ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance) Page 47

by Leah Kent

  The use of stock photos in the making of this book no way implies that the models condone, endorse or participate in the fictitious conduct that is within this book, by implication or expressly. The person(s) depicted are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  The book is for sale to only mature audiences. It may contain sexually explicit content with vulgar language which may be considered offensive to some readers. Please be responsible with where you store this book.

  Chapter One

  Zoey Spencer walked through the forest, hand in hand with her lover, Max Hardy. This scene would never catch the eyes of a passing stranger. It would simply look like a young couple taking a hike through the woods. Nothing strange, or extraordinary about that. But that could not be farther from the truth. In fact, nothing about Zoey and Max was normal or ordinary. Zoey first met Max walking out of the lumber company they both work for. Normal enough, right? It would be, until you fast forward to that night, when Zoey saw Max transform into a massive bear, and then turn back into a human.

  But, rewind back to the beginning. Zoey Spencer was just was average girl, recently graduated from college in Los Angeles and starting her new job in Oregon. Her boyfriend had recently dumped her for moving, and she was still trying to get over him. She was closed off emotionally, and was unwilling to let herself open up to anyone. Then, she found out the truth about her new home, and the centuries long war that had been brewing between Max and his clan of bear shifters, and the evil Carter and his band of werewolves. It was difficult for Zoey to accept the new understanding of life, and the world, but Max helped her through it. In fact, his cock had taken her entire being to a whole new, awakened level.

  Her bliss was short-lived, and none other than Carter, the leader of the werewolves, captured Max and Zoey. He took them to their lair, where Carter threatened not only Zoey and Max, but also the entire bear clan. Zoey thought all hope was lost, until Max was able to summon impossible strength and free them, killing Carter in the process. Max had taken her to his cabin then, getting her to safety. It was there that they realized that they were in love with each other, even though they could not explain why or how. It was impossible, but they knew it to be true. They were made for each other.

  Now they were headed to see Max’s family, where they would recover from their experience with Carter. More like recover from their time in Max’s cabin, Zoey laughed to herself. She was nervous to meet his family, and gain their approval. It was hard enough to gain family approval with a human man, but Zoey had no idea what it took to gain the approval of bear shifters. Max swore to her that she would be fine, that they would love her. She hoped he was right.

  They made their way into a bright, open clearing, filled with greenery and the sounds of laughter and conversation. Bears and human bears alike walked around, living what looked like a normal life. They didn’t seem that different from what Zoey had growing up. As she walked by, she noticed how everyone stopped to point and stare at her. She didn’t know how they knew she was an outsider, but they certainly knew. Max pulled her in closer to his body, protecting her from their stares. As the leader of the bear clan, his very presence demanded respect. The surrounding bears didn’t stop staring at her, but they did so much more subtly. She was trying to figure out where they were going, until they reached the end of the clearing. Two women stood, waiting for them to finish their trek through the crowd.

  One woman was older, and the other younger. They looked like they could be twins, if only separated by a good twenty years. They were both tall, with long brown hair that flowed down their backs. Their skin was tanned, and they wore simple jeans and tank tops. Their muscles were striking, even from several feet away. The younger woman jogged up to Max and embraced him, smiling at his safe return. “Max! We repelled the wolves, but we hadn’t heard from you and feared the worst. I’m so glad you are safe.” She finally turned to Zoey, and looked her up and down. Her face was nothing but disgust. “Who is she?” she asked, backing away from Max. Why have you brought an outsider into our midst?” She backed away, hatred in her eyes. “Alex, please. Mother, Alex, this is Zoey. She’s saved my life, and I love her. She is here to join our family.” Alex turned to her mother, looking at her for a reaction. Their mother walked up to Zoey, with an unreadable look in her eyes.

