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Classic Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories Page 48

by Stephen Brennan

  He turned back to the board.

  “Have those two strayed infantrymen reported yet?” he asked sharply.

  “Not yet, sir.”

  The general drummed on the table. There were four red flashes glowing at different points of the board—four points where American tanks or groups of tanks were locked in conflict with the enemy. Somewhere off in the enveloping fog that made all the world a gray chaos, lumbering, crawling monsters rammed and battered at each other at infinitely short range. They fought blindly, their guns swinging menacingly and belching lurid flames into the semi-darkness, while from all about them dropped the liquids that meant death to any man who breathed their vapor. Those gases penetrated any gas-mask, and would even strike through the sag-pastes that had made the vesicatory gases of 1918 futile.

  With tanks by thousands hidden in the fog, four small combats were kept up, four only. Battles fought with tanks as the main arm are necessarily battles of movement, more nearly akin to cavalry battles than any other unless it be fleet actions. When the main bodies come into contact, the issue is decided quickly. There can be no long drawn-out stalemates such as infantry trenches produced in years past. The fighting that had taken place so far, both under the fog and aloft in the air, was outpost skirmishing only. When the main body of the enemy came into action it would be like a whirlwind, and the battle would be won or lost in a matter of minutes only.

  The general paid no attention to those four conflicts, or their possible meaning.

  “I want to hear from those two strayed infantrymen,” he said quietly, “I must base my orders on what they report. The whole battle, I believe, hinges on what they have to say.”

  He fell silent, watching the board without the tense preoccupation he had shown before. He knew the moves he had to make in any of three eventualities. He watched the board to make sure he would not have to make those moves before he was ready. His whole air was that of waiting: the commander-in-chief of the army of the United States, waiting to hear what he would be told by two strayed infantrymen, lost in the fog that covered a battlefield.

  The fog was neither more dense nor any lighter where Corporal Wallis paused to roll his pre-war cigarette. The tobacco came from the gassed machine-gunner in the pill-box a few yards off. Sergeant Coffee, three yards distant, was a blurred figure. Corporal Wallis put his cigarette into his mouth, struck his match, and puffed delicately.

  “Ah!” said Corporal Wallis, and cheered considerably. He thought he saw Sergeant Coffee moving toward him and ungenerously hid his cigarette’s glow.

  Overhead, a machine-gun suddenly burst into a rattling roar, the sound sweeping above them with incredible speed. Another gun answered it. Abruptly, the whole sky above them was an inferno of such tearing noises and immediately after they began a multitudinous bellowing set up. Airplanes on patrol ordinarily kept their engines muffled, in hopes of locating a tank below them by its noise. But in actual fighting there was too much power to be gained by cutting out the muffler for any minor motive to take effect. A hundred aircraft above the heads of the two strayed infantrymen were fighting madly about five helicopters. Two hundred yards away, one fell to the earth with a crash, and immediately afterward there was a hollow boom. For an instant even the mist was tinged with yellow from the exploded gasoline tank. But the roaring above continued—not mounting, as in a battle between opposing patrols of fighting planes, when each side finds height a decisive advantage, but keeping nearly to the same level, little above the bank of cloud.

  Something came down, roaring, and struck the earth no more than fifty yards away. The impact was terrific, but after it there was dead silence while the thunder above kept on.

  Sergeant Coffee came leaping to Corporal Wallis’ side.

  “Helicopters!” he barked. “Huntin’ tanks an’ pill-boxes! Lay down!”

  He flung himself down to the earth.

  Wind beat on them suddenly, then an outrageous blast of icy air from above. For an instant the sky lightened. They saw a hole in the mist, saw the little pill-box clearly, saw a huge framework of supporting screws sweeping swiftly overhead with figures in it watching the ground through wind-angle glasses, and machine-gunners firing madly at dancing things in the air. Then it was gone.

  “One o’ ours,” shouted Coffee in Wallis’ ear. “They’ tryin’ to find th’ Yellows’ tanks!”

