praying for something she couldn’t quite decide. It was impossible for her to figure out if it would be better for no man to want her, or for a man to want her. Her head was spinning, and coffee was the only solution.

  The smell of the coffee brewing invigorated her, and she felt a second wind coming. She had taken the leap to sign up for the service, she was damn well going to see how it panned out. She took a deep breath before logging onto her computer, calming her heartbeat down. She typed in the address to the website and logged in. She closed her eyes as the site processed her log in information, terrified of the rejection that she knew would await her. She opened her eyes after several minutes, and almost fell out of her chair in surprise. She had an offer! She couldn’t believe it, a man actually wanted her! Her account had only been online a few hours, she didn’t know how he could be so sure so soon. But she didn’t care. She clicked his page, and read everything she could about him.

  His name was Antonio, and he was a farmer in California, not far from San Francisco. He owned his farm outright, and grew oranges, avocados, and more. He was looking for someone to help him build him farm even bigger, and someone to fill his lonely days. Well, that sounded like her. She wasn’t so sure about moving across country, but if it meant an end to this depressive loneliness she had been feeling for so long she would do it. She clicked accept without even thinking about it. If she thought about it, she would just repeat the same argument that she had been having with herself all night. She was going to try this.

  Within seconds she got an email from the website’s administrator, congratulating her on her match, and that they would be sending an email with Antonio’s instruction as to how they will proceed. She paced her apartment waiting her his email, waiting for something from him. It was excruciating waiting for him to reply. Finally, after an hour that felt like a century, his email arrived. He sent her information with flights to California, asking her to take the first flight that she could to see him. She jumped with joy. She quickly replied back that she would love to, and that she would be on the first flight the next day. He replied within seconds with the paid ticket, wishing her a safe and speedy journey.

  Denise quickly pulled out her suitcase and began to pack her clothing. She packed the clothes that she felt flattered her the most, and packed all of the lingerie she owned. Even if she was not meant to be with Antonio in the long run, she knew that they would be having sex. Her body tensed with anticipation, and desire flooded down. She had no idea what Antonio looked like, but she was desperate to feel him over her body. She needed him with a desperation she knew she should hide from him, so she wouldn’t scare him away. It had been far too long since she had a man. But it wouldn’t be long now.

  Chapter Three

  “Please fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land, thank you,” the pretty voice of the flight attendant called over the intercom. It had been a long seven-hour flight, but she had made the trek from New York City to San Francisco. Her husband to be would
pick her up from the airport, and they would go to his ranch house an hour or so outside of the city. She had been nervous the entire flight. Forget butterflies in her stomach, she felt as if she was hosting an army in there. She was terrified that she wouldn’t be good enough for Antonio. He already had captured her heart, which was pitiful, but it was true. She wanted him, because he wanted her. It wasn’t complicated in her mind. She felt the plane dive, and the bump that meant they had landed. As excited as she was, she stayed in her seat until most of the other passengers had left the plan. She grabbed her small carry on bag and walked out of the plane, her stomach churning. It was the moment of truth.

  She walked out of the terminal, and looked around for Antonio. It was difficult to tell who he was, as she had never even seen a picture of him before. She was hoping that he would some how recognize her. Scanning the crowd, she heard someone call her name from behind her. God, even his voice was sexy. How was she going to do this if everything he said and did made her want to jump his bones? She turned around, and saw the most exquisite example of a man that she could think of. He had shiny black hair slicked back, and a thick black mustache and goatee. His tanned skin covered bulging muscles that no shirt of his could possibly contain. Her pussy was instantly aflame; she couldn’t understand how he could not notice.

  “Hi,” she said, holding out her hand as she walked up to him. “Hello there beautiful,” he said, gripping her hand, and holding it in his hands, refusing to let go. “How was your flight?” “It was good, better now,” she said, blushing. He held her hand tightly and led her out of the airport. “I am glad you agreed to meet me,” he said as they walked. His California accent was disconcerting to her, and she had only ever known an east coast New York accent. “Me too. Although I am not sure why you picked me,” she admitted, blushing even deeper. He opened the door to his Bronco truck for her, helping her into the car. His hands lingered on her body ever so much longer than was necessary, and she loved it.

  “I’ll show you once we get to the ranch,” he said mysteriously before pulling out of the parking lot. They spent the next hour of the car ride talking about each other’s lives, learning about who they were. He was a successful farmer, but wanted a family to help him continue his legacy, and help him through his lonely days. He was exactly like her in so many ways. But he was so much better looking. She felt anxious to get to the ranch, and see what he wanted her for. She thought it had to be something sexual, what else could he get so anxious and nervous about? Unless he had a strange fetish. She could handle that. He was paying her to handle that, at any rate. It was too late to back out now.

  When they pulled up to his ranch, Denise was absolutely stunned. It was gorgeous. The trees were full with fruit, and the entire farm was green with plant life. Living in a concrete jungle like New York, you rarely ever saw something as beautiful and green as this. She was in love. “Do you like it?” he asked, opening her car door after parking. “I love it,” she said, meaning it. It was perfect. “Good,” he said, and took her hand. “I can’t wait any longer,” he continued, pulling her to the front of his house, and pressing her against the porch railing. He took a few steps forward, and she moved to follow him, but he told her to stop. “Wait, please. I have something to tell you. Something that you have to know. You may be wondering why I was on a mail order bride catalog. I have a secret, a dark and vicious secret that I do not tell anyone. It is why I have spent so much time alone. It’s why I have no one in my life. Please, do not freak out, okay?” he asked. “Okay,” she said, unsure of what dark secret he could have that would require such secrecy.