  Zoey was afraid for a moment, but knew that she would not hurt her. “Alex, stop it. Max is right. Zoey has saved his life, in more ways than one. Fate has brought them together, and it is not for us to defy fate. She will stay.” Zoey’s heart lifted at her statement, and she took his mother’s hands in her own. “Thank you,” Zoey told her. His mother nodded her head, and embraced her. Zoey looked to Alex, who nodded as well, knowing better than to challenge her mother.

  Once the bear matriarch let go of Zoey, Zoey walked over to Alex, who took several steps backwards. She may not want to openly challenge her mother, but she was not going to make it easy for Zoey. She did not trust her, and Zoey could not say that she blamed her. “Alex,” she said, placing her hand on Alex’s arm to stop her from walking away. “I know that you do not trust me yet. And I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t trust me either if I were you. But the truth is, I’m not going anywhere. Your brother saved my life, and I love him. I know that sounds crazy, and it probably is. But I can’t change the way we feel about each other. It’s beyond my power. I just want you to know that I love him, with all of my heart. And I want to get along with you, more than that I want to be a part of your life, of the clan’s lives. I want to get to know all of you better. I want to be part of your family. I will do whatever it takes to get to that point with you. I am committed to him, and his way of life. Just give me a chance, please.”

  She felt the warmth and love emanating behind her from Max, and she snuck a look over at their mother, and saw the acceptance and love in her own look. She looked back to Alex, hoping to find some kind of reaction. She saw confusion, but also respect. Zoey knew in that moment that she would find a place of peace with Alex, if it took some time that would be okay. She would be all right.

  The rest of the night was spent celebrating with the rest of the bear clan on the safe return of their beloved leader, and the acceptance of his mate, the future queen of the clan. It was a momentous occasion. It was wonderful, seeing the way the bears interacted with each other. They were the complete opposite of the wolves. They were warm, full of love, and fun. Zoey knew that she would be happy here, and that she had found her true family.

  Chapter Two

  Zoey was still buzzing with the euphoria from the party. She had met so many new people, and made so many friends. Once she had received the blessing of Jackie, Max and Alex’s mother, the rest of the bears had no problem accepting her. They quickly absorbed her into the group, and she fit right in. She danced and talked the night away, cementing her position within the clan. Max stayed at the periphery of the party the entire time, talking to his sister, and watching Zoey. She knew that he wanted her to find her place without his interference or aid. She was grateful for that. She needed to gain their respect without making them feel as if they had to like her, because she was Max’s. She wanted them to like her for her.

  After the party Max lead her to his home. It was unlike his cabin in the woods where he took her after escaping the wolves. It was a much grander cabin, and filled with knick-knacks and pictures. He had an entire wall full of books. This felt like a home, not like the sterile pretend home he brought her too last time. “I know, the cabin wasn’t much. It isn’t built to be much. I only use it in case I need a place to crash, and don’t have the time to get home. This,” he said, gesturing to this house. “This is my real home. I hope you like it,” he said, looking at her. She walked around, beaming. It was absolutely gorgeous. She felt as if she were finally getting a better understanding of Max. She could see who he was, rather than just feeling it. He was absolutely perfect.

  “Oh Max, I love it. I love everything that you’ve introduced me too. I admit
, I was terrified of trying to gain the approval of a group of bears. I mean, what can I have to impress them?” she laughed, walking around the house, finding Max’s bedroom. “But I feel like I made some real connections tonight, that at least most of them really enjoyed me. I couldn’t be happier. I’m sorry that I ventured away from you. I just wanted to feel like they could talk to me without feeling the pressure of their lord and leader.” She realized she was talking too much, and turned to face Max, an apology quick on her lips when she saw his face. He was smiling from ear to ear, absolutely exploding with happiness. “What?” she asked, poking him in the stomach.