  The center of the roaring seemed to shift, perhaps to the north. Then a roaring drowned out all the other roarings. This one was lower down and approaching in a rush. Something swooped from the south, a dark blotch in the lighter mist above. It was an airplane flying in the mist, a plane that had dived into the fog as into oblivion. It appeared, was gone—and there was a terrific crash. A shattering roar drowned out even the droning tumult of a hundred aircraft engines. A sheet of flame flashed up, and a thunderous detonation.

  “Hit a tree,” panted Coffee, scrambling to his feet again. “Suicide club, aimin’ for our helicopter.”

  Corporal Wallis was pointing, his lips drawn back in a snarl.

  “Shut up!” he whispered. “I saw a shadow against that flash! Yeller infantryman! Le’s get ‘im!”

  “Y’crazy,” said Sergeant Coffee, but he strained his eyes and more especially his ears.

  It was Coffee who clutched Corporal Wallis’ wrist and pointed. Wallis could see nothing, but he followed as Coffee moved silently through the gray mist. Presently he too, straining his eyes, saw an indistinct movement.

  The roaring of motors died away suddenly. The fighting had stopped, a long way off, apparently because the helicopters had been withdrawn. Except for the booming of artillery a very long distance away, firing unseen at an unseen target, there was no noise at all.

  “Aimin’ for our pill-box,” whispered Coffee.

  They saw the dim shape, moving noiselessly, halt. The dim figure seemed to be casting about for something. It went down on hands and knees and crawled forward. The two infantrymen crept after it. It stopped, and turned around. The two dodged to one side in haste. The enemy infantryman crawled off in another direction, the two Americans following him as closely as they dared.

  He halted once more, a dim and grotesque figure in the fog. They saw him fumbling in his belt. He threw something, suddenly. There was a little tap as of a fountain pen dropped upon concrete. Then a hissing sound. That was all, but the enemy infantryman waited, as if listening… .

  The two Americans fell upon him as one individual. They bore him to the earth and Coffee dragged at his gas-mask, good tactics in a battle where every man carries gas-grenades. He gasped and fought desperately, in a seeming frenzy of terror.

  They squatted over him, finally, having taken away his automatics, and Coffee worked painstakingly to get off his gas-mask while Wallis went poking about in quest of tobacco.

  “Dawggone!” said Coffee. “This mask is intricate.”

  “He ain’t got any pockets,” mourned Wallis.

  Then they examined him more closely.

  “It’s a whole suit,” explained Coffee. “H-m… . He don’t have to bother with sag-paste. He’s got him on a land diving-suit.”

  “S-s-say,” gasped the prisoner, his language utterly colloquial in spite of the beady eyes and coarse black hair that marked him racially as of the enemy, “say, don’t take off my mask! Don’t take off my mask!”

  “He talks an’ everything,” observed Coffee in mild amazement. He inspected the mask again and painstakingly smashed the goggles. “Now, big boy, you take your chance with th’ rest of us. What’ you doin’ around here?”

  The prisoner set his teeth, though deathly pale, and did not reply.

  “H’m-m… .” said Coffee meditatively. “Let’s take him in the pill-box an’ let Loot’n’t Madison tell us what to do with him.”

  They picked him up.

  “No! No! For Gawd’s sake, no!” cried the prisoner shrilly. “I just gassed it!”

  The two halted. Coffee scratched his nose.

kon he’s lyin’, Pete?” he asked.

  Corporal Wallis shrugged gloomily.

  “He ain’t got any tobacco,” he said morosely. “Let’s chuck him in first an’ see.”

  The prisoner wriggled until Coffee put his own automatic in the small of his back.

  “How long does that gas last?” he asked, frowning. “Loot’n’t Madison wants us to report. There’s some fellers in there, all gassed up, but we were in there a while back an’ it didn’t hurt us. How long does it last?”

  “Fur-fifteen minutes, maybe twenty,” chattered the prisoner. “Don’t put me in there!”

  Coffee scratched his nose again and looked at his wrist-watch.

  “A’right,” he conceded, “we give you twenty minutes. Then we chuck you down inside. That is, if you act real agreeable until then. Got anything to smoke?”