  He took a deep breath, and took off his shirt and his pants, leaving his boxers on. She was pleased to see a raging erection in his boxers. “What in the,” she began before he stopped her. He arched his back, and growled before turning into a bear. Turning into a bear?! What the hell?! She screamed, and fell back against the railing, clutching it hard. He had her trapped there was nowhere for her to go. “What the fuck?” she screamed, freaking out big time. He was a massive brown bear, with a gorgeous, full coat of fur. He was gigantic, bigger than any bear she had ever seen or heard of. She didn’t know how this could be real life. A man finally wants to marry her, and he is a bear?! But as she looked into the eyes of the bear, she saw something that she didn’t expect to see. He was embarrassed, and ashamed. He was ashamed for being what he was, and was alone because of it. Wasn’t that what she was as well? Obviously she was not a werebear, but she had parts of herself, and problems that she was ashamed of, and that she was embarrassed by. That was exactly why she herself was alone. His problems might be more physical, but she was not that different from him. He bought her because he felt her didn’t have any other choice. Nobody else would have him. She braced herself, and decided that she would not be like everyone else. She was going to be the change she wanted for herself. As long as he could change back into a man of course.

  She stood up and walked towards the man/bear, looking more confident than she felt. Reaching out her hand, she petted the bear’s head, and he nuzzled into her hand. She continued to pet him, feeling more and more confident by the minute. He pulled away from her quickly, and transformed back into a man. He was entirely naked at this point, his boxers having been ripped off in the metamorphosis. He picked up his pants and put them on, much to Denise’s dismay. “So, you don’t mind?” he asked nervously, trying to wrangle his still hard cock into his pants. “I can’t say it isn’t going to be difficult, and strange, but I know what it feels like to be unwanted because of something that is beyond your control. I want to try this,” she said.

  Without warning he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hard, holding her head in his hands. She kissed him back automatically, without thinking about it. It felt good, and right. She knew in that moment that she had made the right choice. He was the one for her, and whether she was for him was to be decided tonight. It was her time to perform, and she could not waste this opportunity, no matter what.

  Chapter Four

  He pressed her against the railing of the porch, tightening his grip on her hair. He growled into her mouth as he wrenched her mouth open with his tongue. His tongue roamed around her mouth, tasting her, claiming her. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth, desperate for more of her. He kissed her with a desperation that she could not put into words, but she knew in her soul. He was showing her his appreciation for what she was doing for him, and that she was going to accept him despite his flaws. She was quickly beginning to see his bear shifter not as a flaw, but as a blessing, a gift. How many people could say that they could change into a bear? How many people can say they are the stuff of legend?

  She supposed that she should be worried that he was dangerous. He could easily rip her apart when in his bear form. As her hands roamed his bare back, she felt his rippling muscles. He could probably rip her apart in his human form as well, she admitted to herself. She was worried, a little but about the danger, she could not pretend that she wasn’t. In fact, it terrified her. He was paranormal, supernatural! It would be foolish to trust him wholeheartedly. Never mind the fact that she had only known him for about two hours or so. She was desperate for love and attention for herself, but she wasn’t that desperate. She had to be on her guard, at least a little bit. He was absolutely stunning, sexy, and made her think dirty, dirty thoughts. But there was a reason she was 40 and still single. She had to be cautious, overly cautious.

  But that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy herself. In the other hand, this is exactly what she wanted so much, it was what she had been fantasizing about since she first read his email. She might not have known what he looked like, but that didn’t stop her imagination from creating her dream man, feeling his invisible hands race around her body, driving her wild with desire. Fantasy was becoming reality, and she could not be happier. She drove herself out of her thoughts, remembering that this was on some level a try out for her, an interview for a husband. She needed
him to remember her, and not want to let her go. It was absolutely necessary that he never want to imagine life without her. She could not handle the rejection of a man who was in his situation. If a bear shifter who was looking for love could not accept her, who was ever going to? She knew it didn’t work like that in reality, but she couldn’t help feeling it. This was her moment to end her misery and depression. She saw herself living here, with him, tending to his every need. She could have everything that she ever wanted, if she proved her worth.

  She broke from the kiss, kissing his neck, getting onto her knees as she kissed down his abdomen. His body was perfectly sculpted, and it was impossible to see that he was actually 45. He looked and felt as if he were still in his 20s. She pushed the insecurity that came to her mind away, not wanting to ruin the moment. His cock was already rock hard and standing at attention, his veins bulging out of his girth. He was long and thick, bigger than she had had in a very long time. She would not be surprised if he were the biggest that she had ever taken before. She licked his shaft with one movement, tasting the sweet sweat coating him. He felt his body shaking beneath her touch, and realized he was just as nervous as she was about this.

  She realized again that they were really feeling the same things. As she was embarrassed that she has to sign up for a mail order bride website, he was embarrassed that he had to pay for a woman to love and accept him. He wanted to be what she wanted, and make up for his own perceived failures and flaws. He thought of this as his interview to be her husband. It was endearing, and urged her on. They would test each other, seeing the boundaries and limits to their desperation and needs. What wouldn’t be tested, she felt, was their lust. They needed to get their fill of the opposite sex, feel another person focused on their body. They would give it all they had.


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