  “Nothing, I’m just so glad you enjoyed yourself,” he said, closing the distance between them. He grabbed her arms in his, pulling her close into his body. “You were so sexy, and powerful. I couldn’t interrupt you,” he said, bringing his face close to hers. Her body filled with anticipation as she hoped he would kiss her. “I love you Zoey, I hope you are happy.” Zoey smiled as she looked him deep in her eyes. “Yes, Max, I couldn’t be happier.” She closed the distance between their lips, and kissed him passionately.

  Chapter Three

  Max quickly took her face in his hands and kissed her back with just as much passion. He ravenously devoured her lips, and deepened their embrace. She felt her body bend backwards, as he tried to draw her impossibly closer. There was no degree of intimacy which could satisfy them, they wanted more and more, more than was possible. He kissed her slowly, as if he were enjoying a fine wine, taking in its aromatic notes and flavors. She ran her hands through his hair, kissing him back with increased fervor. She tangled her tongue into his, tasting his raw masculinity on his tongue. She never could figure out how every bit of his being was able to taste like manhood. It was a trait unique to him, one of many. He was so unlike any man she had ever met. It’s what she loved about him.

  As they continued to make out, Zoey was surprised at his softness. They had only had sex twice since they met, but each time Zoey could feel his bear struggling to escape the confines of his human body. His bear knew what it wanted, and took it. Max was more soft, and gentle with her. But he could never completely hide his bear from her. It made its presence known one way or another. But this time, this time was different, she thought to herself. She could not feel the raw power of Max’s bear lurking behind his every action. She felt the gentle, soft love of Max. She wasn’t sure how to react to his new softness. He had awoken in her an animal of her own, an animal who must be fed. She had never been a sexual person, but he had introduced her to an entirely new kind of living. She didn’t know how she had gone so long without it. She was used to his domineering, hard and fast sex that drove her wild with need and passion. They have never had the patience of the ability to slow down before, as they were entirely controlled by their need to feel the other, in every way possible. She was definitely going to need to adjust to this new Max.

  He leads her to the bed, and lays her gently down on the bed. He placed his hands on either side of her head, and leaned his body over hers, taking her lips back into his mouth. He held his body over hers, teasing her. He knew how much she loved to just run her hands along his body, feeling the way it’s muscles ridged, and how they fit perfectly into her body. He withheld his body from her, wanting her attention focused solely on her lips. He sucked her lower lip deep into his mouth, and she lifted her head back up to his. She didn’t want to escape his lips.

  He pressed his body down onto hers, completely covering her small frame with his muscular body. She felt his massive erection pressing into her abdomen, and desire instantly flooded into her panties. Her body recalled the way his cock filled her up, and it wanted more. She pressed her body up into his, pressing his erection deeper into her body. She could tell by the smile on his face that he felt the heat radiating from her core. His bear still had not made its presence felt, again surprising Zoey. But she didn’t care. She wanted to learn the human side of Max, void of his animalistic side.

  Zoey’s hands run along his body, feeling his muscles through his shirt. It was entirely too much clothing though, and she tried to take his shirt off, pulling at the ends. He wouldn’t let her though, pulling his shirt back down. She looked at him questioningly, unsure of what he was thinking. “I know, you want to go fast. But,” he said, kissing her hard. “I don’t want to fuck you like an animal. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. So much. But the first time I have sex with you in my home, my true home, I don’t want to fuck you. I want to make love to you. I want you, Zoey. Do you trust me?” he said. She had to admit, it was another first for her. There was no man she had ever had sex with that had wanted so badly to feel something with her, rather than just take her body. He was such a romantic. It was rare to find someone like that nowadays.

  “Max, of course I trust you. I love you, with all of my being. It’s hard to contain the animal you awoke inside of me. I have never experience something as deep as the connection that we have together. I want you, in every way imaginable. I trust whatever you have in mind,” she said, taking his lips back into hers. She meant what she said. It was really hard not to unleash her own animal. But she also wanted that emotional, deep, romantic sex. She would follow his lead.