  The prisoner agonizedly opened a zipper slip in his costume and brought out tobacco, even tailor-made cigarettes. Coffee pounced on them one second before Wallis. Then he divided them with absorbed and scrupulous fairness.

  “Right,” said Sergeant Coffee comfortably. He lighted up. “Say, you, if y’ want to smoke, here’s one o’ your pills. Let’s see the gas stuff. How’ y’ use it?”

  Wallis had stripped off a heavy belt about the prisoner’s waist and it was trailing over his arm. He inspected it now. There were twenty or thirty little sticks in it, each one barely larger than a lead pencil, of dirty gray color, and each one securely nested in a tube of flannel-lined papier-mache.

  “These things?” asked Wallis contentedly. He was inhaling deeply with that luxurious enjoyment a tailor-made cigarette can give a man who had been remaking butts into smokes for days past.

  “Don’t touch ‘em,” warned the prisoner nervously. “You broke my goggles. You throw ‘em, and they light and catch fire, and that scatters the gas.”

  Coffee touched the prisoner, indicating the ground, and sat down, comfortably smoking one of the prisoner’s cigarettes. By his air, he began to approve of his captive.

  “Say, you,” he said curiously, “you talk English pretty good. How’d you learn it?”

  “I was a waiter,” the prisoner explained. “New York. Corner Forty-eighth and Sixth.”

  “My Gawd!” said Coffee. “Me, I used to be a movie operator along there. Forty-ninth. Projection room stuff, you know. Say, you know Heine’s place?”

  “Sure,” said the prisoner. “I used to buy Scotch from that blond feller in the back room. With a benzine label for a prescription?”

  Coffee lay back and slapped his knee.

  “Ain’t it a small world?” he demanded. “Pete, here, he ain’t never been in any town bigger than Chicago. Ever in Chicago?”

  “Hell,” said Wallis, morose yet comfortable with a tailor-made cigarette. “If you guys want to start a extra war, go to knockin’ Chicago. That’s all.”

  Coffee looked at his wrist-watch again.

  “Got ten minutes yet,” he observed. “Say, you must know Pete Hanfry—”

  “Sure I know him,” said the enemy prisoner, scornfully. “I waited on him. One day, just before us reserves were called back home… .”

  In the monster tank that was headquarters the general tapped his fingers on his knees. The pale white light flickered a little as it shone on the board where the bright sparks crawled. White sparks were American tanks. Blue flashes were for enemy tanks sighted and reported, usually in the three-second interval between their identification and the annihilation of the observation-post that had reported them. Red glows showed encounters between American and enemy tanks. There were a dozen red glows visible, with from one to a dozen white sparks hovering about them. It seemed as if the whole front line were about to burst into a glare of red, were about to become one long lane of conflicts in impenetrable obscurity, where metal monsters roared and rumbled and clanked one against the other, bellowing and belching flame and ramming each other savagely, while from them dripped the liquids that made their breath mean death. There were nightmarish conflicts in progress under the blanket of fog, unparalleled save perhaps in the undersea battles between submarines in the previous European war.

  The chief of staff looked up; his face drawn.

  “General,” he said harshly, “it looks like a frontal attack all along our line.”

  The general’s cigar had gone out. He was pale, but calm with an iron composure.

  “Yes,” he conceded. “But you forget that blank spot in our line. We do not know what is happening there.”

  “I am not forgetting it. But the enemy outnumbers us two to one—”

  “I am waiting,” said the general, “to hear from those two infantrymen who reported some time ago from a listen-post in the dead area.”

  The chief of staff pointed to the outline formed by the red glows where tanks were battling.

  “Those fights are keeping up too long!” he said sharply. “General, don’t you see, they’re driving back our line, but they aren’t driving it back as fast as if they were throwing their whole weight on it! If they were making a frontal attack there, they’d wipe out the tanks we have facing them; they’d roll right over them! That’s a feint! They’re concentrating in the dead space—”

  “I am waiting,” said the general softly, “to hear from those two infantrymen.” He looked at the board again and said quietly, “Have the call-signal sent them. They may answer.”

