Moonlight Kiss cc-5

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Moonlight Kiss cc-5 Page 12

by LuAnn McLane

  Smile still in place, she started toward the sidewalk leading to the front steps. But out of the corner of her eye she spotted something big and furry galloping in her direction. At first Addison thought it was a fat little pony. No . . . Oh God, it . . . Is it a wolf? She stood, rooted to the spot as the animal raced across the yard and straight for her. Would it attack? Bite? She took a shaky step backward, wondering whether to bolt for the front steps or dive into her car. Before she could decide, the big ball of brown fur ran around her in a circle as if closing in for the kill. His deep bark struck terror in her heart. A scream bubbled up in Addison’s throat but fear squeezed her vocal cords. Mind racing, adrenaline pumping, she wondered if there was anything in her purse that the dog would like to eat, like maybe a T-bone steak, so she could run like hell. But she could only think of chewing gum and didn’t suppose that would do the trick unless the dog wanted minty-fresh breath.

  After another deep bark the huge dog skidded to a stop and then pounced. The big paws came up on her shoulders, making Addison stagger backward and wonder if she should fight or play dead. The big furry head leaned in . . .

  And licked her.

  He happily lapped one cheek and then the other. Letting out her held breath, Addison giggled first from repressed hysteria and then from absolute relief that the big animal was actually a gentle giant.

  “Little John, down!”

  Little John paused in his licking but his paws remained. He looked at Addison as if asking permission for one last lick. He took her giggle as a yes.

  “I said down!” Another command came from across the yard.

  Addison looked over Little John’s massive shoulder and spotted Reid standing next to the metal barn across from the house. He had a tool of some kind in his hand and he was holy cow . . . shirtless. His jeans had a rip across each knee and a hole in one thigh, but it was his chest that captured her undivided attention.

  Little John gave Addison’s chin a sly, quick lick before pushing away from her shoulders. Although the threat of being eaten alive no longer applied, when she brushed a lock of hair from her face she wasn’t surprised to notice a tremble in her fingers. She was used to dogs, but little yappy things, not big brutes . . . even though Little John turned out to be a lovable brute.

  Reid quickly closed the distance from across the yard and gave Little John a shake of his head. “You know better.” When he shook his finger at Little John, the big dog hung his head. “I’m sorry. He’s harmless, but I hope he didn’t scare you.”

  “No,” Addison scoffed. “I didn’t see my life flash before my eyes or anything else like that.”

  Reid chuckled and seemed to relax a little bit. When he reached up and shoved damp hair off his forehead the movement caused a delicious ripple of muscle. A slight sheen of sweat made his tanned skin glisten. Just the right amount of tawny chest hair narrowed into an enticing line that disappeared beneath his jeans. With no belt, the worn denim hung low on his waist, and in spite of how irritated Addison felt toward him she couldn’t help but notice how sexy he looked without a shirt.

  “Sorry. I’m a dirty mess.” He tilted his head toward the barn. “I was fixing the quad.”

  “The quad?”

  “Four-wheeler. I was told to take you out to the old barn but it wouldn’t start.”

  “Wait. . . . What? You? Where’s Sara?”

  “With Mom. They went out to the barn after church to start taking notes. I had orders to take you to them when you arrived.”

  “Oh . . . uh . . . thanks, but I’ll walk.”

  “It’s two miles.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “You’d have to go through the narrow path in the woods. It’s not drivable in a car.”

  “How did Sara get there?”

  “On a quad with my mother.”

  Addison’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “And Mom was driving. We’re outdoorsy people, in case you didn’t notice.”

  Oh, she noticed everything about him.

  “Look, I tried to tell them that you wouldn’t want to ride with me but they weren’t having it.”

  “Isn’t there someone else?”

  Reid shrugged, causing his pecs to do a delicious little dance. “Dad and Braden just left for a Cougars game. Sorry about your luck, but I’m all you’ve got.”

  “Why would Sara not wait for me?”

  Reid took a step closer, crowding her space, making her want to touch him. No! She would not touch him.

  “You really want to know?”


  He hesitated. “Matchmaking.”

  “What?” Addison said so loud that Little John gave her a curious look. “Like, between me and you?” She pointed to herself and then to Reid, just to make sure she heard him right.

  “Sara was singing your praises at breakfast, and my mother kept giving me the look.”

  “The look?”

  “The I-want-grandchildren look.”

  Addison fisted her hands on her hips. “Did you let your mother know that I . . . um . . . ?” How could she put it delicately?

  “Despise me? Yes.”


  When Reid took another step closer it was all Addison could do not to put distance between them, but she didn’t want him to know the effect he was having on her, standing there all tanned skin and honed muscles, and so she stood her ground. “She said that your anger was a shield of armor to guard you against getting hurt again. She said that deep down you want to kiss me.”

  “How could she know that? Wait. I mean, she’s sure got it all wrong.”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “I might have added that last part.”

  Addison inhaled sharply, trying to clear the unwanted attraction to him out of her head. Reid’s unexpected charm after what had transpired between them hacked away at her anger, but she reminded herself that overlooking bad behavior landed her in the middle of regret over and over. She also reminded herself that she was taking a much-needed break from men, period. But she did need to get out there to take a look at the barn.