  Zoey instead focused on his pleasure. Pleasing him was the quickest way to pleasuring herself, which made things much less complicated. She realized that her romantic self was tainted by the memory of her ex, who had ruined love for her, or at least she thought he did. She had not been able to access anything beyond her raw love for Max. But that’s not what a real relationship is built on. If she wanted to get deep with Max, she was going to need to follow his lead, and force herself deeper into their emotions. Adrenaline and fear had previous blocked her emotions with him before, but not now. Max forced her to feel everything, good, bad, sexy, and ugly. It was another reason why she loved him.

  Max ran his hand down her body, feeling everything that he was claiming as his own. Her breasts, her shoulders, her back, it was all his. She gladly gave him everything that she had to offer. It was his for the taking. All she wanted in return was him. She wanted his biceps, his abs, and his heart. Everything about him was hers. They belonged to each other. “Zoey, I love you. You are the most perfect person that I have ever met. We will have plenty of time to explore the darkest, deepest part of each other. But now, I just want you. Get out of your head,” he said, smashing his lips against hers once again.

  Chapter Four

  Zoey kissed him back, starving for the feel of his tongue on hers again. She tugged again on his shirt without realizing it, until Max broke the kiss to take the shirt off. His magnificent body glistened with a layer of sweat in front of her eyes. His body was absolutely perfect, and her body responded by flooding her panties with more desire. Her delicate hands move over his rigid abs, down his stomach, to the area just above his waistline. She reached her head up, and licked the outline of his nipple. Even his sweat had that masculine musk that drove her wild with desire. She licked the other nipple, loath to leave any part of his body untouched or wanting for attention. She felt a growl emanate from deep within his chest, but kept going.

  She took one of his nipples into her mouth, sucking it, and running her tongue along the small, pert berry that perked up at her attention. She gently bit down, feeling his body react with pleasure. He moaned aloud, and arched his head back. She kissed across his chest until she reached his other nipple, sucking it into her mouth as well. She licked around his nipple before biting down, harder this time, forcing a grunt to escape Max. He looked down at her in pleasure before lifting her up to take her shirt off. “My turn,” he said with a voice chocked with desire. Once he got her shirt off of her body, he through it to the ground near his own shirt before he kissed down her neck, to her chest. He kissed her clavicle, and the upper portion of her breasts. His rough hands grabbed her breasts, massaging them, and squeezing them. She moaned into his chest, loving the attention he gave her ample tits. He kissed her breasts thro
ugh the fabric of her bra, biting down on her nipple, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. He knew exactly how to drive her body wild.

  He suddenly flipped her over and ran his hands over his shoulders, kissing the small tattoo of a hummingbird on her shoulder blade. “My little hummingbird,” her murmured as his lips dragged across her flesh. She felt his erection pressing into her ass, and she pushed back, making her desire perfectly clear to him. He laughed as he slowly undid the clasp of her bra, throwing it to the side. He kissed along her back slowly, tasting every inch of her. His tongue sent little zaps of electricity down her spine, sending her to the brink of orgasm before he had even gotten her clothes off all the way.

  His mouth made it’s way to her neck, kissing her gently, before sucking her flesh into her mouth. She laughed as she realized he was giving her a hickey. It was so childish, it reminded her of high school. But it made her feel loved and wanted. She had never received one in high school. She turned her head to face his, and pressed his head into her neck. She loved the feel of his lips on her body; it made her want to do illegal things to him.

  Max flipped her back over onto her back, kissing her lips hard. His hands grip her naked breasts hard, and she pressed his head down, wanting him to suckle her breasts into his mouth. He obeys her silent command, sucking her nipple into his mouth, closing his eyes in pleasure. His free hand squeezes her other breast, pinching her nipple until it is pert with attention. He took his mouth off her nipple, pinching it, and flicking it, sparking the sensitive nerve endings in her breast. He sucked the other breast into his mouth, moaning into her breast at the taste. He loved the way she tasted, and the fact that no one else would ever touch her and taste her the same way he is able to.


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