  He struck a match to relight his dead cigar. His fingers barely quivered as they held the match. It might have been excitement—but it might have been foreboding, too.

  “By the way,” he said, holding the match clear, “have our machine-shops and supply-tanks ready to move. Every plane is, of course, ready to take the air on signal. But get the aircraft ground personnel in their traveling tanks immediately.”

  Voices began to murmur orders as the general puffed. He watched the board steadily.

  “Let me know if anything is heard from these infantrymen… .”

  There was a definite air of strain within the tank that was headquarters. It was a sort of tensity that seemed to emanate from the general himself.

  Where Coffee and Wallis and the prisoner squatted on the ground, however, there was no sign of strain at all. There was a steady gabble of voices.

  “What kinda rations they give you?” asked Coffee interestedly.

  The enemy prisoner listed them, with profane side-comments.

  “Hell,” said Wallis gloomily. “Y’ought to see what we get! Las’ week they fed us worse’n dogs. An’ th’ canteen stuff—”

  “Your tank men, they get treated fancy?” asked the prisoner.

  Coffee made a reply consisting almost exclusively of high powered expletives.

  “—and the infantry gets it in the neck every time,” he finished savagely. “We do the work—”

  Guns began to boom, far away. Wallis cocked his ears.

  “Tanks gettin’ together,” he judged, gloomily. “If they’d all blow each other to hell an’ let us infantry fight this battle—”

  “Damn the tanks!” said the enemy prisoner viciously. “Look here, you fellers. Look at me. They sent a battalion of us out, in two waves. We hike along by compass through the fog, supposed to be five paces apart. We come on a pill-box or listenin’ post, we gas it an’ go on. We try not to make a noise. We try not to get seen before we use our gas. We go on, deep in your lines as we can. We hear one of your tanks, we dodge it if we can, so we don’t get seen at all. O’course we give it a dose of gas in passing, just in case. But we don’t get any orders about how far to go or how to come back. We ask for recognition signals for our own tanks, an’ they grin an’ say we won’t see none of our tanks till the battle’s over. They say ‘Re-form an’ march back when the fog is out.’ Ain’t that pretty for you?”

  “You second wave?” asked Coffee, with interest.

  The prisoner nodded.

  “Mopping up,” he said bitterly, “what the first wave left. No fun in that! We go a
long gassin’ dead men, an’ all the time your tanks is ravin’ around to find out what’s happenin’ to their listenin’-posts. They run into us—”

  Coffee nodded sympathetically.

  “The infantry always gets the dirty end of the stick,” said Wallis morosely.

  Somewhere, something blew up with a violent explosion. The noise of battle in the distance became heavier and heavier.

  “Goin’ it strong,” said the prisoner, listening.

  “Yeh,” said Coffee. He looked at his wrist-watch. “Say, that twenty minutes is up. You go down in there first, big boy.”

  They stood beside the little pill-box. The prisoner’s knees shook.

  “Say, fellers,” he said pleadingly, “they told us that stuff would scatter in twenty minutes, but you busted my mask. Yours ain’t any good against this gas. I’ll have to go down in there if you fellers make me, but—”

  Coffee lighted another of the prisoner’s tailor-made cigarettes.

  “Give you five minutes more,” he said graciously. “I don’t suppose it’ll ruin the war.”

  They sat down relievedly again, while the fog-gas made all the earth invisible behind a pall of grayness, a grayness from which the noises of battle came.

  In the tank that was headquarters, the air of strain was pronounced. The maneuver-board showed the situation as close to desperation, now. The reserve-tank positions had been switched on the board, dim orange glows, massed in curiously precise blocks. And little squares of green showed there that the supply and machine-shop tanks were massed. They were moving slowly across the maneuver-board. But the principal change lay in the front-line indications.

  The red glows that showed where tank battles were in progress formed an irregularly curved line, now. There were twenty or more such isolated battles in progress, varying from single combats between single tanks to greater conflicts where twenty to thirty tanks to a side were engaged. And the positions of those conflicts were changing constantly, and invariably the American tanks were being pushed back.


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