  “You’re not afraid, are you?”

  “Of what?” Her chin came up and she gave him a challenging look. Of letting down her guard? Hell, yeah.


  “You?” She thought about poking him in the chest, something she’d never done before until being around him. She also never interrupted and rarely raised her voice. She had certainly never grabbed a guy by the shirt and planted a kiss on him. Addison suddenly thought about Mia’s explanation that when it’s the real deal everything is just . . . more intense. No! Hardheaded, judgmental Reid Greenfield was not the one! “I’m not afraid of being around you. Oh, and about that . . . that grabbing and kissing you thing? That was a lapse of judgment, a moment of total insanity that will not be repeated. Ever.”

  “Um, I was merely trying to ask if you’re afraid of riding through the woods on the back of the quad, city girl.”

  “Oh.” She felt heat creep into her cheeks and then bristled. “Of course not,” she answered, wishing she were wearing something more rugged and less preppy. “Country boy.”

  “Just making sure.”

  “Hey, I’ve been skydiving. Bungee jumped off of a bridge. Scuba diving.” She paused, trying to think of something impressive. “Oh, and . . . swam with dolphins.”

  “Just dolphins and not sharks?”

  Okay, she knew that Reid was having fun with this. “Let’s just say I think I can handle riding on a four-wheeler.” Addison wondered why she needed to prove her bravery to him, anyway.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Okay, then,” he said casually, but there was a sudden gleam in his eye that had her swallowing hard.

  Addison just might have drawn a line in the sand; judging by his grin, she guessed he’d just used reverse psychology on her. Damn . . . the truth of the matter was that she wasn’t really a very brave person when it came to things like this. Riding on a roller coaster was bad e
nough and those things she’d boasted about doing had scared her to death. But, really, how scary could riding through the woods on a four-wheeler be? “Let’s get going.” So she was going to have to put her arms around his bare torso. So what?

  “I’m going to borrow one of Braden’s shirts. I got grease on mine. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She watched him walk into the house and then sighed. “Oh, thank God . . .” Addison sat down on the top of the front steps to wait for him. Little John followed and lay down next to her. She looked down at the big, friendly mutt and patted his head. “Well, Little John. What did I just get myself into?”

  A little while later Reid appeared wearing a clean white T-shirt. “Sorry I took a few minutes. I decided that I needed to do you a favor and take a really quick shower.”

  Addison had the sudden image of naked Reid with sudsy water sluicing over his skin.

  “Are you ready?”

  Since her vocal cords took another vacation she nodded. He offered his hand and she grasped it, trying to ignore the little tingle that happened every time the man barely touched her. He tugged her to a standing position, pulling her way too close for her comfort. He smelled freshly showered with a hint of spicy aftershave. Addison had the urge to run her fingers through his damp hair just to feel the wet silk between her fingertips. That thought had her taking a quick step backward, nearly stepping on Little John.

  “Hey.” Reid shoved his fingers through his hair and gave her a serious look. “I want to apologize again for my behavior at your shop. And, look, I know it’s no excuse, but I watched my clients lose thousands of dollars of hard-earned retirement money when the market crashed. My sister was one of them. Finally, the stocks are coming back. The last thing I wanted to happen is for Sara to lose that money again.”

  “I told you that we have that covered. The risk will be minimal, Reid.”

  “I know, and I should back off.” He blew out a sigh and Addison was surprised when he continued. “I was against my brother Jeff heading to Nashville to pursue singing. I mean, the odds were stacked against him, right? I encouraged Braden to finish school.” He shook his head. “The truth is that Jeff’s a talented musician who deserves to get his chance. Braden loves farming, so college wasn’t where he belonged. I should keep my damned mouth shut and let people pursue their dreams.” He swung his arm in an arc. “I love this place as much as the rest of my family. Even more than I thought after I came back. In truth, fear of losing it was what kept me away for all these years. And I feel guilty . . . about all of it. But mostly about holding my brothers back. Now here I am, attempting to do the same thing with Sara.” He gave her a resigned smile. “So I am officially backing down. If this doesn’t take off”—he shrugged—“that’s part of going after a dream. But Sara deserves her chance too.”

  Addison felt her anger toward him melting. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s evident that you care.”

  Reid inhaled a deep breath and blew it out. “There’s one more thing I want to confess.” He paused and then gave her a crooked grin. “Part of my jackass behavior stemmed from . . . jealousy.”


  “Seeing that picture of you kissing Rick Ruleman.”

  Addison’s heart thumped. “Really?” she finally asked softly.

  “I know I have no right. You’re getting over a broken engagement and trying to start your own business. I get it that you don’t like or trust men right now. I don’t want to take advantage of you being vulnerable. I was being honest about that even though I know it pissed you off.”

  Addison raised her eyebrows. “I hear a great big but in that big speech of yours.”

  Reid took a step closer and tucked a finger beneath her chin. “But I can’t get you off of my mind.”

  “You can’t charm your way back into my good graces.”

  “I’m simply telling the truth.”

  “You know what?”


  Addison fisted her hands, steeling herself against the pull of attraction to him. “Nothing. Let’s get going.” She started walking toward the four-wheeler.

  “I want to kiss you.”

  Addison stopped in her tracks. “Too bad,” she said casually, but her heart thudded when she heard him approach. He came up behind her.

  “I think you’re afraid.”

  “Oh, don’t even try playing that card. It won’t work. Besides, why would I be afraid of a kiss? I just don’t want to.”


  “Don’t say okay like that,” she sputtered.

  “Like what?” Reid stepped around to face her.

  “In that tone like you don’t believe me. It’s infuriating.”

  He nodded silently and with raised eyebrows.


  Reid raised his arms akimbo. “What now?”

  “That was a silent okay and you damned well know it.”

  “If you say so,” he answered airily.

  With a little high-pitched, embarrassing growl that she tried to disguise as a sneeze she stomped in her Sperrys over to the four-wheeler. She wanted to shove him. She wanted to smack him! But most of all she wanted to kiss him, and it pissed her off. Royally.

  Reid was making her whole “stay away from men” vow go to hell in a handbasket and she had to get her life back on track. Getting involved with him would totally derail everything. No, she would not do it.

  “Here. You have to wear this.” He said, and handed her a helmet.

  “I need a helmet? What kind of crazy trail is this, anyway?”

  “It’s just a precaution,” he said in a tone hinting otherwise.

  “How come you’re not wearing one?”

  “I have a hard head.”

  Addison swallowed. “I . . . I might have a tiny confession to make of my own.”

  “What might that be?”

  “I’m a big scaredy-cat when it comes to things fast and dangerous.”

  “Ah . . .” Reid’s eyes seemed to smolder as he strapped the helmet beneath her chin. “So you prefer slow and easy?”

  Addison nodded, waiting for him to reassure her, but he only grinned. “So you’ll go slow, right?”

  Reid looped one long leg over the seat and sat down, motioning for her to do the same. “Hell, no. Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight,” he said over his shoulder.

  Before she could protest, Reid took off down the middle of the yard, causing dust to fly. Barking, Little John followed them down a well-worn path in between corn fields. Another dog followed, too, but quickly gave up. She didn’t blame him.

  Addison squealed when Reid made a sharp turn that took them into the woods. She held on for dear life, but it soon became obvious that he knew the woods like the back of his hand. And maybe it was because he was in such control or because holding on to him was worth the risk, but suddenly instead of being scared Addison laughed and enjoyed the exhilarating ride. When Reid drove through a creek, making water splash up her bare legs, she yelled but then giggled.

  “You’re crazy,” she shouted when they seemed to defy gravity, climbing up a steep hill. Reid only laughed in response. Clinging to him, she felt the ripple of muscle and the heat of his skin through his T-shirt. She squeezed her thighs around his hips a bit harder, telling herself it was for safety’s sake. By the time they reached an open field Addison was breathless for more reasons than one. When a weathered barn came into view he did a doughnut that had her begging for mercy and then skidded to a stop.

  Weak from laughter and excitement Addison remained glued to his back for a long moment.

  Reid looked over his shoulder. “You can let go now,” he said with a chuckle.

  Addison peeled herself off of him and scooted back but Reid had to assist her in removing the helmet since her fingers only managed to fumble with the straps.

  “Too much for you, City Girl?”

  Addison shook her hair free. “I think you just wanted me to have to cling to you, countr
y boy.”

  “Guilty,” he admitted, and Addison thought he was going to lean in and kiss her. But a woman shouted, stopping him.

  “Reid William Greenfield! Just what in the world do you think you’re doing, driving like a madman?”

  Addison looked when a tiny woman stomped over and fisted her hands on her slim hips. She wore a blue baseball cap with a blond ponytail stuck out the back.

  “Have you taken leave of your senses?” the woman demanded, and then looked at Sara, who also glared at Reid.

  “Sorry, Mom, but Addison said that she wanted me to go as fast as I could.”

  “I don’t believe you for one minute,” she said, and then extended her hand to Addison. “I’m Susan Greenfield and I apologize for my son.”

  Addison grasped her small hand with its surprisingly strong grip. “No need. He was trying to scare me but I foiled his evil plan. I actually enjoyed it, much to his sorrow.”

  Susan sighed and put a hand to her chest. “Thank goodness, or he’d be in a heap of trouble.”

  “Yeah, epic fail, even though he tried his best,” Addison added, not letting Reid off the hook with his mother. She leaned close to Reid and whispered, “Touché.”

  Addison hurried forward with Sara while Reid got a dressing-down from his feisty little mother.

  “Well played,” Sara said and gave Addison a high five.


  The Look of Love

  REID SHOVED HIS HANDS IN HIS POCKETS, PRETENDING indifference while he followed the chattering women around the barn. In reality he listened intently, taking mental notes. As promised, he’d take a step back, but Reid wouldn’t be able or willing to watch his sister take a financial hit without speaking up. Part of the problem stemmed from his lack of knowledge about weddings in general. He’d attended his share of friends’ and family’s nuptials but never paid much attention to the details.


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